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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited March 2016
    @Woolie_Wool honestly, if you can wait a few days, the next build (which might be a public beta) will be worth the wait. Although if you're playing BGEE and don't care about HLAs, the current beta build (beta 18 I think) is in pretty good shape. I'll PM you.

    @Grammarsalad I've forgotten to ask you: the deity selection dialogue does not currently apply to mystics/druids. Is that on purpose? Are you planning to add them? If 2.0 has kit screen scrollbars, we really don't have to... I would make that a very low priority. There's a good argument to be made that it should only be for clerics.

    Considering the scroll bar, I was half thinking about ditching the whole thing...but then I remembered multiclass. And, there are m/c mystic (or druid) fighters, so my plan was to add them.

    My only excuse was that I hadn't gotten to it yet. It won't take much time at all, honesty.
  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    @Woolie_Wool honestly, if you can wait a few days, the next build (which might be a public beta) will be worth the wait. Although if you're playing BGEE and don't care about HLAs, the current beta build (beta 18 I think) is in pretty good shape. I'll PM you.

    I was going to do a BG1 playthrough, and see how it compared to the same class in my first playthrough, which was with no mods except BG2 Tweak Pack. HLAs are...a pretty long way away from Candlekeep. :smile:
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    So sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is the difference between major and minor access to a sphere? I read most of the first few pages but I might have missed where this gets explained.

    Incidentally, I was thinking about helping out by suggesting fiends/spheres for Blackguards (This actually gets kind of sticky... For instance, Orcus is killed by Kiaransalee in 1359 DR which means he could be a demonic patron in IWD but not BG).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
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  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited March 2016
    @subtledoctor @Grammarsalad here's revised Horn Guard of Yondalla:

    – Racial THAC0 bonus with slings increases to +2.
    – Can cast Imbue Stone once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at Level 1 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

    IMBUE STONE: This spell creates a bundle of magical stones (up to 3 stones per caster level ) that will show up in caster’s inventory. The type of magical stone that can be created depends of a caster’s level and the spell can only create one type of bullets per use:
    • At 1st level it can create a bullet +1, a bullet of fire (+1d2 fire damage), a bullet of ice (+1d2 cold damage) or a lightning bullet (+1d2 electrical damage).
    • At 5th level it can create a resounding bullet (+1 THAC0, +1d6 electrical damage), a sunstone bullet or a chilling bullet (+1 THAC0, +1d6 cold damage).
    • At 10th level it can create a bullet of dispelling (works as an arrow of dispelling), a bullet of bludgeoning (+3 THAC0, +6 crushing damage (Save vs. Death for none)) or a stinging bullet (+3 THAC0, +6 piercing damage (Save vs. Death for none)).
    • At 15th level it can create a thundering bullet (+4 THAC0, +6 electrical damage, 10% chance of stunning a target for 5 rounds), a scorching bullet (+4 THAC0, +6 fire damage, 10% chance that target will catch up the fire taking 2 fire damage per second for 10 seconds), a freezing bullet (+4 THAC0, +6 cold damage, 10% chance of slowing a target for 10 rounds).
    • At 20th level it can create a bullet of slaying (+4 THAC0, target must save vs. Death with -2 penalty or be killed).

    – Receives immunity to fear at 7th level.
    – Receives immunity to paralyzation at 10th level.

    Sphere access:
    – Major access to the spheres of: Earth, Plant, Animal, Benediction, Life/Healing.
    – Minor access to the spheres of: Protection, Vigor, Thought/Charm, Knowledge, Water, Air.

    – Must be a Halfling.
    – Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Chaotic Good.

    In case you'll find it a little OP I'd remove racial bonus to THAC0 and immunity to paralyzation.

    EDIT: Removed specialization in using slings (but slings should be used as a favorite weapon of clerics of Yondalla).
    Post edited by Cahir on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    I'll toss a couple contributions into the ring. Here is the Amorphite of Ghaunadaur
    - Immune to disease and poison.
    - Permanent Protection from Slimes effect.
    - May cast Tentacle of Ghaunadaur as a special ability once per day. The Amorphite gains additional uses at every 5 levels.

