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[obsolete] Big World Setup (BWS): Mod Manager for Baldur's Gate / Enhanced Edition (Trilogy)



  • PlaguePlague Member Posts: 6
    .... I swear....
    No I did not create baldur.lua, as I said I was following this post trying to find a reason it would not work.... in this post it said to try to create a baldur.ini ... which as you said is not needed..... my baldur.lua was there the whole time, never did I once say I ever created the lua......And as i have spent several days asking for help and getting feed back like "you spelled that wrong" or "you created it? Lol" I'm all but done trying to fix it.
  • warwizardwarwizard Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2018
    This Big World a nightmare.

    It gives me tens of thousnads of options to pick and choose from and it doenst really give a brief, tight instruction concernning how to actualyl intall and run the mods. Instead, you get a book load of instructions on the right side how to select and deselct. But the most important thing in the entire thing (how to actualyl install the mods) is nowhere to be found.

    This thing is a catastrophe.

    Then on each thing you select it gives you dozens of things that are possibly or probably in conflict with other components? What does that mean....I have to sselect all mentioned components that are in conflict???


    Seriously. This thing is supposed to make it smooth and easier?

    This is too annyoing. Ive never come acrross this level complicated when just installing some mods. I mean you need hours to install and prepare this game to run if you want mods. Super annoying. And you never get a real good guide how to install. You get this kind of mod manager but how do you run this thing? You need a manual for this mod manger. Its explanations are cryptic, impossible to understand.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    with bws you select mods and it installs them in the proper order, so you don't have to think about it. it might not make it easer for everyone, but for most people, yeah, a lot easier
  • PlaguePlague Member Posts: 6
    The baldur.lua was created in the game directory folder not the document folder
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Plague Let's start from the beginning:
    - which OS are you using, 32 or 64 bit ?
    - what is the game version, you can see it at the main screen, it's it's not, please update it to 2.5
    - do you have the "C:\Users\youUsername\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" or "C:\Users\youUsername\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition" folder? If yes, please list all files

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @warwizard Thanks for such intensive criticism of BWS, it's clear that this tool is not for you. Please install mods manually if that's easier for you. You need to take care about proper install order, also some of mod components which you have chosen, has conflicts with other mod components. If you ignore proper install order and mod conflicts, things might broke at the middle of the game.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2018
    However, if @warwizard CAN get his head round how to install using BWS, he will most certainly find that it is easier in the long run. I found it difficult at first, but now use it to install dozens of mods at the same time, (45 in my last instalation). :)
    I think that the problems that he has are probably that he has either not read the instructions, or that he has misunderstood them.
    It IS different to the norm, so reading everything is quite important, and I love the way that it stops you from making mistakes, though that does take some getting used to. (Perhaps he hasn't spent enough time in making sure that there are no conflicts. That IS time-consuming but quite important}
    The way that BWS ensures that different parts of the same mod are installed at different times to avoid mod conflicts is a real boon.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • RolandoArnimanRolandoArniman Member Posts: 17
    As I understand it, the BWS has been updated accordingly with patch 2.5 for BG? So there should be no problems installing mods in the new versions of the games?
  • warwizardwarwizard Member Posts: 11
    I truely appreciate such work, those giant mods, ai overhaul, tougher enemies, tons of more quests and all that.

    But its still way too complicated.

    Ultimately it worked and I installed the mods that were preselected (with a few mods I added) and which were labeled as: working/well established etc.

    But its annoying.

    Not user friendly at all.
    Thx @ alien for help though.

    I dont think many more casual players or those that like rpgs a lot will even realize theyre missing out without many enhancements via mods. And i doubt many ppl will understand how to install mods.

    Id do this differently. Create one solid and easy to follow guide. Infos are all over the place and chaotic. And if any modmanager ever desperstely needed a manual its this one. Its just way too complicated. Those conflicts and infos concerning conflicts are useless. Youre just confused.

    Mod manager apparently was designed for ppl that are experts concerning bg2 mods and know everything relevant. For newbies its not accessible though. Way too much confusing info instead of actually doing the work for the user. Thats what Id expect from a mod manager.

    I say this not only cause it annoyed me cause primarily bg2 is an amazing game. Quality work. Prolly the best rpg ever created. It should be made super easy to give ppl the best possible bg2 experience. Total respect for all that work and im sure the modmanager is great. Somebody put a ton of work into that. But its not accessible and 37, im no tech expert but i can build a pc (not that thats hard its like lego basically) install windows, games, mods. Im not a complete noob.

    But this is way too complicated and i can tell you without even thinking hard that this will deter many ppl from trying to run some mods. it to work and its much more difficult but I like it. Enemies are a lot smarter and attack your casters in the back, use more spells too.

    Pretty fucking awesome.

    I also love the zoom i the ee version.

    Among many other things.

