Disciples: The Design of the Highfather
Hi everyone!
I open this thread to share with the community a mod I made time ago - "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather", a campaign mod for the turn-based PC strategy game "Disciples II".
Info about the game
Set in a fantasy world known as the Sacred Lands, it depicts a battle for dominance between four races of the world of Nevendaar: The Empire (humans), the Mountain Clans (dwarves) the Legions of the Damned (demons), and the Undead Hordes (undead). The game has many similarities between Heroes of Might And Magic series, like having a leader, creature slots, city improvements, adventure map with resources and hostile creatures along with the turn-based gameplay.
Info about mod
"The Design of the Highfather" is set after 180 years after the events of "Disciples III: Resurrection of Mortis". In this campaign, the player will lead the Empire's armies. The mod is full of dialogues among the main characters, as well as many quotes to events of the previous games and some easter eggs.
I developed and released a second campaign where the player can lead the Legions of the Damned, but right now it is available just in Italian. Feel free to get in touch with me if you are willing to translate it in English
Ideally, I would like to complete my work with other two expansions for the Clans and the Hordes.
Feel free to post any feedback and criticism in this thread. However, if you want to say something about the plot, use the spoiler tags.
Should you find a bug, I am always ready to fix it (I hope there aren't, but bugs can be unpredictable and insidious).
If you want to join me in this project, you are more than welcome
You can find more details and the instruction to install the mod in the readme.
Download "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather"
The Italian version of this thread is here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nl4yslhvonzunye/Disciples_-_Il_Disegno_dell%27Onnipotente.rar/file
I open this thread to share with the community a mod I made time ago - "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather", a campaign mod for the turn-based PC strategy game "Disciples II".
Info about the game
Set in a fantasy world known as the Sacred Lands, it depicts a battle for dominance between four races of the world of Nevendaar: The Empire (humans), the Mountain Clans (dwarves) the Legions of the Damned (demons), and the Undead Hordes (undead). The game has many similarities between Heroes of Might And Magic series, like having a leader, creature slots, city improvements, adventure map with resources and hostile creatures along with the turn-based gameplay.
Info about mod
"The Design of the Highfather" is set after 180 years after the events of "Disciples III: Resurrection of Mortis". In this campaign, the player will lead the Empire's armies. The mod is full of dialogues among the main characters, as well as many quotes to events of the previous games and some easter eggs.
I developed and released a second campaign where the player can lead the Legions of the Damned, but right now it is available just in Italian. Feel free to get in touch with me if you are willing to translate it in English

Ideally, I would like to complete my work with other two expansions for the Clans and the Hordes.
Feel free to post any feedback and criticism in this thread. However, if you want to say something about the plot, use the spoiler tags.
Should you find a bug, I am always ready to fix it (I hope there aren't, but bugs can be unpredictable and insidious).
If you want to join me in this project, you are more than welcome

You can find more details and the instruction to install the mod in the readme.
Download "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather"
The Italian version of this thread is here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nl4yslhvonzunye/Disciples_-_Il_Disegno_dell%27Onnipotente.rar/file
From the first act:

From the second act:

From the third act:

From the fourth act:

Enjoy the fights!

From the second act:

From the third act:

From the fourth act:

Enjoy the fights!

