Info about Bounty Hunter

Hi everyone, after a break of few months I'm planning a new full run over BG/BG2/ToB on my iOS device. This time it's gonna be mostly for roleplaying and storyline purposes than powerplay.
One of the most intriguing kits I always wanted to play is Bounty Hunter, but considering i've never used it (and traps in general) i'd like some informations.
First of all, are the special traps good and is it true that BH can throw traps instead of set them in a specific point? Do you think Special Traps are good enough to choose a BH over a dual fighter/Thief (still focused on traps) which is more versatile in combat due to access to all weapon types and Grand Mastery?
Thanks for your replies!
One of the most intriguing kits I always wanted to play is Bounty Hunter, but considering i've never used it (and traps in general) i'd like some informations.
First of all, are the special traps good and is it true that BH can throw traps instead of set them in a specific point? Do you think Special Traps are good enough to choose a BH over a dual fighter/Thief (still focused on traps) which is more versatile in combat due to access to all weapon types and Grand Mastery?
Thanks for your replies!
A Bounty Hunter dualed to fighter is an excellent choice, as is a single-classed Bounty Hunter. And in my own experience in vanilla, which might not apply to EE, kit-based innate abilities like Boon of Lathander or Set Special Snare, for dual-classed characters, are cast based on the second class's level. So, a Bounty Hunter(5)/Fighter(15) will throw out a level 15 Special Snare, rather than a level 5 one. Assuming that applies to EE, you can get the Maze traps even if you dual to fighter before level 21.
However... Put spcl415 into your override folder to fix the BH, and, if you want to, spcl414 to allow throwing special snares
The bounty hunter kit has always been my personal favorite. There are more powerful builds in the game. And there are certainly easier builds to play. But for me, personally, bounty hunter play-throughs have always been the most enjoyable. I'm not alone in this view: others who have tried the kit have found it a joy. There's a lot of fun to be had in bounty-hunter-dom.
I've always considered Chris Lee's Thieves' Guide to be a must read for aspiring bounty hunters. It was composed over a decade ago, and modern eyes can find fault with it, but it is still an excellent starting point. When you reach the point where you can reasonably disagree with the author's assertions, you know you're making progress. The guide can be found here:
I'm afraid I don't have much time to comment, but I'll provide a link to a battle report that demonstrates some of the unique things bounty hunters can do at high levels. The link is from the Bioware No Reload Challenge. I've linked to an illustrative battle, but the thread contains bounty hunter battle reports from Candlekeep through the ToB endgame. Massive spoiler alert, naturally.
@Blackraven has done some excellent work with a bounty hunter named Norgath, also in a no reload context. Norgath's adventures can be found on these forums. Perhaps Blackraven will drop by to comment.
Anyhoo. Best of luck with your upcoming run Fregasega!
I'll leave you a link to the thread Alesia mentioned:
Norgath made it solo into ToB without reloading (but fell quite early in the last part of the trilogy). In the thread you can see some examples of special snares helping Norgath to control the battlefield, for example in the improved Irenicus in Hell fight.
I'd definitely pick up the files that @JoshBG kindly attached to his post.