Baldur's Gate vs. The Lord of the Rings vs. Harry Potter

Which do you think is the best according to storyline, characters, atmosphere and experience as a whole? Explain why.
- Baldur's Gate vs. The Lord of the Rings vs. Harry Potter149 votes
- Baldur's Gate42.95%
- The Lord of the Rings32.89%
- Harry Potter  4.03%
- Other(specify in your comment)  8.05%
- All10.07%
- None  2.01%
For science fiction, I turn to Stargate.
For something real and now, I turn on the news.
As for Harry Potter, to me that isn't in the same league as those two.
But for "storyline, characters, atmosphere and experience as a whole" I'd take the first five seasons of Buffy or the the one and only season of Firefly any day of the week.
Harry Potter I know nothing of but the very first movie, and it did nothing for me. I felt no affinity with its characters or world whatsoever.
But I have to say that what I like most about FR is its incredible diversity. There are so many places and facets of the world to explore. If I could actually enter either the Forgotten Realms or Middle Earth... i.e., had a choice of only one or the other... I think I would probably choose the Realms. Just to travel and see as much of it as I could.
Really why HP is in there... still hurts my eyes, the poll for HP should be side by side with twilight and narnia...
Harry potter had the opposite problem. The plots were interesting, the villain and underlings were all somewhat human in their depth, but the world and magic made no sense. A middle schooler can levitate a troll's club to hit him with it but an adult can't handle a giant. Rowling should write for someone else's world.
BG takes a cool world and puts a good plot in it.
So does dragonlance.
So does every world Hobb has made.
So does Martin.
So does Bakker.
There are a lot better works to compare BG against
now if this was specific to gaming and a comparison of gaming worlds only...then I could jump on board with BG/FR being top dog given the wealth of gaming info that has been put out there. ~
Best Literature = LoTR
Best Video game = BG
Best Movie = still LoTR over HP, except that last scene where Sam and Frodo are reunited and they share that tender look that seems to say, "we want to blow each other right now."
On a side note. How on earth can you even compare Harry Potter and BG?!? It's like comparing a trifle with a Ferrari F40...
But I agree it does not compare to BG, LOTR, or any FR novel.