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A Journey's End [Scrapped]

elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
edited March 2018 in BGII:EE Mods
I've decided to not move forward with this project.

A continuation of my Eve of War mod, A Journey's End will take a similar approach to Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. Amn and Tethyr will be further fleshed out, taking into account the PnP source books that cover these regions. Additionally, I plan to address (at least on some level) areas of weakness within the second game (particularly Throne of Bhaal).

Note: One area of weakness in this mod that I will not be addressing is the incorrect timeline Bioware established regarding the activities of the Sythillisian Empire. Largely because of the sheer number of cases of dialogue that would need to be changed to be saying something else. Instead I plan to incorporate this differing timeline into the events of this mod (and largely work off of the assumption that these events happened a year or so sooner than they did).

SoA Broad Storyline

Chapter 2

Your eyes peer out into the bright city streets. Finding it hard to adjust to the change it offers after so many months in captivity, you can’t help but ponder your next move. You've found yourself in a strange city, far to the south of Candlekeep. Through its darkened corridors and slums Athkatla offers you an opportunity to blend in, with few truly knowing what you really are.

Though finding Imoen and dealing with Irenicus remain your largest concern you find yourself swept up in larger brewing struggles as they have appeared in Amn. Sarevok's goals may not have been taken seriously here, at least compared to other struggles, but the blood that once ran through his veins has been. The Bhaalspawn crisis may still be in a relative infancy, but that does little to quell the fears of those that hold power in Athkatla. If Sarevok could coerce and plot his way into power nearly undetected, who among those secretive few that lead Athkatla would know if a Bhaalspawn lurked in their very shadow?

Chapter 3

It has been said that allies are expensive in the City of Coin, and gold proves to be only one cost of the challenges that unfold before you. Through bargaining and perilous journey you have opened more options for your search for Irenicus, though the cost of these options will prove much steeper than you initially hoped.

While the Thieves Guild offers you a reliable option to reach spellhold, and Bodhi’s dark embrace likewise remains tempting, those of a more virtuous nature may find others willing to assist them in reaching the isle. Though the Order of the Most Radiant Heart may not themselves have the resources to penetrate an isle as dark as Brynnlaw, through connections such an opportunity may be arranged.

Similarly, those with only the most brutal of tendencies may find reception from an otherwise unknown source. There are many pirate captains that would seek to control Brynnlaw, and atop the boards of one of their ships you might just find room for a compromise. Though Captain Raurivyl Ornshield may not be a man you’d wish to cross, through compromise you can be as much of a boon to his goals as he can be to yours.

Yet reaching Brynnlaw, for all its importance to you, remains only a small part in the unfolding events of this part of Faerun. Throughout the city there are whispers of a woman leading Bhaalspawn to Saradush, a far away city south of Amn in the nation of Tethyr. Yet not all hear her call, and other rumors speak of a Bhaalspawn amassing an army amongst the scattered goblin and giant tribes of The Small Teeth. Truly it appears that the Bhaalspawn crisis is far from over.

Chapter 4

For you however there could be only one path, one direction to travel. Whether it was for finding Irenicus or saving Imoen you now find yourself on the docks of the sultry port of Brynnlaw.

With pirates starring in your direction you can’t help but wonder if this has been a mistake. The pirates of the Nelanther Isles have long been known to be ruthless and brutal, favouring instead to live a profitable life of taking slaves, hostages, goods, and money – regardless of the source. It should come to no surprise to you that around every corner is the potential for you to encounter a conversation you were not meant to hear. At any time one wrong turn could mean the difference between life and death.

Chapter 5

As weeks go by in the underdark you begin to feel weaker. The constitution that you once held remains strong, but each passing day brings greater risks towards your health and sanity.

Chapter 6

The welcome relief of the open air fills your lungs, but only briefly. Much time has passed topside. If you believed the realms would stand still in your absence you were sadly mistaken.

In your absence from the region other forces have begun moving in their own interests. Yet again Trademeet finds itself under siege, though not one whose outcome will be decided by you. Not long ago an unholy horde of goblins, ogres, and hill giants descended upon the town from the mountainous regions to the north. Most of the townspeople are dead and even Lord Logan Coprith himself is found fleeing through the Small Teeth Pass – a small band of orphaned children at his side.

Sythillis, an ogre mage of incredibly power, was reported to have been a leading figure behind these attacks. Though rumors claim him to be a spawn of Bhaal, you are not so certain. Retribution and the truth of this matter will need to wait however, as with each passing day you feel the burden of the loss of your soul even more. Finding Bodhi and defeating Irenicus must remain your primary goal.

