I finished the BWP setup wizard but is there anything else I need to do? For example, I know that the SCS mod, if installed by itself, has a long command prompt window asking you which options you want, but there was none of this in the BWP setup wizard.
Is there something else one must do to activate these mods that were installed?
If you set it up right, when you picked the mods you wanted, there were collapsed menus for each allowing you to make the various optional choices for each. You could then save those choices and export them to a BWS-Version.txt file.
Believe me, I did not get everything right on my first BWS install, there's definitely many tiny ways stuff can go wrong. If youre not sure if everything is set up right, you can launch the game and test it out. If you didn't handpick the SCS components then it likely installed them all.
There's really nothing more to do once the installation is over. You should have a link to launch the game on your desktop and many thousand files in the override directory of your BG2 install.
If you set it up right, when you picked the mods you wanted, there were collapsed menus for each allowing you to make the various optional choices for each. You could then save those choices and export them to a BWS-Version.txt file.
Believe me, I did not get everything right on my first BWS install, there's definitely many tiny ways stuff can go wrong. If youre not sure if everything is set up right, you can launch the game and test it out. If you didn't handpick the SCS components then it likely installed them all.
There's really nothing more to do once the installation is over. You should have a link to launch the game on your desktop and many thousand files in the override directory of your BG2 install.
sorry to bother you but could you re-upload that text file again? My dumb self didnt save+copy the file and instead placed the only copy into big world but then I deleted the whole directory because I have to restart the installation due to problems you mentioned above
You mean, the thing I uploaded earlier for you? Sure Ill do it again, not sure why its already gone. If you meant BWS-Selection.ini that wouldnt be of any use as its really up to you to decide which mods and components you want in your game. Its basically just a list of your mod choices, if you lost it unfortunately you gotta pick them again
I'd also suggest changing the location of the downloads folder outside your game setup. That way it's easier to wipe the setup and start again without having to download every single mod again.
Damn... And here I was, planning my next playthrough of bg2ee for when I come back from vacation... IIRC, I only need the Almateria Restoration Project from SHS (and whatever is required by BWS) but still...
Anyone we can reach out to in case the admins are not aware yet?
Hey guys, total noob to mods here, trying to figure out BWS. I've fucked up a couple of installs already, and am trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm confused as to the purpose of BWS's Backup/Restore functionality. It states "Backup important BG1EE files" and "If you have done a fresh installation of the game, it is recommended to do a backup now." (Presumably "fresh installation of the game" means uninstalling-then-reinstalling it?) What "important BG1EE files" is this talking about? Do I need to bother with this?
I did a Backup before my first attempt at installing the "maximized" selection of mods. And before my second attempt (then figuring I'd settle for the "recommended" selection), it seemed to be urging me to do a Restore, because it said I already had mods installed (despite having uninstalled-then-reinstalled BG1EE)...
Sigh. I've now un-then-re-installed it a second time, and am back to the place where it's telling me I already have mods installed. Is this actually the case? Or have I just jacked up my log? Here's the message that I can't make heads or tails of: Edit: Important typo! ("not" vs "now")
@VinnyB Uninstalling may not completely delete mod subdirectories.
To be sure, uninstall the game, then check to see if the installation directory still exists. If it does, delete it. Only then do a proper install.
Unless you have a small harddrive, it can also be recommended to, once installation is done, copy the installation to a second folder, and do all the modding on a second folder. That way, if the game itself updates, it doesn't affect your modded copy. It also makes it really easy to make another fresh install. Just copy the original folder another time.
BWS installation doesn't work now as www.shsforums.net seems to be down. Also if I follow the link to Unfinished Business file it's now called win-bg1ub-v15.2.zip so maybe I can just use that instead? Any idea what other site I could find the rest of the files from?
Edit. Just found aTweaks v453 (aTweaks-master.zip) so I guess that will do.
I'm having the same issue as Wilbur, and I've been waiting for days now for SHS to get running again. This is becoming really frustrating. If anyone could help Wilbur and I, it would be greatly appreciated. In addition to his list, I'm also unable to find the most recent version of the following files:
I've tried Wayback Machine, Github searches, Google and forum searches...ugh. Can anyone help out? I've already trimmed several other mods (Yoshimo Friendship, Imoen Friendship, La'Valygar) out of my playthrough just to try to get started, but I really need the above mods if anyone can assist.
I am still getting the problem mentioned on this thread with regards to The Greyclan Episode. That is there is spawning problem which Enforcer says that he has reported. I am wondering if he reported it at the correct place. Could you inform me of the correct place to report Grey Clan Episode bugs?
The thread above gives a way to set the variables correctly after the battle near the temple of Tymora. If nothing else, the Readme should inform users of the mod of that workaround.
