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[obsolete] Big World Setup (BWS): Mod Manager for Baldur's Gate / Enhanced Edition (Trilogy)



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    ALIEN said:
    @Wise_Grimwald I'm currently busy with PI so no updates will be done, sorry.

    Thanks for letting me know, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    Anyone know how to fix the problem with some mods being installed in german? I put that the mods should be installed in english but one mod was installed in german on accident for some reason. Anyway to fix that?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @gohanf22 If BWS cause problems, you should stop using BWS for you mod installation because it's outdated.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @gohanf22 If BWS cause problems, you should stop using BWS for you mod installation because it's outdated.

    Problem is with me Alien...I'm not knowledgeable about what mod goes first to install so thats why I use it. And I found out which mod was causing the german translation anyway so I will steer clear of it. So I think I'll be ok now.

    EDIT: I didn't realize there was a better mod manger available until just a minute ago. Lol. Now I know why you said outdated cause this other one is WAY better.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @gohanf22 If you only want use BWS install order, you can convert BWS install order for future modification and re-usage. In case of questions, feel free to ask.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @gohanf22 If you only want use BWS install order, you can convert BWS install order for future modification and re-usage. In case of questions, feel free to ask.

    How exactly do I do that? Converting a BWS install order I mean to the project infinity mod manager.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited February 2019
    @gohanf22 The instructions are provided in FAQ, look for "Convert BWS data into "Sorting Order" file"
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @gohanf22 The instructions are provided in FAQ, look for "Convert BWS data into "Sorting Order" file"

    The FAQ of Project Infinity?

    EDIT: I found it nvm. Lol. Thanks for the help Alien. I'll definitely use this so the load order is right.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    Ok so I am NOT knowledgeable on Excel to try to turn this into a load order. When I tried to follow the directions, my text did not come out the way its shown on the guide.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2019
    I'm just going to use BWS. It wasn't giving me much issues except that german issue with the one mod. I tried using the new one but without having a good load order, it wont install the mods right and it keeps stalling.

    EDIT: If there is a way to get a load order file that someone can give me or send me, I'll try the other mod manager again. Otherwise, its no use for me. :(
  • GianniGianni Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm approaching the confrontation with Irenicus and I'm deeeeeeeeply regretting using the tweak to half the XP gains.. if I want to change it how should I proceed? re-run the entire setup? Can I simply launch the eetTweaks-setup? Thanks
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    You could use EE Keeper.
  • hellwalker31hellwalker31 Member Posts: 16
    it says outdated... so? is it still safe to use this?
  • MoorkhMoorkh Member Posts: 3
    Recently having read Matt Bell's excellent book on BG2, (and hating Kingmaker's governance aspect enough to quit after the first chapter) I've finally brought myself back to the series that I've never managed to finish after getting stuck halfway through SoA.

    I had long ago picked up both the originals and the EEs on GoG, and remebering something about mods not working so well with the EEs, I started up the originals. After some research, I figured that BWS offered a feasible path to a number of mods that might enhance my experience, only to eventually find out that BWS seems to have mostly dropped support for the originals for a while. Back to install the EEs and try again. I first tried the minimal installation, and after that seemed to work, I wanted to add in the mods from the recommended set and some more in addition.

    I quickly found out that BWS didn't like me installing additional mods over the first (minimal) installation and had to completely un-/reinstall the games before running BWS again. After a while, I found the current versions of all the mods that I wanted to install, and proceeded to let BWS handle it.

    EET then ran flawlessly - just the prologue, though. Just as soon as I let Imoen join the party, dialogues start to go totally bizarre. E.g., Imoen spontaneously asks me something that makes no sense at all and then I can opt for diverse, unconnected answers from a set that mostly are not even supposed to be the PC's.

    TL/DR: My dialogues are broken and I'd like to fix them. Normally, I would remove some mods and add them carefully one by one to see what causes the problems. But I cannot find a way to do that. Am I looking wrong or do I really have to reinstall everytime I want to change a mod? Is there another way?

    I'm aware that WPS support is waning, but that new tool looks forbidding, since I don't know enough about BG2 modding. Any suggestions?

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    Moorkh wrote: »
    EET then ran flawlessly - just the prologue, though. Just as soon as I let Imoen join the party, dialogues start to go totally bizarre. E.g., Imoen spontaneously asks me something that makes no sense at all and then I can opt for diverse, unconnected answers from a set that mostly are not even supposed to be the PC's.

    Do you have the Siege of Dragonspear DLC? If, you need to merge the DLC with your base game.

    If you do not have the Siege of Dragonspear DLC, it seems like your installation is corrupted. Try a full reinstall.
  • MoorkhMoorkh Member Posts: 3
    I have SoD installed and it shows up among the games I can just to start from the main menu.
    I only became aware of needing to run modmerge during the BWS install phase and did it then. Might this have caused problems? When do I need to run it, exactly, for it to do what it's supposed to?
    Also, can I use BWS to remove and add individual mods after the initial installation? Or would this inevitably screw up my install?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    @Moorkh If you have Baldur's Gate from Steam or GoG, and you have the Siege of Dragonspear expansion set installed (which you do, since you can select it from the main menu), you need to merge SoD into the base game before installing any mod whatsoever.

