If you're able to modify the game on Android you could do the following to reduce the number of potential issues: 1. Replace the file A7AFQHLP.CRE with the one attached to this post. I have changed its creature animation and set a valid name. 2. Remove the files A7AFQSUM.BAM, A7AFQSUM.VVC and A7AFQSUM.WAV. They are used for the djinni summoning animation. 3. Remove the file A7AFQMUS.WAV. It's a soundtrack that is played by default whenever Afaaq starts a conversation.
Dammit, the game is so cruel! I did everything you mention above and it almost looks like it will work - I use the lamp, and animation pops out - djinni really starts showing (that kind of rotation and growing bigger), but when it looks like animation is done and pops out dialogue window - game crashes again So I´ve got maybe one second for good Have you any other advice, how to solve this, or I should deal with that this amazing mod will not work on android? Anyway thanks a lot for your time and work
@Caszidy maybe sent the save to @argent77 so he could console this scene forward and you would load "fixed" save. Would it work? AFAIK console is not working on tablets, right?
I´m not sure, if that would help, because I think that in some stages in mod story djinni must return to lamp and I will than must summon him again, so I will must sent save everytime to fix, when I put him back to lamp. (if I understad this bug right?) I think, that somewhere on this forums is some kind of instructions/manual, how to access console on tablets, but it only works with connected hardware keyboard.
The crash doesn't have to be triggered everytime you summon the djinni. There are all kinds of scripting actions going on when you summon the djinni for the first time. For example, making him global, setting a bunch of variables or adapting his current level. If you attach a save I can at least try to get him past the first summoning.
Another resource you could remove temporarily is A7REST2.SPL which is applied whenever the djinni has been summoned. It's supposed to restore the djinni from any kind of unusual state and heal him.
Aside from that it's also possible that the mod has not been correctly installed.
I tried re-install before, but with same result. I will sent you my save once I get back from work. But problem is, that I have installed many mods, NPC ones included. Will my save work in your game installation, or this is not a problem (sorry, I don´t know how this transfering and editing existing saves really works ) Anyway, thanks a lot for trying again
The save alone would allow me to inspect it with a resource editor. I might even be able to get you past the first djinni summoning. But that depends on your actual mod configuration.
If you can also manage to pack the content of the override folder and the dialog.tlk from the "lang/en_US" subfolder into a zip file and upload it somewhere (Dropbox, etc.) I can try to recreate the same conditions on my local system. If you applied Generalized Biffing or a similar mod you should uninstall it temporarily if possible.
Hello, a quick question. In the Underdark Afaaq was chunked by the Balor leading to his enforced absence for awhile. He mentioned a powerful individual before, but has not since his return. Is it possible that I've missed a quest trigger- we have just spared Soulafein (at Xulaye's bidding).
He should have mentioned it already after the event taking place during the Greed trial in hell. He either told you to follow you as long as you desire or just help you out in your battle with Irenicus and leave afterwards. This decision is based on how much respect Afaaq gained for you while travelling with you.
I recently began a playthrough of IWD with the NPC mod installed, and I'm thinking of installing this mod at some point as well (I haven't yet left Easthaven) - does anyone know if there are any conflicts or bugs that result from installing both of these mods? And is there a preferred order for installing them?
In IwD:EE Afaaq generates buggy floating text. If you have Afaaq in your party just press TAB to see what I mean. Or move the cursor to Afaaq and wait for the upcoming text.
I can't reproduce this issue. Afaaq's name is displayed correctly as floating text as well as tooltip.
Are you using the latest version (v2.4)? Have you started a new game after installing the mod? Does WeiDU use the correct game language? You can check "weidu.conf" which should contain "lang_dir = en_us" when English is selected.
I use 2.4.7 (shown as 2.4) and the game language is ok, too. I started with a save file from my desktop PC (all versions actual; no problems there) at Dorn's Deep. On this notebook I never played IWD EE before.
