What Forgotten realms books did you read?

I'm browsing some books in my bookstore and they are alot of them but also quite cheap.
Which books stand out as really good fantasy action mystery novels? I have read first two books of Drizzt.
What authors are good writers?
Which books stand out as really good fantasy action mystery novels? I have read first two books of Drizzt.
What authors are good writers?
1. All of R.A. Salvatore's books including Archmage(There are ALOT of them - I prefer Jarlaxle and Entreri though over Drizzt)
2. The War of the Spider Queen(Lolth goes silent, chaos descends on the Drow - it is decent considering every book was done by a different author)
3. The Lady Penitent(Branch off series about Halisstra Melarn after the War of the Spider Queen - do not read if you like Eilistraee)
4. The Empyrean Odyssey(Branch off series about Aliisza the Alu-Fiend after the War of the Spider Queen)
5. The Moonshae Trilogy(wasn't really as good as the other ones, yet it is about the rise of the creature Kazgoroth, a child of Bhaal)
I would have to say my favourite Forgotten Realms author is R.A. Salvatore, yet I haven't read any of the books on Elminster though. I'm more interested in the Underdark, Sword Coast, Icewind Dale and the Silver Marches than the Dales personally.
Edit: I also recently ordered the Baldur's Gate books because I truly wanted a copy of their terribleness for myself.
Long ago, I had read a few tie-in books for some earlier RPGs, and they weren't very good. That experience put me off tie-in books, so I've avoided them in the expectation that I'd find them disappointing.
However, the fact that some tie-in books for some games are poor work, obviously doesn't prove that other tie-in books for other games are inevitably poor, so I realise that I may be doing some such works an injustice by avoiding them. Nevertheless, it's a risk I haven't bothered taking, since I've got plenty of other things to do with my time.
I hear that R. A. Salvatore makes a better job of tie-in books than most other writers, so maybe one day I'll give some of his FR books a try. Maybe.
I'm looking that in the book with the drop of mystery and action. Will Siege of Dragonspear have some tie-in book?
Which mage in FR lore is equivalent to Gandalf in LOTR lore ? In sense it's the most famous and memorable character mage.
were quite good, inventive, entertaining, all in all a good read. Next, he wrote The Sellswords, which in my opinion is his best work. He focuses on Entreri and Jarlaxle and getting away from Drizzt and company felt like a breath of fresh air after so long. Homecoming, Transition, Neverwinter and the Companions I read and as I continued reading I realized that it was always the same stories over and over again, always the same characters doing the same stuff... It's all game and fun, but after a (long) while one gets bored.
I felt with the last few novels he was just trying to scrape the bottom of the bucket and called it quits after the novel he published last year.
I've also read the cleric quintet, very good read. But his best work remains the Sellswords imho. To be fair, I did not read War of the Spider Queen and the Stone of Tymora stuff.
I've read almost every FR novel Greenwood wrote. Apart from the Elminster books, which are witty, funny read and always have the ability to expand a DM's knowledge on the history of a certain area/region, its places of interest and its people, you have Shandril's saga, which adds knowledge to the spellfire and how it works. So even when Big Ed's books are not particularly well written, they at least have something that can be of value. So I'd pick any EG novel above any Saltavore's future novels and the more recent ones.
I've read a whole bunch of other stuff, some I liked, some I didn't so much. The best I've read so far it is the Avatar Series, which focuses on the Time of Troubles and from a DM perspective, I believe it to be a MUST read.
One must wonder how many dwarven strongholds are hidden throughout the Sword coast ready for Bruenor to go reclaim. This is of course only one opinion, it doesn't mean it's the correct one.
@Brus Most outstanding setting? Hmm Maybe The Neverwinter series? That is late in the Drizzt series though. Like think book 40 of 50. Edit: No. Now that I think of it, the War of the Spider Queen and The Empyrean Odyssey both beat it.
I would have to say the offshoots of the Drizzt series have the best story telling.
As pointed out by @GemHound , the FR existed way before the creation of the games, so there are no books out there (as far as I know) which were used as base for the games. There are however novelizations of the events reckoned in the games. You can find more information here:
Mind you, if you do a quick research of the forum, you will find that the majority of people/players do not much appreciate the books, for a variety of reasons. Sincerely I tried to read the second book and set it aside, simply because it was boring, badly written (imo) and did not succeed in making me feel involved in the story or the character.
A different way to approach your question is: "are there any novels that influenced the games?". The answer to this question is yes. As I wrote above, the Avatar series deals with the Time of Troubles, so in many ways these novels constitute a prologue to the events in BG.
As for IWD, I found RA Salvatore's IWD trilogy very intriguing and well written, but they have nothing to do with the games. IWD I takes place in 1281 DR, which is about 16 year before Drizzt was even born (1297) and about 60 years before he came to the surface (1340). The only link between IWD I and any novels is the artifact Crenshinibon, which will later reappear in, you guessed it, The Crystal Shard by RA Salvatore.
The events depicted in IWD II on the other hand take place 30 years after the events of IWD (1310), but there is no mention of the Legion of the Chimera in any of Salvatore's works (of course, the game was not going to be out for another 20 years...).
Finally, as far as I know the events described in NWN I & II have never been touched by any novel, although I would really like to read about a young Aribeth and what happened to her after NWN 2. The FR is full of magic, for all we know she could have been resurrected. What about the Sleeping Man? Great stories could be written there ("She will wait at the gates of Cania").
I also like Ed Greenwood's books even though he's not as good a writer as some of the other authors because he really knows FR lore inside-out and you get some great exposure to that treasure vault of lore from his books.
A couple of other must-read authors for me are Elaine Cunningham, Paul Kemp, and Troy Denning.
So I'd recommend: Avatar series, Cleric Quintet, Cormyr Saga, Elminster series, Erevis Cale trilogy, Harpers series, Knights of Myth Drannor trilogy, Lady Penitent trilogy, Moonshae trilogy, Return of the Archwizards trilogy, Sembia series, Shadow of the Avatar trilogy, Songs & Swords series, Starlight & Shadows trilogy, Twilight War trilogy, Wizards series, and the standalone novel Evermeet.
Novel wise as others have mentioned there are the BG novels. But they are notoriously terrible.
Do you mean other than the Sword Coast Adventure's Guide? (this honestly gets pretty mediocre reviews from what I've seen)
I also read the old as hell Dungeons and Dragons: Forgotten Realms Classics comic. It's cheesy as Jan Jansen's feet but I dig it :P
Well, and then of course there is last year's Legends of Baldur's Gate, which I also really liked