    TENTACLE OF GHAUNADAUR: This spell creates a magical weapon called a tentacle rod in the Amorphite's hand that cannot be dropped or unequipped. The tentacle rod is treated as a flail for the purposes of proficiency and improves as the Amorphite advances.
    - At 1st level: The tentacle rod deals 3d4+3 crushing +3 poison damage and has a 33% to slow the target for 3 rounds on a successful attack (save vs. death negates).
    - At 8th level: The tentacle rod is treated as a +2 magic weapon, deals 5d4+5 crushing +5 poison damage and has 33% chances (calculated independently) to slow the target for 5 rounds or blind the target for 2 rounds on a successful attack (save vs. death -1 negates all effects).
    - At 15th level: The tentacle rod is treated as a +4 magic weapon, deals 7d4+7 crushing + 7 poison damage and has 33% chances (calculated independently) to slow the target for 10 rounds, blind the target for 5 rounds, or silence the target for 5 rounds (save vs death -2 negates all effects).

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Affliction, Destruction, Dread, Earth, Thought, Water
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Death, Healing, Knowledge, Protection, Shadow, Vigor

    - Alignment must be evil.
    - May not dual- or multi-class.

    and the Norothor of Duerra.
    Norothor of Duerra

    - Immune to confusion.
    - Can cast Remove Fear as a special ability once per day per level.
    - May cast Chaotic Commands as a special ability once per day at 9th level. Additional uses are gained at 11th, 13th, 17th, and 19th.
    - May cast Lower Resistance as a special ability once per day at 15th level.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Deception, Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Thought, War
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Benediction, Death, Dread, Life, Shadow, Vigor

    - Alignment must be lawful neutral or lawful evil.
    - Race must be dwarf.
    - May only multiclass as fighters.

    The Tentacle of Ghaunadaur ability has been thrown together and can be redesigned for balance. Protection from Slimes is a rare example of an ability that is grounded in the roleplaying aspect rather than the mechanical aspect, although I'm sure it will be useful for all of the three battles against slimes that you'll have in BG2.

    For the Norothor, most of this kit is based around the rather unique set of spheres available to a dwarven deity. Remove Fear and Chaotic Commands could be replaced with more psionically oriented abilities if people thought they would be better or more applicable.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Aquadrizzt wrote: »
    I'll toss a couple contributions into the ring. Here is the Amorphite of Ghaunadaur
    - Immune to disease and poison.
    - Permanent Protection from Slimes effect.
    - May cast Tentacle of Ghaunadaur as a special ability once per day. The Amorphite gains additional uses at every 5 levels.

    TENTACLE OF GHAUNADAUR: This spell creates a magical weapon called a tentacle rod in the Amorphite's hand that cannot be dropped or unequipped. The tentacle rod is treated as a flail for the purposes of proficiency and improves as the Amorphite advances.
    - At 1st level: The tentacle rod deals 3d4+3 crushing +3 poison damage and has a 33% to slow the target for 3 rounds on a successful attack (save vs. death negates).
    - At 8th level: The tentacle rod is treated as a +2 magic weapon, deals 5d4+5 crushing +5 poison damage and has 33% chances (calculated independently) to slow the target for 5 rounds or blind the target for 2 rounds on a successful attack (save vs. death -1 negates all effects).
    - At 15th level: The tentacle rod is treated as a +4 magic weapon, deals 7d4+7 crushing + 7 poison damage and has 33% chances (calculated independently) to slow the target for 10 rounds, blind the target for 5 rounds, or silence the target for 5 rounds (save vs death -2 negates all effects).

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Affliction, Destruction, Dread, Earth, Thought, Water
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Death, Healing, Knowledge, Protection, Shadow, Vigor

    - Alignment must be evil.
    - May not dual- or multi-class.

    and the Norothor of Duerra.
    Norothor of Duerra

    - Immune to confusion.
    - Can cast Remove Fear as a special ability once per day per level.
    - May cast Chaotic Commands as a special ability once per day at 9th level. Additional uses are gained at 11th, 13th, 17th, and 19th.
    - May cast Lower Resistance as a special ability once per day at 15th level.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Deception, Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Thought, War
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Benediction, Death, Dread, Life, Shadow, Vigor

    - Alignment must be lawful neutral or lawful evil.
    - Race must be dwarf.
    - May only multiclass as fighters.