Disciples: The Design of the Highfather
Version 2.10
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Compatibility
4. FAQ
5. Credits
6. Changelog
7. Legal notes
1. Introduction
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" is a mod for the strategy turn game "Disciples II: Dark Prophecy". Once the installation is completed, you will be able to start a brand new campaign using the Empire's army.
2. Installation
Copy "The Design of the Highfather.csg" file in the folder "Campaign".
It should be located here: "Disciples II/Elves/Campaign".
After reading the preface, run the game and select "Play Rise of The Elves". In the main screen, hit on "Single Player", "Play Custom Saga", "The Design of the Highfather".
3. Compatibility
The mod requires the main game and its expansions: Gallean's Return and Rise of The Elves. Furthermore, be sure that it is updated with the latest patch (v. 3.01).
4. FAQ
What is this mod?
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather " is a campaign mod composed of six episodes.
Which faction will I lead?
The Empire.
In which period are the events set?
More or less 180 years after Disciples III.
Are there any references with the plot of the previous chapters?
Yes, there are. Those who played Disciples II and III campaigns will be able to recognize many references to people, places and events.
What is the size of each map?
First Episode: 48x48
Second Episode: 72x72
Third Episode: 72x72
Fourth Episode: 96x96
Fifth Episode: 48x48
Sixth Episode: 120x120
How is the difficulty?
Medium. Strategy experience is fundamental to win the fights, but you also need some wit. At first sight, some battles could seem "impossible", but if you approach them with the right prospective, they will be pretty easy. Remember to use all the resources at your disposal.
Anyway, for your first playthrough, I strongly suggest you choose the pegasus knight. The archmage and the ranger are for hardcore modality lovers.
Why didn't you make a custom hero as Lambert, Arion etc.?
I would have liked to, but unfortunately it is not possible. Disciples II editor works in a different way from Disciples III one's. You can bring from episode to episode a standard hero (pegasus knight, ranger, archmage or archangel), but not a custom one.
Why didn’t you use brand new images for the characters?
Again, Disciples II editor does not allow me to import new images, so I had to use the existing ones.
When the campaign ends, few questions remain unanswered. Why?
Some events will be explained in the next campaign I am working on.
What if I find a bug or a typo?
Please, send me an email at
with the typo you find or describing the bug you experienced (in this case, a save game would be very useful).
What if I want to give you a feedback or a criticism?
Feedback and criticism are more than welcome. You can use the same contacts I mentioned above.
May I translate the mod in another language?
Of course. Email me and I will send you the texts you must translate.
5. Credits
I heartily say thanks to:
- Redgreen, for his encouragement, suggestions and important tips on English language;
- Clayman, for answering my questions about Disciples II editor;
- Strategy First and FX interactive, respectively for creating and releasing this marvelous game;
- My boyfriend, for proofreading dialogues and interjections;
- Adam Bokros, for his bug reports and suggestions;
- Jonathan Luke Priestly and Andrew Beale for proofreading the English translation.
6. Changelog
- Updated the package of the mod (from .rar format to .zip format).
- Updated the English translation.
V. 2.0
- In the English version of the mod, fixed the bug that brought the player from the second scenario to the fifth (instead of the third).
- For plot reasons, the dialogue about the missing scout now triggers on the second turn. For the same reason, the part related to his rescue has been changed, so that the player cannot skip it.
- In the "Purge" scenario, the fight against the barbarians at the sacrificial altar is now less difficult.
- In the "Purge" scenario, changed Ythren location.
- Human and elven thieves have been changed with other leaders to prevent the game from freezing if the diey and the rest of their army is still alive.
- In the "Moving to reconquer the North" scenario, the comment about the elven archonship is now said by the mage. In the same scenario, should the player be defeated, the last comment is now said by the priest.
- Fixed the bug that forced the player to break the alliance with the dwarves in the "The Iron Pact" scenario if they capture one of the goal cities.
- Fixed the bug that did not display the dialogue between Illumielle and Queen Eliana after capturing the elven capital Rock of the North in the "The Iron Pact" scenario.
- In the "The Iron Pact" scenario, the Guardian titan now belongs to the Titans faction (not Humans).
- In "The Iron Pact" scenario, the elven armies that try to capture the lost cities are now less strong for balance reasons.
- For plot reasons, in the "The Iron Pact" scenario the player will not be able to go into the elven lands untile she/he speaks to the Titans King.
- Fixed the turn in which the dialogue between Adam and Cassandra about the sacrilegious altar triggers during "The Design of the Highfather" scenario.
V. 1.0
Initial release
7. Legal notes
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy © Strategy First Inc. 2002. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Servants of the Dark © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Guardians of the Light © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Rise of the Elves © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Gallean's Return © Strategy First Inc. 2005. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Dark Prophecy , Disciples II: Servants of the Dark, Disciples II: Guardians of the Light, Disciples II: Rise of the Elves, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Strategy First logo and FX Interactive logo are property of their respective owners. All rights riserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" for Disciples II © 2020 Giuseppe Calì. This mod is not developed, supported or endorsed by Strategy First Inc and FX Interactive.
REDISTRIBUTION NOTE: "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" was created to be freely enjoyed by all Disciples II players. This mod may not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of its author (Giuseppe Calì).
Version 2.10
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Compatibility
4. FAQ
5. Credits
6. Changelog
7. Legal notes
1. Introduction
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" is a mod for the strategy turn game "Disciples II: Dark Prophecy". Once the installation is completed, you will be able to start a brand new campaign using the Empire's army.
2. Installation
Copy "The Design of the Highfather.csg" file in the folder "Campaign".
It should be located here: "Disciples II/Elves/Campaign".
After reading the preface, run the game and select "Play Rise of The Elves". In the main screen, hit on "Single Player", "Play Custom Saga", "The Design of the Highfather".
3. Compatibility
The mod requires the main game and its expansions: Gallean's Return and Rise of The Elves. Furthermore, be sure that it is updated with the latest patch (v. 3.01).
4. FAQ
What is this mod?
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather " is a campaign mod composed of six episodes.
Which faction will I lead?
The Empire.
In which period are the events set?
More or less 180 years after Disciples III.
Are there any references with the plot of the previous chapters?
Yes, there are. Those who played Disciples II and III campaigns will be able to recognize many references to people, places and events.
What is the size of each map?
First Episode: 48x48
Second Episode: 72x72
Third Episode: 72x72
Fourth Episode: 96x96
Fifth Episode: 48x48
Sixth Episode: 120x120
How is the difficulty?
Medium. Strategy experience is fundamental to win the fights, but you also need some wit. At first sight, some battles could seem "impossible", but if you approach them with the right prospective, they will be pretty easy. Remember to use all the resources at your disposal.
Anyway, for your first playthrough, I strongly suggest you choose the pegasus knight. The archmage and the ranger are for hardcore modality lovers.
Why didn't you make a custom hero as Lambert, Arion etc.?
I would have liked to, but unfortunately it is not possible. Disciples II editor works in a different way from Disciples III one's. You can bring from episode to episode a standard hero (pegasus knight, ranger, archmage or archangel), but not a custom one.
Why didn’t you use brand new images for the characters?
Again, Disciples II editor does not allow me to import new images, so I had to use the existing ones.
When the campaign ends, few questions remain unanswered. Why?
Some events will be explained in the next campaign I am working on.
What if I find a bug or a typo?
Please, send me an email at

