Oh wow, that's a great portrait - wouldn't have expected to see a werefox portrait! I haven't seen that Isander one before, is he/she still active? I haven't seen them post in this thread for a while...which is a shame, because I had a portrait concept I wanted to float by them at some point...
Alas, my own skills with image manipulation are no where near good enough to do that portrait justice. I can make some passable Jagged Alliance 2 portraits....but that's beyond my ability.
Isandir comes and goes with how he works for us. Sometimes he's around and will do up to five portraits, other times he's nowhere to be seen. Not that I blame him, of course. He's a busy man, or so it seems. And it is no mere were-fox! This is a Fox Folk! A fine race hailing from edition 3.5!
first i was playing around with the old portrait from Minsc from BG, it has always been my favorite, however Boo always looked not so good to me.
A few attempts later i have a fun version with the good Boo from Bg 2 (my Photoshop Kung-fu isn't the greatest but i think it came out pretty neat)
I am sure someone has already done this but good to have some variety at least.
second i noticed that if you use the portrait size from Medium (169x266) and use it for small again (169x266) NOT (54x84) the portraits seem to be much higher resolution on the main gameplay window.
I renamed all my NPC alternate portraits and they look A LOT better at higher resolutions. had not seen this mentioned before, just thought i might bring it up
I have a picture I would very much like Baldurized. Maybe a change of background too? Whatever suits you. This is a picture of me, in my brief stint as Mad Hatter. Perhaps I can be made into a Jester or a Thief? Thanks so much, Oudyn.
Here's a couple I've got that I figured are worth sharing. First is set of edited portraits of Korra from Legend of Korra; original picture made by Artgerm
Figured they could be used for a female monk or something
The next one I found for a kensai when someone was asking on another forum about kensai portraits; I'm personally using this on my next run of the saga:
@Arthandas Here you go. Since I'm lazy, and since no one appreciates drawings anyway, I've done photomanip. Well, mostly. Really enjoyed drawing her armor. I like them shiny metal thingies... Hope you like it.
Here's some portraits I found worthy of a female bhaalspawn with links to their devinatArt pages. Some looks suitable for an IWDEE party, sorry don't have the game yet to check its portraits style, so download (all free to download and use, button on the right of each page) and crop to 420x660 for IWDEE.
Hello everyone! I believe I can ask: could somebody, please, find or make a picture for my character - half-elf, female, archer, Neutral Good, grey eyes, long light-brown(or dark blond?) hair, green color of clothes? Here is the screenshot of her: Maybe edit this picture, like, bow instead of sword and everything?
I'll be using these three portraits below that I've found around the forums for the same character. They are already excelent, only slightly short of perfection. Meticulous but ridiculously inapt like I am, I'd like to ask you talented people for a few little touch ups for ultimate greatness, if possible!
I've used it a few times and so did everyone else. If the background was something else, even another color (gold, copper or bronze should look good), I could cheat my brain that the portrait is unique, and not Generic Male #2. A background recolor should be good enough!
This is one of my favorite custom portraits. It's full of light and details. The background is top quality but is better fit for a BG1 portrait, I'd like to change for a cloudy sky background just like the other BG2 NPCs. Cernd's sky is nice but anything should do, as long as it's not dark.
Probably the portrait that needs more changes, but still nothing extraordinary, I guess:
(a) a cloud sky background, in the same mold of the other BG2 NPCs, could be the same of the previous portrait, Viconia's stormy sky should also look good (b) reproduce the bronze details on the hood and armor from the previous portrait (c) slightly change the hair color from black/gray to brown/gray to match the previous portraits
Despite the long wall of text, they mostly consist of background rework. I tried to use spoiler tags but they aren't working for me! I can't compensate but I'd be eternally grateful!
Found some I believe have not yet been uploaded(If they have just shout and I'll edit it out for less clutter) Sadly I can't refer to the creator since I never saved that info but most of them come from deviantart.
Thank you @lolien! Thank you for answering so FAST and thank you for the consideration! It looks better then I hoped! The hood, the hair color, you nailed, good sir!
