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[MOD] -Might and Guile- a tweak mod and kit pack for warriors and rogues.



  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938

    Zaghoul said:

    Heh,I would love to see a magic pipe added to the game and it and the bard's ability to gather a descent sized army of rat followers. Maybe like the bat summoning spell in SR, that can cause disease with a bite or something. What do ya think @subtledoctor ? Well, I thought it worth mentioning anyway. ;)

    I actually had a "pied piping" ability with the Meistersinger when I originally designed the kit... not rats though - my quick and dirty way of creating it (and circumventing the summoning limit) was to simply use the "summon a horde to overrun my enemies" Wish result, which summons a bunch of rabbits. However, because the Wish spell only exists in the BG2 game files, my ability didn't work in BGEE or IWDEE. So I removed it. At some point I'll get around to adding it back in... something like 1 rabbit per 2 levels of experience?

    And yeah, theoretically I could do rats instead of rabbits. We'll see.

    Fantastic idea, I hope you have the time to tinker with this in that fashion at some point. A REAL pied piper, hehheh. ;)B)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited July 2017
    @subtledoctor Weird this. I added only the MS bard and it did not show up as a kit to choose at creation. I then tried toying with EEK and found I could choose the kit. It added the cleric spells under wizard spells but lacked insect plague and remove paralysis (RP). I could add insect plague but RP was nowhere to be found. It added animal empathy and summon rabbit to innate abilities but these did not show up in game (unless it takes a certain lvl to get them)

    Just as a note I saw the old pied piper innate and and ankheg whistle as well, left over I guess from ideas.

    What do you reckon went wrong? It said it installed correctly.

    EDIT: I think after so many reinstalls of various mods the first game is corrupted at least a little, class kits double listed all over the place and each kit section full(so mabye just could not see MS there)

    EDIT2: I downloaded the MS option only on a fresh install of the game, right off BD Client, no other mods.

    He has 1/day use of animal empathy and conjure rabbit (not listed on class description AND this can be done as many times as he wants to in a day, even over summoning limit).

    There is no summoning horde of animals that is listed in class description at 1st lvl ability.

    Also can use more than just druid weapons: flail/morningstar and all types of bows & no S&SH style.

    Post edited by Zaghoul on
  • TheInsanity556TheInsanity556 Member Posts: 4
    So, When I installed the latest version of this mod the Revised Bard component prevents my bards from scribing scrolls entirely, I can cast them as a scroll in the quick item bar, and what few spells it has from either this mod or the tome and magic mod are castable, but I have to ee Keep the magic in. I was wondering if this was a bug or intended behavior.
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  • TheInsanity556TheInsanity556 Member Posts: 4

    So, When I installed the latest version of this mod the Revised Bard component prevents my bards from scribing scrolls entirely, I can cast them as a scroll in the quick item bar, and what few spells it has from either this mod or the tome and magic mod are castable, but I have to ee Keep the magic in. I was wondering if this was a bug or intended behavior.

    I'll guess that the spells you haoened to try are from the Necromancy, Invocation, or conjuration schools. If so, then it's intended.

    No, I just spawned a scroll of magic missile to test if the magic scribing would work and it didn't at all, I also tried with various other scrolls in SoD using Voglin and he couldn't scribe the scrolls either.
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  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    Huzzah! Paladin/Mage sounds cool!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2017
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  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    What do you think could be causing the screwed up MS Bard probs I mentioned?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2017
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  • GawainBSGawainBS Member Posts: 523
    According to the readme, Skalds get to cast Defensive Harmony & Aura of Fear. However, my 10th Skald can't do either.
    Also, the readme no longer mentions which Spell Schools Bard can learn and which they can't. Nor does the in-game description show that.
    BTW, this is a very cool component!
    Same for Bladesingers: the only description is about the special ability they get, no longer about the 4 stars they can put in Longswords/automatic pips in Fencing and the static bonuses.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @subtledoctor Looks like you edited and found the above post (several back on this page) showing problems and screenshots.

    OK, thanks for checking. Maybe you make a fix for the problems and get them resolved.
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  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Gotcha, I most assuredly can understand. :)
  • franco8737franco8737 Member Posts: 52
    Is that something wrong with Revised Beastmaster component? I cannot install it successfully by BWS, and BWS seems not able to install multiclass kit component automatically. I have to pause it and do it manually.
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  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    BWS may not have registered that change.

    It does.
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  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2017
    Hey, I had a small question.
    You removed the Shadowdancer's Hide in Plain Sight ability with this mod. I was wondering how you did that, and if, alternatively, Hide in Plain Sight could be extended to other classes, like, say, a high level assassin. I tried checking the clab but I can't see the Hide in Plain Sight thing anywhere. Is it some hardcoded thing like Specialist Wizards bonuses?
    Also, do you know of any way of checking the value of a thief skill during a dialogue, for example?
    Like, in your mod, could making certain feats available only to thieves sufficiently skilled in, say Hide in Shadows, be a possibility?
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @Arunsun, if you want to check a stat, you can use CheckStat trigger on any of the thief skills (check STATS.ids in NI).
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    The installation skips over many kits that were usually installed from earlier versions. Only two of the Bard kits get installed while everything else is automatically skipped.
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  • PblackPblack Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2017
    hey ya. installed your mod and I wondered... do thieves (assassin in my case) get quickstride and precise strike as feats? mine did. Also, do precise strike bonuses stack with single weapon proficiency? making it a 20% total crit chance if you get 2 precise strikes? thx
    Post edited by Pblack on
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153

    UOLegacy said:

    The installation skips over many kits that were usually installed from earlier versions. Only two of the Bard kits get installed while everything else is automatically skipped.

    What game are you playing, what other mods do you have installed, and what components of this mod are you trying to install?
    Okay. I went back and only installed the modules but not the feats or the bard class modifications, and they installed correctly. The only class that was missing was Loremaster but it looks like it's just not included in this package.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Random question. I know SoD has an issue where the kit selection screen doesn't have a scroll bar. Is click and drag possible? I currently agonizing over a class in BGEE with SoD, so its the SoD interface, I have no scroll bar but I can hold a click and drag the kit list up and down.
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I wonder if other people would be willing to confirm that it works for them. I can confirm that I can do so when starting a new game in SoD as well.
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