could someone resize this for me in both ee and original original is for my friend we`re having a contest so please and thank you
In the same manner @Millerguy74 's post from July 8 didn't have any answers so it's moved here. I believe that not only resizing the portrait (which can be done simply at is needed, but also cropping and adding a background.
Hi there! So I found this photo the other day (it was taken by Nils Ericson, btw. great photographer ) and I thought, it would be perfect for my 'future' (SoD plzz! ;_;) early-twenties-dwarf-monkstyle-cleric gameplay.. So! Can someone please, pretty please, "baldurize" it for me? With maybe some earrings, beard jewelry or/and other Bhaal's "things", like orange irises, scars or whatever idk.. Feel free to IMPROVISE! I know it's too much to ask, but I've found such great art here that.. You know
Hey guys! I recently painted two portraits for Pillars of Eternity and I'm posting them here in case anyone wants to use them for BG or even Icewind Dale. I'm pretty sure that the image sizes for portraits are the same among all three games. The style of these were made with Pillars in mind so unfortunately they don't really match the BG aesthetic but there's not much I can do to help that. Anyway, I hope someone out there finds these useful. Enjoy
First is a female godlike character:
Second is a painting I finished this evening of a suave rogue-like type of guy. The face was modeled after Kevin Smith, who some of you may recognize as the actor that played Ares in the Xena and Hercules TV shows from the 90's.
Process gif included for fun
I'm going to continue making pillars portraits for the next few weeks and probably crosspost them here every time I make a batch. If anyone is interested in seeing these in a higher resolution, you can always follow my tumblr blog. I post there every time I make a new one.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Take care
Crossposting some more portraits from my pillars of eternity portraits thread
Finally completed my first pillars portrait minipack! I'd like to continue making more minipacks and eventually bundle them together to create a large portrait pack.
Feel free to modify these as needed for personal use. You may post your modified portraits online, all I ask is that if you plan on redistributing the originals please link them from either my tumblr post or my post on deviantart. Each portrait is painted from scratch and takes anywhere from 5 - 12 hours to complete, which adds up pretty quickly. Links back are always appreciated
Here are the individual portraits, for those who prefer to grab them this way. The first two are in my previous post.
Hey there See, I was wondering if there are some people here who truly know how to edit a photo, in a BG2 style. I've been trying to do it for a long time now, and turns out I created one a few days ago, editing a picture, that looks like this:
I don't think it looks bad, but as you see, the clothing really doesn't match BG style, and by this point, I have no idea how to change it So, maybe you could help me a little bit? If there was a person who could edit the image to change the clothes, it'd be great! It's difficult because I only took the image and filtered it a lot, but I didn't use any of the softwares often recommended, so my only option was to clone another image's clothes, which I didn't find So... I'd appreciate your help ^^ also, if you think the portrait needs to be improved in any way, let me know. I'd also like to read your thoughts on it
Had a few hours off tonight, and decided to make a dwarven assassin for my next playthrough. I used the same photo as for my tiefling as base, and it hit me that I could probably have used two totally different pictures considering how varied the results turned out to be.
I moved the @IsabellaGranger 's post here because this is exactly the place for such requests Ah, thanks. I didn't know there was another special section for this
Had a few hours off tonight, and decided to make a dwarven assassin for my next playthrough. I used the same photo as for my tiefling as base, and it hit me that I could probably have used two totally different pictures considering how varied the results turned out to be.
Those are really good ones! How did you do them? I'm impressed xP
I know that portraits based on celebrities aren't the cup of tea of most people around here, but I thought there's no harm in sharing some of the stuff I've made. Left to right, top to bottom:
Left to right, top to bottom:
- Anne Hathaway from The Princess Diaries, a movie I've been repeatedly told is very popular among us BG fans - David Bowie, a relatively unknown singer who had his fifteen minutes of fame back in 1985 when he won a contest and starred along Mick Jagger on the million-dollar production "Dancing In The Street" - Daniel Craig, famous for his role as Jake Lonergan in Jon Favreau's masterpiece "Cowboys vs. Aliens" - Daniel Craig in leather armour (someone suggested his face is more suited for an assassin-type of character. I can't imagine why, but there you go) - Liv Tyler as Legolas - Liv Tyler as Legolas, once again - Cristina Scabbia from italian heavy metal band Lacuna Coil - Same as above
So I found this photo the other day (it was taken by Nils Ericson, btw. great photographer
So! Can someone please, pretty please, "baldurize" it for me? With maybe some earrings, beard jewelry or/and other Bhaal's "things", like orange irises, scars or whatever idk.. Feel free to IMPROVISE!
I know it's too much to ask, but I've found such great art here that.. You know
edit: credit to artastrophe for the original image (the clothing, most visibly)
Thank you a lot @bob_veng !
Much like Imoens change I guess.
First is a female godlike character:
Second is a painting I finished this evening of a suave rogue-like type of guy. The face was modeled after Kevin Smith, who some of you may recognize as the actor that played Ares in the Xena and Hercules TV shows from the 90's.
Process gif included for fun
I'm going to continue making pillars portraits for the next few weeks and probably crosspost them here every time I make a batch. If anyone is interested in seeing these in a higher resolution, you can always follow my tumblr blog. I post there every time I make a new one.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Take care
With that said, congrats @Amegani. If you don't do this for a living, you ought to.
Crossposting some more portraits from my pillars of eternity portraits thread
Finally completed my first pillars portrait minipack! I'd like to continue making more minipacks and eventually bundle them together to create a large portrait pack.
Download link:
Feel free to modify these as needed for personal use. You may post your modified portraits online, all I ask is that if you plan on redistributing the originals please link them from either my tumblr post or my post on deviantart. Each portrait is painted from scratch and takes anywhere from 5 - 12 hours to complete, which adds up pretty quickly. Links back are always appreciated
Here are the individual portraits, for those who prefer to grab them this way. The first two are in my previous post.
Hope to see more from you!
I don't think it looks bad, but as you see, the clothing really doesn't match BG style, and by this point, I have no idea how to change it
BTW, thanks to the @GemHound 's new portrait, I've learned about an amazing artist, Michael Gauss, His gallery is amazing, it includes works used for book covers:
These are some of his works: recoloured it, and it looks good too:
Somehow, I'm starting to see IWD looking at this reloured portrait.
Left to right, top to bottom:
- Anne Hathaway from The Princess Diaries, a movie I've been repeatedly told is very popular among us BG fans
- David Bowie, a relatively unknown singer who had his fifteen minutes of fame back in 1985 when he won a contest and starred along Mick Jagger on the million-dollar production "Dancing In The Street"
- Daniel Craig, famous for his role as Jake Lonergan in Jon Favreau's masterpiece "Cowboys vs. Aliens"
- Daniel Craig in leather armour (someone suggested his face is more suited for an assassin-type of character. I can't imagine why, but there you go)
- Liv Tyler as Legolas
- Liv Tyler as Legolas, once again
- Cristina Scabbia from italian heavy metal band Lacuna Coil
- Same as above
Get the attached zip file if you want 'em!
i love celebrity portraits
and these are simply great