Chapter 7

The burden of being soulless grows even greater for you. The death of Bodhi brings some comfort, but your efforts are still not complete. Even death will not prove to be enough to stop Irenicus’s hold over your soul.

ToB Broad Storyline

Chapter 8

It is days after the attack on the city of Suldanessalar before you finally awaken. Once you have recovered your strength you step outside to examine the damage dealt to the city by Irenicus.

The smell of death is still strong here, and though many of the dead were resurrected others were not so fortunate. As you wander the city you learn that these unfortunate few have had their bodies placed within the House of the Moon, likely as part of a ritual burial ceremony. Some have been wrapped in linens, the armor they fell in having been carefully placed around them once again.

For you however this would prove to be a time of celebration. As you walk closer to the Palace you are greeted by the inhabitants of the city as the hero that you are. Though you can hear whispers between residents as you walk by, some of whom may fear the wisdom of allowing a spawn of Bhaal such a presence in their city, the majority seem ecstatic at your recovery.

Your conscious yearns you to leave Suldanessalar however. Knowing the rumors involving Sythillis you find yourself asking Ellesime for her thoughts on this matter.

Chapter 9

The destruction of Saradush has made one thing apparent – to stand a chance at defeating your brethren you will need an army that rivals their own. Though many abhor the thought of working on behalf of a Bhaalspawn others see it as an opportunity to raise their own status in the realms. With the forces of Tethyr weakened by decades of civil war there is little authorities can do to stop those who wish it from flocking to your banner.


- Two additional ways of traveling to Brynnlaw
- A return of Modest
- An explanation of the outcomes of decisions made in Eve of War

And more to come

Largely just wanted to establish this thread to get a conversation going
Post edited by elminster on


  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Will add some new content and questline in Underdark and Brynnlaw?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Brynnlaw yes, Underdark probably not. Its already pretty saturated and players spend a lot of time down there already.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @elminster this is great! This is like a completion of the Saga I always dreamt for.

    Are you planning to expand the Twisted Rune plot somehow?
    I always felt Bioware meant to make this quest larger and more impresive. There are two Runemasters (Shangalar and Shyressa) you fight during this skirmish after all.

    Also are you planning to:
    Incorporate the Twin Towers of Eclipse to the game as a continuation of Bassilus quest?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    The Twisted Rune was building a magical gate on the Nelanther Isles in 1369, so in some way that will be incorporated. Not sure in what way though.

    As far as the Twin Towers go I'm going to say no. The reason for that is that you really have no reason to travel there in SoA (no specific reason beyond wanting to kill evil people). At least not at a point where you have the opportunity (Chapters 2 and 3). The way the Bassillus quest ends doesn't really provide that reason for you to travel there and by the time of Chapter 6 (when it is assisting Sythillis) you don't have the time. Baldur's Gate 1 generally lets you go anywhere, but Baldur's Gate 2 normally requires that you have a specific purpose in mind when travelling to areas. So the mod will be taking the latter approach.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Regarding the 7 cloaked figures seen at the end of Shadows of Amn.

    My thinking is that they are deathstalkers. One of whom is Melissan (only 4 of them speak any lines in the video at the end of Shadows of Amn and some of them are cloaked well enough to not give away who they are).

    Their plans have involved basically two ideas.

    1) Bring as many of the Bhaalspawn together as they can. In order to make acquiring Bhaal's essence easier.

    2) Kill those Bhaalspawn before any one of them gains too much power.

    Thus far they've succeeded at the former but failed when it comes to the latter. At the moment they are looking to merely maintain the balance between the five, if only to ensure that none of them is able to claim the throne for themselves (maintaining a balance has proven particularly difficult given the damage wrought already to Tethyr's forces by the civil war).

    With the attack on Saradush and its eventual destruction the other 6 deathstalkers start solidifying their own forces in the region in an effort to oppose Melissan. This was not something that they intended to happen just yet, and to them it was very obvious that Melissan had planned for these events to unfold at a time of her choosing. Their forces would largely consist of the undead as well as any forces they can acquire from opponents of Cyric who would want to see Bhaal return. This might include the forces of former worshipers of Bane, as well as current worshipers of Iyachtu Xvim, Mask, or Talona. As well as any other humanoid allies they could gather to their cause.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited December 2015
    useless comment, just to move the topic into "Participated" category for easier access. Keep it up!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    Updated to include broad ToB storyline changes.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited December 2015
    that Chapter 8 stuff is going to be playable after returning from Hell, right? Or maybe you're just going to expand the existing end-game cutscene ceremony with more story bits?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    I haven't decided exactly how it will work out, but it will probably involve you waking up as a group and then controlling your group to make your way to where the ceremony is. As opposed to it just sort of happening. After that I haven't decided on which way I'll go