Do I understand it correctly that you transferred a save from your desktop game to your notebook game? That doesn't work for modded games unless you cloned the whole game itself. The result will be incorrectly assigned strings or worse.
As I said, it's not possible without cloning the whole game to the target system. This is true for modded content in general because new lines of text are dynamically added to the game.
At the very least you must clone the dialog.tlk from the game's language folder if you want to increase chances that strings are correctly assigned on the target system.
Spotted a tiny mistake, in one of the answers to Mahel, Ihtafeer is referred to as a "he" instead of "she".
Also, a question- I installed this mod only after having finished basically all the druid grove and trademeet quests (unfortunately). When I had returned to the hut to see if I could still get the quest, I had recieved the "cat and mouse" journal update about how there's a portal and that I should go through it, yet no teleport shows. After having no luck searching for the CRE of the portal, I just CLUA'd myself into the area and it proceeded as normal from there. Was just wondering if this is a known issue? I'm playing EET installed via BWS with tons of other mods, but have had no clashes so far other than this minor one.
The spelling mistake:
Cheers! I absolutely love your mods, real high quality, keep up the good work.
Also, a question- I installed this mod only after having finished basically all the druid grove and trademeet quests (unfortunately). When I had returned to the hut to see if I could still get the quest, I had recieved the "cat and mouse" journal update about how there's a portal and that I should go through it, yet no teleport shows. After having no luck searching for the CRE of the portal, I just CLUA'd myself into the area and it proceeded as normal from there. Was just wondering if this is a known issue? I'm playing EET installed via BWS with tons of other mods, but have had no clashes so far other than this minor one.
That happens when you have visited the area before. Visited areas are stored in saved games and won't therefore be affected by any mods that are installed afterwards (it's one of the reasons why many mods recommend to start a new game after installation).
Installing the mod late in the game might also affect a second (optional) quest afterwards which is triggered after some time by one of many trigger points added to several game maps. As with the teleporter, if you visited these areas before the mod can't add the triggers anymore.
Affected maps are
Trademeet, Druid Grove, Small Teeth Pass, Temple Ruins, Windspear Hills, Umar Hills, Government District, Waukeen's Promenade, Bridge District, Slums, Docks and City Gates.
Trademeet, Druid Grove, Small Teeth Pass, Temple Ruins, Windspear Hills, Umar Hills, Government District, Waukeen's Promenade, Bridge District, Slums, Docks and City Gates.
Hmmm, that's a shame. Is there a way I can trigger them manually? spawn creatures or set global variables? Also, ran into another problem when I tried exiting via the portal in the Rakshasa area. The game slowed down in what seemed like it was just loading the next area, but then my characters started moving again, pause, rinse and repeat. Assuming it's connected to the fact I didn't get there via normal means?
The conditions for triggering the quest are somewhat complicated, but it is possible to trigger it manually with the following console command: C:Eval('ActionOverride(Player1,ChangeAIScript("a7q2trig",AREA))') Activate Party AI to execute the assigned script. It should trigger immediately if all conditions (see below) are met. The assigned script is not saved, so after a reload you might have to enter the command again if you haven't triggered the quest before.
The following conditions have to be met to trigger the quest:
- You must have finished the first quest by NOT working for the rakshasa. - You have to wait three full days after finishing the first quest. - The djinni lamp must be in your possession. - It's not triggered in combat.
There are also a small number of vanilla game quests which prevent the quest from triggering, but they are usually restricted to specific areas.
I can't say much about the slow downs. It might be caused by the missing map content, or a conflict with another mod. Does it still happen after leaving the hut and saving/reloading the game?
It happens at the Rakshasa area (A77001) when trying to leave via the portal, and yes, I tried leaving, saving outside etc. Unless something is triggered by using the portal, this is no big issue for me, and for the next playthroughs everything should go smoothly.
