Member Posts: 1,069
I just noticed that our reputation went from "average" (9) to "despised" (4). This apparently was the result of rescuing Viconia, despite the fact that we didn't take her into the party. If we had done so, our reputation would have dropped further? What's below "despised"? "Kill those swine"?
How can we regain our street rep? By doing good things, obviously, but any specific suggestions?
How can we regain our street rep? By doing good things, obviously, but any specific suggestions?
Stupid bystanders! They should know enough to take cover when the fecal matter starts hitting the rotating air circulation device.
Indeed, there were only a couple of fanatics. When we started attacking them, all 4 of the bystanders turned hostile (red) also. I figured they were fair game at that point and would start fighting us. This time around, I left them alone and ... guess what? They just stood there. When the fanatics were all dead and the show was over, they still stayed red but just walked away. And my rep stayed average.
What does ctrl-y do?
Ctrl+Y kills anything under your cursor.
'Cause if you did, and if you by chance you fought the flaming fist soldier who was there, it may have caused a 5 reputarion loss.
Actually, I do that when I want my neutral characters to keep an average reputation, without commiting any evil acts.