    The official program used to merge SoD into the base game can be found here:

    Alternatively, there's a community built program that does the same thing, but with WeiDu:

    Technically, you should be able to uninstall and/or reinstall mods after installing other mods, and WeiDu should all handle that. I personally don't take any chances. Whenever I start modding, I start with a fresh copy. Also, if your installation is corrupted in any way, then it's very unlikely that uninstalling mods will somehow uncorrupt your installation.

    Here's the smart way of modding your game:
    - Create a new, fresh installation, using the Steam client, GoG Galaxy client, Beamdog client, or whatever tool you need to install your game.
    - Do not ever mess with this fresh installation in any way. You can run it if you want a vanilla experience, but don't run modmerge, DLC merger or any mods on it!
    - Copy the entire installation to a second location somewhere on your harddrive.
    - On this copied installation, run either modmerge or DLC merger (whichever you prefer, but don't run both). Mod installation tools should detect that you need them and run DLC merger, but make sure they actually do so!
    - After you've used modmerge or DLC merger to merge the DLC into the base game, install the mods that you want. You could use a mod installation tool if you want. I personally prefer installing the mods manually. It's really not difficult at all. Just extract, run, and go!
    - If you need an installation with a different combination of mods, simply go ahead and copy the original installation a second time, to a different location. No longer need a certain modpack, just delete that installation.

    When you mess up or need to restart for any other reason, all you need to do is make another copy of the original installation. No need to redownload the entire game again! Also, if there's an update, only the fresh installation gets updated. The copy where you applied the mod doesn't get updated, so it won't break your current game.
  • MoorkhMoorkh Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your generous insight - I will try to follow your advice and report back here with my results in a while. :)
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Maybe this thread should be unpinned if this mod manager is no longer supported?
  • Bomb3rmanBomb3rman Member Posts: 9
    Hello Guys, managed to mod BG2 a few years back with this tool. Now I'm back and have a few questions:

    The Post says the BWS is outdated... What's the alternative, then?

    Since I backed up almost all mods I used years ago, I guess I could still use BWS and give it the folder on my HDD if these older mods aren't online anymore. But I'm still open to a newer alternative if there is one.

    Is the EE for BG2 really necessary? Or more precisely: Are there as many mods for BG2 EE as there were for BG2 a few years back? Would like to replay some of the old mods and I'm not ure if they can be used with the EE. So I could stick to my old version of BG2 + ToB or I could buy BG2 EE, if many mods are available for EE as well.

    Thanks :)

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    Hi :)

    The new tool is Project Infinity powered by @ALIEN

    You may find more info here:
  • BigWorldSetupBigWorldSetup Member Posts: 6
    This app is now obsolete.
  • kimmuryielkimmuryiel Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2019
    everywhere says "this app is obsolete", there a new place to get it or something?

    nevermind, can I recommend replacing the top post with the links etc to Project Infinity? :sweat_smile:
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    With regard to the DSoSC mod, I have enrolled Jet'Laya in the party and gone to East Pelvale and am wanting to go to the area where her sister is, but it hasn't appeared on the map. Could somebody tell me what the area name is that we should be going to, so that I can key in that area?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    With regard to the DSoSC mod, I have enrolled Jet'Laya in the party and gone to East Pelvale and am wanting to go to the area where her sister is, but it hasn't appeared on the map. Could somebody tell me what the area name is that we should be going to, so that I can key in that area?

    That's not the right topic for such questions. New thread will be helpful for others which have similar question/problems while here, it will be lost. Please start a new one and as general rule, include you weidu log (or logs if EET).
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    ALIEN wrote: »
    With regard to the DSoSC mod, I have enrolled Jet'Laya in the party and gone to East Pelvale and am wanting to go to the area where her sister is, but it hasn't appeared on the map. Could somebody tell me what the area name is that we should be going to, so that I can key in that area?

    That's not the right topic for such questions. New thread will be helpful for others which have similar question/problems while here, it will be lost. Please start a new one and as general rule, include you weidu log (or logs if EET).

  • @ALIEN I am really interested in trying this tool, i.e., Project Infinity, which I have downloaded. BUT, once I open it, I have no idea what to do. I set my game path (I think), and it gives me a recommended mod order on the left, none of which can be checked, although the up/down arrows seem to work.

    Where do I provide the mods I selected? It doesn't even seem to see the folder I have them in. I'm used to doing it manually but thought this would be cool. CT
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @CharlestonianTemplar I've replied here

    @Moderators Please close this topic to avoid confusion.
  • Dragmor99Dragmor99 Member Posts: 1
    PLEASE, HELP ME! I really dont understand what mean to create backup! And what mean Select the folder where the 'Big World Setup' will put the downloads? What folder i need to choose?!
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Dragmor99 wrote: »
    PLEASE, HELP ME! I really dont understand what mean to create backup! And what mean Select the folder where the 'Big World Setup' will put the downloads? What folder i need to choose?!
    As written in the first post, don't use BWS. You can try Project Infinity.
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