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[obsolete] Big World Setup (BWS): Mod Manager for Baldur's Gate / Enhanced Edition (Trilogy)



  • MoosewallahMoosewallah Member Posts: 2
    Hi I'm picking up in EE modding where I left off a number of years ago with BG modding so I'm a bit rusty.
    I am having this weird error in EET where as far as I can tell it has pretty much finished the section it was on - importing the mods etc and then it crashes at the last moment here are next to last lines from output screen:

    ERROR: error loading [EET/temp/EET.lnk]
    ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/EET.lnk")
    Enhanced Edition Trilogy (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) was not installed due to errors.

    I am attaching a 7z of the debug log.

    Many thanks for any help or suggestions,

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Moosewallah You might want to post your error log here.
  • MoosewallahMoosewallah Member Posts: 2
    Thank you
  • HDANONIMHDANONIM Member Posts: 1
    Anyone can share - Revised forgotten Wars Item Pack v1.0 ? I can not find it on the Internet.
  • WillScarlettWillScarlett Member Posts: 35
    Hi Guys. After a few attempts, this is what I landed on. Would you mind giving it a look and letting me know if you see any glaring issues?
  • educatedoafeducatedoaf Member Posts: 3
    Anyone know if/when shs and giberlings will be back up?
  • DunyDuny Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2018
    Same question here, BWS gives the following errors preventing any installation:

    The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:

    * BiG World Textpack: The Mod itself (BiG World Textpack v17.0.1 ENGLISH.7z)
    * BiG World Textpack: Translations and sounds (BiG World Textpack v17.0.1 ENGLISH.7z)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Duny The SHS and G3 Forums are down currently.
  • billy_pilgrimbilly_pilgrim Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2018
    Hey guys, I'm currently playing through a BWS trilogy install. Although it mostly works fine there are some small bugs, some quests don't trigger (after killing Sarevok nothing happened), and also some graphical bugs when casting spells the animation box edges light up or the animation itself is cut off. Also some flickering in water graphics on the map (I haven't been to SoA yet but I get the same glitches in SoD so I assume they will be there too, initially I thought it may be a BGI engine thing). So basically although I enjoy the ease of use, I was wondering about installing SCS and some additional mods separately on all three games, does BWS let you do this, or does BWS only work if you install BGT as well? The only mod I really care about is SCS.
  • JiveOneJiveOne Member Posts: 43
    What's the current state of Big World Setup? I've used it a few years back with the standard BG games but never the enhanced editions. I usually did a standard or tactical installation. Any issues with the current release, or installation load order problems that prevent components from installing? Interested in using BWS with EE Trilogy but I want to make sure it's currently working ok before investing the time.

    Also if it includes an XP reduction mod, is there a certain percentage that works best with a standard or tactical installation? Thanks!
  • groovy_bearsgroovy_bears Member Posts: 1
    This is amazing, thank you!
  • majbermajber Member Posts: 53
    Can I play this mod and recommend mods on latest version of the game?
  • triplewgftriplewgf Member Posts: 2
    Hi guys,

    Am having trouble installing mods using BWS.

    I selected the recommended pack, and added some mods I wanted to play. While some weren't downloaded by the program, I was able to manually download these.

    However, when I start the installation, and BWS begins to extract the files, the entire module suddenly crashes without warning.

    Any ideas, or any info I can give to help?

    Thanks and much appreciated.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited January 2019
    I don't know where to put this so I'll start with this thread here:
    Nightfarer's (?) Item Patcher adds the "droppable" flag to some of Breagar's items.
    Problem is: these are Breagar's hand and/or arm implants /artificial limbs.

    It doesn't make any sense to make them droppable.

    Moreover, it breaks the mod if Breagar doesn't have these items in the appropriate hand / shield slots at the approproiate times.

    Please remove this from the item patcher. Thank you.
    EDIT: I see now that this was meant to solve the problam of unremovable items being taken away from the party by other mods. Still, I'd prefer being informed about such conflicts and the item patcher not being installed blindly.
    Post edited by jastey on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    jastey said:

    I don't know where to put this so I'll start with this thread here:
    Nightfarer's (?) Item Patcher adds the "droppable" flag to some of Breagar's items.
    Problem is: these are Breagar's hand and/or arm implants /artificial limbs.

