Favourite Classes with or without Level Cap?

Sometimes I play solo, because I love the challenge factor, or feeling overly and insanely powerful with the level cap off, especially in solo mode
But deciding on what class to use I always feel like I spend absolutely forever on the 'class section', even after making a decision 'fighter/thief' or whatever it is I want to be. So, I'm intending to do another solo run, but I REALLY cannot make my mind up of what class to choose from.
Here are my current favourites:
1.Sorcerer (with the right spellbook, you'll be invincible, I have level cap off- but I try my best to refrain from exploiting xp xD)
2.Monk (CHALLENGING in BG1, with level-cap, it can feel like a cheese in BG2, but, damn does it feel awesome smashing my way through stuff with nothing xD)
3.Kensai/Mage (Bored of magic? Switch to swords. Bored of Swords, switch to magic? Self-explanatory I guess, I love this class for diversity and covering all of those disadvantages you get with the Kensai class, and I thoroughly enjoyed this build, I tend to use this when in a party/multiplayer, my alternative is Kensai/Thief, if there's already a mage) I keep level cap on, because of the RP aspect as well- I like the idea of sticking to one role for one game, and then changing up in the 2nd, I always dual at level 9.
ENOUGH ABOUT ME, what about you guys? What are your favourite builds, with or without level cap? xD

Here are my current favourites:
1.Sorcerer (with the right spellbook, you'll be invincible, I have level cap off- but I try my best to refrain from exploiting xp xD)
2.Monk (CHALLENGING in BG1, with level-cap, it can feel like a cheese in BG2, but, damn does it feel awesome smashing my way through stuff with nothing xD)
3.Kensai/Mage (Bored of magic? Switch to swords. Bored of Swords, switch to magic? Self-explanatory I guess, I love this class for diversity and covering all of those disadvantages you get with the Kensai class, and I thoroughly enjoyed this build, I tend to use this when in a party/multiplayer, my alternative is Kensai/Thief, if there's already a mage) I keep level cap on, because of the RP aspect as well- I like the idea of sticking to one role for one game, and then changing up in the 2nd, I always dual at level 9.
ENOUGH ABOUT ME, what about you guys? What are your favourite builds, with or without level cap? xD
A perfect combo for physical focused parties with a small bit of spellcasting in the back-end would be having a Dwarven Defender, Cavalier, and a Skald. Dwarven Defender gets to have 19 Constitution, awesome saving throws to help against spells/effects, and the best hit points per level with the Barbarian (12 per level + Constitution). Axes and War Hammers are also good weapons with some pretty good options for the Dwarf, making one of the downsides of the class more manageable and they can be dual wielded as well. Cavaliers get to have some great immunities, really high Charisma, a +3 combat bonus against enemy types that will be prominent in the second game, unlimited remove fear ability, and a class downside not being able to use ranged weapons that really doesn't hurt at all since they were probably better off on the front lines with their abilities.
Because Cavaliers have excellent immunities and Dwarven Defenders have excellent saving throw bonuses (Paladins like a Cavalier also get a base +2 saving throw bonus), they can deal with going up front and taking hits as well as taking on the effects of spells pretty well too. Dwarven Defender's and their Defensive Stance ability also means they can dual wield Axes/War Hammers and just tank damage instead of feeling like they need to use a shield to avoid hits more. Combo that with a Skald who's bard song doesn't need to effect morale cus there's a Cavalier, the combat bonuses they provide would go well with the front liners to improve their tanking ability and their offense, along with casting a few spells of their own.
The Ranger is a class I rarely had a chance to play with. WELL. Each time I played a session, there would always be at least 1 Ranger, or a Thief based character, and I just felt like I wanted to stand out and be unique, because sometimes that makes for a better game, although.. There was one case where there were two rangers, myself being one of them. That actually worked out nicely, as we decided to play as 'brothers' who were equally trained from birth etc. To the point, we were the tacticians of the party, we'd take turns either scouting or trying to flank our enemies, it was cleverly put together imo xD Overall, definitely a fun class to play, if you're the stealth-based logical player.
