I need your help to break the world

So I just started a new DD, straight ought of candlekeep and rushed to get branwen. Then I thought, " what if I gave charname either firkraag or adalon's stats? Then I continued to wonder if I could use EE keeper to give myself the Dragon specific abilities in the game? I'm no coder so I don't know if this requires massive amount of coding or can simply be done through EE. So I turn to you all for the answer.
If you just want to give yourself the normal spells and be only able to cast them a limited number of times per day, you can add the Dragon Fear and Wing Buffet spells, whose file names are SPIN895 and SPIN695. You'll still need an immunity to the Wing Buffet spell, SPIN695.
Their stats as well, but I haven't found firkraag's numbers yet. I might just have to look at eekeepet when I get a in.
You've literally just become my favorite person on the forums! Now if I wasn't lazy, I'd try my had St some sprite animations for a Dragon charname. I wasn't even taking into account the immunities.thanks sir.
Of course, I'm practically breaking the world here.
That could be a smart move, but you don't need to if ya don't feel like it. Only thing I'm wondering is, are the immunities instantly gained or more gained through level progression.
To grant yourself immunity to my version of Wing Buffet, you can add an effect via the "Effects" tab in EEKeeper.
Use the parameters in this message and it should work.
If you're using the original Wing Buffet instead of mine, use these parameters instead:
Looking at the immunities, if the site I've found is right
- Status Immunities -
Criticals Hits, Charm, Domination, Sleep, Silence, Slow, and all forms of Paralysis/Stun/Knockdown/Knockback. Crucially not immune to Poison, Confusion, Transform, Petrify, and ID.
-Saving Throws-
P/P/D: 3
R/S/W: 5
P/P: 4
BW: 4
S: 6
Level progression would probably make it feel less steamroll-y.
But also using @Aquadrizzt mod that edits some of the DD resistences so its probably best not to touch those.
I think this is intention for the SoA dragons since it is more difficult for lower level parties to take out dragons, although im not sure if the ToB dragons are immune or not
Honestly don't see why Dragon fear would work on another Dragon, wing buffet, maybe, depends on the size
Maybe another mod is doing that?
Funny thing happening right now, I can figure out how to put the spells unto EE keeper.
You see, I made myself my own "dragon" char with the help of DLCTEP a couple months ago. I always kind of wanted to share my experiment but I figured it wasn't anything special. Being an utter noob at modding, I managed to struggle my way into creating an item (using the wolf cloak as a base of course) that would emulate being a "dragon". When used it does a red dragon polymorph, changes thaco/APR/health to ridiculous ammounts and gives a set of dragon claws for a while. You can then proceed to crush everything with little effort. The dragon ring as mentionned in this thread also makes sure you don't get one-shot by a low level mage with all those helplessness spells.
The only issue I ran into was actually getting a dragon animation, since they're not included in BG1EE. I just imported all the .bams from bg2 and it worked like a charm!
I made her a biography and all. Unfortunately overpowering everything got boring way faster than I had hoped.
hmm, the images are kind of small aren't they? ah well. seems fine with open in another tab
I heard a mention of some files? I'm perfectly fine with playing a broken character. It's a single player game after all, and all im going to do is possible burn down every town.
the item name is "xalantha". it's a red cloak and you will have to assign it on the cloak slot through EEkeeper. It's one use per day and when you go back to human form you will keep the OP stats for 8 hours.
It should work in BG2/IWD but I haven't tested it
Just shovel everything into ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\override and let me know if you like it!
(this domain is private and mine. it is 19MB because of the very many separate animation parts for the bioware dragon graphics)
You can always ask @semiticgod to see what he can do with it.