Can't we just call them all Reekbreath? No? Oh well.
As a side note, the chances a majority of them being half-breeds is rather high. Jan's kid niece being larger than her Gnomish parents is the best evidence for that. Thus, I proclaim that all Jansens shall be commonly known as "Turnipoids"! Kind of sounds like something a Ranger might pick up for racial enemy.
Can't we just call them all Reekbreath? No? Oh well.
As a side note, the chances a majority of them being half-breeds is rather high. Jan's kid niece being larger than her Gnomish parents is the best evidence for that. Thus, I proclaim that all Jansens shall be commonly known as "Turnipoids"! Kind of sounds like something a Ranger might pick up for racial enemy.
A ranger with that enemy would have an easier time against vampire. Turnipoids have flashers! Of all kinds!
Dad Jansen Mom Jansen Adolf Jansen Bruce Jansen -> Caitlyn Jansen The Artist Formerly Known As Jansen Jansen The Jaws Of Death Ice-Jansen Vanilla Jansen Scary Jansen Baby Jansen Sporty Jansen Posh Jansen Ginger Jansen Jan Jansen
NPCs: Jan himself Beeloo Jansen Kylie Jansen Ma Jansen Uncle Gerhardt
People mentioned in banters: (Aerie banter) I was recently reminded of my ex-brother in law, Burt Wonderkind, fabulous griffin-baiter. (Cernd banter) Uncle Flippy turned into quite the conversationalist after getting a little too close to one. (Edwin banter) It?s just that, at this angle you look a lot like my Uncle Ager of the Tomes. (Haer'Dalis banter) It?s a true tale and if you have any doubt, you can ask my great-aunt Apo Pettiwick, who never married. (Imoen banter) Uncle Scratchy once did something similar with a bad mixture of turnip stew and vinegar, but the smell was probably worse. (Jaheira banter) It reminds me of my cousin, Tyllie Fleetknees, and the garden she had at the foot of a dryad tree in the Forest of Wyrms. (Jaheira banter) Well ... I had an Uncle Richard that tried to bring nude theater to a festival in Waterdeep ... (Keldorn banter - not a named relative) You remind me of a top my great-uncle on my father's side made for me as a child. (Keldorn banter) Well, it?s just that as Uncle Stinky was nearing your age he was prone to a terrible diaper rash. (later in the same banter) Real name is Rooctal or Sloobal or something. (Korgan banter) Korgy old pal, have I ever told you how much you remind me of my uncle, Uriah Twin-Hammers? (Korgan banter) A tale about dwarves, eh? Let me see, of course - my cousin Kimble. (Mazzy banter) The turnip fields were owned by my Uncle Scratchy. (Mazzy banter) Mazzy, dear ... have I ever told you about my dear Aunt Petunia the ranger? (Minsc banter - do family pets count?) As a child I had a pet hamster, named Spanky. (Nalia banter) Nalie, dearie, you remind me so much of Cletus Bifflelips, my second cousin, thrice removed. (Sarevok banter) Speaking of a good flog, I?m brought to mind of poor Aunt Sara. (Valygar banter) It happens that my Aunt Petunia is a ranger, don't you know? (Valygar banter) I was just thinking how much you remind me of my cousin Gabber. (Viconia banter) My brother, Elgar Buttercup, had skin the shade of charcoal, too. (Viconia banter - PC line, but Jan confirms) Truthfully, it all goes back to the time that Jan's cousin, Plooty paladin-piper, got caught in a nasty flesh golem eating contest ... (Viconia banter) You know, this reminds me of the time Uncle Scratchy laid me flat with the handle of a horseman's flail. (Yoshimo banter) As Aunt Kylie used to say, "Yeah, it's risky! But they've got gelatinous cubes!"
An interjection when you accept the Unseeing Eye quest: You'll go far, you know. Farther, maybe, than cousin Bifflechips... although he was flung by a catapult, so I suppose that doesn't really count.
When talking to Minister Lloyd of Imnesvale, Jan mentions a great-great-cousin One-Knee.
When talking to the shady character who tries to sell you the planar sphere, Jan mentions his cousin Rintin who grew the largest turnip.
