Dialogue-pickpocket trick, bug or an "RP feature"

As many may know, after finishing the dialogue with an NPC, this NPC will "focus" on the character which initiated the dialogue for a few seconds(you can walk in circles around the NPC and she/he/it will turn with you). During this time, a PP attempt from another character(I always do it with another character for RP purposes, which I explain latter) won't turn the NPC hostile even if it fails(and you can try many times: pause-try, pause-try, etc).
This is how I'm ALWAYS
getting some awesome clock on my no-reload runs, as soon as Imoen gets 50 in PP.
Obvious exploiting, right? True. However, it's brilliant from RP perspective: one is distracting, another is "working". Am I right? Am I right?
So, what's your take on this? Aye or nay?
This is how I'm ALWAYS

Obvious exploiting, right? True. However, it's brilliant from RP perspective: one is distracting, another is "working". Am I right? Am I right?
So, what's your take on this? Aye or nay?

Just hope they dont fix this feature in an upcoming patch.
An interesting(from my POV) detail I wanted to share and hear opinions about it, that's all.
P.S By the way, is it a known issue?
And considering the fact that Beamdog introduced minimum PP for this or that NPC, we shouldn't feel THAT guilty