    The Tentacle of Ghaunadaur ability has been thrown together and can be redesigned for balance. Protection from Slimes is a rare example of an ability that is grounded in the roleplaying aspect rather than the mechanical aspect, although I'm sure it will be useful for all of the three battles against slimes that you'll have in BG2.

    For the Norothor, most of this kit is based around the rather unique set of spheres available to a dwarven deity. Remove Fear and Chaotic Commands could be replaced with more psionically oriented abilities if people thought they would be better or more applicable.


    Did you hear that? That was me falling in love with a kit. <3
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Might post some exotic deity kits as well.

    All of these three kits can be found inside AD&D's Powers and Pantheons book. Since BG2 boasts of magnificient egyptian crypts, mummies and pharao liches, a couple of Mulhorandi gods beside Sharess seems to be quite fitting.

    Nighthunter of Set
    - Radiates a protection from good, 10' radius (the reverse of the 4th-level priest spell protection from evil, 10' radius)
    - At 5th level, nighthunters can poison their weapon similar to assassin.
    - At 7th level, gain 60-foot infravision.
    - At 10th level, nighthunters become immune to poison.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Animal, Death, Affliction, Combat, Protection, Astral, Charm
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Creation, Healing, Thought, Weather, Sun (reverse)

    - Race: Must be human or half-orc.
    - Alignment: Restricted to lawful evil and neutral evil
    The nighthunter isn't anything special per say. But it was mentioned that half-orcs are allowed to join this club, so I naturally took a liking on these fellows.

    Skyweaver of Isis
    - At 1st level, skyweavers begin with a 5% innate magic resistance. They gain an additional +5% per each second experience level they gain, to a maximum of 50%. (This innate magic resistance does not stack with spells, potions, or equipment.)
    - At 5th level, skyweavers are able to cast dispel magic once per day.
    - At 10th level, skyweavers are able to cast regenerate once per day.
    - At 15th level, skyweavers never fail a saving throw caused by a magical attack, whenever it is caused by a spell, scroll, potion, or magical item. This does not mean they do not take damage, merely that when required to make saving throws, they always succeed and follow the result caused by a success.

    Sphere Access
    - Focus access to the sphere of: Magic
    - Major access to the spheres of: Knowledge, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Sun, Weather.
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Time, Necromantic, Combat, Protection, Plant, Charm.

    - Gender: Must be female.
    - Race: Must be human or half-elf
    - Alignment: Restricted to any good
    The skyweaver is a bit of a wild card, mainly because I have no idea if we can restrict subkits by gender. Not to mention if it's even possible for them to always success their saving throws against magic attacks at level 15. But, oh well.

    Wyrmkeeper of Tiamat
    - At 1st level, wyrmkeepers are able to cause fear once per day.
    - At 5th level, wyrmkeepers are able to cast fear once per day.
    - At 7th level, wyrmkeepers are able to cast dragon scales (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
    - At 10th level, wyrmkeeprs are able to breathe flames as if they had a potion of fire breath at their disposal each day.
    - At 13th level, wyrmkeepers can choose immunity to one type of elemental damage: fire, cold, acid, lightning, or poison.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Combat, Law, Dread, Divination, Protection, Wards, Weather.
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Elemental, Necromantic, Healing, Summoning, Animal, Guardian.