(explaining the twins) Those are the twins, of course. The girl is Tat, the boy is Tot. They are my youngest cousin's. Glandig's children. (from the J file) Well, I have a cousin Barnal who runs a pretty shady business, himself. Makes umbrellas, you see, although I don't know what they do with such things in Calimshan. (from the J file) Actually, young one, I have an Uncle Witherjar who decorates grounds professionally. (same) Unless, of course, you count my cousin Friedrich, in which case I might be tempted to say 'mostly fine', instead. My Aunt Minnie finally had her baby, cutest little thing. About time, too. We were about to offer it a scholarship it had been in there so long. And Uncle Witherjar is still pretty much crazy, naturally. (when talking to Kylee) The selling of turnips is a fine and time-honored profession that I am sad to say I have left behind me for the moment. One can only do one thing at a time...unless, of course, you want to talk about my cousin Abraham. (from the J) My cousin Adecan married a fine human woman, he did. (from the J) I had a cousin Jalico who put some turnip lotion on his head, once. (after you ask Lehtinan about other kinds of entertainment) My cousin Urnist...bad speller, by the way, always been the curse of that particular branch of the family...once owned a tavern that opened up into a pancake factory in the back. (from the J) I had a coat checker in the family, once... Cousin Jowen, although he did that only as a sideline. (from the J) I never did, although my cousin Arfie once did that day he exploded. (in connection with Montaron being turned into a bird) Cousin Belar once pulled that on my great Uncle Tookar, although to be fair he didn't actually mean to kill anyone. (from the J) It happened to my cousin Biffle, once, you know. (speculating upon the avatar of Oghma drunk and snoring) Although I can't say I really met him, I suppose, as he was drunk and fast asleep in cousin Roffer's back lawn. (from the J) Cousin Bungle spiked the turnip tea at the end of a particularly festive jig and half the grandparents got soused enough to storm a nearby ogre camp. (from the J) Reminds me of my cousin Bureaugarde. The most selfish gnome you've ever seen, he wouldn't give you a spare turnip for anything. (from the J) The look on your face reminds me of a cousin I had on the coast by the name of Milton Bottlesworth, who used to make a 'Shining Sea Ale' that would set your riptide to undertow, if you know what I mean. (same) Helpful Aunt Tildeberry came in later for a late night snifter and tried to unclog the spout with a hairpin, and you can imagine the fuss that emerged from that mess. (same) Aunt Patty swears by that stuff. You didn't put it on your head, did you? (same) Especially when Aunt Beatrice is cooking...just give 'er a spin and hope for the best, if you take my meaning. (same) Sounds like a tale my Aunt Bertha once told me... although it was her turnip pie recipe that was being held hostage. (same) Auntie Kylie can still sell you some fine Jansen turnips, though, never fear... much as I hate passing on a customer to someone else. (same) Uncle Rufus worked long and hard on that one, let me tell you, and Patty's neck was sore for weeks. (same) A terrible sight to behold, especially since his entire tray of Aunt Gertie's turnip muffins flew into the chasm with him. (same) Aunt Tilly's turnip cellar offers more in the way of social interactions. (same) By the gods of turnip growers everywhere, it's just like my aunt Agnes used to tell me to get me to sleep at night. (same) Unless you happen to be Uncle Prebar, who took a milk bath both before and after an adventure. (same) Uncle Chester Bellowsbreath was like that too, talking himself so big that you'd swear he was ten feet tall, which was not too far off considering he had a strange disorder stemming from an obscenity hurled at a passing wizard one drunken eve in Waterdeep. (same) It's like my uncle Gummo use to say, "Blah blah blah," he'd say, and we'd be right there with our "Uncle Gummo, we've got things to do," and he'd be right back with the "But just one more story. Just one more, blah blah." (banter with the PC) Aunt Kadie, herself, helped me mix this batch up, and I'll not have you disparaging her good name.
You are the man who pulled that one out. It has been so long since I played NWN that I would never have had that on my mind without your thread! @BelgarathMTH
So, shortly after I first posted this NWN Jansen easter egg thread, I succumbed to my chronic restartitis and rolled a lawful good cleric who could not in good conscience take Erb's quest.
After playing through the snow globe quest in Chapter 3, where a mindfulness towards the peace possible through neutrality comes in very, very handy, I considered myself taught a lesson by the snow globe module, and humbly and penitently went back to my balance-loving and peace-loving druid character.