You'd be surprised, if you dual at level 9, you progress so quickly, that you're not as handicapped as you'd think. By the time I'm in Irenicus' dungeon I'm already at least close to level 10 (provided I had a full party in the previous game, which I did) so I dual, upon entering. Mages are OP, if you know how to play them. And don't forget all the exp rewarded from spells
I'm thinking of going solo Kensai->Mage but with the level cap off, so I will probably be dualing in BG1 if thats possible. Anyone has tried that before?
Wild.mages ate just too fun, if only I could get their special spell to work early game, I could be casting cloud kill at level 2
- a Shadowdancer/Mage (dualing in BG2)
my favorite pure classes are:
Sorcerer, Shadowdancer, Monk
That said.. nearly anything with Thief/Rogue, Assassin or Shadowdancer is fine in my book *'^_^'*
Don't ever make a bet with a tiefling. - Planar proverb.
Multiclass, I love cleric/mage, cleric/thief and mage/thief in no particular order.
Dual-class it must be Swashbuckler > Mage, Priest of Lathander > Thief, Kensai > Thief and of course, Berserker > Mage.
My favorite kits are Berserker, Swashbuckler, Blade, Avenger and the Priest of Lathander.
Least favorite kits are Beast Master, Kensai (plain one, without Dual-class), Bounty Hunter, Priest of Talos, just because I think their bonuses don't play a big role in my gameplay style.
I specifically love to play Death Domain Clerics and Dirgesinger Bards in PnP D&D (3.5, Pathfinder, and 5e) though.
Oh wait. That's all I do talk about.
For Multis: Fighter/Mage (Elven) trying to play it like a bladesinger, or Fighter/Cleric (Dwarf), prolly as a dwarven defender, with a mod allowing for axes.
And if clerics could use Swords, then Cleric of Helm.
The class I'd like to revisit, to improve my play experience. My dwarven Wizard Slayer, to the point I'm afraid to make a dwarven solo DD for fear of never going back.
The ultimate Ranger, there are no limits to the BEASTMASTER'S overwhelming superiority in;
- Summoning animals, and....
- Summoning yet stronger animals!
With an incomparable selection of said summons, the BEASTMASTER can utilize his minions to confront any and all enemies (perchance not defeat, but assuredly CONFRONT!).
Taking into consideration the same individual can CHARM animals, there is virtually no equal to the amount of, well, ANIMALS he or she may um, utilize.
Be aware, this same BEASTMASTER has the enviable stat of a plus 15% to STEALTH! ( presumably to um, stay alive while a fight ensues).
So take heed, when in the presence of the BEASTMASTER, all others should acknowledge that no other in this game can master , um, BEASTS! like the BEASTMASTER!
And metal weapons are rightfully disdained by someone so attuned to BEASTS! that um, have no.....
Actually I read a cool idea for a necro-Druid that used plants to grow inside of skeletons and animate them that way. It was such a neat idea. Too bad no CRPGS (to my knowledge) have a Blight Druid I could RP that with. Will have to wait until a PnP game.
My wife is partial to shadowdancer and cleric/ranger.
That said, once you've done it a couple of times, they can be a little dull to play.
Most fun I ever had on a run was with a NE Female Half-Elf Blade... I really enjoyed being able to do a little bit of everything, but still having to get my tactics spot on to be successful.
S&S or 2h doesn't matter. It's still a class I come back more often to than any other.
1) Paladins are probably my favourite, since I simply really enjoy the theme of a fighting class that is more about protecting, rather than killing. That's how I see them at least. The restrictions make them (and they should be) very rare.
2) Clerics are close second. I prefer the utility/protecting spells to the pure damage. The concept of a cleric devoted to one of the gods, in a plate mail and wielding a blunt weapon is simply great. Though the one wearing light armor and with a staff is fun as well. Some sort of wandering healer etc.
3) Fighters are the class that I see as the most versatile in terms background. Fighter can be a heavy armored juggernaut, but also an agile duelist with lighter armor. There are so many possibilities and my favourite is human with no overpowered stats (max 16 for the physical attributes, give some points to wisdom ant intelligence), wearing plate armor and a two-handed sword.