    - Race: Must be human
    - Alignment: Restricted to lawful evil

    4th Level
    Dragon Scales (Priest 4; Alteration)
    Sphere: Protection
    Range: 0
    Components: V, S, M
    Duration: 1 turn/level
    Casting Time: 7th
    Area of Effect: The caster
    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a plating of dragon scales that grow from the priest's epidermis to cover all of the body except the head. The dragon scales give the priest a AC of 4 or a +2 AC bonus, whichever is better. The spellcaster determines the tint of the dragon scales, but the chosen hue must correspond to that of a chromatic dragon species found in the Realms.
    As for the wyrmkeeper, the book didn't state whetever the immunity selection is temporeal or permanent. I'd be fine with it either way.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited March 2016
    Behold! Here comes revised Glyphscribe of Deneir:

    – At 3rd level becomes immune to Glyph of Warding spell.
    – Can cast Glyph of Warding as a special ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:

    • At 1st level the spell works as per regular 3rd level cleric spell.
    • At 5th level the spell inflicts 2k4 points of electrical damage per level of the caster (save vs. Spell with -1 penalty negates).
    • At 10th level the spell inflicts 2k4 points of electrical damage per level of the caster (save vs. Spell with -2 penalty negates). Area of effect is increased to 30-ft radius.
    • At 15th level the spell inflicts 2k4 points of electrical damage per level of the caster (save vs. Spell with -3 penalty negates) and there is a 5% chance to stun each affected creature for 1 round (save vs. Spell negates). Area of effect is increased to 35-ft radius.
    • At 20th level the spell inflicts 2k4 points of electrical damage per level of the caster (save vs. Spell with -4 penalty negates) and there is a 5% chance to stun each affected creature for 3 rounds (save vs. Spell with -1 penalty negates). Area of effect is increased to 40-ft radius.

    – Can cast Dispel Magic once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 7 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

    – Can cast one of the Symbol spells once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 15 and additional use at level 20. The kind of Symbol spell that can be cast depends of caster’s level:

    • At 15th level caster can cast Symbol, Fear spell.
    • At 17th level caster can cast either Symbol, Fear or Symbol, Stun spell.
    • At 20th level caster can cast either Symbol, Fear, Symbol, Stun or Symbol, Death spell.

    Sphere access:
    – Major access to the spheres of: Protection, Magic, Knowledge, Deception, Affliction.
    – Minor access to the spheres of: Light, Dread, Thought/Charm, Death, Life/Healing, Benediction.

    – Alignment restricted to Lawful Good, Neutral Good and Chaotic Good.

    According to 3rd edition Faiths & Pantheons Deneir's favorite weapon is a dagger called A whirling glyph, therefore I've changed the type of weapon Glyphscribes can specialize with to a dagger.

    EDIT: Removed Specialization in using daggers.
    Post edited by Cahir on
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited March 2016
    And here comes revised Homesteader of Cyrrollalee:

    – Turns undead at two levels higher when inside a settlement or a building inhabited by halflings.
    – Can cast Detect Evil once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 1 and additional use every 3 levels thereafter. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:

    • At 1st level the spell works as per regular 1st level cleric spell.
    • At 3rd level the spell’s Area of Effect increases to 120-ft. radius.
    • At 9th level the spell’s Area of Effect increases to 240-ft. radius.
    • At 15th level the spell’s Area of Effect covers the entire area.

    – Can cast Sanctuary once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 1 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:

    • At 1st level the spell works as per regular 1st level cleric spell.
    • At 5th level the spell’s duration increases to 2 turns.
    • At 10th level the spell’s duration increases to 10 turns.
    • At 15th level the spell’s duration increases to 1 hour.
    • At 20th level the spell’s duration increases to 1 day.

    – At 3rd level receives +3 bonus to saving throws vs. fear effects.
    – Can cast Friends once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 3 and additional use at every 5 levels thereafter. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:

    • At 3rd level the spell works as per regular 1st level cleric spell.
    • At 8th level the spell’s duration increases to 1k4 rounds + 2 rounds/level
    • At 13th level the spell’s duration increases to 1k6 rounds + 2 rounds/level and Charisma increases by 8 points.
    • At 18th level the spell’s duration increases to 1k6 rounds + 3 rounds/level and Charisma increases by 10 points.

    Sphere access:
    – Major access to the spheres of: Thought/Charm, Life/Healing, Protection, Law, Animal.
    – Minor access to the spheres of: Deception, Plant, Light, Water, Vigor, Dread.

    – Must be a Halfling.
    – Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral.

    I have a feeling this kit me be a little underpowered. What do you think? Should I boost it a little?

