@Isandir: since I'm not sure you've read my PM I'll simply namedrop you. ;D
I did receive it, and I'll hopefully be able to give it a shot over the weekend. I'm midway through the first week of my new job, and it's rather intense (in a good way for the most part). That also means I'll unfortunately be posting far less at the moment, so I'm hoping to see @Syntia13 (where have you been?) @vierrae and others offering some more of their creations.
Hey, I read this just today: because of some obscure forum magic this thread was bookmarked no more! O,o
I actually did start trying to remake your portrait, but in this case you may actually have been right: the first version looked better than my second attempt. For some odd reason the original just turned out better than most of the others I was making at that time.
@Isandir (chuckles) Ah Artists. My husband just told me “your just like him”. Nothing is ever done. I sculpt in clay, stone and gemstones. Now you’ve sentenced me to flipping back and forth between the two versions all day, as I try to decide which I like best. I admit I like many of the changes you made, though it was hard for me to give up the darker background that seemed to fit him.
@Isandir (chuckles) Ah Artists. My husband just told me “your just like him”. Nothing is ever done. I sculpt in clay, stone and gemstones. Now you’ve sentenced me to flipping back and forth between the two versions all day, as I try to decide which I like best. I admit I like many of the changes you made, though it was hard for me to give up the darker background that seemed to fit him.
I understand exactly how you feel. I spent over an hour trying out various nighttime backgrounds and finally just gave up, as they all kept making it appear washed out and dark. If I do come across one that works, I'll replace it and send it your way.
I'm supposed to be tweaking one of the NPC portraits for @Ravenslight (which I will do!), but I got distracted by an orc. I've been determined to create one that's "attractive" enough for @Kamigoroshi. Hopefully I'm on the right track...
No hurry @Isandir An artist must create when the inspiration strikes. There is no rushing such things. I appreciate your taking the time, at your convenience.
@Ravenslight wanted a few changes to one of the characters from her mod in order to make him appear a bit older. Since it was one of the two I wasn't satisfied with regardless, I just remade it entirely. Here are all five of the characters with their final tweaked portraits. I'm hoping that we'll now see a preview of the mod's story and character bios here...
In order, the five are Kerick (a human rogue who is the star of the mod), Widow (an elven sorceress), Aiden (a human cleric and nobleman), Belavier (a half-elf bard) and Damen (a human assassin).
Aiden is perfect @Isandir, thank you! You have shown an uncanny ability to breath life into the characters using the limited information I sent you to help you envision them. I feel that bios for the secondary characters would better be revealed organically through playing through the story, but I will post a bio for Kerick and general information about the mod here soon, if you feel that is appropriate.
Aiden is perfect @Isandir, thank you! You have shown an uncanny ability to breath life into the characters using the limited information I sent you to help you envision them. I feel that bios for the secondary characters would better be revealed organically through playing through the story, but I will post a bio for Kerick and general information about the mod here soon, if you feel that is appropriate.
Please do! I've been wanting to know more about it since I started working on these portraits. Is there an estimated release date yet?
@Isandir The pressures of release dates are for the professionals. We’re just hobbyist, figuring it all out for the first time and fitting it in between the demands of real life. We have come a long way since the day I said “I wonder if we could…” and my husband gave me that look he does when he questions my sanity. I’ve seen that look many times during our time together. It was many months before we had Kerick amusing us with his antics in game, and I suspect it will be months yet, judging from how long it has taken us so far. For two people who had no idea what coding scripts and d language was, it has been a long road, but now it is also a labor of love. The only thing I can say for certain is that it will be released. The SoA and ToB portions of the mod should take much less time as we won’t be starting from scratch. At least that is our theory.
If anyone here is still making custom requests, perhaps someone could be kind enough to do one of Jamie Alexander, who is the personification of tough hotness as Sif in the "Thor" films.
I've been thinking about it and I'd love to have a baldurized avatar for the forums. I wouldn't be able to use it in the game since I'd want a fox-man, but it'd be awesome to have for an avatar, like Metalloman's avatar. I don't know if you (whoever's willing to do it) would need a photo of a fox, but I'm just thinking of a red fox. Perhaps wearing studded leather armor. If no one can/will do it, that's fine, but many thanks to anyone who would be willing.
