hungarian translation
Hi, i saw the hungarian text translation in android version and i have some critics about translated spells, class names.
The first is, why translate paladin to lovag, it wasnt necessary, the paladin term is more than a knight, and there isnt any hungarian word direct to paladin. And the spell lesser restoration, how the hell it translated to kisebb restauracio - its best translation is kisebb helyreallitas as the original dnd3 hungarian translation use. I not found any email adress to discuss it but if u know pls write me.
The first is, why translate paladin to lovag, it wasnt necessary, the paladin term is more than a knight, and there isnt any hungarian word direct to paladin. And the spell lesser restoration, how the hell it translated to kisebb restauracio - its best translation is kisebb helyreallitas as the original dnd3 hungarian translation use. I not found any email adress to discuss it but if u know pls write me.
I'd like to help in this project (or finish it myself). I've sent a mail to already. No answer yet. Let me know how to proceed.
Late bump, but since you brought similar up in the other topic in the last hours... M.A.G.U.S.'s 1993 rulebook included a conversion template from AD&D which calls the class "paplovag". It might be an idea they came up with (M.A.G.U.S. always put a lot of effort into the divine aspects afterall), but I consider that term an appropriate translation.
I'll try to get involved in this I guess, atleast BG1 should be finished with the 2.6 additions.
Sure, but there aren’t anyone who want to works in this translation anymore.
Btw Paplovag fine maybe templomos (because there is no templar here), but simple lovag is appropiate as well.