Can I make one last request? I loved the metalic orange/crimson for the first one, but for icing on the cake, could you give the two last portraits cloud sky backgrounds so they match the BG2 style?
I really liked the druid one, so I made it into portrait format ... Luckily it was easy thanks to the image being fairly cropped already; only one I had to work on was the small one:
Alas, my own skills with image manipulation are no where near good enough to do that portrait justice. I can make some passable Jagged Alliance 2 portraits....but that's beyond my ability.
first i was playing around with the old portrait from Minsc from BG, it has always been my favorite, however Boo always looked not so good to me.
A few attempts later i have a fun version with the good Boo from Bg 2
I am sure someone has already done this but good to have some variety at least.
second i noticed that if you use the portrait size from Medium (169x266)
and use it for small again (169x266) NOT (54x84)
the portraits seem to be much higher resolution on the main gameplay window.
I renamed all my NPC alternate portraits and they look A LOT better at higher resolutions. had not seen this mentioned before, just thought i might bring it up
So far:
I used this for Papaver Somnifer, my dwarf cleric/thief. Thanks for @booinyoureyes for the original photo
I create this for @elminster's NPC mod. Yeorg, dragon disciple.
From Mark Meer's Icewind Dale Survival Rules: Toril's longest-lived first-level mage, Alveus Malcanter.
@bengoshi asked for a handless version, i will make it soon.
I love your Neeras! Both pictures greatly capture her spirit, are well done and preserve the models' attractiveness.
I didn't found it mentioned anywhere but you can find some high quality official D&D portraits by Sam Carr on his DA page:
Figured they could be used for a female monk or something
The next one I found for a kensai when someone was asking on another forum about kensai portraits; I'm personally using this on my next run of the saga:
Here you go. Since I'm lazy, and since no one appreciates drawings anyway, I've done photomanip. Well, mostly. Really enjoyed drawing her armor. I like them shiny metal thingies...
Hope you like it.
One of the best Coran's portraits I've seen.
I've found this portrait for Yoshimo recently:
by Myrskyt - http://myrskyt.deviantart.com/ - there're several other portraits as well, suitable for BG
It's excellent and would be superb if the background was improved.
Source is from pinterest. The author has a lot more pics for other classes in his gallery as well.
Maybe edit this
I'll be using these three portraits below that I've found around the forums for the same character. They are already excelent, only slightly short of perfection. Meticulous but ridiculously inapt like I am, I'd like to ask you talented people for a few little touch ups for ultimate greatness, if possible!
I've used it a few times and so did everyone else. If the background was something else, even another color (gold, copper or bronze should look good), I could cheat my brain that the portrait is unique, and not Generic Male #2. A background recolor should be good enough!
This is one of my favorite custom portraits. It's full of light and details. The background is top quality but is better fit for a BG1 portrait, I'd like to change for a cloudy sky background just like the other BG2 NPCs. Cernd's sky is nice but anything should do, as long as it's not dark.
Probably the portrait that needs more changes, but still nothing extraordinary, I guess:
(a) a cloud sky background, in the same mold of the other BG2 NPCs, could be the same of the previous portrait, Viconia's stormy sky should also look good
(b) reproduce the bronze details on the hood and armor from the previous portrait
(c) slightly change the hair color from black/gray to brown/gray to match the previous portraits
Despite the long wall of text, they mostly consist of background rework. I tried to use spoiler tags but they aren't working for me! I can't compensate but I'd be eternally grateful!
Will dig though my portrait folder later today and see what I manage to find.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I should link his art page too: http://nj365.deviantart.com/
I gave it a try:
Sadly I can't refer to the creator since I never saved that info but most of them come from deviantart.
Really like the druid, bard and paladin
Can I make one last request? I loved the metalic orange/crimson for the first one, but for icing on the cake, could you give the two last portraits cloud sky backgrounds so they match the BG2 style?
Edit: Maybe i should make the backrounds darker, but now i'm out of time, so that must wait for tomorrow.
You're right, the backgrounds could be a little bit darker, but I've already tried them in game and they blend awesomely with the other NPCs.
Again, thanks for the attention
I really liked the druid one, so I made it into portrait format