How long can someone survive being petrified?

This is something that I've always wondered about - how come certain characters can be "saved" after being petrified, but not others? I had assumed that this was because characters eventually die from being in the petrified state for so long, but Tamah was apparently petrified for so long that her house corroded and sunk underwater.
Presumably the reason for this has to do with time. Tamah might have been petrified for several years. Whereas other adventurers could be petrified for decades.
There's also that group of adventurers that you can find petrified in Baldur's City, but I can't remember if the game says anything about how long that they've been petrified.
Seems like we're all stuck between a rock and a hard place on this issue.
I'm sorry to have rocked the boat with my question.
I feel like we're just a stone's throw from understanding.
And I like all the speculation on petrification's statue of limitations.
Not that I have anything against rocks, mind you. Some of my best friends are petrosexuals.