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Custom PC & NPC Portraits



  • deathvvv2017deathvvv2017 Member Posts: 2
    anybody know where I can download the imoen portrait shown here? Im starting a new playthrough and would like to replace her default soa portrait!
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Some of the Leliana images that I found are very similar but not identical.;_ylt=AwrIQhG16r9eFS8AcAF3Bwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0ZTgxN3Q0BGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=Leliana&type=pds_sjiqmxum1acegikmuebkmoqsuwl96p7j8qmodg_19_41_ssg13&hspart=itm&hsimp=yhs-001&param1=1&param2=f=4&b=chrome&ip=,h_200,q_70,strp/dragon_age_origins_leliana_by_aztarieth_d4c4rc3-200h.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzYwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzU4MDFjOTAtOTIxNC00YjgwLWEzNDAtZDE1MTk5YjI2Y2VmXC9kNGM0cmMzLWNlZDQ1MDM3LTNiMDQtNDczZC1iNmI0LWU0ZTEyMWJkNzYwYy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.f-YTAyXeiAO9iDjkfnOwmfCmyfFPqhzBHr8JA9x2d2w&action=click
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    Hi @Isandir !
    Don't you have your Abdel Adrian portrait done in bg1 style ? I really like the bg2 one, but want to start a new run from start in bg1.
    Thank a lot! :)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Well since dwarven women in Icewind Dale have beards, that could be a good idea for that game.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    @Isandir Think Clara could be next?
  • ThaynonThaynon Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, long time BGEE forum stalker, first time poster...

    I'm still checking back frequently and hoping to see someone make good use of the pictures of @Wise_Grimwald !

    He has some great facial expressions for portraits. I think he'd make a good mage, too!
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Wise_Grimwald I feel you. I shaved my beard of 4 years the other day because this summer has been so hot. Even with AC, it was just too insulating :(
  • ToveriJuriToveriJuri Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020
    AionZ wrote: »
    Haven't done a BG-style portrait for a while, but I quite like this one:


    And with alternate hair colors just for fun:

    Really like this one. Picked up the white haired one as the portrait for my most recent F>M run.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I had to do it myself, I look awful :D
  • Chris724Chris724 Member Posts: 4
    Hey @Isandir did you ever finish that BG1 version of Abdel?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    I was wanting to play a game with three triplets, a paladin, a cleric of Helm and a Fighter dualled to a mage and made this party.

    However, I then discovered that I cannot dual a barbarian. [I already knew that dualling a berserker was impossible]

    I therefore thought that dualling a kensai to a mage seemed the best alternative.

    I am therefore looking for an image of Cassandra Pentaghast, but not wearing armour. I have found a couple of head and shoulder images, but haven't been able to find one including the body down to the waist. Is what I am looking for just not available, or is it just that my search skills aren't good enough?

    This is the nearest I could find to what I want.


    Since barbarians can't dual class, and I believe that kensai cannot use bows, it meant that by third party member had to be an unkitted fighter. That means that I don't need a character with just light armour. :)

    There are countless images of Cassandra wearing armour to choose from. :)
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    Since barbarians can't dual class, and I believe that kensai cannot use bows, it meant that by third party member had to be an unkitted fighter. That means that I don't need a character with just light armour. :)

    Barbarians are effectively a Fighter kit. If their lack of dual/multiclass capabilities bothers you, something like Tweaks Anthology can make them dual/multiclassable in all the regular Fighter multiclasses.
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    So inspired by this video, I've been playing around with FaceApp, which you can used to gender swap portraits (among many other things). The results hugely vary in quality but I've been having a blast. I definitely recommend it. Some of the results are terrifying and others are quite good.

    Here's the results of "face swapping" BG portraits with their BG2 portraits. Unfortunately, for Edwin, Minsc and Viconia, it either created monstrosities (even moreso than the ones I have here(, or the changes weren't noticeable.



    I have loads more of random combinations (Imoen + Valygar, anyone? Female Anomen? Younger looking Garrick, etc.) that I might go through and share later, if anyone is interested!

  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    Oh, and just because I think they really work well, here are gender-swapped Imoen and Corwin. Anyone fancy fixing the bottom half of male-Imoen?

  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    I'm still playing around, having a load of fun . I'd love some advice on how to replicate the lighting on the skin of classic BG portraits. I'm doing all this using my laptop keypad and Pixlr, which is like a free version of Photoshop, and I don't have an artistic bone in my body, so they're definitely rough around the edges. Fun fact: the second to last one is a highly edited version of Imoen's BG1 portrait merged with Valygar (again, using FaceApp) and the last one is the same portrait, gender-flipped.


    Also, these ones aren't so bad, but any advice on how to make sure eyes aren't too bright? For me, it's one of the things that make a lot of custom baldurised portraits stand out.
  • ConwanConwan Member Posts: 39
    Probably a long shot, but does anyone have any good Khalid and Aerie portaits? So far I haven't really found anything that's good, because there are surprisingly few custom portraits for either character.
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    Hi since my Skills are really limited in basically everything related to Art i would like to ask a favour:

    Maybe someone can change the Skin Colour of that awesome Duergar/Blackiron Dwarf for me so it looks like a Surface Dwarf and change the Glowing eyes into Standard Black, Brown or Blue Eyes with a White Sclera?

    I digged through a lot of suitable Pictures on the Internet to find a nice Dwarf Picture with Black or Blue Hair and Beard the last couple of days but couldn't found any so i would appreciate the Help from one of you guys :)
  • TThalesTThales Member Posts: 13
    Love this thread, so many ideas for another play-through.

    But! Correct me if I'm wrong, not the first time.

    I just can't seem to find anything really good/accurate to use for my current play-through. Female Gnome Fighter/Illusionist, dual wielding (hammers/mace/flail) any combo there of.

    Or for that matter hammer/mace in one hand and maybe a spell flame sort of effect in the other.

    Maybe it's because female gnomes may not be the best subject I guess, there are some cool looking male variations but usually tinkerers or mage looking.

    Any suggestions where to look if anyone has seen something similar are greatly appreciated. Still looking here and in the old thread, the search goes on.
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