We've done this thread already, way down below the first page of the forum, but I'm all for another one, since I find these kinds of discussions very interesting.
Several people have done psychological aptitude tests that give you your real life stats, independently from your own ego or self-image.
I like this one, because it doesn't let you rate your own intelligence - it actually gives you a short intelligence test based on your ability to solve puzzles, and it tests your wisdom based on your verbal ability:
STR 8 DEX 5 CON 10 INT 13/14 (quantitative/analytical) WIS 15 (verbal) CHA 12
Here are my stats based on the easydamus test:
STR 12 DEX 9 CON 13 INT 16 WIS 16 CHA 11
The easydamus test also says that I am a 7th level lawful neutral wizard, although the level is based on your age.
I would love to see people in this thread take both the tests and post the results. Also, there are others available. If you find one that you like better than either of these two, I would love to see your results and hear why you think it is a better test.
@triclops41, I think that quantitative and analytical ability are the perfect representation of INT. The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) and MAT (Miller Analogies Test) in real life agree.
You don't get to rate your own intelligence. You either have the ability to tackle problems, remember data, and solve puzzles, or you don't. And we all have it to greater or lesser degree.
I would agree that equating wisdom with verbal ability is problematic, as I think that should also be a function of intelligence.
Still, I don't buy self-reported evaluations, since they are not actual representations of aptitudes, but rather an anecdotal expression of ego.
I still would like to see people reporting their results of attempts at objective psychological testing here, and also their evaluations of the various testing tools and their effectiveness, and why they think it is a good test or not.
Neutral Good Human Druid STR: 12 DEX: 13 CON: 15 INT: 14 WIS: 15 CHA: 16
I'd say that both sets of results are off, although the first one seemed to be generally more accurate. I might be a bit self-deprecating at times, which could be skewing my self-concept to a slight degree, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not 25 points above average (assuming that 10 is average) as per the EasyDamus results.
Also, I'd say that the INT scores were a bit off on both, perhaps due to my lack of exercising my intellect for a very long time. I've tested at 157 IQ and have always easily managed A's in school with minimal effort... but who knows.
Str 10 - relatively in my country I could be 11 or 12...back in high school there are hardly anyone who can beat me in arm wrestling or any test of strength; that's been several years ago though. Dex 8 or 7 - I have hand tremors because of hypothyroidism. I also have poor eye-hand coordination Con 7 - I have allergies, and I get some other illness every now and then...I don't know why Int 11 - it's hard to tell...I used to do poorly in academics since I hardly attend my class esp in my early years in college. But in every other IQ test that I take I usually get 118-132. I have to admit though - unfortunately, the trend seems to be declining. My dad is also of genius-intellect, I'd like to think genetics has been kind enough to pass some of that to me. Wis ?? - no clue...I usually can differentiate what's wrong from right. I know what I should do, but somehow I almost always go for the opposite. Consequently, I am good person to seek advice to. Like I said I have a good sense of judgment and perception of things, but my laziness seems to be pulling everything apart that I couldn't apply them for myself. How should my wisdom count then? Cha 11 or 12 - modesty aside, I'm almost always unofficially chosen as a leader in my peer groups even though I don't want to. That counts for something, right?
I took the angelfire test and according to it, here's my stats: STR: 8 DEX: 6 CON: 7 INT(pt1/pt2): 14/10 INT: 12 WIS: 11 CHA: 13
Pretty much the same to how I rate myself. I feel kinda sad having such low scores...;p
Heh I did not have time so just chose that cube question randomly so that might have reduced my score. But that CHA score is a bit much, being kind, smiling, caring and saying 'please, thank you' make you charismatic? Lol
Heh I did not have time so just chose that cube question randomly so that might have reduced my score. But that CHA score is a bit much, being kind, smiling, caring and saying 'please, thank you' make you charismatic? Lol
A lot of people (like me) don't do those things on a regular basis No time and whatnot, work work work.