    It doesn't make any sense to make them droppable.

    Moreover, it breaks the mod if Breagar doesn't have these items in the appropriate hand / shield slots at the approproiate times.

    Please remove this from the item patcher. Thank you.
    EDIT: I see now that this was meant to solve the problam of unremovable items being taken away from the party by other mods. Still, I'd prefer being informed about such conflicts and the item patcher not being installed blindly.

    There is a real problem with undroppable items. If a character is equipped with +1, or +2 items you are unable to replace them with +3 items. For characters such as Breager you could edit the character files/itm files AFTER installation so that his arms are undroppable. That might be essential because of those scenarios when you drop everything.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited January 2019
    @Wise_Grimwald I apologize, but I do not understand either of your statements. To be clear: if an NPC has an undroppable +1 item then it is disadvantageous because along BGII +1 items are fairly weak, is that what you mean? For Breagar, the undroppable item(s) is a part of him (his arm) so here it really makes no sense to make it droppable. (Especially, since the mod assumes those items to be on Breagar to advance his quest and also to replace one item with another.)
    Your suggestion about making items undroppable after installation I do not understand. What exactly do you mean?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2019
    You can certainly make an item undroppable with Near Infinity. If you then replace the current items (The arms) in your override folder with the one you have made that is undroppable, then from then on those arms will be undroppable. You need to keep the old files in case you drop a clanger and have to go back to where you were. Jusst keep those old files somewhere safe.

    To find the names of those files that need changing use EE Keeper and then go on inventory. The name of the itm file will be shown in there. If the file is in the override folder already, you just have to find it and change it. If it isn't, then you can export it to the override folder using EE Keeper.

    It does not appear to be possible to edit that file in EE Keeper instead of Near Infinity, though somebody else might be able to prove me wrong.

    You said: To be clear: if an NPC has an undroppable +1 item then it is disadvantageous because along BGII +1 items are fairly weak, is that what you mean?

    That is exactly what I mean. That is just one of the reasons that the mod was written. The other main reason was to stop you taking an NPC into your group, divesting himn of his good equipment and then kicking him out.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810

    You can certainly make an item undroppable with Near Infinity.

    Ah, sorry. I was asking as the maintainer of the mod, not a player.

    The other main reason was to stop you taking an NPC into your group, divesting himn of his good equipment and then kicking him out.

    I am not sure how an "make items droppable" patcher would help with that, but maybe it's because I do not know the whole scale of the Item Patcher mod.

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    jastey said:

    You can certainly make an item undroppable with Near Infinity.

    Ah, sorry. I was asking as the maintainer of the mod, not a player.

    The "make items droppable" patcher would certainly have helped with the earlier versions of "The Drizzt Saga". In the past you couldn't get Drizzt's swords even if he was slain and you couldn't pickpocket them either. I am of the opinion that having all items droppable is a good idea and so am glad that the patcher is available, and that players who have a particular problem like the one with Breagar will have to do the editing themselves. That problem has been caused by whoever designed Breagar.

    "The Drizzt Saga" has now been altered so that items are droppable. Having them undroppable caused all sorts of unintended problems particularly if a character died and was later raised.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Wise_Grimwald Thank you, that makes sense.
    That problem has been caused by whoever designed Breagar.
    Hm, if the whole topic about problems with unremovable items was fully known then maybe, but if a mod that assumes an item to be undroppable and therefore uses detection of this item for quest triggers doesn't work because that item was made droppable by another mod (and the player therefore removed it) then I don't think it's really the original mod's fault.
  • SkalbeSkalbe Member Posts: 1
    Hi, everyone!
    I'm trying to install a most comprehensive Baldur's Gate gaming experience ever conceived after a long time. Last time I did this was before Enhanced Edition was out.
    So now I when I use the BWS, it tells me the classic editions are deprecated. Ok. I tried anyway and it would throw me out every time saying that I have to continue with Leonardo's BWP install method. When I do this, it also messes up my mod component selection and tries to install everything from any mod I selected in the BWS selection interface. Is this working as intended or am I doing something wrong?
    I also tried doing a GOG enhanced edition trilogy BWS install. This brought up some other dubious behaviour:
    1) I had a fresh and empty BWS Download folder when I begun.
    2) I selected my mods, but when I switched between the view-sorting modes 'sort like in PDF install order' and the other one, I noticed that the mods shown are different. Some are only shown in one or the other view mode. Ths led me to some questions - is that a bug? Is it just a UI bug or does it actually reflect the install selection? Which one do I use and why?
    *EXAMPLE* - I selected Sword Coast Stratagems in the selection -> I switched the view modes -> it was nowhere to be found -> I continued with the installation and the installation process did try to install it from somewhere.
    What gives? Can someone explain? BWS guides mention nothing about the options anywhere.
    Thank you.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2019
    It starts out giving you a series of options for mods at the bottom. Select the one that is nearest to what you want and then edit your list of mods.

