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What Would You Like To See In A Mod?



  • FreakydooFreakydoo Member Posts: 37

    The ability to install awesome stuff to Android BGEE...

    Yes please!
  • NighthawkeNighthawke Member Posts: 5
    Would really like to see a Monks Only Kit that would allow the monk to have more options in equipment:

    Bracers - Bracers that temporarily improves his/her thaco and fighting speed (Up to 5 attacks/round) as long as the monk was fighting. After there are no more enemies (5 seconds, the bonuses drop)

    Robe - To have a robe that gives a +5 to armor class and is fire/cold/poison/lightening/polymorph/magic resistant and heals 2hp/sec.

    Staff - Ability to use a specialized staff for the Monk class only (Let you decide on its abilities/damage)

    Amulet - Special to Monk Class Only - Protects Monk like the Greenstone Amulet and includes a Protection from Evil. The effects of the amulet are permanent as long as its worn.

    Boots - Special to Monk Class Only - Walking speed bonus, Immune to Ranged Attacks while worn, Immune to all forms of spells that inhibit movement.

    Just an idea to even the playing field when things get tough.
  • Brer_RabbitBrer_Rabbit Member Posts: 159
    Oh, I'd also love to see a mod that brings in more enchanted spears. :)
  • NighthawkeNighthawke Member Posts: 5
    I agree with you Brer Rabbit. Would be nice to see the Monk class able to use weapons that a Monk (Shaolin) would use in combat. ;)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2015
    One idea I had for part of a mod is to be able to use cursed scrolls to curse enemies (so the cursed scroll effect would happen on whoever it was cast on).

    Another idea I had was to change a lot of the items in the game to have really interesting effects. For example, the Backbiter Spear might be a +40 spear that deals 40 damage to the wielder with each hit. I've always been a fan of options with both enormous benefits and enormous drawbacks.

    It would also be great for the Wizard Slayer to actually be by far the best class for slaying wizards. I wouldn't care if it sucked at doing everything else.
  • NighthawkeNighthawke Member Posts: 5
    I like the idea of a Wizard Slayer upgrade. It would include special spells, equipment that would help the Slayer to defeat all magic using beings...not just human wizards. :wink:
  • Brer_RabbitBrer_Rabbit Member Posts: 159

    One idea I had for part of a mod is to be able to use cursed scrolls to curse enemies (so the cursed scroll effect would happen on whoever it was cast on).

    Another idea I had was to change a lot of the items in the game to have really interesting effects. For example, the Backbiter Spear might be a +40 spear that deals 40 damage to the wielder with each hit. I've always been a fan of options with both enormous benefits and enormous drawbacks.

    It would also be great for the Wizard Slayer to actually be by far the best class for slaying wizards. I wouldn't care if it sucked at doing everything else.

  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2015
    I have no grand dreams, but I've always liked some of the pop culture references that can be found throughout the game. There's always room for more items in a mod, right?

    1. Ash's Boomstick.

    Holds 2 charges that can blow holes or dent armour in a cone area of effect. Either knocks a few points off enemy's AC, or showers enemies with a shotgun blast that stuns them a bit and knocks them off their guard (shotguns don't pierce plate mail, I'd wager), reducing Dexterity by a significant margin for a certain number of rounds or turns or whatever. Save vs. Wand?

    2. Gordon Freeman's crowbar.

    Only usable by characters with 15+ intelligence (it's a smart man's weapon). A +1 club weapon that uses blunt/piercing like some other dual damage-type weapons, and provides +3 to AC and charisma due to being completely badass. Can be upgraded by Cromwell to +3, and Cespanar to 'The Crowbar +5' (otherwise same as +1). It really is the only weapon you'll ever need.

    Just a few planeshifted lost items from distant times and places. Rough ideas only. Mere flights of fancy.
  • roachtbproachtbp Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2015
    I have a simple mod request:

    I hate how clubs, maces, and morning stars all have the same weapon animation in combat in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. All 3 weapons are depicted as a mace on the field screen/battle screen.

    Is there any way to make a club or morning star actually look like a club and morning star (respectively) on the battle screen???

    Since the original Baldur's Gate artwork was somehow lost by BioWare, I don't know if this is an easy fix or a hard fix, as new weapon sprites would probably have to be created somehow.

    But I did notice that in Planescape Torment (also an Infinity Engine game) there is already a morning star sprite that is used for all blunt weapons on the battle screen (clubs, maces, and morning stars are all represented as a morning star in battle in Planescape Torment, and all clubs, maces, and morning stars are represented as a mace in battle in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale).

    Maybe the morning star sprite from Planescape Torment could be used for Morning Stars in Baldur's Gate???