What if I want to give you a feedback or a criticism?
Feedback and criticism are more than welcome. You can use the same contacts I mentioned above.
May I translate the mod in another language?
Of course. Email me and I will send you the texts you must translate.
5. Credits
I heartily say thanks to:
- Redgreen, for his encouragement, suggestions and important tips on English language;
- Clayman, for answering my questions about Disciples II editor;
- Strategy First and FX interactive, respectively for creating and releasing this marvelous game;
- My boyfriend, for proofreading dialogues and interjections;
- Adam Bokros, for his bug reports and suggestions;
- Jonathan Luke Priestly and Andrew Beale for proofreading the English translation.
6. Changelog
- Updated the package of the mod (from .rar format to .zip format).
- Updated the English translation.
V. 2.0
- In the English version of the mod, fixed the bug that brought the player from the second scenario to the fifth (instead of the third).
- For plot reasons, the dialogue about the missing scout now triggers on the second turn. For the same reason, the part related to his rescue has been changed, so that the player cannot skip it.
- In the "Purge" scenario, the fight against the barbarians at the sacrificial altar is now less difficult.
- In the "Purge" scenario, changed Ythren location.
- Human and elven thieves have been changed with other leaders to prevent the game from freezing if the diey and the rest of their army is still alive.
- In the "Moving to reconquer the North" scenario, the comment about the elven archonship is now said by the mage. In the same scenario, should the player be defeated, the last comment is now said by the priest.
- Fixed the bug that forced the player to break the alliance with the dwarves in the "The Iron Pact" scenario if they capture one of the goal cities.
- Fixed the bug that did not display the dialogue between Illumielle and Queen Eliana after capturing the elven capital Rock of the North in the "The Iron Pact" scenario.
- In the "The Iron Pact" scenario, the Guardian titan now belongs to the Titans faction (not Humans).
- In "The Iron Pact" scenario, the elven armies that try to capture the lost cities are now less strong for balance reasons.
- For plot reasons, in the "The Iron Pact" scenario the player will not be able to go into the elven lands untile she/he speaks to the Titans King.
- Fixed the turn in which the dialogue between Adam and Cassandra about the sacrilegious altar triggers during "The Design of the Highfather" scenario.
V. 1.0
Initial release
7. Legal notes
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy © Strategy First Inc. 2002. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Servants of the Dark © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Guardians of the Light © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Rise of the Elves © Strategy First Inc. 2003. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Gallean's Return © Strategy First Inc. 2005. All rights riserved. Disciples II: Dark Prophecy , Disciples II: Servants of the Dark, Disciples II: Guardians of the Light, Disciples II: Rise of the Elves, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Strategy First logo and FX Interactive logo are property of their respective owners. All rights riserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
"Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" for Disciples II © 2020 Giuseppe Calì. This mod is not developed, supported or endorsed by Strategy First Inc and FX Interactive.
REDISTRIBUTION NOTE: "Disciples: The Design of the Highfather" was created to be freely enjoyed by all Disciples II players. This mod may not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of its author (Giuseppe Calì).
Post edited by Aedan on
"The Design of the Highfather" has been updated to version 3.0.
This version includes a brand new campaign for the Legions of the Damned.
Right now, version 3.0 is available only in Italian, but I am going to translate the mod in English as well. (@Anduin, stay ready
Sadly, no. The Disciples 2 site is dead and no more available. The Disciples 3 section in the Kalypso forum was deleted.
In the net, I cannot find anything decent. There is a Russian community still active, but I do not speak Russian and I cannot play their maps.
Very sorry
I fondly remember having a Lich commander and stacking AoE damage with those sweet, tanky zombie dragons.
The Undead Hordes were always my favourite faction too.
I did also hear about the 5 Deaths squad tactic, but I found it somewhat unsatisfactory in terms of fun. It's just focusing one target down every single round.
Same here. There are just too many reasons to like The Undead Hordes not to prefer them. Disabling? They do it best. Tanking? They do it best. Magic? They do it best. The other factions have some unique gimmicks and one major strength but the Hordes are just so well rounded.
Although the Mountain Clans with a Runecaster hero is also pretty cool. The Clans have great front line warriors so having a magic focused commander helps balance things out.
Some players reported me a very nasty bug - basically, the campaign ends after winning the second act. I really do not understand why. I am trying to reproduce this bug with no success. Two notes for the reader:
1. If you are experiencing this bug, please email me and I will give you a workaround;
2. If you are experiencing this bug, please email me attaching a save game - hopefully this will help me to reproduce the bug.
(My email is in the Readme file of the mod and in the OP).
Thanks for playing my mod and happy gaming!