    Direction #1 - > Ellesime tells you to go to the elven stones (this would be considerably less work on my part)
    Direction #2 -> Ellesime suggests you deal with Sythillis and then return. After which she suggests you visit the elven stones.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2015
    So one of the things I'm going to be looking into is rebalancing around the late game (particularly Throne of Bhaal). But in a way that is respectful of PnP. So I wanted to get some feedback on some thoughts I had.

    Quest Spells (spells that currently druids and clerics get when they hit the next level after 3 million xp)

    - Rather than being picked at level up these would be tied into doing a quest for a church. Once a cleric or druid character reaches a given level (say 3 million XP) and is outside they would be approached by a representative of a church. In the case of a druid it might be randomly approached by a representative from the Church of Silvanus or Chauntea, while in the case of clerics the representative's worshipped deity would be determined by either the characters alignment or their particular cleric kit (or maybe special NPC considerations). By completing this particular quest you would be granted 2 choices from a list of quest level spells that have been tailored down a bit to reflect each deity (so assisting the Church of Talos for instance might offer Storm of Vengeance, Energy Blades, or Summon Fallen Deva, while assisting a Church of Lathander might offer Summon Deva, Mass Raise Dead, or Globe of Blades). Paladins/Blackguards would probably have something similar (where they needed to complete a quest in order to be granted Summon Deva/Summon Fallen Deva).

    Mage Spells

    - Mages would not select a new higher level spell at levels 18 and up. Instead scrolls for learning Improved Alacrity and other such spells would be available in Throne of Bhaal for purchase.

    - Improved Alacrity would be rebalanced so that it gives -3 to casting speed (rather than allowing casting more than one spell a round) but instead lasts 1 turn + 1 round/level. This is more in-line with what Alacrity (a third level mage spell found in Tome of Magic) does and it still would remain a useful spell (particularly when used in conjunction with the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power).

    - Time Stop would be rebalanced so that it more accurately reflects the spell in PnP. In this case it would have a 33% chance of lasting for one round, a 33% chance of lasting for 2, and a 34% chance of lasting for 3 rounds.


    - Vhailor's Helm and the Robe of Vecna would be moved to somewhere in Throne of Bhaal. Probably as something you could acquire as part of different quests.

    This would come with some pretty broad changes regarding how frequently enemies drop magical gear (as well as what degree of enchanted items you could buy in Throne of Bhaal, particularly in the case of the Saradush tavern).
    Post edited by elminster on
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    I was wondering that the story of Kangaxx could be enhanced a little since he seems to be an interesting character. Well, according to little lore we have (Ring of Gaxx description) he was probably very old back when Netherese mages imprisoned him. Maybe instead of fighting him you could throw some other option too - maybe he could give some Netherese artifact as a reward for his freedom, maybe a player could promise to help him take revenge on those wizards' descendants and so on. Have you ever thought about tweaking his plot a bit?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Its not something I'd thought about but I can certainly look into it.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Well, here's a thought. Since he lived during Netheril times, he may have some first hand knowledge about the Nether Scrolls and might be able to help Edwin decipher it, so he could benefit from it greatly... or he could just mislead poor Ed, so he faces fate far worse than... becoming Edwina. Or maybe he would like to grab a scroll for himself to gain more power.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I have an idea about a little spellhold plot tweak. I never liked how charname travels to Brynnlaw with absolutely no plan whatsoever and just expects to go into Spellhold and kill Irenicus, even though he is very much aware of his level of power. It would be neat if as part of getting to Spellhold quests, charname would obtain some items, protective scrolls or artifacts, that would be supposed to give him a chance against Irenicus. He would still not be able to use them eventually, because of the twist, but it would give a sense of not just stupidly going there to be slaughtered.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    That would make sense ONLY if would charname know that Irenicus controls entire Spellhold.
    But from his perspective, Irenicus could still be prisoner.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I don't think so. Irenicus went there willingly, clearly showing who is on the top. And even though Charname doesn't know what happened there, just expecting that he'll walk in and kill him is silly.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Pecca said:

    I have an idea about a little spellhold plot tweak. I never liked how charname travels to Brynnlaw with absolutely no plan whatsoever and just expects to go into Spellhold and kill Irenicus, even though he is very much aware of his level of power. It would be neat if as part of getting to Spellhold quests, charname would obtain some items, protective scrolls or artifacts, that would be supposed to give him a chance against Irenicus. He would still not be able to use them eventually, because of the twist, but it would give a sense of not just stupidly going there to be slaughtered.

