[Spoilers] [ToB] Why can't we be friends ?

So, i just finished SoA and i'm now playing ToB. I kill boromir (whatever his name is) and melissan come and say "aaaah no i'm too late blah blah" so i reload, and dominate him using staff of command.
He's now friendly, enough to let me take everything he has, but melissan never come. I guessed that killing him was part of the plot, but still; there is no other way ?
He's now friendly, enough to let me take everything he has, but melissan never come. I guessed that killing him was part of the plot, but still; there is no other way ?

Yeah, ToB could have benefited from some hearty revisions, but contracts are contracts.
any modder around ?
I liked the Undead Nations in Planescape Torment and I could never betray them, but the undead village in BG2, I could never let them ''live'' even when I felt that it would be the right thing to do. It's the drawback of this kind of game, where fighting takes precedence over true role-playing. That's why I like to play CN characters in BG, as anything I do can be explained by a whim. I also feel bad for always getting Korax killed just to score some cheap XP, that's no way to treat a friend.
You could say that since you are a child of murder, destiny always puts you in a situation where you end up killing, even if that's not what you wish.
To be fair, it does seem appropriately psychotic for a Child of Bhaal :P
I don't think the mocking is fair or necessary, considering how difficult the run was. @joluv worked hard and did something nobody's ever done before. If you guys know of a more painless way to kill enemies, and therefore beat BG2 under the restrictions @joluv used, I'd like to hear it.
Shhh... no pain now... just sleep....
It was primarily an experiment in alternative methods for killing enemies, since I almost always use damage. My idea was that "snuffing out life force" is inevitable for a Bhaalspawn, but that it could somehow be separated from the brutality of causing injury, and that my character might have come to this conclusion in Irenicus's torture chambers. I also didn't confuse or charm enemies into injuring each other. "Shhh... no pain now... just sleep" is a fairly accurate reflection of what I had in mind. But yeah, it was really just a thin RP excuse to try something out, and it did require some pretty absurd/psychotic moral reasoning. It was indeed a difficult run, to the point of being tedious (reloading until someone failed a save, etc.). My earlier runs where I just tried to kill as few enemies as possible were much more fun (though also difficult), and I recommend trying that out if you have hippie RP inclinations.