Depicting your bhaalspawn

So we all know of using in game portriats or of using custom portraits, but how many people actually tried writing or drawing out a visual depictions of their DnD or just BG character?
This includes modeling, sculpting, or using prop photography as well.
This includes modeling, sculpting, or using prop photography as well.
But as for developing character portraits for myself, no, I haven't enough artistic talent to do a good job. Maybe, with a lot of effort, I could just about match some of the weakest examples of publicly-available portrait work, but no way could I match some of the brilliant portrait work shown by the better artists out there. I'd much rather use a great portrait by someone talented, than poor work by me.
Have fun with that one lmao.
But yeah, on topic:
Wanting to visualize the characters I thought up was the reason I got into drawing in the first place. I have literally a dozen of folders and sketchbooks filled mostly with character designs of mine, starting from when I was about 10 years old (and I lost a lot of my drawings over time as well
Today when I come up with a new character, especially pen and paper characters, I write in-depths descriptions of their history, their personality and everything in addition to drawing them.
When it comes to characters for Baldur's Gate and Co., I do it similarly to @Gallowglass.
I have a very vague idea of what my character should look like, then I browse for suitable portraits. Over time I will change their appearance in my head and when I actually draw them. Here are some before/ after examples of some of my Bhaalspawn:
Left by Jean Paul Avisse; Right by me
Left from Neverwinter Nights; Right by me
Left by Clyde Cardwell; Right by me
Left by LoranDeSore; Right by me
Edit: okay, you've fixed it now, thanks.
I'm on a cell phone there is no left and right, just up and down.
Fixed it now and added the missing source.
I swear, between AD&D and Baen books, I've probably got more Caldwell art on my shelves than any other artist.