  • PlaguePlague Member Posts: 6
    For anyone interested my Baldur.lua files for both games were being created in the wrong directory.
    Install directory C:\Users\Games\GOG\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition .lua was in here
    Install directory C:\Users\Games\GOG\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition .lua was in here

    C:\Users\Games\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition .lua needed to be placed here
    C:\Users\Games\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition .lua needed to be placed here

    Not sure why they were created that way but even after cutting and pasting them into correct place everything seems to work and bws finished without any errors.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Plague said:

    For anyone interested my Baldur.lua files for both games were being created in the wrong directory.
    Install directory C:\Users\Games\GOG\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition .lua was in here
    Install directory C:\Users\Games\GOG\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition .lua was in here

    C:\Users\Games\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition .lua needed to be placed here
    C:\Users\Games\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition .lua needed to be placed here

    Not sure why they were created that way but even after cutting and pasting them into correct place everything seems to work and bws finished without any errors.

    I think that I copied and pasted, just to be safe.
  • billy_pilgrimbilly_pilgrim Member Posts: 132
    Hey guys I've been trying to install EET with BWS. I've been having a problem when it gets to SCS, this is the error:
    ERROR: Sys_error("stratagems/sfo/general/LIB_ITERATE.TPA.tpa: No such file or directory")
    anyone know what's causing this?

  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    I just want to know... is Baldur's Gate Trilogy Enhanced Edition worth playing in its current state or should i wait?
  • hackinslashhackinslash Member Posts: 46
    @Vasculio It's worth playing if you like the game combined into one. I like that if someone dies in BG1 part of the game they are gone forever(couple of exceptions to this rule though). k4thos will release the rest of this EET one day soon(i hope).
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483

    @Vasculio It's worth playing if you like the game combined into one. I like that if someone dies in BG1 part of the game they are gone forever(couple of exceptions to this rule though). k4thos will release the rest of this EET one day soon(i hope).

    So like if Xzar dies in BG1 He won't spawn at the docks in BG2?
  • KorvasKorvas Member Posts: 4
    Can anyone help me please? I'm about at my wits end with this. I keep getting a "Please start the game, choose the language you like, start and create a savegame" prompt just after I start installing all of the mods. When I exit out of the installer and try to resume it I get a screen that says

    "Your previous installation was interrupted.
    Would you like to proceed with Au3PrepInst at DLC Merger, #1?
    You can also start a new installation or edit your settings."

    It's a brand new installation, GoG install, to C:\GOG Games
    I have the DLC's installed, I have new saves made on all of the games, I have Baldur's Gate EE and Baldur's Gate 2 EE, I don't know what on earth is going on. Please help me.

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I'm not sure about this, but if you were running the game when you start installation it can cause problems.
  • KorvasKorvas Member Posts: 4

    I'm not sure about this, but if you were running the game when you start installation it can cause problems.

    I wasn't. I didn't run the game beyond that. I Reinstalled and tried again with the auto selected mods for maximized and then moved the games to C:\Games. I then disconnected from the internet when it asked me to and I got about as far as the last time. Is there any reason to think that manually installing all of the mods would work better?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I have found that using BWS is much easier though it does take some getting used to.
    I think that what you need to do is choose your language and create your savegames. Exit your game and then start your installation ignoring the instruction to start the game as you have already done that.

    Those instructions are only to tell you to do make those save games otherwise the installation won't work. Just ignore it and see what happens.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Korvas @Wise_Grimwald Such error mean almost always that the version of the game is below 2.0. Please advise to update the game to latest patch.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Useful to know. Mine does have the latest patch which is probably why I haven't had the difficulty that @Korvas has been having.
  • hackinslashhackinslash Member Posts: 46
    @ALIEN with recent changes with Tweaks and SCS, has this passed into the components here yet?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @hackinslash No, I don't have time because I'm working on Project Infinity. New tool doesn't need maintainer.
  • hackinslashhackinslash Member Posts: 46
    @ALIEN could I give that a test drive? Remember you mentioning it somewhere recently.
  • shadow85shadow85 Member Posts: 128
    I want to play Ascension and SCS v31.

    DO I use this tool to do that or can I install them individually from the .exe?
  • KennisKennis Member Posts: 124
    OK - I installed BWS, and I 'think' it worked, but how would I know? The key to me is that the worldmap isn't updated to be the 'world''s just the old BGEE map in SoD. I installed it once and I's swear there was a shortcut generated and it looked more like BG2EE.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    BWS is not a mod on itself. It's an installation tool to install various mods. Check the mods that you installed, and the details that you picked for them, and see if those details are in the game. You may very well not have installed any mods that adjust the world map.
  • KennisKennis Member Posts: 124
    Well, I was trying for EET - any big giveaways that would be easy to check?
  • KennisKennis Member Posts: 124
    Got it fixed. One question if anyone knows...can I pick up Kagain again after he leaves in SOD? Hate to lose a good tank.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I'm pretty sure that there is a mod to introduce him into SoA.
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