    EDIT: I removed Specialization ability, but for the record I think club should be favored weapon for clerics of Cyrrollalee.
    Post edited by Cahir on
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  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited March 2016
    @subtledoctor and what about using existing cleric spells, but tweaked depending on casting level like in my versions of kits?

    Meanwhile here comes tweaked version of Truesword of Arvoreen.

    – Can multiclass as fighters/trueswords.
    – Can cast Strength once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 1 an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:

    • At 1st level the spell works as per regular 1st level cleric spell.
    • At 5th level the spell’s duration increases to 1 turn/level. Casting time decreases to 7.
    • At 10th level the spell’s duration increases to 2 turns/level. Casting time decreases to 5.
    • At 15th level the spell’s duration increases to 3 turns/level. Casting time decreases to 3.
    • At 20th level the spell’s duration increases to 4 turns/level. Casting time decreases to 1.

    – Can cast Invoke Courage once per day as a special ability. Gains one use at level 5 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

    INVOKE COURAGE: The caster can bolster courage in himself and all allies within area of effect. The effects of the spell depends of caster’s level:
    • At 5th level caster and all his allies within 30-ft. radius receive +1 bonus to attack and saving throws. Spell lasts 1 turn/level.
    • At 10th level caster and all his allies within 45-ft. radius receive +1 bonus to attack and saving throws. Spell lasts 2 turns/level.
    • At 15th level caster and all his allies within 60-ft. radius receive +2 bonus to attack and saving throws. In addition they become immune to fear effects. Spell lasts 2 turns/level.
    • At 20th level caster and all his allies within 60-ft. radius receive +3 bonus to attack and saving throws. In addition they become immune to fear and paralyzation effects. Spell lasts 3 turns/level.

    – Can use Lay of Hands once a day as a special ability to heal a target for 2 Hit Points per level of Truesword. Gains one use at level 7 and additional use every 5 levels thereafter.

    Sphere access:
    – Major access to the spheres of: Combat, Law, Protection, War, Benediction.
    – Minor access to the spheres of: Light, Vigor, Knowledge, Air, Life/Healing, Destruction.

    – Must be a Halfling.
    – Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral.

    Since Yondalla uses short sword (called Hornblade) as her favorite weapon, I think their clerics should have it too.
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  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @subtledoctor I'm afraid I know nothing about coding/modding or creating abilities, so all I can contribute are ideas. Sorry about that :(
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  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Ok here's my thoughts on the Arch Devils:
    Bel, Lord of the First
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - War
               - Destruction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Fire

    Dispater, Lord of the Second
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (2)
               - Protection
               - Knowledge
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Earth
               - War

    Mammon, Lord of the Third
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Spear
         Major Access: (2)
               - Thought/Charm
               - Benediction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Air
               - Dread

    Belial and Fierna, Lords of the Fourth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
         Major Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Vigor
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Thought/Charm

    Levistus, Lord of the Fifth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Water 
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Destruction

    The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Knowledge
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Magic
               - Affliction

    Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Morning Stars
         Major Access: (2)
               - Animal
               - Deception
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Dread
               - Affliction

    Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberds
         Major Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Destruction
               - Magic

    Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (3)
               - Magic
               - Thought/Charm
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (3)
               - Destruction
               - Deception
               - War
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @subtledoctor, @Grammarsalad, I've been working on a couple more kits and I keep running into the same issue. There are not enough spheres to support unique feeling spell lists among multiple clerics given the amount of spheres clerics/acolytes/etc. get access to.

    For example, you suggest that acolytes have focus to 1, major to another 6, and then minor to another 6; this amounts to 13 spheres at varying levels, but there are only 21 spheres, so a lot of spheres get shoehorned in because they are the "least irrelevant" rather than because they are the most "relevant".

    For example, I'm working on an Acolyte [Xothor] of Dugmaren Brightmantle. I've given them focus access to Knowledge, major access to Benediction, Protection, and Thought, and minor access to Deception, Earth and Healing. At this point I have hit a wall where few of the remaining spheres make sense. (Dugmaren is the patron deity of dwarven inventors and scholars and encourages discovery for the sake of discovery.)