@meagloth I was thinking more along the lines of something that would fit in well with Baldur's Gate's normal portraits. Something like what Isandir does. I appreciate the offer, though. (That picture of warriorQuartz/loser always cracks me up, btw...)
@meagloth I was thinking more along the lines of something that would fit in well with Baldur's Gate's normal portraits. Something like what Isandir does. I appreciate the offer, though. (That picture of warriorQuartz/loser always cracks me up, btw...)
It's cool. We seem to be low on artist right now, so I thought I'd try.
@meagloth If you want to make one then feel free. I appreciate it and I would definitely use it as an avatar for a bit.
@Elrandir I might. I would imagine Fur is hard though, and I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks in 4 days, so I'm very busy. On the other hand I have 16 hours in the car on Friday, so I'll do what I can. Would you prefer a whole fox or just a face?
Without all the free time I get during the holidays, I haven't made a portrait in a while. I was struck by the urge today and put together a dwarf, which I hadn't attempted since Ferthgil from DSotSC. His hair and eye color fit the description of shield dwarves, and his armor should be generic enough to allow him to be used for multiple classes.
THIS IS AWESOME Seriously now I want to play a dwarf warrior.
This is my current portrait for a Half elf sorcerer that Im playing... its from a Warcraft card I guess, dont remember, but I have to use because it fits so well with BG2 Theme.
@meagloth Just the head and neck is fine. An example of the ideal pose would be something like Kerick or Aiden from Isandir's earlier post further up this page.
@jdemast: I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone with this one. Since you wanted a drow female, and others have requested remakes of some of the original portraits, I decided to create my version of Viconia. Feel free to alter it if you'd like to use it as a different character.
Hey guys. If there's any artists here to take requests, I have a couple or more portraits I would really appreciate being made for the NPC mod I'm working on. I have NO skill whatsoever in art, so I will be infinitely grateful to anyone who can set aside time to make these. So far, I need the following, with details on their appearance. To avoid spoilers I'm omitting names, aside from the NPC herself.
Gleya, air genasi priestess of Selune. In terms of age she looks between her late teens and early twenties. She has azure eyes, pale, almost untinted skin and shiny light cobalt hair. Her hair is cut short in a boyish style, but is starting to grow out. Because of her heritage, she also has pointed ears, making her look more like a half-elf than a human. She is also Calishite, so an (Iranian?/Turkish?/Arabic?) look to her wouldn't hurt either. Don't go overboard with this though, I'd be plenty happy with just the rest.
EDIT: Forgot quite an important part: she's spent several years as a sailor, so having something that reflects that (a bandana around her neck, perhaps?) would help solidify the image so much.
I would love for her to have something on her with the image below, a pendant or a clasp on a cloak, for example.
(the star at the very top)
If you can portray a specific expression, she's very spirited, a little tomboyish, quite absent minded and very thoughtful. She's Chaotic Good in alignment.
A human woman in her late thirties, mature-looking, medium-dark skinned and blonde-haired. She has long hair with the front in braids (I hear braids are a PITA to do, skip this if you're not up to it) She is a Cleric/Mage. She wears purple robes and worships Selune also bears the symbol above. She is human and half-Calishite, half-Waterdhavian, so I have no idea what that translates to (British+Arabic?) She is Neutral Good in alignment.
An aging human man, approaching fifties but still in his prime. Like the above, he also worships Selune, and is a cleric. He has a look of wisdom (I have no idea what it looks like) around him and is grim and serious. He is also scarred, but not that badly. He is Calishite. He is Neutral Good in alignment.
A powerful and sinister looking human wizard, in his late fifties at least. He is somewhat emaciated and has narrow, cruel eyes. His hair is short and wispy, as is his beard. He wears magnificent unblemished blood red wizard robes. He is Calishite. He is Neutral Evil in alignment.
Lastly, a woman in her thirties once again, who bears a close resemblance to the first on the list. Easy guess as to her relation to the joinable NPC She is Lawful Neutral in alignment.
