@Wise_Grimwald those portraits are Veela and Sheevra females from the MMO game "Mortal Online". Swampgirl was definitely one of the loading screens from that game. Basically they are an elf-type race that lived in jungle/tropical areas - think equatorial wood elves. Veela are light skinned and Sheevra are dark.
@Wise_Grimwald those portraits are Veela and Sheevra females from the MMO game "Mortal Online". Swampgirl was definitely one of the loading screens from that game. Basically they are an elf-type race that lived in jungle/tropical areas - think equatorial wood elves. Veela are light skinned and Sheevra are dark.
Thanks for the information. When I saw the name Veela, I assumed that it was the name of a particular character. The dark one, I thought was a drow.
Getting those and others shown on the link, I thought that for my next run, I might have a party of characters that cannot wear heavy armour: Rangers, druids, shamans, thieves, barbarians and the like. It would make a change from my usual characters who go for heavy plate.
Coming across images that strike a chord often determines the nature of future runs for me for good or ill.
Sadly some of them don't have sufficient resolution to be used as portraits, but enough are to make a party of five: Ranger, druid, shaman, thief, barbarian. Sadly none there that I would call a mage.
This one for example, but again resolution is low. Photoshop would certainly need to sharpen for a face image but the fairy dragon would fit righ into a BG run. [ I tried sharpening but it looked very grainy ] This one isn't suitable for a portrait though if the res were higher it might be. Perhaps the one that you can buy is better.
@Wise_Grimwald those portraits are Veela and Sheevra females from the MMO game "Mortal Online". Swampgirl was definitely one of the loading screens from that game. Basically they are an elf-type race that lived in jungle/tropical areas - think equatorial wood elves. Veela are light skinned and Sheevra are dark.
Mortal online looks like an interesting game. However I currently don't play online games.
tried faceapp, yielded some interesting results.
i found mazzy's eye color change to kind of wash out, it seemed too similar to her hair, so i restored it here:
You still got that Imoen/Jaheira hybird pic without the icons on the bottom?
I was looking for a female dwarf wielding a flail for a portrait in my next game. There is a scarcity of appropriate female dwarf images of any description, but there are a few with swords, axes, halberds and hammers. However NONE with flails.
There don't appear to be many human women with flails either, but they DO exist.
I'm thinking that it could be because it is difficult to draw anyone wielding a flail.
Hello everyone, well it looks like the days of searching endlessly for a portrait online are over for us rookie wannabe artists... we now have AI to do it for us. I made this one using Dall E 2.
Do you mind if I shorten her to make her more dwarvenish? If you do, I'll use your original.
IMO the original is perfect for a halfling, but mine is better for a dwarf. However, that all depends on taste and upon on our preconceptions about how the various races should appear.
My pet peeves about portraits on the web concerns characters either: whose heads are too small; or axes/hammers are too big. Do others have similar or even different peeves. Clearly some artists' perceptions are not the same as mine!!
Perspective is not easy to do well. And people like to embellish on size to make the characters look cooler somehow.
I also do not like it that much.
For example, a 1m tall halfling is often depicted as wielding a dagger as a longsword. However, relatively speaking, it is more like the size of a chefs knife.
Then again, I really admire the details that artists can create. I could not reproduce it anywhere close.
sorry for the delay, i haven't been playing much. i don't know who neera was mixed with anymore, this was a while ago. the last imoen was a personal air brush study.
sorry for the delay, i haven't been playing much. i don't know who neera was mixed with anymore, this was a while ago. the last imoen was a personal air brush study.
And here is my character, a berserker who willl later dual to cleric.
I do like it when the portrait matches the character. I think that in the original game only head and shoulders were used to make the character more generic, but adding the body adds something to the game.
One of the problems of locating images for making portraits is that they usually aren't designed for BG. Thus the weapons are often well to the side of the body and have to be cropped off when making a portrait.
Arcanum portraits to BG2. This could bring some new perspective to the game?
The author of remastered portraits: link
Portraits originally made by Troika games
Here is the one that I am using, but it is so easy to make your own portraits with photoshop or similar.
Alternatively use images from in-game videos. That way your portraits will be completely individual as nobody will use exactly the same image as you. You can flip it horizontally or change the colours at your discretion.
Thanks for the information. When I saw the name Veela, I assumed that it was the name of a particular character. The dark one, I thought was a drow.
Getting those and others shown on the link, I thought that for my next run, I might have a party of characters that cannot wear heavy armour: Rangers, druids, shamans, thieves, barbarians and the like. It would make a change from my usual characters who go for heavy plate.
Coming across images that strike a chord often determines the nature of future runs for me for good or ill.
A shaman or druid:
Ranger or barbarian and thief perhaps.
A ranger:
Sadly some of them don't have sufficient resolution to be used as portraits, but enough are to make a party of five: Ranger, druid, shaman, thief, barbarian. Sadly none there that I would call a mage.
If this one had a higher resolution it would make a great portrait of a mage along with her familiar.
By following the most mage-like, I came across several who could be mage plus familiar.
This one for example, but again resolution is low. Photoshop would certainly need to sharpen for a face image but the fairy dragon would fit righ into a BG run.
Mortal online looks like an interesting game. However I currently don't play online games.
You still got that Imoen/Jaheira hybird pic without the icons on the bottom?
There don't appear to be many human women with flails either, but they DO exist.
I'm thinking that it could be because it is difficult to draw anyone wielding a flail.
However, if anybody knows of any other flail wielding female dwarf images, please let me know.
Thank you. I'll definitely use it.
Do you mind if I shorten her to make her more dwarvenish? If you do, I'll use your original.
IMO the original is perfect for a halfling, but mine is better for a dwarf. However, that all depends on taste and upon on our preconceptions about how the various races should appear.
I have a dwarf princess come adventurer in a novel Im writing and she looks more how I interpret a fantasy dwarven woman...
I also do not like it that much.
For example, a 1m tall halfling is often depicted as wielding a dagger as a longsword. However, relatively speaking, it is more like the size of a chefs knife.
Then again, I really admire the details that artists can create. I could not reproduce it anywhere close.
@lroumen : I agree.
sorry for the delay, i haven't been playing much. i don't know who neera was mixed with anymore, this was a while ago. the last imoen was a personal air brush study.
a bg1 portrait.
Thank you Squiros ♥
And here is my character, a berserker who willl later dual to cleric.
I do like it when the portrait matches the character. I think that in the original game only head and shoulders were used to make the character more generic, but adding the body adds something to the game.
One of the problems of locating images for making portraits is that they usually aren't designed for BG. Thus the weapons are often well to the side of the body and have to be cropped off when making a portrait.
Thanks to Finley Fenn
Robson Michel
by numberslayer
reddit, first comment
By Magda Skruch
Source: google. Author unknown.
By OrenMiller
Thanks to this guy.
Alternative Isra portrait.
by nelekfafner
The author of remastered portraits: link
Portraits originally made by Troika games
Portrait from Pillars of Eternity, edit: this tread
Just add your own background and blazing eyes and it is perfect, or simply trim the existing image to the size that you need..
Here is the one that I am using, but it is so easy to make your own portraits with photoshop or similar.
Alternatively use images from in-game videos. That way your portraits will be completely individual as nobody will use exactly the same image as you. You can flip it horizontally or change the colours at your discretion.