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I am NOT going to buy SoD

B3NB3N Member Posts: 150
I have waited the last 2 years for the French translation of BG2: EE to finish. It has not been released yet. I feel as if BG2: EE was a waste of money. I feel as if I have been scammed by Beamdog so I am not going to buy SoD before BG2EE is translated into French and I am not the only one that feels this way.

Edit: I apologize for my reactionnary tone: i was a little bit upset to discover that a new extention was comming before the end of the french translate release so wrote this post in a row :)
@WithinAmnesia Thanks for the video i am really honored u took so much time to answer me even if i have not understood everything XD (and for your information i am not that young i am 24years old) . To clarify my point of view, the main goal of my post is not to blame beamdog or the volonteers which probably did their best. The main goal of my post is to get them considering the french community of baldur s gate which spend their childhood playing this game which loved this game and which want to take part in the future of baldur s gate as much as you
Post edited by B3N on


  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
  • Pluc082Pluc082 Member Posts: 80
    Same, pareil pour moi!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Aren't the translations being done as volunteer projects?
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    French Revolution! Wait, you can get a pre-order badge?! Sweet...
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    BillyYank said:

    Aren't the translations being done as volunteer projects?

    I thought most, if not all, translations were volunteer projects?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    BillyYank said:

    Aren't the translations being done as volunteer projects?

    They are. There is no way Beamdog can afford to pay for translators at the moment.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015
    How I read it:

    "I have waited the last 2 years for the French translation of BG2: EE to finish. It has not been released yet. I feel as if BG2: EE was a waste of money. I feel as if I have been scammed by Beamdog so I am not going to buy SoD before BG2EE is translated into French and I am not the only one that feels this way."

    Note: I agree that if I was in your shoes I would be a little bit angry myself, yet the reason why it has not been released yet is because the game is being translated by volunteers. I would still buy the next game though, since other than the translation, have you had any problems with Beamdog?

    Voici un fil à suivre:
    Du filetage est appelé traductions de suivi.
    Cela devrait vous aider.

    That is broken French for(if anyone was wondering):
    "Here is a thread to follow:
    The thread is called tracking translations. (link)
    This should help you."
    Post edited by GemHound on
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited October 2015
    I assume the OP's English isn't good enough for them to enjoy the game without translation. Fair enough, I certainly wouldn't buy a game that was only available in French (I could probably decipher it, but it would be more effort than I would want to put into a game). It's something to accept and move on though, not get angry over.
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    Forgive me for being unrelated but it suddenly occurred to me that learning a new language through an RPG game would be absolutely fun if it were done right! Since RPGs are the only thing that can hold my attention.
  • B3NB3N Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2015
    @GemHound thanks for the link(even if the last who wrote in this thread did it in 2012 :persevere: ) and for your translate of my post in a good english, it is exactly what i wanted to say and i gonna edit my first post :)

    As you can see the volonteer s team (@La_Voix ) has gave up the translation since july


    July 20 2015: "je dois vous signaler que, malheureusement, notre équipe n'ayant plus la même capacité qu'autrefois, nous avons décidé de laisser Beamdog se charger du reste de la traduction pour arrêter de faire languir les joueurs francophones. J'essaie de me renseigner régulièrement, mais c'est à eux qu'il faudra poser la question dorénavant." La_Voix

    Google Translate:

    July 20 2015: "I must point out that, unfortunately, our team no longer has the same capacity as before, we decided to leave Beamdog do the rest of the translation stop doing languish Francophone players. I try to educate myself regularly, but it is they who will ask the question now" La_Voix)

    and beamdog doesnt seems to take over the project..

    Moreover i dont understand why beamdog use volonteers: make us pay more to download the french translation and let s pay someone to do the job we really dont care about the price we just want to find again the excitement we had when we played baldur s gate when we were young...
    Post edited by B3N on
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    @PhillipDaigle @TrentOster You guys might want to look into this. ;)
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    I don't remember Beamdog advertising translations. If I'm not wrong then you can't blame them for not providing one. It's a pure economic choice. After all, we're talking about a company which though it's surely made of passionate people still aims at making money.

    Il me semble que tu maîtrises assez l'Anglais pour pouvoir y jouer dans cette langue! À plus forte raison, si tu connais déjà bien le jeu. Fais-toi une double faveur et redécouvre-le en langue originale.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2015

    Enhanced Edition - Key Features:

    New Adventure: The Black Pits
    New Character: Dorn Il-Khan
    New Character: Neera the Wild Mage
    New Character: Rasaad yn Bashir
    A new collection of player character voice sets
    Native support for high-resolution widescreen displays
    Over 400 improvements to the original game
    Improved multiplayer support with connectivity between all platforms
    Now in 14 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Brazilian Portugese, Czech, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Russian, Ukrainian
    Edit: Its on the right of the main page for BG1: EE at least:
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited October 2015
    How much extra would you be willing to pay for a French translation?

    Lets make some rough estimates. It's maybe six months work for a single full time tranlator. They aren't going to come cheep, since you need someone fluent in at least two languages, AND is a good writer, AND understands the plot thoroughly. Lets call it $20000.

    That cost has got to be shared between all the fanatical French Baldur's Gate fans. Lets say one in every 10000 French people, something like 8000. But at least half of them are fluent in English so don't need a translation so much that they will pay for it. So 4000 people. That's an extra $5, about €4.50 each. [edited correct conversion rate]

    And that's with zero profit for Beamdog.
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    Fardragon said:

    How much extra would you be willing to pay for a French translation?

