your normal order of completing bgee

Does anyone else like to pretty much complete every other accessible map before going to Nashkell? By complete I mean kill everything you want to kill and complete all the quests you're going to complete?
I've not got much bg1 experience (have a tonne of bg2 time). Wondering if this way to play bg1is normal...
I've not got much bg1 experience (have a tonne of bg2 time). Wondering if this way to play bg1is normal...
I start by filling my party as quickly as possible, because any opponent can be dangerous to a level 1 character, so my initial party almost always consists of Imoen, Jaheira & Khalid, Xzar & Montaron. I then don't go anywhere except where necessary on the way to Nashkel, I often don't even (yet) explore the areas through which I'm passing (except a little of Beregost), just follow the road. The point, of course, is that Jaheira & Khalid and Xzar & Montaron all want to go there, but won't abide one another's company for very long, so I rush them there before they fall out and fight.
After reaching Nashkel (and speaking to the Mayor to complete the "quests" for both pairs), then I'll backtrack and explore the areas along the road, and swap out the companions whom I don't intend to keep for other companions along that route, probably explore more of Beregost, and generally get on with the game. But only after Nashkel. I don't know if anyone has ever conducted a systematic survey of what sequence of play most people prefer ... but I suspect that most players go to Nashkel quite early, since that's what the journal entries (and various NPCs) urge you to do. Probably most players don't rush to Nashkel as quickly as I do, though.
I guess that the norm may be to proceed fairly soon to Nashkel, but explore the areas through which the route passes (perhaps especially Beregost), and maybe a couple of the nearer side-areas and side-quests, and maybe re-arrange your companions somewhat as you go.
I used to do it the "normal" way (if indeed it is actually so), but then (being a completionist) realised that I could only complete the "quests" for both Jaheira & Khalid and Xzar & Montaron if I first met the Mayor of Nashkel with all of them in the party at the same time, so I adopted my current strategy of hurrying to Nashkel before doing much else.
I will miss quests in some walkthroughs vut I am past the completionist and more into role play nowadays.
I don't bother recruiting NPCs temporarily. If not everyone is immediately available, I'll rush through the plot doing as few sidequests as possible until I gain access to everybody. If one of those latecomers are supposed to be the party thief (Coran or Alora, for example), I'll have Imoen as a stand-in until I can get to them. Having no one to handle locks and traps is just not worth the hassle.
After my party is gathered, I finally venture forth. I like doing everything that there is to do outside BG city (except TotSC quests) before Chapter 5. Then I enter the city and do all the sidequests in there. Then I finally move on with the plot. Before the final battle, I take a detour to Ulgoth's Beard to do the TotSC quests.
That's usually how I go about. Although lately I'm discovering the liberating sensation of not doing every quest every playthrough. I just do the ones that I feel like doing (and/or the ones which render the items I can't do without) until I hit the XP cap. Then it's time to beat Sarevok and move on to BG2.
Then I would clear out the areas west of Beregost, and then go to the Friendly Arm Inn for the first time while travelling to the bandit camp. After the bandit camp I would clear the Cloakwood mines, and then after those mines: I would fight my way into Baldur's Gate. At this point I would also clear out the levels above ground in Durlag's Tower. I would next do everything in Baldur's Gate, then Candlekeep, and then only after Candlekeep would I go and play the rest of ToTSC as I find ToTSC far more harder than Candlekeep. I would start with Shandalar's quest, then do the rest of Durlag's Tower, but not kill Aec'Letec, and then I would go to Balduran's Isle. Upon return from there I would kill Aec'Letec and then reenter Baldur's Gate.
So, after completing Nashkell Mines, I start to form a new party with Minsc, Edwin, Branwen and Kagain. So, I go in a complete quest for the Gnoll's Stronghold, braving all the areas in the way. Minsc get killed when charname fullfill his deal with Edwin, and then I return to the main plot line quest. (Viconia joins in later)
When I'm about to enter Baldur's Gate, or to revisit it, I complete almost all the other sidequests in the game, including TotSC
Then, it's bandits, Cloakwood, Davaeorn, ankhegs, Baldur's Gate City. Maybe a trip to the top floors of Durlag's Tower, but never the whole thing because I hate that dungeon. Candlekeep and catacombs. Ice Island and Werewolf Island. Return to BG City and finish the game.