Aside from the first, all these portraits will be in 54x84 format as they are all for non-joinables. Obviously no one's going to make them in 54x84, but it does mean large amounts of detail won't be necessary. This NPC project is going slowly but consistently (aside from a coding roadblock I'm working on) so please take your time. And please, use your imagination! I don't have strict expectations for what I need, just having something is enough
I was messing around a little a few days ago and got this. I don't know of I'll crop it and go into detail or use something else(probably something else), but it think it pretty funny so I though I'd post.
(chuckles) Ah Artists. My husband just told me “your just like him”. Nothing is ever done. I sculpt in clay, stone and gemstones. Now you’ve sentenced me to flipping back and forth between the two versions all day, as I try to decide which I like best. I admit I like many of the changes you made, though it was hard for me to give up the darker background that seemed to fit him.
glad to see you back and making new portraits!
do you have any drow female models you are currently working on?
In order, the five are Kerick (a human rogue who is the star of the mod), Widow (an elven sorceress), Aiden (a human cleric and nobleman), Belavier (a half-elf bard) and Damen (a human assassin).
You have shown an uncanny ability to breath life into the characters using the limited information I sent you to help you envision them. I feel that bios for the secondary characters would better be revealed organically through playing through the story, but I will post a bio for Kerick and general information about the mod here soon, if you feel that is appropriate.
The pressures of release dates are for the professionals. We’re just hobbyist, figuring it all out for the first time and fitting it in between the demands of real life. We have come a long way since the day I said “I wonder if we could…” and my husband gave me that look he does when he questions my sanity. I’ve seen that look many times during our time together.
Seriously now I want to play a dwarf warrior.
This is my current portrait for a Half elf sorcerer that Im playing... its from a Warcraft card I guess, dont remember, but I have to use because it fits so well with BG2 Theme.
Gleya, air genasi priestess of Selune. In terms of age she looks between her late teens and early twenties. She has azure eyes, pale, almost untinted skin and shiny light cobalt hair. Her hair is cut short in a boyish style, but is starting to grow out. Because of her heritage, she also has pointed ears, making her look more like a half-elf than a human. She is also Calishite, so an (Iranian?/Turkish?/Arabic?) look to her wouldn't hurt either. Don't go overboard with this though, I'd be plenty happy with just the rest.
EDIT: Forgot quite an important part: she's spent several years as a sailor, so having something that reflects that (a bandana around her neck, perhaps?) would help solidify the image so much.
I would love for her to have something on her with the image below, a pendant or a clasp on a cloak, for example.
If you can portray a specific expression, she's very spirited, a little tomboyish, quite absent minded and very thoughtful. She's Chaotic Good in alignment.
A human woman in her late thirties, mature-looking, medium-dark skinned and blonde-haired. She has long hair with the front in braids (I hear braids are a PITA to do, skip this if you're not up to it) She is a Cleric/Mage. She wears purple robes and worships Selune also bears the symbol above. She is human and half-Calishite, half-Waterdhavian, so I have no idea what that translates to (British+Arabic?) She is Neutral Good in alignment.
An aging human man, approaching fifties but still in his prime. Like the above, he also worships Selune, and is a cleric. He has a look of wisdom (I have no idea what it looks like) around him and is grim and serious. He is also scarred, but not that badly. He is Calishite. He is Neutral Good in alignment.
A powerful and sinister looking human wizard, in his late fifties at least. He is somewhat emaciated and has narrow, cruel eyes. His hair is short and wispy, as is his beard. He wears magnificent unblemished blood red wizard robes. He is Calishite. He is Neutral Evil in alignment.
Lastly, a woman in her thirties once again, who bears a close resemblance to the first on the list. Easy guess as to her relation to the joinable NPC
Aside from the first, all these portraits will be in 54x84 format as they are all for non-joinables. Obviously no one's going to make them in 54x84, but it does mean large amounts of detail won't be necessary. This NPC project is going slowly but consistently (aside from a coding roadblock I'm working on) so please take your time. And please, use your imagination! I don't have strict expectations for what I need, just having something is enough
I was messing around a little a few days ago and got this. I don't know of I'll crop it and go into detail or use something else(probably something else), but it think it pretty funny so I though I'd post.
As always, the Photshop filters oil paint, find edges and surface blur are very helpful.
Here is the original photo that my girlfriend helped me with (I did my best piraty look, with an evil eye and everything): :-D