Girls will be boys and boys will be girls ...

I'm a guy but when I play BG I almost always play a female character (a paladin, steadfast and true) and I get the impression a lot of guys like playing as girls (I mean would Tomb Raider have been anywhere near as popular if it had been Lloyd Croft wandering through the dungeons in tight little shorts?). But does the opposite hold true? Do girls like playing as boys?
- Girls will be boys and boys will be girls ...246 votes
- I'm a guy and I play as a guy.46.34%
- I'm a guy and I play as a girl.  4.88%
- I'm a guy but I play as guys and girls.32.11%
- I'm a girl and I play as a girl.  7.72%
- I'm a girl and I play as a guy.  0.41%
- I'm a girl but I play as girls and guys.  4.07%
- I always play as a dwarf; so who knows?  2.03%
- I'm not sure if I'm a boy or a girl. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world.  0.41%
- I'm an inadequate troll and I'm only answering so I can have a sexist rant.  2.03%
Post edited by Medillen on
Moreover, I don’t like girls very much ;/
Never played the IE games as a woman tho! might have to do EE with Dynaheir's portrait when i get it
also @Permidion_Stark , have you played the seralith mod on bg2 soa/tob? it adds a female pally who plays the part deep and well. I think you would enjoy it
Edit: @sophia lol, i'd be scared to admit i was a girl on a dnd board.....or the internet......but then i know how bad some guys can be :P
Simple minded, i know.
Ahahah, scared
LONG STORY SHORT - I'm a guy who plays both female and male characters.
CHARNAME has to be stronger than anyone else in the party. How could a girl achieve that? It would require an all female party.
- always male in nwn (because i couldnt do that fantasy girl **** on roleplaying servers)
- i just pick whichever gender is cooler looking in an MMO... so this equates to females for human/elf/etc races and males for manly/beast races lawl
- i used to always play femshep because i had a terrible recollection of sheploo's voice, but im playing through the ME series again and sheploo's VA isn't as bad as i remember. i wanted to romance datass instead of boring, predictable liara. on the flip side, jennifer hale's voice get incredibly cheesy and overdramatic by ME3... so whereas meer got better as the series progressed, hale got worse.
- always altmer or dunmer male in elder scrolls
It is far more realistic for me to be a guy who wants to be a slut and not able to sleep with anyone...
but still I will only play male character for any game that has gender selection
then I enjoy trying a little of everything.
I particularly like roleplaying as a drow, even if there are no suitable dialogs ... just for fun.