Str :14 = it was 16 about 10 years ago but nowadays i lost most due to heavy office job. Naturally gifted about my body. Dex: 6 = And probably less much of the time, it's a miracle i'm still alive .... Con: 16 = I have dwarf constituon :)still can keep going like no tomorrow, Int: 14 =Could be higher if i wasnt such a drinker and "sandwich" lover Wis: 17 = No way i'm going to be a priest tough Cha: 15= Not very sure about that, i look medicore but i can usally charm people with my silver tongue and funny character tough some people are just immune to this.
82 not bad Not bad at all. Edit: Also im kind of chatioc good but leaning towards neutral sometimes.
If I had to guestimate: Str: 9 - I'm not particularly strong and never have been. Dex: 12 - I'm fairly agile and flexible... I'd say it would be 13 or even 14 ten years ago :P Con: 12 - I exercise daily but have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Like dex it would be higher ten years ago. Int: 14 - I'm fairly intelligent, have a decent education and a respectable IQ. By no means am I brilliant but neither am I slow to grasp advanced topics of conversation. Wis: 14 - I've had my share of life experiences, have a pretty finely tuned sense of intuition and a strong sense of self. I'd say this was a bit lower ten years ago. Cha: 13 - I'm a fairly likeable person but quiet and reserved these days. I'd say it would have been a bit higher fifteen years ago when I was more social and extroverted.
Easydamus says: Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (6th Level)
Str 14 i can dead lift 300lbs and carried 130lb Packs in the army Dex 14 im ambidextrious and a good shot Con 16 i can run marathons and outdrink Most people i know Int. 12 sure im educated but im average Wis. 14 ive got lots of real life experience! Im a jack of all trades master of none Cha. 15 above average looks, friendly patient Confident. Im usually in charge of my Crews at work.
Id make a decent fighter, bard, rogue im already an army ranger lol.
Angelfire: STR: 10 (I just left all the questions blank because I didn't know and didn't feel like doing them. This should probably be lower) DEX: 5 (This seems a bit low. Probably because I left a fair number blank because I really didn't know.) CON: 10 INT: 16/8 WIS: 16 (This seems a little high.) CHA: 11
Does anyone else feel that the second part to Angelfire's intelligence section seems kind of off? Like how it considers doodling and fidgeting and singing to yourself as being indicative of intelligence? It seems more like what I'll call 'pop-culture intelligence', i.e. someone who thinks "Well, I do sudoku and have watched a few Neil Degrasse Tyson videos on youtube, so that probably means I'm smart." And yes, I realize that it probably looks like I'm just whining about it because I did poorly in that section :P
18 is maximum, 10 average and 3 minimum for humans. If you have 18 somewhere, you are propably extremely talented and one in a million. If you have 3, you are most surely sick or injured somehow.
My stats: Str - 13 Dex - 10 Con - 10 Int - 14 Wis- 11 Cha - 10
Arguments: I put my my str as 13 because I go to the gym couple times a week and can bench press 100kg which I think is quite more than average person can do. I have made some IQ tests and gotten 130 usually from them, so I put my int as 14. Average person achieves 100 from IQ test. Wisdom is 11 because my friends use me as their psychologist when they are troubled and in need of some advice. Regarding to other stats I see myself as an average person.
Strength - 13 - Taurus Dexterity - 16 - was a pro dancer Dex - manual type - 8 it takes time. Constitution - 13 - Taurus again Intelligence - 16 - grad degree physics Wisdom - 8 - oh women. what can I say? Charisma - 13 - higher when performing
Not good for opening locks or surviving charm spells. Mostly a thinker who is pretty flexible. I've been something like a scientist/bard.
Str: 12/13 Dex: 15 Not sure about my aim but I've been boxing for years and have very fast hands. Con: 10 Years of heavy drinking have put a strain on my health. Int: 14 Definitely above average, but not quite genius level. Wis: 9 Not at the level of a complete fool, but I don't always make the best decisions. Char: 13 I'm a fairly good looking guy and women find me charming sometimes.
