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How Obsessive-Compulsive Are You When You Play BG or IWD?



  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198

    Also go OCD when making sure no fog of war is left on the map...I want it all visible.

    I used to do that too, until I used some item-making program to create a Helm of Clear Vision (a.k.a. Clairvoyance), which was able to cast the Mage spell Clairvoyance three times a day.

  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    Ordering inventory is one of my main hobbies in games :p

    Ohh and yes... The Fog of War is the Enemy!
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I only tend to collect too much items as potential loot. It takes me a while in each game to learn when it's time to stop collecting normal swords and armour to sell. I often run out of room in my inventories and am sharing extra sets of the heavier armours between characters so I can sell them later at shops.

    I think that's probably my only compulsion (there are probably other things, but that's the one that annoys me at times).
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    Do you....

    - Pick up every piece of junk on things you kill, even things like daggers that sell for 1 gold?

    - Write biographies for each of your characters in IWD?

    - Have your mages scribe spells in a certain order in their spell book when possible? (Group by color or function)

    - Ever try to get certain Journal Entries in a certain order?

    If you answer yes to any of the above then you, like me, probably need to be in a case study somewhere lol.

    I used to think I was obsessive when it comes to Baldur's Gate but since I don't do any of these things I guess I'm not.

    Hurrah! My mental health is better than I thought it was.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644

    Hurrah! My mental health is better than I thought it was.

    You have no idea. LOL. I probably also shouldn't tell you it took me like a couple years to beat the game because I would always find something part-way in that I wished I did differently and I just started over, lol.

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    Hurrah! My mental health is better than I thought it was.

    You have no idea. LOL. I probably also shouldn't tell you it took me like a couple years to beat the game because I would always find something part-way in that I wished I did differently and I just started over, lol.

    That one I can admit to. I'm forever starting games and then deciding I did something wrong and starting all over again. Usually I do it if one of my NPCs dies (I play no resurrection) but sometimes it can be something as small as choosing the wrong dialogue option or feeling I haven't played my character properly.

  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644

    That one I can admit to. I'm forever starting games and then deciding I did something wrong and starting all over again. Usually I do it if one of my NPCs dies (I play no resurrection) but sometimes it can be something as small as choosing the wrong dialogue option or feeling I haven't played my character properly.

    Yep! You'd think we'd just go ahead and finish the games at that point... Then what happened to me is one I'd restart I'd lose interest for awhile and have to come back to it later.
  • MrOrangeMrOrange Member Posts: 13
    i take every detour possible to prolongen (is this spelled right?^^) the game...
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644

    I find myself picking up tons of potions and scrolls, but then never using them because I'm saving them.

    Ha, that's a good one too. I never use my potions or scrolls... like ever. Unless its like the last battle and I won't be saving :P

  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    I'm fairly confident I'm the most OCD Infinity Engine player I know.

    - Complete every BG2 NPC's sidequest
    - Update journal manually to explain why, after completing someone's sidequest, I dropped them from the group (disincluding the 5 I chose to join me permanently, of course)
    - Never change the party order. In IWD, this means I create them in whatever order I wish. In BG, it means that at whatever point you join the party, that's the slot you fill, with the protagonist obviously always being on point
    - In IWD, write biographies
    - Cannot have the party order maintain any sort of alignment/gender patterns eg. NG, NG, LG, LG, CG, TN, would annoy me, as would Male, Male, Female, Female, Male, Male
    - Character clothing colours NEVER change, except for the protagonist between BG1 and BG2 upon import. This results in Jan Jansen and Haer'Dalis always having their unique colours, Minsc always being Blue/Yellow in BG2, Nalia always being Torquoise/Brown etc. etc. (this rule is especially annoying if I would like to change their colours, because I feel a compulsion not to do it!)

    I'm so sure there are more, so I will update as I remember! ^^
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    This thread makes me feel normal.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I think I'm not that bad. I just clear the entire fog of war, I always use the exploreare console command before leaving an area to make sure all the fog is gone.

    I also can't force myself to sell any named equpment. A generic magic equipment is sold with no problem but if it has a name it remains, even if I know nobody in my group will ever be able to use them.
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