It looks like these "hiccups" were also caused by installing the mod too late. The portal attempts to transport the party to an entrance point that is installed by the mod - which is not available since you already visited the hut before. You have no choice but to leave the map via game console again: C:MoveToArea("AR1902")
Have you any other advice, how to solve this, or I should deal with that this amazing mod will not work on android?
Anyway thanks a lot for your time and work
I think, that somewhere on this forums is some kind of instructions/manual, how to access console on tablets, but it only works with connected hardware keyboard.
Another resource you could remove temporarily is A7REST2.SPL which is applied whenever the djinni has been summoned. It's supposed to restore the djinni from any kind of unusual state and heal him.
Aside from that it's also possible that the mod has not been correctly installed.
I will sent you my save once I get back from work. But problem is, that I have installed many mods, NPC ones included. Will my save work in your game installation, or this is not a problem (sorry, I don´t know how this transfering and editing existing saves really works
Anyway, thanks a lot for trying again
If you can also manage to pack the content of the override folder and the dialog.tlk from the "lang/en_US" subfolder into a zip file and upload it somewhere (Dropbox, etc.) I can try to recreate the same conditions on my local system. If you applied Generalized Biffing or a similar mod you should uninstall it temporarily if possible.
I recently began a playthrough of IWD with the NPC mod installed, and I'm thinking of installing this mod at some point as well (I haven't yet left Easthaven) - does anyone know if there are any conflicts or bugs that result from installing both of these mods? And is there a preferred order for installing them?
In IwD:EE Afaaq generates buggy floating text.
If you have Afaaq in your party just press TAB to see what I mean.
Or move the cursor to Afaaq and wait for the upcoming text.
Are you using the latest version (v2.4)? Have you started a new game after installing the mod? Does WeiDU use the correct game language? You can check "weidu.conf" which should contain "lang_dir = en_us" when English is selected.
I started with a save file from my desktop PC (all versions actual; no problems there) at Dorn's Deep.
On this notebook I never played IWD EE before.
At the very least you must clone the dialog.tlk from the game's language folder if you want to increase chances that strings are correctly assigned on the target system.
Also, a question- I installed this mod only after having finished basically all the druid grove and trademeet quests (unfortunately). When I had returned to the hut to see if I could still get the quest, I had recieved the "cat and mouse" journal update about how there's a portal and that I should go through it, yet no teleport shows. After having no luck searching for the CRE of the portal, I just CLUA'd myself into the area and it proceeded as normal from there. Was just wondering if this is a known issue?
I'm playing EET installed via BWS with tons of other mods, but have had no clashes so far other than this minor one.
The spelling mistake:
Cheers! I absolutely love your mods, real high quality, keep up the good work.
Installing the mod late in the game might also affect a second (optional) quest afterwards which is triggered after some time by one of many trigger points added to several game maps. As with the teleporter, if you visited these areas before the mod can't add the triggers anymore.
Affected maps are
Also, ran into another problem when I tried exiting via the portal in the Rakshasa area. The game slowed down in what seemed like it was just loading the next area, but then my characters started moving again, pause, rinse and repeat. Assuming it's connected to the fact I didn't get there via normal means?
Activate Party AI to execute the assigned script. It should trigger immediately if all conditions (see below) are met. The assigned script is not saved, so after a reload you might have to enter the command again if you haven't triggered the quest before.
The following conditions have to be met to trigger the quest:
- You must have finished the first quest by NOT working for the rakshasa.
- You have to wait three full days after finishing the first quest.
- The djinni lamp must be in your possession.
- It's not triggered in combat.
There are also a small number of vanilla game quests which prevent the quest from triggering, but they are usually restricted to specific areas.
I can't say much about the slow downs. It might be caused by the missing map content, or a conflict with another mod. Does it still happen after leaving the hut and saving/reloading the game?
This is what happens (hopes the link works for you): https://streamable.com/a0tz5
Thanks for the CLUA command, worked like a charm.
Now I just need to find him.