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BG1(Enhanced, BG2(Enhanced), or Pillars?

So I want to start playing one of the three games posted in my title. Does anyone have any recommendation for which I should begin first? I've heard BG2 is a vast improvement over the first, however is it recommended to start at the first game?

Looking for someone with experience that could help give me some insight.



  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Play Pillars since it's new and shiny. Then come back in a month or two to BG1 and then BG2.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Play pillars first and let us know which is better (we're all biased due to nostalgia)
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    I can't comment on Pillars, I haven't tried it yet.

    In BG, yes, definitely start with BG1ee before BG2ee, for story continuity, and play the same character through both games to get the full experience of it.

    I do agree that BG2 is an improvement over BG1, but I certainly wouldn't say "vast", and a lot of other people would actually argue that BG1 is better. Both are technically similar (almost identical in the Enhanced Editions!), and the preference is a matter of personal taste ... if you like the challenge of guiding lower-level characters through their weak early levels with mainly-physical combat and more open-map exploration then you'll probably prefer BG1ee ... or if you like the challenge of building strong characters through higher levels with increasingly-magical combat and more fleshed-out companions and interactions, then you'll probably prefer BG2ee ... your call. Both are excellent!
  • DullSkullTheSecondDullSkullTheSecond Member Posts: 243
    As others already have said start with Pillars as it's the shiny new toy but I personally believe the BG games have a better story. I may be biased though...

    Also on a side note you should if you haven't already, check out "Divinity: Original Sin". It has great scores all over the web and seems to be a more "light" version of strategic-isometric-RPG with a few shiny functions. So if it's your first time with one of these types of games I would consider starting with that one. Though it may spoil the BG games since they lack many modern features(graphics, modern magic system, customization etc.) But my recommended list and order to play them if you only plan to spend a few months on each(otherwise you are looking at over half a century of future gaming!).

    1. Divinity: OS
    2. PoE
    3. BG1
    4. BG2

    BG1/BG2 are very heavy/complicated games with a lot of hidden/strange mechanics(magic, resistances, immunites, stats, armor class system that can be quite overwhelming!). I still don't get all of it so I would advise against touching it until you are at least familiar with the game type. Though jumping straight into the unknown can be quite fun and if you agree with me then go ahead with BG1/BG2. And if you feel too lost then I am sure there are many here on the forums who would be more than happy to help you out.
    Not me though, I leave that to the pros :wink:
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    BGEE and BG2EE are new and shiny to the OP.
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    Just be careful.

    It's really easy to kill yourself with friendly fire in Pillars. Also Pillars is like every other Obsidian game - insanely buggy.
    I'd wait a bit before buying it.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited March 2015
    Honestly, I'm actually right on the fence about proclaiming Pillars as the superior game at this point, but I can't do it quite yet. Regardless, it's hard for me to suggest it as an intro to isometric combat as it is pretty ruthless compared to BG1. And if you've never played the BG Saga (or Icewind Dale Saga, or Planescape: Torment) you owe it to yourself to get all of them.

    Personally, I'd suggest at least playing through BG1 if not both before Pillars, since the game almost assumes you are familiar with the basic concepts. However, playing through BG 1 and 2 will take you a good chunk of time. BG1 is gonna run nearly 80 hours. BG2 well over 100. Both Icewind Dale games another 80 each. Planescape is the SHORT one at about 50-60 hours. These are LONG, involved games that will eat away weeks of your free time. I have heard Pillars is around 60-70 hours, but my sense is that is a low-ball estimate from what I've seen so far.

    Regardless of what you choose, you are going to get a great deal and even better experience.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Play the baldur's gate series (in order) first.
    You should know what inspired Pillars before delving into it.

    Once you play Pillars, you may find the BG series lacking in some aspects, and may not enjoy it as much as you will be comparing it to Pillars and not vise versa.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I'm inclined to go with release order. Play BG1EE, BG2EE, and then Pillars. You'll appreciate Pillars more this way.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    deltago said:

    Play the baldur's gate series (in order) first.
    You should know what inspired Pillars before delving into it.

    Once you play Pillars, you may find the BG series lacking in some aspects, and may not enjoy it as much as you will be comparing it to Pillars and not vise versa.

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    elminster said:

    BGEE, BG2EE, then pick up pillars when its cheaper and the bugs have been ironed out.

  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Wasteland 2.

    Wait...where am I?
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    I would suggest PoE first, only because I find the combat system a bit easier to understand, and everything is fully documented in game, making it more friendly to new players. At any time you can just open up the quest/journal menu and see "what is the difference between slashing and crushing damage...?" and there are helpful tooltips for new players explaining how everything works. With BG:EE and BG2:EE you have to either find what you are looking for in the (very large and detailed) user manual, or the internet.

    As @jjstraka34 said, these games are long, but I will also add that the game play time is highly dependent on how fast you read, since the majority of all of these games do not have VO. I am a slow reader and fond all of these games to be 100+hrs.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2015
    @cmk24 that and in my case, it takes me a really long time to time finish the game; at least twice as much due to restartitis and/or rerolling disorder. I don't know if the same applies to PoE.

    However, I'd say BGEE first for the same reason as that of @deltago
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    It does not really matter. I am sure you are going to play those three games, more than once. :naughty:
    With the releases of the EE versions, BG2 is not to be considered a "vast improvement". BG1 and BG2 now share a similar engine and a similar rule setup.