That character of course has no problem with getting Erb his ring back, so I went and did it. And, lo and behold, he mentions at least three other Jansens in his "thank you" speech.
I will cross-post this in the "Count the Jansens" thread.
As a side note, the chances a majority of them being half-breeds is rather high. Jan's kid niece being larger than her Gnomish parents is the best evidence for that. Thus, I proclaim that all Jansens shall be commonly known as "Turnipoids"! Kind of sounds like something a Ranger might pick up for racial enemy.
Mom Jansen
Adolf Jansen
Bruce Jansen -> Caitlyn Jansen
The Artist Formerly Known As Jansen
Jansen The Jaws Of Death
Vanilla Jansen
Scary Jansen
Baby Jansen
Sporty Jansen
Posh Jansen
Ginger Jansen
Jan Jansen
Jan himself
Beeloo Jansen
Kylie Jansen
Ma Jansen
Uncle Gerhardt
People mentioned in banters:
(Aerie banter) I was recently reminded of my ex-brother in law, Burt Wonderkind, fabulous griffin-baiter.
(Cernd banter) Uncle Flippy turned into quite the conversationalist after getting a little too close to one.
(Edwin banter) It?s just that, at this angle you look a lot like my Uncle Ager of the Tomes.
(Haer'Dalis banter) It?s a true tale and if you have any doubt, you can ask my great-aunt Apo Pettiwick, who never married.
(Imoen banter) Uncle Scratchy once did something similar with a bad mixture of turnip stew and vinegar, but the smell was probably worse.
(Jaheira banter) It reminds me of my cousin, Tyllie Fleetknees, and the garden she had at the foot of a dryad tree in the Forest of Wyrms.
(Jaheira banter) Well ... I had an Uncle Richard that tried to bring nude theater to a festival in Waterdeep ...
(Keldorn banter - not a named relative) You remind me of a top my great-uncle on my father's side made for me as a child.
(Keldorn banter) Well, it?s just that as Uncle Stinky was nearing your age he was prone to a terrible diaper rash.
(later in the same banter) Real name is Rooctal or Sloobal or something.
(Korgan banter) Korgy old pal, have I ever told you how much you remind me of my uncle, Uriah Twin-Hammers?
(Korgan banter) A tale about dwarves, eh? Let me see, of course - my cousin Kimble.
(Mazzy banter) The turnip fields were owned by my Uncle Scratchy.
(Mazzy banter) Mazzy, dear ... have I ever told you about my dear Aunt Petunia the ranger?
(Minsc banter - do family pets count?) As a child I had a pet hamster, named Spanky.
(Nalia banter) Nalie, dearie, you remind me so much of Cletus Bifflelips, my second cousin, thrice removed.
(Sarevok banter) Speaking of a good flog, I?m brought to mind of poor Aunt Sara.
(Valygar banter) It happens that my Aunt Petunia is a ranger, don't you know?
(Valygar banter) I was just thinking how much you remind me of my cousin Gabber.
(Viconia banter) My brother, Elgar Buttercup, had skin the shade of charcoal, too.
(Viconia banter - PC line, but Jan confirms) Truthfully, it all goes back to the time that Jan's cousin, Plooty paladin-piper, got caught in a nasty flesh golem eating contest ...
(Viconia banter) You know, this reminds me of the time Uncle Scratchy laid me flat with the handle of a horseman's flail.
(Yoshimo banter) As Aunt Kylie used to say, "Yeah, it's risky! But they've got gelatinous cubes!"
An interjection when you accept the Unseeing Eye quest:
You'll go far, you know. Farther, maybe, than cousin Bifflechips... although he was flung by a catapult, so I suppose that doesn't really count.
When talking to Minister Lloyd of Imnesvale, Jan mentions a great-great-cousin One-Knee.
When talking to the shady character who tries to sell you the planar sphere, Jan mentions his cousin Rintin who grew the largest turnip.
(explaining the twins) Those are the twins, of course. The girl is Tat, the boy is Tot. They are my youngest cousin's. Glandig's children.
(from the J file) Well, I have a cousin Barnal who runs a pretty shady business, himself. Makes umbrellas, you see, although I don't know what they do with such things in Calimshan.
(from the J file) Actually, young one, I have an Uncle Witherjar who decorates grounds professionally.