    Of course that still leaves the club sprite. As far as I can tell, none of the 5 Infinity Engine games (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II, or Planescape Torment) have a sprite for a club when in battle, so someone would have to create the club sprite from scratch.
    Post edited by roachtbp on
  • NoobaccaNoobacca Member Posts: 139
    Not sure if @WithinAmnesia still checks this thread, but I'd also love to see some more magical weapons (+3 or +4) for spears, bastard swords, maces and other weapon types that might be lacking magical varieties.

    Also, maybe some new weapons with a Kara-Tur background? Sai could use dagger profiecency, nunchaku could be a flail/mace etc. I know that would be tricky creating new images/paper doll animations for but I like to dream!

    Maybe ninja, samurai and Wu Jen kits?
  • thelovebatthelovebat Member Posts: 218
    edited October 2015
    It's something that's relatively small and minor in the grand scheme, but with how different the Enhanced Edition is from the original game increasing one's offensive capabilities by a lot I think it's something worth bringing up.

    Personally, I'd like to see a mod which alters the Sword & Shield fighting style a bit. Getting bonuses to AC against ranged weapons just isn't all that good compared to what the other fighting styles offer, and a good shield in and off itself already offers excellent AC against ranged attacks, plus all the other equipment you can get or spells you can use to make yourself more than well protected against arrows and enemy archers. Since you can dual wield or get extra bonuses using two handed weapons the sword and board way of fighting I used to use with NPCs in the original doesn't seem as useful now that you have more options on offense, and redundant bonuses against ranged weapon attacks only really help you much up to level 3 or 4, and at levels later than that it's not very useful to have especially cus using a shield already helps with that.

    You'd be just as effective with a shield without the fighting style, cus you're built for close range fighting if using a melee weapon and a shield at the same time. Using a sling and a shield or darts and a shield doesn't give you that fighting style bonus, so the style is only useful if you have aggro from a bunch of enemies at the same time who are swinging swords and shooting arrows at you. With Sword Coast Stratagems installed though, S&S is just not beneficial or worth the points cus you can't simply aggro enemies and bait AI to attack your tank all the time, so offensive styles are more beneficial for killing enemies faster and/or being able to land critical hits more.

    So to sum it up, Sword & Shield style needs some alterations made IMO so it can compete with the other styles. The other styles serve a purpose and are useful for various sorts of characters or classes, but if you really wanted to use a shield it wouldn't be worth investing points into S&S Style anyway as other things you can utilize give you plenty enough defense against ranged/piercing attacks. Even if small changes and nothing drastic, as long as it benefits them somewhat in melee so it's a style more than just for those roleplaying the sword and board character.

    Maybe changing things to

    One point: +1 bonus AC against missile weapons, 5% chance to negate all damage from a missile attack that hits

    Two points: Additional +1 bonus AC versus all attacks, +1 attack speed, can use a ranged weapon with shield and gain the bonuses listed for one point in the style

    Just something small like that would make it an attractive option for something like Fighter/Clerics or someone looking to be a true knight of sorts, getting some practical bonuses the other styles get. There could be other options for alterations to the style that I'm not thinking of, but overall just wondering if someone could do a mod making some changes like that making the style more practical and worth getting even if just for joinable NPCs. It's a kind of mod that would be good for both Baldur's Gate games, but some NPCs in BG1 would be a good fit for sword and board if the style were at all useful, otherwise dual wielding is probably better by default or two handed style.
  • thelovebatthelovebat Member Posts: 218
    edited October 2015

    One idea I had for part of a mod is to be able to use cursed scrolls to curse enemies (so the cursed scroll effect would happen on whoever it was cast on).

    Another idea I had was to change a lot of the items in the game to have really interesting effects. For example, the Backbiter Spear might be a +40 spear that deals 40 damage to the wielder with each hit. I've always been a fan of options with both enormous benefits and enormous drawbacks.

    It would also be great for the Wizard Slayer to actually be by far the best class for slaying wizards. I wouldn't care if it sucked at doing everything else.

    One thing I'd like to see on top of what you mentioned for cursed scrolls is the ability to throw certain kinds of potions or mixing them for alchemy (if an appropriate class). Like I know there are a few potions you can find which can be used like that or just used for offense in general, but it'd be interesting what could happen if you mixed a few potions together that could be used to say, slow down enemies with no saving throw. So some things could be a legitimate option for playstyles not involving certain sorts of spellcasting, or maybe no traditional spellcasters at all. Could also be fun to throw cursed potions or mix them together (then toss'em) at enemies to see what chaos ensues.

    Maybe even if you had a Thief who was skilled enough with stealth and pickpocketing, you could place some offensive potions on an enemy with a short window before it blows up, dealing damage and/or inflicting effects on enemies before combat ever begins. Could be an alternative to those who never really got into using traps or those who normally never invested points into pick pocket before for a full time party character (and not just a temporary Thief).
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