What Would You Like To See In A Mod?

What type of content would you like to see in a Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Mod?
-Please be informative about your ideas and please try to give a good insight into what your ideas are.
-Please be informative about your ideas and please try to give a good insight into what your ideas are.
Post edited by WithinAmnesia on
I'm crawling into modding world but all I can do so far is to insert a new creature in the game with a simple dialog xD but... "one day... one day..." :P
Otherwise, stray thoughts:
-Giving the Blackguard a different stronghold, or a different Evil path at de'Arnise Keep
-Bringing Baeloth back for BG2
-Barbarian NPC (the last base class not represented in-game)
-Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender and/or Shadowdancer NPC (to match the new EE kits)
-Kitting Branwen as a Priest of Tempus (per IWD:EE), and putting together a Priest of Shar kit for Viconia
Or just a variety of strong or weak options for different levels of the game. The Armor and Weapon Packs are starting us off nicely but I found one sight with 83 weapons for the original Baldur's gate that can't be installed (or if they can, they require an installer that doesn't exist any longer). So just.. more cool items. Perhaps a quest to get them or earn them or have them bequeathed upon you.
P.S. Also that "Immediate 4 hour research 'quest' " is why I did not reply to you last night for I forgot around 2 or 3 hours into my 'quest' and went to bed at around 8:35 AM (X.x).
make a extra row of empty boxes above the existing UI.
These boxes need to be able to be used as quick slots for any chosen spell or special ability.
Also fix sorcerer's quick slots so the spells don't disappear after rest.
one that's NOT overly dramatic and focused on power gaming.
- can't rest without them (except in inns)
- normal inventory item
- expended at a rate of one per 8 hours of resting
- expended when rest is interrupted too
- cheap but heavy
- can't buy an infinite number because vendors have limited stock that replenishes slowly
- can't be put in a bag of holding because of some fluff reason
"I found one sight with 83 weapons for the original Baldur's gate"
Do you have a link that we can use?
Solaufein is a super badass fighter/mage who waxes poetic far too often in my opinion.
So not bad, there are just better NPC mods out there.
Looking for a Mod NPC that has good interaction with bioware NPC's as ad PC of course...tried the Kelsey Mod and was ok but didnt feel authentic and felt lacking, any recommendations?
If you're keen on good interations with bioware NPC's, maybe give the Xan mod a try.
Xan interacts with every NPC at least 3 times, some alot more.
Also if like the power gaming Xan is an amazing choice, since choose his class, the options are mage, fighter/mage or sorcerer. I think you can also give him any of the subclasses of mage, not sure on that one, as I always make him a sorcerer.
Also the mod covers TOB, adds like 3 or 4 missions and is all around good fun.
Also you can pick him up really early on, whereas good old Solaufien you can only get pretty much at the end of BG2.
One caveat, the mod is fully voiced and I personally couldn't stand the voice acting, but luckily there is a add on mod to replace the voice acting with the original soundset from BG1.
A. Soluafien is a FIGHTER, not a Fighter/Mage.
B. He's Chaotic Neutral, not Chaotic Good.
C. He is not a whiny, mopey EMO. In fact the mod treats him almost exactly opposite of the Soluafien we see in-game when he is being candid with you.
D. And the mod pushes him into the forefront of events almost as much as the pedobait pally.
I never really want to duke it out with the amnish guard, due to accidentally frying nearby shopkeeper npcs for example.
*Update*: *Upcoming Content*: The Isle of Mintarn Pirate Haven Extraordinaire! (Hyper-Link): http://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/41457/upcoming-content-the-isle-mintarn-pirate-haven-extraordinaire
I already have the Character and her Items 'fleshed out', see take a look:
Adventure Forth!: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/37893/osprey-the-fighter-mage-new-non-player-character
I've given this question a thorough thought.
- a solid longbow for late SoA and ToB, as a variant, with 3 APR (maybe as the famous longbow from IWD);
- lines of a dialogue for a situation when your romantic partner dies and then gets resurrected for both BGEE and BG2EE;
- a further progress for the Spirit Animals of the Totemic Druid after the 10th level;
- a returning thrown dagger up to +2 for BG1;
- an own stronghold for a Blackguard and several quests related to it, different to the fighters' ones (BG2);
- the availability of all 5th level arcane spells in scrolls in BG1 (now, several are missing both in stores and as a loot);
- an option to include Arkanis and Deder into your party when you find them in the Candlekeep catacombs in BG1;
- transferring the Priest of Tempus kit from IWDEE exactly as it is into BG1 and BG2;
- adding a progress to the Poison Weapon ability with levels;
- Tiax surviving the Irenicus fight and becoming available as a party member since then: not only he's a great NPC concept-wise but also a thief who can improve with levels, thus giving an alternate option for BG2 thieves;
As it turnes out, this list could serve as a list of official feature requests but it would be absolutely fine to get all these ideas (or at least a few of them) as mod components.
*I am focusing on new content for the Original Baldur's Gate for around three years or so. This predictably means that the community will have to wait for the Baldur's Gate II content in the future unfortunately.* This is why most everything that could be related to Baldur's Gate II has been left out @bengoshi
- a returning thrown dagger up to +2 for BG1 (Definite I can do this *A clear path I can see already to the mod's creation*)
- the availability of all 5th level arcane spells in scrolls in BG1 (now, several are missing both in stores and as a loot) (I could definitely make these with their own Item B.A.M.s)
- an option to include Arkanis and Deder into your party when you find them in the Candlekeep catacombs in BG1 (*Working on it*) .. Hey @bengoshi ! What if there was a "Help me I am real, NO I am real pick me!" *King David and the baby with two mothers* kind of deal going on with the doppelgangers and Deder and Arkanis? *Although one should be able to have all of one's party members and 'new' N.P.C.s (in the area) be able to leave the catacombs rather than be stuck down there -forever-...
Here is what I can almost do:
- lines of a dialogue for a situation when your romantic partner dies and then gets resurrected for both BGEE and BG2EE. I would need to do some research firstly on how it would work internally. *Is not a 'super modder' yet.
- an own stronghold for a Blackguard and several quests related to it, different to the fighters' ones (BG2)
(I know that this is not related to The Original Baldur's Gate, but I thought that it was as good as any other opportunity to reveal my modelling progress to the Baldur's Gate world.)
- transferring the Priest of Tempus kit from IWDEE exactly as it is into BG1 and BG2. To be honest I have no idea nor a clue (as of 11:43 PM 27/05/2015) as to how to do this nor how to introduce new kits in general into Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Although I should be able to find out how
Thank You kindly gentlemenly @bengoshi for considering my initial question and giving an in depth reply. I am deeply thankful and grateful.