What would you like in IWDEE and PTEE?

IWDEE:An actual plot and more quests.
Planescape Torment Ehnanced:I can't think about any improvements for this game.
Planescape Torment Ehnanced:I can't think about any improvements for this game.
That ugliness aside, on to the topic.
IWD:EE should be overhauled to use the BG:EE engine. Half-orcs, kits (Blackguard included), Weapon Style proficiencies, etc.
I never actually played Torment, but I understand you can't join the Doomguards in that game. This must be rectified!
Planescape - Make it less ugly. I don't know, the game has always looked hideous to me. The sprites are gigantic, the animations are weird. Dunno, never got into it.
In a nutshell:
- PS:T excels in writing/plot/NPC's
- IWD excels in combat/graphics
- BG offers a well-rounded experience of combat/graphics/writing
I will always think of the BG series as the superior game, because it offers a well-rounded experience. I'd rather play a game with a lot of variation than a 99% combat game or a 99% textbook "game".
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed both the IWD series and PS:T, but both of those games are severely lacking in certain areas.
* More combat. The current experience is: read, read, read, read, boss-fight, read, read, read, read, boss-fight, the end.
* More items. IIRC there wasn't even a single armor in the game that you could equip.
* More curiosity items. Come on, that shop was the best shop ever. It's pretty much the only money-sink in the game anyway.
* Add missing factions
* Add a cleric class?
* More subquests
* More NPC-interactions
* More non-party interactions
* Better integration of the plot into the game. Currently, there's a lot of combat going on, and every now and then there's a wall of text with plot to advance the story.
For Torment they should work on the UI and combat, these aspects of the game are so clumsy compared to BG.
* Add more NPC's, such as an Bariaur Fighter/Priest or any kind of Genasi would be awesome.
* More joinable factions, faction quests and especially more Xaosect dialogue lines for the Nameless One.
* The long overdue Fall-From-Grace romance. Failing that, a Nordom romance!
* Playable Priest class for the Nameless One.
* New UI, AI's and painted portraits would be awesome but not required as well.
* And most important of all; more books, dialogues and other kinds to read!
* More everything. More items, monsters, spells, NPC's etc.
* A big city hub (While Kuldahar was a great hub, it didn't really cut it.)
* More exploration, areas that aren't really story relevant and provide tons of side-quests.
* More NPC interaction and more voiced NPC's.
* Heart of winter should be integrated into the IWD main story
- re-worked UI
- integrated Qwinn's modifications\fixes (Fixpack, Unfinished Business, Tweaks).
- Android / iPad / Linux support.
- improved animations and videos (for high-level spells, etc).
More portraits - I assume this is a given. But even so, I'd like them!
All of the BG:EE kits, as @Schneidend has suggested. Subraces would be applicable in IWD, I suppose, seeing as everybody else wants them!
And finally, change the loot. It doesn't need to be drastically different, but give it something more memorable. There were almost no named weapons in IWD. It was just +1 Poisoned Morning Star or +2 Mace of Phasing. BORING!!
At most (for me): FFG romance, expanded Annah romance/friendship with possibility of joining Indeps
Full migration to BGEE engine
Joinable NPCs
NPC related quests
Party banter
Planescape EE
Bug corrections, I love Planescape, but it's a bug festival.
Better UI.
I like it, but finished it only once for this reason.
PT- BETTER GRAPHIC-> backgrounds and character models (improved, more detailed etc.). i'm not talking about remodeling, the artwork is fine, but in my opinion it is screaming for an upgrade.
better combat-> improved and more varied options of classes and leveling. make other options (as opposed to mage) attractive and worthy. make more options to use other stats, beside wis, int and maybe cha. more creatures, combat challenge etc.
maybe more options in terms of factions, a few extra quests revealing more of the lore, et. those are more icing on a cake.
i can't emphasize enough how much i hope for PT:EE
and please, ffs, put something into mosaic crypt, please? the suspense of description is killing me!
i have no problem identifying with one avatar, but i simply don't have stamina to roleplay party banters and reactions to every event in my head. and you can have evil, good and neutral in party, but that never leads to anything, they never react among each other etc. so by inertia, i start to treat them as one unified entity consisting of various disposable tools.
as for changing party members, i don't see how it's not different. in iwd you are changing party memebers you created for anything other you fancy/create-even if to just roll 2 points better strength. i had no qualms changing some of the party at the start of heart of winter because some premade characters had better loot. no consequence, no limits.
in bg you change pre-existing npcs with formed personalities, that have their own choices (alignment, class, proficiencies, quest etc.) you have to accept. those npcs actively react to the events and world even in the ways you might not like, or that will endear them to you. i would even argue npc's are the biggest strength of bg series.