(same) Unless, of course, you count my cousin Friedrich, in which case I might be tempted to say 'mostly fine', instead. My Aunt Minnie finally had her baby, cutest little thing. About time, too. We were about to offer it a scholarship it had been in there so long. And Uncle Witherjar is still pretty much crazy, naturally.
(when talking to Kylee) The selling of turnips is a fine and time-honored profession that I am sad to say I have left behind me for the moment. One can only do one thing at a time...unless, of course, you want to talk about my cousin Abraham.
(from the J) My cousin Adecan married a fine human woman, he did.
(from the J) I had a cousin Jalico who put some turnip lotion on his head, once.
(after you ask Lehtinan about other kinds of entertainment) My cousin Urnist...bad speller, by the way, always been the curse of that particular branch of the family...once owned a tavern that opened up into a pancake factory in the back.
(from the J) I had a coat checker in the family, once... Cousin Jowen, although he did that only as a sideline.
(from the J) I never did, although my cousin Arfie once did that day he exploded.
(in connection with Montaron being turned into a bird) Cousin Belar once pulled that on my great Uncle Tookar, although to be fair he didn't actually mean to kill anyone.
(from the J) It happened to my cousin Biffle, once, you know.
(speculating upon the avatar of Oghma drunk and snoring) Although I can't say I really met him, I suppose, as he was drunk and fast asleep in cousin Roffer's back lawn.
(from the J) Cousin Bungle spiked the turnip tea at the end of a particularly festive jig and half the grandparents got soused enough to storm a nearby ogre camp.
(from the J) Reminds me of my cousin Bureaugarde. The most selfish gnome you've ever seen, he wouldn't give you a spare turnip for anything.
(from the J) The look on your face reminds me of a cousin I had on the coast by the name of Milton Bottlesworth, who used to make a 'Shining Sea Ale' that would set your riptide to undertow, if you know what I mean.
(same) Helpful Aunt Tildeberry came in later for a late night snifter and tried to unclog the spout with a hairpin, and you can imagine the fuss that emerged from that mess.
(same) Aunt Patty swears by that stuff. You didn't put it on your head, did you?
(same) Especially when Aunt Beatrice is cooking...just give 'er a spin and hope for the best, if you take my meaning.
(same) Sounds like a tale my Aunt Bertha once told me... although it was her turnip pie recipe that was being held hostage.
(same) Auntie Kylie can still sell you some fine Jansen turnips, though, never fear... much as I hate passing on a customer to someone else.
(same) Uncle Rufus worked long and hard on that one, let me tell you, and Patty's neck was sore for weeks.
(same) A terrible sight to behold, especially since his entire tray of Aunt Gertie's turnip muffins flew into the chasm with him.
(same) Aunt Tilly's turnip cellar offers more in the way of social interactions.
(same) By the gods of turnip growers everywhere, it's just like my aunt Agnes used to tell me to get me to sleep at night.
(same) Unless you happen to be Uncle Prebar, who took a milk bath both before and after an adventure.
(same) Uncle Chester Bellowsbreath was like that too, talking himself so big that you'd swear he was ten feet tall, which was not too far off considering he had a strange disorder stemming from an obscenity hurled at a passing wizard one drunken eve in Waterdeep.
(same) It's like my uncle Gummo use to say, "Blah blah blah," he'd say, and we'd be right there with our "Uncle Gummo, we've got things to do," and he'd be right back with the "But just one more story. Just one more, blah blah."
(banter with the PC) Aunt Kadie, herself, helped me mix this batch up, and I'll not have you disparaging her good name.
A big thanks goes to
How about:
Johnny Jansen
Joey Jansen
Tommy Jansen
Dee Dee Jansen
So, shortly after I first posted this NWN Jansen easter egg thread, I succumbed to my chronic restartitis and rolled a lawful good cleric who could not in good conscience take Erb's quest.
After playing through the snow globe quest in Chapter 3, where a mindfulness towards the peace possible through neutrality comes in very, very handy, I considered myself taught a lesson by the snow globe module, and humbly and penitently went back to my balance-loving and peace-loving druid character.
That character of course has no problem with getting Erb his ring back, so I went and did it. And, lo and behold, he mentions at least three other Jansens in his "thank you" speech.
I will cross-post this in the "Count the Jansens" thread.