    Although the idea of changing certain aspects of Chapter 4's plot is interesting, I believe that BG2 has enough artifacts and powerful items . Irenicus is powerful to the point where not even Aran Linvail dares to face him. In fact, it seems more logical that very, very few people in Faerun know how to defeat a powerful mage.
  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
    Thank-you elminster! I can't wait to play the mod! Please focus on your BG2EE mod. I like the idea of toning down the spells you mention, and making the player work more for the higher level spells = more satisfaction. Please also consider to tone down Improved Haste and any other spells that seem overpowered. E.g. Improved Haste will give 2 extra attacks per round (a logical progression from Haste). Timestop: 0% chance of lasting for 3 rounds. Cheers.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    This mod is still very preliminary. What little time I have for modding will but put towards my Eve of War mod for the time being.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    it sounds amazing, just take it slowly :smile:
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2016
    Just an idea and a suggestion for the future.
    If you could add similar rogue stone quest and another (demi)lich fight along with a story.
    I don't know how many rogue stones and hidden doors are there but I thought of this quest really interesting and engaging. It could happen in Brynnlaw or in Underdark unlocking doors/portals with a rogue stones.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    More than rebalancing, couldn't you flesh out a bit more everything? I'm referring to use this mod as a 'refinements' for Wheels of Prophecy.

    If one wanted rebalancing, he could always go for Scale of Balances or Items revisions..
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2016
    Rebalancing and fleshing out go hand in hand. It's pretty essential for encounter creation in ToB without it devolving into giving bosses time stop immunity (as is already the case in ToB) and a bunch of other advantages that go well beyond anything these creatures should be getting.
  • ZilchkZilchk Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2016
    elminster said:

    Brynnlaw yes, Underdark probably not. Its already pretty saturated and players spend a lot of time down there already.

    Well more is better and I would like some new quests in Underdark. Could you add neothelids from SoD to Underdark?
    Post edited by Zilchk on
  • nomadmercnomadmerc Member Posts: 48
    ...Any chance you can add that creature from the Cyric compound??? Please Please Please.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited April 2016
    Lore wise the neothelid and illithid (mind flayers) really shouldn't be in the same location. Especially not in the same location as somewhere with an Elder Brain. If I did add it it wouldn't be in either of the two existing mind flayer dungeons. It would be in a new (reused) area.
  • ZilchkZilchk Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2016
    elminster said:

    Lore wise the neothelid and illithid (mind flayers) really shouldn't be in the same location. Especially not in the same location as somewhere with an Elder Brain. If I did add it it wouldn't be in either of the two existing mind flayer dungeons. It would be in a new (reused) area.

    Yeah neothelids normally prey on illithids however in the Temple of Bhaal Darskhelin seemed to control it?
    Anyway new area in Underdark would be fun. Perhaps you can also add there some other scaled up enemies like bugbears, directors, hive mothers(Hive Mothers are supposed to be guarded by Directors, regular Beholders and maybe elder orbs) and death tyrants which I think were in Watcher's Keep, stronger drow and mind flayers from BP2, and elder umber hulks(from BP2 I don't remember if elders are in vanilla Underdark)?
    Beholder hive or even city/village with a Hive Mother may be a part of a quest in that new Underdark area.
    Is it possible to give some Beholders and Hive Mothers class levels in mage to simulate Beholder Mage class?
    I think Elder Orb should also have some mage levels and death tyrant guards., Elder Orb 3.5.htm
    Beholders are pretty much defenceless when you use Shield of Balduran but if some of them could be mages then they would still have other options to attack player.
    By the way would it be possible to expand Abyssal Layer and add to it some quests and more enemies?
    I feel vanilla game didn't do Abyss justice you just go there for a moment for a few demon hearts.
    Post edited by Zilchk on
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I'm really glad to see that there will be added content to tob
  • ZilchkZilchk Member Posts: 46

    I'm really glad to see that there will be added content to tob

    I hope someone will add something to SoD as well.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    One thing I would like to ask you is add true and meaningful options for evil players. It seems that each time something get proposed for evil guys you always get the short end of the stick.

    One thing that always surprised me is the useless halberd you get by the demon lord by giving him adalon's eggs :(
This discussion has been closed.