11 - Mostly farm related work such as moving hay-bales, hoeing fields and chopping wood. I've always been meaning to get some proper workout equipment, but never quite get around to it. Maybe once I can afford a bigger house.
14 - Quit deft with my hands, especially when it comes to painting miniatures or model work (also ambidextrous), and my natural agility tends to surprise the unwary.
15- My family are highly resistant to disease (we rarely get sick and when we do it tends to go away on it's own within a day or two), food poisoning, and possessed of a fair amount of stamina.
18 - or at least MENSA thinks so (IQ 141 on my last test), personally feel it's probably closer to 15 at most.
12 - I tend to think I'm rather level headed, and as my colleagues can attest, I'm quite strong against temptations.
15 - While not actively outgoing or (imo) all that attractive, I have an extremely strong personality and can be extremely charismatic when there's something I want or need.
And about a 47 lore skill. I'm my groups resident "Well of largely useless and/or varied knowledge that might come in handy some day".
As for class, I most identify with a bard...sans the music and singing. I would say a thief/rogue...but thieves don't have bardic lore, which is the closest description for my massive, yet unfocused well of expertise.
I had some spare time (yay weekends!) so I did the 120+ question test in easydamus
Str 10 Dex 11 Con 10 Int 14 Wıs 10 Cha 13
Lvl 2 elf neutral good bard!? Okay, not bad stats, not amazing ofcourse, but that's no surprise. Regarding alignment, NG is the alignment I use most for my characters, though I tend to prefer more lawfullnes than chaotic and don't like sticking out from the usual, and hey elves can not be bards at all, heh. I hate 'lawful stupid bigoted paladin lawful good' but hey, Aerie and Dynaheir are very decent ladies with proper LG alignment. (And there are a lot of players who find them annoying, lol) But I'm getting slightly off-topic. Anyway, at least lvl 2 means I can cast a single lvl 1 spell, yay!
Magic missile in real life would be..not very cool, I think. It's basicaly a single-shot bullet that you can kill someone with, only difference from an actual gun is it is a secret weapon amd kevlar won't protect from it. Hopefully you don't need to use it in real-life. Burning hands could be cool, you could be the fire magician showman to impress/scare others. Chill touch/larloch's minor drain are too icky and deadly to be useful in real life.
Subtle but powerful effects of enchantment school would be the most useful in real life, I think. Charm person would be the most awesome, if the duration is not that short..the things you could do, from innocent fun to devious! Sleep could be the life saver in many situations too ^^ With friends spell you could be the best actor/performer/orator/haggler/charmer ever...for a short duration.
It is really hard to make any real life stats since it's hard to describe a real person with them since they are of course to limited. But I will give it a shot for my and others pleasure etc. :]
Strength: 11 /Can't say I'm too strong anymore since I quit with my parkour team because I see school as a greater investment than something I can do whenever I have time.
Dexterity: 15 /I see myself as rather agile especially because of my earlier mentioned training.
Constitution: 16 /I have not been ill for many years and I have a great endurance because I run five kilometers four times a week. And can easily do ten under forty minutes.
Intelligence: 17 (maybe even 18?) /I'm finishing my year in a week and I'm leaving with six A:s and two B:s(which is great! And I really deserve it c: ). And yes, I know intelligence can't be measured with how much you know but hopefully it is good enough for this.
Wisdom: 15 /You grow with experience and let's just say that I have had a lot of it for the last three years. My ability to understand others has at the very least grown more than I would have liked it to (ignorance is bliss, right?) But enough crying on my part and let's move on to the last stat!
Charisma: 14 /I seem to draw a lot of romantic interest from others but I can't say I'm too good with people and I'm great at ruining my chances with interested females, so as of late I try to keep to myself and do what I do best and avoid what I am bad at. Also from experience I can tell nerdiness does not help at all and probably lowers this stat by one or maybe even two points... Damn.