    One discriminating point is the graphical power of your computer. PoE has higher requirements.
  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
    You have to try Pillars eventually, but start with BG2(EE) because it is perfection and it will get you hooked. I started with BG2, played for about two years, and then wanted to "start from the start" to max-out the stats and learn the storyline. I've played Pillars but it is too dark for me (BG is more "good"), too much blood splatter, and is too over-the-top (typical of modern games that think more and faster pixels is better, and more important than story; some parts remind me of Starcraft battles!) and requires too much de-buffing the enemies rather than buffing your own party and charging onward for glory (more Knightly)!
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  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Yeah, don't play BG2EE first unless you want to completely spoil the entire story of BGEE for yourself. I can't agree with that advice.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I started with BGII, back in the day. And I loved it.

    Then I played BG, and I found it very lackluster. I think this is because BGII's story was more refined, with more fully fleshed out characters. Also, I knew all the spoilers because they were referenced in BGII within thirty seconds of starting the game.

    I would definitely recommend starting with BG:EE, then moving on to BGII:EE. Pillars of Eternity is a solid game, but a lot of its charm stems from references it makes to the Infinity Engine, references that you won't fully appreciate unless you've played the Infinity Engine games.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470

    Also on a side note you should if you haven't already, check out "Divinity: Original Sin". It has great scores all over the web and seems to be a more "light" version of strategic-isometric-RPG with a few shiny functions. So if it's your first time with one of these types of games I would consider starting with that one. Though it may spoil the BG games since they lack many modern features(graphics, modern magic system, customization etc.) But my recommended list and order to play them if you only plan to spend a few months on each(otherwise you are looking at over half a century of future gaming!).

    When you call Divinity Original sin light to do you mean easy? Because that game is not easy...
  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    I'm waiting for reviews and bug patches before looking at pillars. For those who have played all three: does pillars have replay potential?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    To be honest, I'm struggling to complete my first playthrough, but I think I'm in the minority. Maybe I'm just burned out on RPGs? But I still play the EEs…
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I think Pillars will get expansions and add-ons, too. That always irks me, because I don't necessarily want to replay a 100-hour game within a year of release. Anyway, I don't think you can really go wrong, regardless of order. The nice thing about BG is that it has aged well; yes, it is definitely clunky and old-feeling, but more like a nice classic car than a broken down one, if that makes sense. Has a sense of style, is what I mean.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I'm spoiled by the bg series (bg1 is the best one for me personally). Therfore I recommend playing them first in successive order.

    Pillars doesn't do it for me for the following reasons. It does not have very exciting combat. It is very much the same every time. Gear drops are not exciting. Ai is not present. Pathing is worse than bg to be frank. Certain classes like mage are really not very good due to the limited number of spells and rests (and the spells are not as interesting). Every animal is out to get you and animal population per area can be insanely dense sometimes. The main storyline unfolds too slowly and is hidden in walks of text (is everybody a historian or what?), and when there should be action there generally is just the storybook type transition so no exciting cinematic. Some text is voiced, while other lines you also see are not and that is confusing. .The lore I really have to get used to. side quests are just not very epic as in bg2.....

    I'm 20 hours in and I find that the graphics are the best thing in pillars especially the backdrops. Also the dialogue choices for stat values are nice for roleplaying (even if they rarely affect the outcome). There are some cool interactions that you will find out for certain (sub) races through dialogue.
    Other than that it is a decent game with some interesting plot turns (if you can keep track of the new lore) but a spiritual successor or a better game I think it is not.... they could have improved the flaws that are in the bg series.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    lroumen said:

    I'm spoiled by the bg series (bg1 is the best one for me personally). Therfore I recommend playing them first in successive order.

    Pillars doesn't do it for me for the following reasons. It does not have very exciting combat. It is very much the same every time. Gear drops are not exciting. Ai is not present. Pathing is worse than bg to be frank. Certain classes like mage are really not very good due to the limited number of spells and rests (and the spells are not as interesting). Every animal is out to get you and animal population per area can be insanely dense sometimes. The main storyline unfolds too slowly and is hidden in walks of text (is everybody a historian or what?), and when there should be action there generally is just the storybook type transition so no exciting cinematic. Some text is voiced, while other lines you also see are not and that is confusing. .The lore I really have to get used to. side quests are just not very epic as in bg2.....

    I'm 20 hours in and I find that the graphics are the best thing in pillars especially the backdrops. Also the dialogue choices for stat values are nice for roleplaying (even if they rarely affect the outcome). There are some cool interactions that you will find out for certain (sub) races through dialogue.
    Other than that it is a decent game with some interesting plot turns (if you can keep track of the new lore) but a spiritual successor or a better game I think it is not.... they could have improved the flaws that are in the bg series.

    For Pillars the mage does not start to shine until later levels when they can have unlimited 1-3rd level spells. As for the stat values in the dialogue choices, more often than not those affect the long-term game rather than the immediately obvious short-term outcomes (e.g. they change your party's reputation and that changes what NPCs will give you quests later on). Also I found the voiced/not-voiced line ratio to be about the same as bg2.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    jackjack said:

    To be honest, I'm struggling to complete my first playthrough, but I think I'm in the minority. Maybe I'm just burned out on RPGs? But I still play the EEs…

    Well, I actually put Pillars of Eternity on hold as well to finish my totemic druid's run through SoA and then start a BG1 wizard slayer attempt. But I don't think that it is mainly because PoE is bad or boring - rather my addiction to BG is very strong and after some period of not playing it I feel a need to taste it again.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @bengoshi sorry for mega off-topic but happy 5000th post:) I envy you :smiley:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @Cahir Thanks! I'm still far behind elminster:) Also, tecnically 133 of them are "discussions", not "comments".
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