And then I travell until I reach a good level for the Bandit Camp...
I think I'd still hit 6 or perhaps even 7 fairly comfortably pre-nashkell.
Lion's way grab Imoen, visit Gorion's grave, grab diamond, take healing pots from Monty & Zxar (50-50 recruit them),
Travel to the Coast Way, get pestered by old man, touch bottom of map so that Beregost is travel able to, kill Ogre and take the belts, get Ring of Princes head up to FAI.
Get ring of Wizardy, kill hobgolins, turn in ring to Joia, fight Tamesh, reload, fight Tamesh,
Enter Inn, turn in belt, get Pantaloons, get Antidotes for fighting spiders, talk to Dorn, talk to Khalid and Jaheira (50-50 chance of recruiting), sell crap, buy better stuff, exit Inn Fast travel to Beregost
In Beregost, talk to Garrick, kill Silke (or don't), recruit Garrick, save Neera (or chunk her), get gem bag, talk down Marl, buy book, talk to Firebead, get pot case, rob the blacksmith, rest in dude's home for free.
Travel south, kill Orgillions, get note, kill hobgoblins, get boots, rob cave, talk to flaming fist, touch south but, head west.
Kill Bassilus, loot body, kill wolf, save chicken travel to high hedge.
Kill skeleton, grab skull, recruit Kivan (maybe), enter High Hedge, get Chickenator cast, sell crap, leave, kill Gnolls, get short sword return to Beregost
Return sword, give note to get ring, head to temple, turn in holy symbol, get gold, go to blacksmith, buy better crap, rest. head to North Nashkel road.
Kill hobgoblins, pick up amulet, talk to Foreshadow head to Nashkel.
Talk to guard, enter inn, fight Neira, leave, talk to Mayor, talk Oublek, recruit Minsc, ignore Edwin (or vis versa if evil, or recruit both if CN), click spam Noober, get Ankheg plate, travel West.
Genocide the Xvarts, loot cave, kill Borda, head south.
Kill Gnolls, kill lumberman, look for dead cat, loot cave, kill lone Gnoll, head to stronghold.
Kill Xvarts, enter caves, get tome, leave, kill gnolls, save Dynaheir (or kill her or have edwin kill her), drop Minsc and Dyna, head back to Nashkel
Rest, sell crap, head to Mines get waylaid, dismiss Dorn
Kill dogs, save Prism, watch Prism die, talk to Galtok, kill kobolds, get wand, talk to Emerson, enter mines
Talk to first miner, talk to miner dink, get dagger, head deeper into mine
Talk to Beldin, watch Beldin die, kill kobolds, kill more kobolds, kill more kobolds, fine Kylee, give dagger, find mysterious potion, drink it, reload, find mysterious potion head deeper into mines
Pick up ring, disarm traps, kill kobolds, kill more kobolds, loot crates, disarm traps, kill kobolds, disarm more traps, kill more kobolds, kill spiders rest in cave, kill more kobolds, get flaming arrows, disarm traps, travel deeper into caves.
kill even more kobolds, kill ghast, kill slimes, enter room, kill kobolds, kill Mulahey, loot chest's DING CHAPTER 3, talk to Xan, recruit Xan (maybe), squeeze through hole
Come out in Valley of Tomes, kill Amazons, loot tomb, talk to Hentold, get dagger, kill Revenant, loot tome, talk to Narcillious, kill Narcillious and slimes, loot last tomb, exit south back to Nashkel.
Turn in gems, talk to mayor, sell crap, give back ring, fight Nimbul, reload, fight Nimbul, reload, kill Nimbul rest at inn head to Beregost.
Get pestered by a kid, get pestered by an old man, talk to Flaming fist, give scalps (if any), return amulet, kill Tranzig, kill spiders, take wine, boots, and spider body head west to High Hedge.
Kill spiders, kill gnoll hit the coast.
Kiss Shoal, die, get revived, fight Ogre Mage, talk to Arcand, fight ogres, get ring, return ring, fight ogres, get healed from Surgeon head south.
Kill hobgoblins, kill Sirens, get arrows, talk to Pallonia, talk to Safana, recruit safana (maybe), kill more Sirens, enter cave, Kill flesh golems, disarm traps, loot cave, get tome, exit cave, talk to mother, save boy fast travel to FAI.
Enter inn, Give wine, spider and boots, rest, head East.