BONUS COOKIE! If I were to choose which race suits me I think it is a neutral tiefling, and there you got a little bonus alignment
BG charm person is garbage, PnP Charm person is RIDICULOUS. The duration lasts until the target successfully saves (or you do something grossly out of character to break the effect) and the rate at which they get to make saves is based on intelligence. 10-11 intelligence (average person) only gets to check once per 3 WEEKS, and even if they save and it expires, they'll actually believe they're your friend as long as you took no actions obviously to the contrary (though they remember everything that occurred for the duration), they simply assume that you met and just hit it off really well. Even genius level (19+) intelligence only saves once per day.
Also, the spell has no save bonus at it's base. A target hostile to you gets +3, while a target that is already somewhat sympathetic gets a -3 save. Targets that are indifferent have no modification. (which means that after they're charmed, they make all saves to break the effect at -3, unless you take an action they view as hostile or out of character).
AS far as Races, I'd love to be an Elan....physically indistinguishable from a human....only need 4 hours of meditation (that remains fully conscious) for complete rejuvenation, have an in-born 3 power points to spend on my ability that removes my need to eat or drink, and 2 to spare to boost saves or reduce incoming damage in an emergency. Staying in physical prime forever with no maximum age (though weakening a little at old (600) and venerable (1000), but otherwise remaining vigorous and still appearing as a physically mature being in their mid to late 20's, early 30's..albeit with slowly greying to white hair in later age categories). Complete immunity to spells that specifically affect humanoids.
The sterility is of concern, but also removes the annoyance of having to bury your kin when you grossly out live them. And I'm fairly aloof and anti-social by nature anyway.
And since I'd likely be involved with magic or psionics, having all the time in the world to perfect your craft is a MASSIVE asset.
STR: 7
DEX: 11
CON: 10
INT: 14/13 (14 average)
WIS: 15
CHA: 11
EasyDamus Results:
Neutral Good Human Druid
STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 15
INT: 14
WIS: 15
CHA: 16
I'd say that both sets of results are off, although the first one seemed to be generally more accurate. I might be a bit self-deprecating at times, which could be skewing my self-concept to a slight degree, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not 25 points above average (assuming that 10 is average) as per the EasyDamus results.
Also, I'd say that the INT scores were a bit off on both, perhaps due to my lack of exercising my intellect for a very long time. I've tested at 157 IQ and have always easily managed A's in school with minimal effort... but who knows.
STR: 12
DEX: 10
CON: 7
INT(pt1/pt2): 9/12
INT: 11
WIS: 10
CHA: 7
jeebus those abilities look something like Garricks. What a horrible toon I am
DEX: 17
CON: 11
INT: 14
WIS: 6
CHA: 10
sounds about right
Dex 8 or 7 - I have hand tremors because of hypothyroidism. I also have poor eye-hand coordination
Con 7 - I have allergies, and I get some other illness every now and then...I don't know why
Int 11 - it's hard to tell...I used to do poorly in academics since I hardly attend my class esp in my early years in college. But in every other IQ test that I take I usually get 118-132. I have to admit though - unfortunately, the trend seems to be declining. My dad is also of genius-intellect, I'd like to think genetics has been kind enough to pass some of that to me.
Wis ?? - no clue...I usually can differentiate what's wrong from right. I know what I should do, but somehow I almost always go for the opposite. Consequently, I am good person to seek advice to. Like I said I have a good sense of judgment and perception of things, but my laziness seems to be pulling everything apart that I couldn't apply them for myself. How should my wisdom count then?
Cha 11 or 12 - modesty aside, I'm almost always unofficially chosen as a leader in my peer groups even though I don't want to. That counts for something, right?
I took the angelfire test and according to it, here's my stats:
STR: 8
DEX: 6
CON: 7
INT(pt1/pt2): 14/10
INT: 12
WIS: 11
CHA: 13
Pretty much the same to how I rate myself. I feel kinda sad having such low scores...;p
Heh I did not have time so just chose that cube question randomly so that might have reduced my score. But that CHA score is a bit much, being kind, smiling, caring and saying 'please, thank you' make you charismatic? Lol
Dex: 6 = And probably less much of the time, it's a miracle i'm still alive ....
