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Age of Empires IV

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
edited November 2019 in Off-Topic
In January, 2015, Microsoft created a job advert that stated the following:

"The Decisive Games team is focused on world class strategy game development, and is building a studio that will bring the next installment in a beloved strategy game franchise to the next generation of gamers around the world. This is a highly-collaborative, agile team, with a play-centric approach to game development."

We all know that "a beloved strategy game franchise" is Age of Empires.

So, Age of Empires IV has been in the works for almost a year already.

Also, it's a known fact that AoE IV will be about World War 2 (maybe including the years before and after it).

This is the official artwork by Microsoft:


The last proper entry in the series though, by original creator Ensemble Studios, was Age Of Empires III in 2005. Not long ago, the AoE 2 HD was released with 2 new expansions.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2015
    bengoshi said:

    This is the official artwork by Microsoft:


    Link? Essemble Studios hasn't existed for years and Microsoft's Game Studios is now just called Microsoft Studios (and has been since 2011).

    I'm not saying that it isn't true that they are working on it (they could very well be for all I know), but that picture isn't the best evidence for that (the Age of Empires 2 image also doesn't seem right to me).

    Edit: The only info I could find out about that picture is that it may be from the Age of Empires III Complete Collection, first published in 2009.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    I recall a similar article appearing about that very same book about four or five years ago.

    'Next instalment' does not mean a 'new and in a beloved franchise.' If that dates back in January, it could mean the next instalment of HD remakes, from Age of Empires II: HD, Age of Mythology remake—the next instalment would be Age of Empires III: HD.
    elminster said:

    Edit: The only info I could find out about that picture is that it may be from the Age of Empires III Complete Collection, first published in 2009.

    The image is from the Collector's Edition, and the images and titles were probably thought up prior to Ensemble Studios being scrapped. The book is a decade old; it was released in 2005, the initial release saw both a standard edition and a collector's edition. Unless Microsoft actually comes out and says it, I wouldn't lend it too much credence. Rumours of a possible Age of Empires 4 have been making the rounds ever since that book was released.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2015
    Yea I was wondering if it was a collectors edition (which makes more sense). The article I read said it was the complete edition, which didn't sound right given its size (and just general game company practice).

    Either way its not evidence of anything. I think Microsoft at this stage has largely dismissed the PC. At least compared to the Xbox anyways.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Anyways if they were to do an AOE. 4 I'd like to see it largely be a proper remake of AoE1. AoE2 has held up rather well. AoE 1 (even with its expansion) misses out on enough key RTS features that it could use a remake.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Wow, so many blue posts in a thread. It's a pure speculation now, but even with Ensemble Studios dead for a long time, I still don't think Microsoft, who're the biggest bosses here, would change their plans about releasing a game about those years that weren't covered in their previous games.

    I, too, would very much like a game about ancient Egypt, or ancient Greece, but I still think they'll go for periods that took place much later.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited November 2015
    A 20th century AOE doesn't interest me personally. I don't know something about that period isn't really my thing and at least wouldn't feel like AOE to me.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Bill gates recently had an AMA on reddit. One of the highest rated questions to him was if there could be a new Age of Empires :)
  • ElGuapoElGuapo Member Posts: 37

    Love the Lego buildings for AoE.

    Age of Empires was one of my first PC games, along with BG, Star Wars: Rebellion, and Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. Loved them all. Age of Empires II was such a step up and just about perfect for what it was. Never got into III. It didn't grab me and I just never went back. Would love to see what somebody would do for AoE IV.

    I would probably end up being sorely disappointed with it though, as I am with most newer games. I'm still in mourning about Fallout 4. It could have been so amazing...

  • Sids1188Sids1188 Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2016
    elminster said:

    This seems to be the Age of Empires thread here so I figured I'd post it. This was posted on reddit today.

    If you'd posted those lego pictures without the titles, I still would have had no trouble identifying the buildings. I'm not sure whether to be proud or ashamed of that.

    Side note: Any reason "a beloved strategy game franchise" couldn't be Rise of Nations/Legends?
  • BGLoverBGLover Member Posts: 550
    ElGuapo said:

    .... Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. Loved them all.

    I loved that game too.

    So much so that I still load it up occasionally and have a play. And in the early turns I still sometimes forget to check the course of my federation Science Vessel and it flies into a neutron star and gets destroyed.

    Happy days!

  • ElGuapoElGuapo Member Posts: 37
    BGLover said:

    ElGuapo said:

    .... Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. Loved them all.

    I loved that game too.

    So much so that I still load it up occasionally and have a play. And in the early turns I still sometimes forget to check the course of my federation Science Vessel and it flies into a neutron star and gets destroyed.

    Happy days!

    Yep, it's one I still play sometimes too. Once you can build Defiant class ships, the Federation is unstoppable. The memory leaks in later turns make it near impossible to play a really long epic game though.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    Maybe it's because I've been looking more at AoE2 Definitive Edition than AoE4 lately, but this trailer felt... underwhelming. I don't like the art style, but I've said that of several games and TV shows that I later really enjoyed. Still, the art style made me wonder if this trailer looked like a generic browser game, or if it's that generic browser games have copied so much from the Age of Empires series through the years.

    So it will be interesting to see some more actual gameplay in the future, and maybe I won't sound so negative then. I see a lot of people in the youtube comments complain about it apparently being set in medieval times again. While it would've been really cool with another game in the classical era, I still like the medieval setting a lot.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    I personally am very relieved to hear it's the medieval setting. I like it.

    What is in particular in the "style" that is worrying? Is it much different from AoE 3?
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    I wouldn't say worrying - just that I don't like it personally. Can't even put my finger on what I don't like, but it reminds of those constant Youtube ads for that Game of Thrones game. I'll not go around and complain too much about the look of the game before I see more of it though.