Save Vic (or not), recruit vic (or not), kill bandits, collect scalps and arrows, kill more bandits, talk to leader, convince him to bring you to bandit camp.
Fight Tazok, watch Tazok run away, head to main tent, kill occupants, disarm trap, loot chest, kill rest of bandit camp, loot bandit camp
Return to Beregost, sell crap, buy better crap, sell scalps, go to FAI get pestered by old man, rest head west into Cloakwood.
Kill Tasloi, talk to Aldeth, kill druids, recruit Coran, travel further into woods
Talk to Tiber, disarm trap, kill spiders (rinse repeat until map is cleared), enter spider nest, talk to Centeol, kill more spiders, kill Centeol, get sword, return sword, have sword given back, travel further into woods.
Talk to Eldoth, kill him (or recruit him), kill druids, enter Cave, talk to Peter of the North, kill him, travel deeper into the forest
Kill guards, enter cave, fight wyverns, collect head, travel further into forest
Kill guards, kill bounty hunters, hey nice boots, enter mines
talk to slave, kill guards, travel further into mines, kill more guards, disarm trap, fireball room, kill more guards, talk to Yeslick, dismiss Yelick, talk to Rill, give him the damn gold even though I am slaughtering all the guards go further into mines.
Fight ambush, clear each room going clockwise, kill ogre mage, kill hobgolins in center, kill last guard, head deeper into mines.
Kill guard, find secret door, hide, disarm trap, hide disarm trap, hide disarm trap, spam AOE spells, fight Davaeorn, talk to apprentice, loot everything, return to top level, talk to miner, flood mines.
Return to FAI, rest, head north, kill Ankhegs, touch top of map but head to Beregost. Get Amour made, go to temple, hand in head, sell crap, do Ulcaster, come back get armor head to bridge
Talk to Scar, talk to Quayle, enter city
Get pestered by old man, get pestered by Nikolas, enter thieves guild, kill theives guild, get tome, enter sudries, sell crap, buy crap, head upstairs, kill mages, leave head west
Enter seven suns, kill doppelgangers, save Jhasso, talk to Scar, enter sewer, kill ogre mage, loot everything, return to Scar, give ring, talk to Duke Eltan, go to Iron Throne, kill guards, kill ambush on top floor, loot.
Go to Lady's house, pick pocket tome, kill ragefast, free Nymph, get helm, pickpocket cloak, kill Ramazith, talk to Duke Eltan, magically teleport to Candlekeep.
Meet old friends, kill dopplegangers, enter inn, rest, sell crap, enter keep, get harrassed by everyone, talk to Koveras, get ring, talk to Rieltar, let him live, kill more doppelgangers, read note in Gorion's room, go upstairs, get arrested, get pestered by two old men, get teleported into catacombs
Do catacombs, kill doppelgangers, disarm traps, get tomes and loot, kill ambushing party, kill lizard, kill guy with too many children, return to Baldur's gate.
Talk to Husam, Get arrested again, meet jeb, escape, go to blushing mermaid, enter undercellars kill assasins, get invitation, go to Palace, kill doppelgangers, fight Sarevok chase Sarevok
Enter thieves guild, do maze, disarm traps, exit to undercity
Fight Ambush, talk to Tamoko, talk her down, enter temple, disarm traps, sneak up to initiate dialog, and quickly sneak back, kill Semaj, kill Sarevok. watch credits.
Something like that give or take give or take.
After finishing the mine do every side areas until Bandits camp except for ToSC. First time I did SCS, Bandits Camp was the hardest place. Second time was much easier with Stinking Cloud and Fireball.
Head for the Cloakwood Mine after, aside from the Spiders area, Cloakwoods are a lot easier. After that head to Baldur's Gate and do every quest and then head to Ulgoth Beard before talking to the Duke.
Finish Ice island, Durlag's Tower and finally Werewolf Island. After that none stop main quest.
Other than that the usual route looks something along: Candlekeep -> Friendly Arm Inn -> Beregost & High Hedge -> Nashkel & surrounding locations -> Mines -> do all the available locations (apart from Durlag's Tower) -> Bandit Camp -> Cloakwood -> Baldur's Gate & all the sidequests -> Candlekeep -> TotSC -> the remaining quests in Baldur's Gate & finish the game.
1. Party members
2. The mines
3. Random ish.