    Of the remaining spheres: death, destruction, dread, affliction, animal, plant, air, water, fire, light, and shadow are all completely irrelevant or antithetical to Dugmaren's portfolio. This leaves Magic, Vigor and War, which are all kind of all right, but even if I incorporated those, I'm still only at 9 spheres out of the recommended 13. And my understanding is that Magic (and Deception) are supposed to be more restricted, so if you cut those out, we're back at 7.

    Obviously this is one of those issues where tugging either end should resolve it. I suspect that you probably don't want to add more spheres, so maybe it would be good to reduce the number of spheres allocated to priests/acolytes/etc. I understand that they're guidelines, but all members of the same subclass should be designed with the same baseline in mind, otherwise some kits will just feel like nerfed versions of others.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Cahir wrote: »
    @subtledoctor I'm afraid I know nothing about coding/modding or creating abilities, so all I can contribute are ideas. Sorry about that :(

    Yes, this is still helpful!
    Aquadrizzt wrote: »
    @subtledoctor, @Grammarsalad, I've been working on a couple more kits and I keep running into the same issue. There are not enough spheres to support unique feeling spell lists among multiple clerics given the amount of spheres clerics/acolytes/etc. get access to.

    For example, you suggest that acolytes have focus to 1, major to another 6, and then minor to another 6; this amounts to 13 spheres at varying levels, but there are only 21 spheres, so a lot of spheres get shoehorned in because they are the "least irrelevant" rather than because they are the most "relevant".

    For example, I'm working on an Acolyte [Xothor] of Dugmaren Brightmantle. I've given them focus access to Knowledge, major access to Benediction, Protection, and Thought, and minor access to Deception, Earth and Healing. At this point I have hit a wall where few of the remaining spheres make sense. (Dugmaren is the patron deity of dwarven inventors and scholars and encourages discovery for the sake of discovery.)

    Of the remaining spheres: death, destruction, dread, affliction, animal, plant, air, water, fire, light, and shadow are all completely irrelevant or antithetical to Dugmaren's portfolio. This leaves Magic, Vigor and War, which are all kind of all right, but even if I incorporated those, I'm still only at 9 spheres out of the recommended 13. And my understanding is that Magic (and Deception) are supposed to be more restricted, so if you cut those out, we're back at 7.

    Obviously this is one of those issues where tugging either end should resolve it. I suspect that you probably don't want to add more spheres, so maybe it would be good to reduce the number of spheres allocated to priests/acolytes/etc. I understand that they're guidelines, but all members of the same subclass should be designed with the same baseline in mind, otherwise some kits will just feel like nerfed versions of others.

    I have had a similar issue. I think that we could break up Death into Death and Undeath spheres, but that wouldn't be much of a help. I am happy to create more spells--it's my favorite thing to do these days--but I want to leave it up to @subtledoctor as to whether it is feasible to create more spheres.

    I do like the idea of streamlining things a bit. Just to get the ball rolling, here's a first pass:

    Major access to:
    - Healing
    - Protection
    - Benediction
    - + x based on deity

    Minor access (at least) to:
    - War
    - Death
    - Light
    - + y based on deity

    Major access (at least) to:
    - Healing
    - Benediction
    - Knowledge
    - +z based on deity

    Minor access (at least) to:
    - Thought
    - Light
    - Death
    - + v based on deity

    I'm not sure that there should be a standard here...

    Major access to:
    - Earth
    - Air
    - Fire
    - Water
    - +...

    Minor access (at least) to:
    - Plant
    - Animal
    - +...

    Major access to:
    - Plant
    - Animal
    - +...

    Minor access (at least) to:
    - Earth
    - Air
    - Water
    - Fire
    - +...
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Thanks for the advice guys, I think I understand the way you want sphere allocation better now.

    And now I have two more kits, the Acolyte [Xothor] of Dugmaren:
    Xothor of Dugmaren [Acolyte]

    - May cast Brightmantle as a special ability once per day. Additional uses are gained every 5 levels.