    Lets make some rough estimates. It's maybe six months work for a single full time tranlator. They aren't going to come cheep, since you need someone fluent in at least two languages, AND is a good writer, AND understands the plot thoroughly. Lets call it $20000.

    That cost has got to be shared between all the fanatical French Baldur's Gate fans. Lets say one in every 10000 French people, something like 8000. But at least half of them are fluent in English so don't need a translation so much that they will pay for it. So 4000 people. That's an extra $5, about €4.50 each. [edited correct conversion rate]

    And that's with zero profit for Beamdog.

    I feel like I have a -2 to hit and all my saves after reading that. :(
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited October 2015
    Note: I went to bed while the was uploading and before I could fully publish it on YouTube and share it here. So for all intents and purposes this reply video is about a day behind.
  • B3NB3N Member Posts: 150
    @fardragon 20000$ for a translation ? seriously ? ok i stop all my studies i gonna be translator ! lol Let s talk about marketing: beamdog is an "umbrella brand" so if someone is disapointed by beamdog for a product all the products created by them are gonna be affected and this gonna be a huge shortfall. I hope that beamdog 's team have a best marketing knowledge than me so i let them weighing the pros and cons. At least they will know from now a reason which can lead a part of their custommers to be disapointed...

    @Abel ayant passé 15ans à jouer à ce jeu en français avec les voix françaises et les spécificités françaises propres au jeu je doute pouvoir profiter pleinement du jeu si il n est pas traduit en français: tu imagines essayer de comprendre un délire de jan jansen en anglais ? autant en français ça peut être drôle autant en anglais c est à devenir fou :)
  • B3NB3N Member Posts: 150
    @WithinAmnesia as i said i have probably been rude with beamdog because i was too much upset by the non-communication of beamdog after the gave up of the translation volonteers s team. When i realized i edited my post. nevertheless it is really hard for me to understand everything in your video you seems to sleep when you are talking :)
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    B3N said:

    @WithinAmnesia as i said i have probably been rude with beamdog because i was too much upset by the non-communication of beamdog after the gave up of the translation volonteers s team. When i realized i edited my post. nevertheless it is really hard for me to understand everything in your video you seems to sleep when you are talking :)

    Yeah, I made the video just before I went to bed at 4:30 AM so I was pretty sleepy. Also I get how it feels to play a game not in your native language. I played this game (Ground War Tanks) on the Russian client. It is quite a bit of work to try and understand what is going on. I can only imagine what a text heavy C.R.P.G. would feel like to play.

    For instance here is me being a big nerd in on the Russian client (Ground War Tanks).
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited October 2015
    @B3N , 20,000 USD for 6 months work is about one half what an entry level Network Administrator makes. Not exactly a "quit your day job" kind of career.

    I really don't understand where you're coming from on this. Not about you not buying SoD, I understand that completely. I wouldn't buy a game in a language I couldn't understand well enough to enjoy either.

    I mean about feeling scammed. I took a look at the BG2 webpage after reading @GemHound 's post, and it says absolutely nothing about translations. So why would you feel scammed because they didn't produce something they said they weren't producing?

    @Fardragon , and that's just the initial outlay. If they officially supported all 14 of the BG1 languages, then every patch they issued would have to go to the translators before release, SoD would have to be translated before release, they'd have to provide at least some sort of support in all the languages. It can end up being a real time and money sump.

    Post edited by BillyYank on
  • B3NB3N Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2015
    @BillyYank This was implied: for baldur s gate 2 you can read "Note: All translations are text only. Voice-overs are played in English." ( french is not mentionned but it is mentionned for baldur s gate 1 "Now in 14 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Brazilian Portugese, Czech, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Russian, Ukrainian" (

    So it lead you to think that they are going to provide a french translation for baldur 's gate 2 moreover "@la_voix " said each 6month that it gonna be finish in 6month from the first day of the BG2EE s release to july 2015 (where the team gave up and beamdog hasn t communicate about the translation after that but only on another extension...)

    I do not blame "la voix" i know he did the best of himself as a volonteer but it was frustrating for us to wait for nothing after they let it down

    So even if I havent been "legally" scammed I felt scammed for all this reasons...

    Therefore I have said everyting i wanted to say and I hope it is gonna be my last post because now the ball is in beamdog 's court.

    Thanks for your attention and for your answers.
    Post edited by B3N on
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    A local translator here charges 19 cents a word (all the others are email for a free quote, which I won't do) to translate English to French. BG2:EE content is 396,359 words. That is over $75,000 for a professionally done translation job for only a small portion of the game.

    Even if that is on the high end of a price point, it maybe unreasonable for the French community to raise enough money to pay for it.
  • KlingeKlinge Member Posts: 31
    B3N said:

    I have waited the last 2 years for the French translation of BG2: EE to finish. It has not been released yet. I feel as if BG2: EE was a waste of money. I feel as if I have been scammed by Beamdog so I am not going to buy SoD before BG2EE is translated into French and I am not the only one that feels this way.

    Same for the German stuff. Our sub-forum here is dead because there is no progress. RIP BG. Just playing other Games...
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    B3N said:

    @fardragon 20000$ for a translation ? seriously ? ok i stop all my studies i gonna be translator !

    If you want to be a translator, I recommend studying harder, not quitting. In order to be a translator you need to have native speaker fluency in BOTH languages, not one-and-a-little-bit!

    Most professional translators are actually fluent in three of four languages.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Being a polyglot is a highly marketable and lucrative skill? Who knew?!
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