For few days i cant install EET via BWS. I get this information:
The extraction of the following mod(s) failed: DLC Merger: The Mod itself (A7-DlcMerger-master.zip) ą Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod.
Some files were not extracted. Do you want the BWS to run an integrity test on those files first, provide the files yourself (see remarks) or just continue?
Didn't work. I got "_Depend_SetModState could not deactivate 355". I moved DlcMerger folder with .gitattributes to the BG1EE folder: C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00766
So BWS changed during last 2 years? I rememberd it as a very simple program which installed all mods with few clicks. Now you have to install external mod and move some folders outside?
So BWS changed during last 2 years? I rememberd it as a very simple program which installed all mods with few clicks. Now you have to install external mod and move some folders outside?
It hasn't changed that much, but sometimes mods aren't available due to sites being down. A lot of mods are now only available at Github and some mods need manual interaction to download them. If mods are being manually introduced you have to put them with the others so that BWS finds them easily. For those that it can no longer download itself you have to use the provide option. One of the current problems is that the SHS site is down so the files from there have to be located from elsewhere. (Note - that info is now out of date) They are up and running again.
I noticed that a new Patch is out and i dont know if i can install mods now because i dont know if they are compatible atm? Can someone confirm it? And is there a List for mods which are currently compatible?
Could you convert the file InstallOrder.ini in a more readable format (e.g., pdf) so that all those players who install mods manually (e.g., all those players who have a Mac and cannot use this utility) can read better the correct/recommended install order ?
Is there something else one must do to activate these mods that were installed?
Believe me, I did not get everything right on my first BWS install, there's definitely many tiny ways stuff can go wrong. If youre not sure if everything is set up right, you can launch the game and test it out. If you didn't handpick the SCS components then it likely installed them all.
There's really nothing more to do once the installation is over. You should have a link to launch the game on your desktop and many thousand files in the override directory of your BG2 install.
The textpack from earlier just in case: https://nofile.io/f/1dZYBtEAyHy/BiG+World+Textpack+v17.0.1+ENGLISH.7z
Anyone we can reach out to in case the admins are not aware yet?
I did a Backup before my first attempt at installing the "maximized" selection of mods. And before my second attempt (then figuring I'd settle for the "recommended" selection), it seemed to be urging me to do a Restore, because it said I already had mods installed (despite having uninstalled-then-reinstalled BG1EE)...
Sigh. I've now un-then-re-installed it a second time, and am back to the place where it's telling me I already have mods installed. Is this actually the case? Or have I just jacked up my log? Here's the message that I can't make heads or tails of:
Edit: Important typo! ("not" vs "now")
To be sure, uninstall the game, then check to see if the installation directory still exists. If it does, delete it. Only then do a proper install.
Unless you have a small harddrive, it can also be recommended to, once installation is done, copy the installation to a second folder, and do all the modding on a second folder. That way, if the game itself updates, it doesn't affect your modded copy. It also makes it really easy to make another fresh install. Just copy the original folder another time.
Edit. Just found aTweaks v453 (aTweaks-master.zip) so I guess that will do.
BG1 Unfinished Business: The Mod itself (bg1ub-master.zip)
Convenient Ammunition: The Mod itself (ConvinientAmmunition.zip)
* BiG World Textpack: Translations and sounds (BiG World Textpack v17.0.1 ENGLISH.7z)
* BiG World Textpack: The Mod itself (BiG World Textpack v17.0.1 ENGLISH.7z)
BiG World Installpack: The Mod itself (BiG World Installpack v17.0.5.7z)
aTweaks: The Mod itself (atweaks-v452.zip)
IEP Extended Banters (v5.4 English)
Worldmap (v10.2.2 English)
I've tried Wayback Machine, Github searches, Google and forum searches...ugh. Can anyone help out? I've already trimmed several other mods (Yoshimo Friendship, Imoen Friendship, La'Valygar) out of my playthrough just to try to get started, but I really need the above mods if anyone can assist.
The thread above gives a way to set the variables correctly after the battle near the temple of Tymora.
If nothing else, the Readme should inform users of the mod of that workaround.
The extraction of the following mod(s) failed:
DLC Merger: The Mod itself (A7-DlcMerger-master.zip) ą
Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod.
Some files were not extracted. Do you want the BWS to run an integrity test on
those files first, provide the files yourself (see remarks) or just continue?
Download A7-DlcMerger: https://github.com/Argent77/A7-DlcMerger, extract it, move proper folder to BG1EE game, continue instalation.
C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00766
And is there a List for mods which are currently compatible?
Is there any of native English speaker who can help me with checking spelling for 10 question poll?
Could you convert the file InstallOrder.ini in a more readable format (e.g., pdf) so that all those players who install mods manually (e.g., all those players who have a Mac and cannot use this utility) can read better the correct/recommended install order