    BRIGHTMANTLE: +2 to Intelligence, cures intoxication, protects against chaos, charm, command, domination, and fear. Lasts 1 hour per level on dwarves and 1 turn per level on non-dwarves. (Casting Time: 5, Range: Touch)

    Sphere Access
    - Focus access to the sphere of: Knowledge
    - Major access to the spheres of: Benediction, Earth, Life, Protection, Thought, War
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Deception, Dread, Light, Magic, Vigor

    - Must be a dwarf.
    - Must be neutral good or chaotic good.
    - May not multiclass.

    and the Incarnate of Dumathoin:
    Incarnate of Dumathoin

    Occassionally, Dumathoin chooses a virtuous dwarven priest to be his Chosen. Becoming a Chosen of Dumathoin is a great honor, but comes with a cost. As a vessel for the Silent Keeper's power, a Chosen's body slowly calcifies, transforming them into an living statue imbued with holy energy.

    - Immune to hold and charm.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to base Armor Class and saving throws vs. death. This bonus improves to +2 at 5th, +3 at 10th and +4 at 15th level.
    - You may use the modal ability Fists of Dumathoin at will.

    FISTS OF DUMATHOIN: While this ability is active, your fists deal 2d4 crushing damage on a successful attack. You may not cast spells while this ability is active.
    - At 4th level, these fists deal 2d6 crushing damage and are treated as +1 magical weapons.
    - At 8th level, these fists are treated as +2 magical weapons.
    - At 12th level, these fists are treated as +3 magical weapons.
    - At 16th level, these fists deal 2d6 crushing + d6 magic damage and are treated as +4 magical weapons.

    - Becomes immune to poison and disease at 9th level.
    - At 15th level, your skin and hair change to grey. You gain a passive Stoneskin effect that negates the first physical attack you take every round.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Earth, Healing, Protection, War
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Benediction, Fire, Knowledge, Vigor

    - Must be a dwarf.
    - Must be lawful good, lawful neutral, or true neutral.
    - May not multiclass.

    Xothor might have too few abilities for an acolyte, and I have not thought critically at all about the balance of the Incarnate of Dumathoin... Comments and criticism welcome.
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I really like that Incarnate of Dumathoin!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    illathid wrote: »
    Ok here's my thoughts on the Arch Devils:
    Bel, Lord of the First
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - War
               - Destruction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Fire

    Dispater, Lord of the Second
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (2)
               - Protection
               - Knowledge
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Earth
               - War

    Mammon, Lord of the Third
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Spear
         Major Access: (2)
               - Thought/Charm
               - Benediction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Air
               - Dread

    Belial and Fierna, Lords of the Fourth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
         Major Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Vigor
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Thought/Charm

    Levistus, Lord of the Fifth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Water 
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Destruction

    The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Knowledge
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Magic
               - Affliction

    Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Morning Stars
         Major Access: (2)
               - Animal
               - Deception
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Dread
               - Affliction

    Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberds
         Major Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Destruction
               - Magic

    Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (3)
               - Magic
               - Thought/Charm
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (3)
               - Destruction
               - Deception
               - War

    I feel like we have enough variation here for the blackguard!

    One thing: iirc, blackguards/paladins/champions have access to... max 3rd level spells, is it? This is only minor access. Now, I'm not against giving these guys access to higher level spells.

    We really need to work out the details of details of these classes
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
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  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    illathid wrote: »
    Ok here's my thoughts on the Arch Devils:
    Bel, Lord of the First
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - War
               - Destruction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Fire

    Dispater, Lord of the Second
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (2)
               - Protection
               - Knowledge
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Earth
               - War

    Mammon, Lord of the Third
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Spear
         Major Access: (2)
               - Thought/Charm
               - Benediction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Air
               - Dread

    Belial and Fierna, Lords of the Fourth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
         Major Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Vigor
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Thought/Charm

    Levistus, Lord of the Fifth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Water 
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Destruction

    The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Knowledge
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Magic
               - Affliction

    Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Morning Stars
         Major Access: (2)
               - Animal
               - Deception
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Dread
               - Affliction

    Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberds
         Major Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Destruction
               - Magic

    Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (3)
               - Magic
               - Thought/Charm
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (3)
               - Destruction
               - Deception
               - War

    I feel like we have enough variation here for the blackguard!

