So Drizzt is only the 6th strongest swordsman in Faerun.

So I was just checking out some info on Drizzt's weapons, seeing if they match their representations in BG and I found this little list
According to Ed Greenwood, the top swordsmen in the Realms are in order: the human Harmel Artru of Sembia, the half-elf and son of Alustriel Maethrammar Aerasume of Silverymoon, the human Loaros Hammarandar of Narubel, the human Ember Tsartaera from Aglarond, the human Skoalam Marlgrask from Chessenta, and the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden.
He does state the ranks change very quickly, because the skill levels are so very close.
Artemis Entreri, ranks around ninth.
Now I tried to do some research on these guys and gals and guess what nothing pops up, so there are no books on any of them, all I found where base descriptions of the characters, In a Ed Greenwood quote.
So I was just wondering if you guys know anything about any of them?
Also on another note, don't you feel Drizzt is a little underleveled? He's a level 10 fighter, 5 ranger, 1 barb and with the 2 level adjustment from being drow, so that's 18. With all he's done, he should really be in the 20's by now.
According to Ed Greenwood, the top swordsmen in the Realms are in order: the human Harmel Artru of Sembia, the half-elf and son of Alustriel Maethrammar Aerasume of Silverymoon, the human Loaros Hammarandar of Narubel, the human Ember Tsartaera from Aglarond, the human Skoalam Marlgrask from Chessenta, and the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden.
He does state the ranks change very quickly, because the skill levels are so very close.
Artemis Entreri, ranks around ninth.
Now I tried to do some research on these guys and gals and guess what nothing pops up, so there are no books on any of them, all I found where base descriptions of the characters, In a Ed Greenwood quote.
So I was just wondering if you guys know anything about any of them?
Also on another note, don't you feel Drizzt is a little underleveled? He's a level 10 fighter, 5 ranger, 1 barb and with the 2 level adjustment from being drow, so that's 18. With all he's done, he should really be in the 20's by now.
Entreri was an ordinary human and was getting old so it's natural that his skills were suffering as a result. I don't know if becoming part shade helped him recover his skill or just slowed his aging massively.
But writers tend to favor humans and it always gets gets explained away as humans having some incredible drive or some other bollocks.
Really makes no sense.
Another thing to consider would be that human fighters probably have their physical peak across a fairly narrow time frame (usually between 20-35), while an elf could sustain their physical performance for a lot longer. Wasn't that mentioned with Drizzt somewhere, that Entreri is starting to show his age etc.? Haven't read any of the books but I recall hearing about that.
Artemis Entreri stopped aging because of his sword, Charon's Claw. The sword enslaved his soul, but it also made Entreri unkillable. On the 3rd book, Entreri destroys the sword with Drizzt's help, and gains back his soul. Contrary to what everybody believes, Entreri doesn't turn to ash when the sword maintaining him is destroyed.
Never aging probably means that you do alot, but don't do anything all the time and don't see the point of being constantly perfect and training with that one thing. Besides, know how dwarves call elves flighty? I'm pretty sure that this is one of the reasons why.
I developed that philosophy back in high school during my time on the Academic Decathlon team. I didn't win any gold medals but I won so many silver medals that my fellow decathletes, some of whom were one-trick ponies, didn't have an overall score as high as mine. Which is better, two golds or eight silvers?
It's not just a rationalization.
EDIT: Besides, humans would be pitiful vermin if they had nothing to compensate for their short lifespans. The alternative is a world where elves are a superior master race that humans could never match. What fun is inequality like that?
What I think is that humans are physically more suited to being swordsmen than elves or dwarves. Elves are lithe, and humans can overpower elves when fighting, and against dwarves, humans have a clear height-advantage. Orcs make good soldiers because of their physical qualities, but they don't have the brains or the morale to become great fighters.
Another thing that puts all the races on the same line is that a great warrior is not only strong and skilled with his weapons, he is also smart. What makes Drizzt such a great swordsman, is his speed and the fact that he is never surprised. He always has the right response to any given situation. The only times Drizzt has been defeated in a fight, are when he has been emotionally unstable.
I DO think there should be a Half-orc or two on that list, since they are even better suited to being great fighters than humans. Even that may be accounted to the extremely low numbers of half-orcs in the Realms.
Note, that the list is about skill with the blade, not about net combat efficiency. So no " 'street smarts' or dirty fighting or the adventurers’ experience in exploiting traction, lighting, obstacles, distractions, and all of that".