    I definitely like the medieval setting too. It will be interesting to see how they'll approach it this time around. With all the expansions, AoE2 ended up with something like 35 playable civilizations, while AoE3 had far fewer, but much more unique. Just by this quick look in the trailer, it seems the civilizations are quite distinct from each other visually, which I like.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    "[When] the units talk, it's not just that you select a bunch of units, and they say 'Yes sir, on my way.' That's not the game anymore. It's organic talking and cheering when they win, and panicking, all of these interesting aspects that you could never really do before that we can now bring to life through voice and other things."

    "It's always had this wonderful attention to it," said Isgreen. "Even among our focus testers, it's fascinating, because we have people who have been playing Age IV already, that love other Age games. It gets to some things that are silly but so charming. 'Wait, my knights don't hit the castle with the sword anymore?' […] But the funny thing is that a lot of people, as they play the game and getting exposed to it, say 'You know what, this is a different beast and I enjoy it for what it is.'"
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    Sounds really neat with units having context-based dialogue. The only game I can think of from the top of my head that does that is Company of Heroes, and it really adds a lot there.

    At first glance at the trailer, it kind of looked like they were just remaking Age of Empires 2 (as people in the comments mockingly said: Age of Empires 2: 2). But judging by that interview, it sounds more like they've grounded the game in what people liked most about the series (the second game that is), but aren't afraid to try a very different approach and introduce new stuff. A difficult balance, like they say, but it all feels very promising!
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Context based dialogues and expressions from the units were already present in AoE3, it's good that they kept it though.

    My expectations are that they keep its original simplicity , make interesting single player scenarios (Im a single player mostly because I'm terrible at multplayer) and don't demand much from our computers graphic-wise (My pc is from 2014, for heaven sake).
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2019
    Yea I really hope they keep the simplicity. This is something that I think doesn't actually get the consideration it needs in game development - especially in the case of real-time strategy games.

    Like look at Red Alert 2 vs Red Alert 3. Red Alert 2 was a much better game in part because units were so much simpler to use. By the time of Red Alert 3 they decided that every unit needed its own special ability, they made an entire nation out of transforming units (Japan) instead of just a handful of units that could transform, and basically just made things too complex for something that you are supposed to be playing in real time.

    So yea. Just keep the units simple to use themselves. I'm not the young buck I used to be and don't want have to micromanage every unit ability :)
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    Both AoE3 and AoE2 had context-based dialogue, yes, but pretty limited. Basically just different sounds for move vs attack or the villagers commenting on what kind of task you assigned them to. Sounds like they are planning to be much more ambitious this time around.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Also they need to keep truly random maps. None of this everyone is equal distance from eachother nonsense :D
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2019
    If you haven't already check out Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (especially anyone who doesn't already have the HD edition).

    I'm not going to pretend like I like everything about it (they changed some things about the UI I don't like, especially things relating to how the scores are shown and the icons). But there are a bunch of small improvements made in it that really set it apart from their earlier HD edition.

    A big one is that you can queue upgrades with unit building. You can also queue multiple upgrades at the same time. This is so nice.

    Waypoints have also been made easier. You still have to hold down shift but you don't need to right click on the last waypoint at the end. The unit just automatically starts moving. This is nice because it means you can't really screw up waypoints now (not that a great mage like myself has ever done this).

    The AI is better. I know in the HD edition you'd get wonky AI behaviour sometimes (where the AI freezes and doesn't move when you are attacking it). So far I haven't seen this and it seems to just be acting smarter.

    The visuals are generally better. You get like buildings that visually collapse when they are destroyed (although I think there may have been a mod that covered this). No skeletons though which is pretty lame.

    Overall though its a pretty solid experience. There are also 4 new civs bringing the total to 35.

    Edit: Looks like units still have pathfinding issues. Especially villagers.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    I've been trying Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition lately, and it's so, so good. With all the talk about the tone and saturation in the AoE 4 trailer, the DE shows what is really important in strategy games: online MP and AI. And let me tell you, the AI in the DE is absolutely brutal and great to play against. This is the best AoE AI I have played against, it's improved from the vanilla AI and the HD AI. The DE also features matchmaking.

    I agree with @elminster 's opinion above - all those new features are amazing.
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    So a bit of necro here, just because I wonder if there's been anything new about AoE 4? Everything I see about is at least five months old and I'm curious about their progress.

    I actually haven't tried the definitive edition of AoE2 yet, though it looks great. Instead I've been playing some AoE3 lately. It's weird that I prefer to start up the third game, even though I can always tell why it wasn't as successful as the second one.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    No major news yet. They're quite silent, preferring to show than to talk. The DE of AoE2 has been a massive, massive success. And it's a great game (my personal opinion). Looking forward to their DE of AoE3.
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    Will be interesting to see when they finally show more. I wonder if they're letting the hype around the definitive edition die down a bit first.

    I mostly know about the DE from watching Spirit of the Law's videos on youtube. I got the impression that the most challenging aspect for the developers was to create new civilizations that were both unique and balanced. And that it has required some later tweaking in patches.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    Age of Empires: Fan Preview on Saturday, April 10th at 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 5pm BST
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    Will be interesting to finally see some more from AoE 4. I see it has been almost a year since I left a comment that it had been a really long time without any updates on this game.

    I feel like I mostly stick to older games in general now, and don't have the time or energy to get into new ones (I never thought I would totally ignore news about a Baldur's gate 3 for example). So I'll probably not try the game myself. But I'm still interested in seeing how they design the civilizations and campaigns and things like that.
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