    One thing: iirc, blackguards/paladins/champions have access to... max 3rd level spells, is it? This is only minor access. Now, I'm not against giving these guys access to higher level spells.

    We really need to work out the details of details of these classes

    IIRC Paladins get access to 4th level spells. But you're right, that's not a great deal of difference. I may write up some of the arch demons later tonight too, but I've always had a special spot in my heart for the Baatezu.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    illathid wrote: »
    illathid wrote: »
    Ok here's my thoughts on the Arch Devils:
    Bel, Lord of the First
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - War
               - Destruction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Fire

    Dispater, Lord of the Second
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (2)
               - Protection
               - Knowledge
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Earth
               - War

    Mammon, Lord of the Third
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Spear
         Major Access: (2)
               - Thought/Charm
               - Benediction
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Air
               - Dread

    Belial and Fierna, Lords of the Fourth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
         Major Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Vigor
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Thought/Charm

    Levistus, Lord of the Fifth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Water 
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Deception
               - Destruction

    The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Two handed sword
         Major Access: (2)
               - Knowledge
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Magic
               - Affliction

    Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Morning Stars
         Major Access: (2)
               - Animal
               - Deception
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Dread
               - Affliction

    Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Halberds
         Major Access: (2)
               - Fire
               - Shadow
         Minor Access: (2)
               - Destruction
               - Magic

    Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth
    Available Kits: Blackguard
    Favored Weapon: Mace
         Major Access: (3)
               - Magic
               - Thought/Charm
               - Dread
         Minor Access: (3)
               - Destruction
               - Deception
               - War

    I feel like we have enough variation here for the blackguard!

    One thing: iirc, blackguards/paladins/champions have access to... max 3rd level spells, is it? This is only minor access. Now, I'm not against giving these guys access to higher level spells.

    We really need to work out the details of details of these classes

    IIRC Paladins get access to 4th level spells. But you're right, that's not a great deal of difference. I may write up some of the arch demons later tonight too, but I've always had a special spot in my heart for the Baatezu.

    Aahh, well that's something. And yes, I forgot about demons!
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Another Mulan based kit... with a grin!

    Paladin of the Deathgrins:
    PALADIN OF THE DEATHGRINS: The Brotherhood of Those Who Smile in the Face of Death (usually known as the Deathgrins) was founded by the survivors of the battle that drove the werecrocodile followers of Sebek from Mulhorand and destroyed the city of Sekras. This order of paladins has continued to serve as the sword arm of Osiris when evil takes root in the Old Empires. Since the Godswar, paladins of the deathgrins have spend a great deal of effort and sacrificed the lives of many of their number attempting to destroy the cult of Tiamat in Unther.

    - Paladins of the deathgrins cast wizard spells from the school of necromancy in addition to priest spells. They cast these as mages of their level. Paladins of the deathgrins pray for their wizard spells instead of studying to memorize them, and chose wizard spells replace priest spells potentially available for use that day. Because of this, paladins of the deathgrins may never cast wizard spells of 5th level or higher.
    - At 3rd level, paladins of the deathgrins can cast flail of deadly justice once per day.
    This ability is similar to the 2nd-level priest spell spiritual hammer, but appears as a field of force shaped like a footman's flail.
    - At 5th level, paladins of the deathgrins gain a +1 on their saving throws vs. death magic.
    - At 7th level, paladins of the deathgrins become immune to the energy-draining attacks of undead creatures of any sort.
    - At 13th level, any animate dead spell cast by a paladin of the deathgrins has double effectness.

    Sphere Access
    - Major access to the spheres of: Protection, Death, Combat, ?
    - Minor access to the spheres of: Healing, Undeath, Creation, ?

    - Cannot use Lay on Hands.
    - Does not gain +2 bonus to all saving throws.
    - May not aquire Summon Deva as high-level class ability.

    In my humble opinion, having a necromantic paladin of GOOD alignment is kind of a novel idea. That's why I like the Mulhorandi pantheons so much! Not sure what sphere access you guys have planned for the paladin kits, so for now I just have written down 3 for both minor and major spheres.
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