    It will then tell you about any conflicts and you are given options about how to resolve them.

    Sometimes for instance there will be two mods doing much the same thing and you will be asked which of the two you would prefer. It also gives you their preferred option which has probably been tested to avoid as many bugs as possible.

    Sadly there is no clear guide. There are guides of course, but all of them assume a certain amount of knowledge that you don't have.

    Only by trial and error will you begin to vaguely understand how it works.

    After about three or four trial runs you will probably get something near to what you want.

    Sorry that this is probably as clear as mud. :(
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • BennettBennett Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2019
    Maybe I am doing something wrong but when installing SCS via BWS why is component 4030 - Improved Shapeshifting not available to install?
    EG: The BWS menu does not show it, but the versions of SCS I am using (32 or 31RC3) has it.
    Post edited by Bennett on
  • BennettBennett Member Posts: 14
    Ah, I see you have an ongoing discussion about the issue in another thread so forget the above post.

    I made a manual change in the InstallOrder.ini and managed to get the option that way.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2019
    The link on page 1 to "Enhanced Edition Trilogy" does not exist. :(

    I suspect that it should be to here:

    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Blad3Sing3RBlad3Sing3R Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2019
    Hello amazing BG Series people! 

    With 20th anniversary, I thought I would ask my gf (aka BG Series) out for an extended date, but have encountered some problems with BWS installation.

    Namely, when checking for download links of certain mods, I have encountered that a handful of them did not work (list below). Is there any way to edit the BWS links so that I can input the correct ones (all of these mods are downloadable, the problem is the link). How would I do it?

    Separately, there are a couple of mods that I would love to use - namely Revised Battles (for 1 kit) and Nathaniel. Is there any way for me to add them manually? Can I try installing them AFTER I finish the BWS installation or perhaps you would recommend doing so BEFORE running BWS? I know that is not ideal, but could it work (i.e. limited breakage impact).

    List of mods with link issues:

    Check the Bodies (EE-Version)


    BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters

    Dungeon Crawl

    The Sellswords

    Unfinished Business

    Alora NPC

    Auren Aseph NPC

    Gavin NPC

    Gavin NPC for BG2:ToB

    Haldamir NPC

    Kivan and Deheriana Companions

    Mur'Neth NPC

    Sarah NPC

    Solaufein's Rescue (Jastey's Solaufein)

    Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters

    BG1 NPC Project Music Pack

    Crossmod Banter Pack

    Romantic Encounters

    Divine Remix

    Post edited by Blad3Sing3R on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    If they are downloadable, you can download them yourself into your BWS download folder. When the installation  says that the mod is unavailable - press the s key to select the mod yourself. You then browse to the file that you have downloaded.

    If the file is not the size that the installation is expecting (You are using a more recent version perhaps) - then you have to press the f key to force it to use the file that you have selected.

    Hope that this is helpful.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited February 2019
    Probably answered, but does BWS work for 2.5? I see that it was last updated in june of 2018.

    EDIT: tried to install but don't seem to find setting for this:

    Independent Installation: You can install the Big World in a separate folder.

    Post edited by histamiini on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    BigWorldSetup I hope that you realise that since G3 is operational again, all your links to G3 mods no longer work as the download pages have all moved. I am sure that all of us who are trying to use BWS would be delighted if you could update things asap. I realise that this could well entail a lot of work for you, so we are not expecting things to happen overnight, but communication as to when this is likely would be appreciated.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Wise_Grimwald I'm currently busy with PI so no updates will be done, sorry.
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