Petition add kits to vanilla NPCs.

Since it seems to petition season, here is mine.
Just to add more flavor to the series, especially BG1 and also so I don't have to manually do it to every second NPC that joins me.
There are many good opportunities for NPC's to get kits, all lore friendly too.
-Safana is a swashbuckler.
-Monty is a assassin.
-Kivan could be a Archer.
-Kagian could very well be a dwarven defender.
-Faldorn a avenger or a shifter.
-Ajantis would probably be an inquisitor in training because he studied under Keldorn.
-Hexxat should be a shadow dancer.
and many more more could be argued for.
Just to add more flavor to the series, especially BG1 and also so I don't have to manually do it to every second NPC that joins me.
There are many good opportunities for NPC's to get kits, all lore friendly too.
-Safana is a swashbuckler.
-Monty is a assassin.
-Kivan could be a Archer.
-Kagian could very well be a dwarven defender.
-Faldorn a avenger or a shifter.
-Ajantis would probably be an inquisitor in training because he studied under Keldorn.
-Hexxat should be a shadow dancer.
and many more more could be argued for.
- Petition add kits to vanilla NPCs.53 votes
- Yes this would be a welcome addition.54.72%
- No vanilla is sacred, stop being lazy and just do it yourself.30.19%
- I don't care.15.09%
I am pretty sure that it can be done using EEKeeper
I'd also really like to see Branwen as an actual priest of Tempus instead of just a cleric that worships Tempus.
Hexxat as a shadowdancer would be cool, though I prefer to make her an assassin since, in my opinion, it matches her character better.
I'd rather see Coran made into an archer rather than Kivan, since Kivan is actually pretty good with halberds and Dat STR Stat. Course, that gets rid of Coran's thieving abilities, so it's a double-edged sword.
For some reason, Kagain strikes me as too lazy to become a dwarven defender. XD But man he would be SO BOSS if he did.
Safana, Monty, Faldorn, and Ajantis could all stay the same and it wouldn't matter to me.
Lorewise, I can certainly see Safana as a Swashbuckler (her bio explicitly says she's got plenty of tall tales and that she served on the crew of a pirate ship) and Montaron as an Assassin (for the latter, the BG2 Tweak Pack offers the same option); Kivan would definitely be an Archer if that kit had existed in Ye Olde Days.
There have been unofficial murmurs that when the EEs all sync up (presumably adjacent to the release of SoD), Branwen might get kitted as a Priest of Tempus.
Ajantis being a squire is probably the best argument for leaving him as a regular paladin - he hasn't learned the tricks Keldorn knows.
The addition of violent mage spells like Chromatic Orb and Lightning to the Avenger kit would certainly seem to suit Faldorn's more severe outlook...
The game seems to treat Garrick as a joke, certainly in relation to Silke (and later in BG2 the woman he courts) so maybe the Jester kit?
On the other hand, it makes sense for kivan to be an archer, and faldorn sure looks like an avenger druid.
We have several simple methods of customizing our own games without making it the "official" product and I think that might be for the better, as everyone can match their own preferences.
Even changing Kivan to an archer would alienate any players who imagine him as being a daring front-line warrior-type (due to his 18-plus str) rather than someone who simply hides in the shadows and snipes from afar.
(The likelihood of kits being added to NPCs, beyond those that clarify a character's existing affiliations--there has been talk of giving Branwen the Cleric of Tempus kit, for example--is pretty small, but as with any content-related request, this can and should be viewed as opportunities for modders to take the reins on things they would like to see in the game.)
(For best results, use BG2 Tweaks - ToB-Style NPCs to set her skill points however you like)
If anyone better at this than me wants to give it a try, let's stop talking about what we want to see and start doing it!