Con: 16 = I have dwarf constituon :)still can keep going like no tomorrow,
Int: 14 =Could be higher if i wasnt such a drinker and "sandwich" lover
Wis: 17 = No way i'm going to be a priest tough
Cha: 15= Not very sure about that, i look medicore but i can usally charm people with my silver tongue and funny character tough some people are just immune to this.
82 not bad
Edit: Also im kind of chatioc good but leaning towards neutral sometimes.
Str: 9 - I'm not particularly strong and never have been.
Dex: 12 - I'm fairly agile and flexible... I'd say it would be 13 or even 14 ten years ago :P
Con: 12 - I exercise daily but have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Like dex it would be higher ten years ago.
Int: 14 - I'm fairly intelligent, have a decent education and a respectable IQ. By no means am I brilliant but neither am I slow to grasp advanced topics of conversation.
Wis: 14 - I've had my share of life experiences, have a pretty finely tuned sense of intuition and a strong sense of self. I'd say this was a bit lower ten years ago.
Cha: 13 - I'm a fairly likeable person but quiet and reserved these days. I'd say it would have been a bit higher fifteen years ago when I was more social and extroverted.
Easydamus says:
Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (6th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 11
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 12
STR: 14
DEX: 8
CON: 16
INT: 14/15
INT: 15
CHA: 9
Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 17
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 10
Charisma- 12
Packs in the army
Dex 14 im ambidextrious and a good shot
Con 16 i can run marathons and outdrink
Most people i know
Int. 12 sure im educated but im average
Wis. 14 ive got lots of real life experience!
Im a jack of all trades master of none
Cha. 15 above average looks, friendly patient
Confident. Im usually in charge of my
Crews at work.
Id make a decent fighter, bard, rogue im already an army ranger lol.
And id be a lawful good ranger!
STR: 10 (I just left all the questions blank because I didn't know and didn't feel like doing them. This should probably be lower)
DEX: 5 (This seems a bit low. Probably because I left a fair number blank because I really didn't know.)
CON: 10
INT: 16/8
WIS: 16 (This seems a little high.)
CHA: 11
Strength- 8
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 11
Charisma- 10
Level 2 True Neutral Human Wizard
Does anyone else feel that the second part to Angelfire's intelligence section seems kind of off? Like how it considers doodling and fidgeting and singing to yourself as being indicative of intelligence? It seems more like what I'll call 'pop-culture intelligence', i.e. someone who thinks "Well, I do sudoku and have watched a few Neil Degrasse Tyson videos on youtube, so that probably means I'm smart."
And yes, I realize that it probably looks like I'm just whining about it because I did poorly in that section :P
My stats:
Str - 13
Dex - 10
Con - 10
Int - 14
Wis- 11
Cha - 10
I put my my str as 13 because I go to the gym couple times a week and can bench press 100kg which I think is quite more than average person can do. I have made some IQ tests and gotten 130 usually from them, so I put my int as 14. Average person achieves 100 from IQ test. Wisdom is 11 because my friends use me as their psychologist when they are troubled and in need of some advice. Regarding to other stats I see myself as an average person.
What about you guys?
Strength - 13 - Taurus
Dexterity - 16 - was a pro dancer
Dex - manual type - 8 it takes time.
Constitution - 13 - Taurus again
Intelligence - 16 - grad degree physics
Wisdom - 8 - oh women. what can I say?
Charisma - 13 - higher when performing
Not good for opening locks or surviving charm spells.
Mostly a thinker who is pretty flexible. I've been something
like a scientist/bard.
Dex: 15 Not sure about my aim but I've been boxing for years and have very fast hands.
Con: 10 Years of heavy drinking have put a strain on my health.
Int: 14 Definitely above average, but not quite genius level.
Wis: 9 Not at the level of a complete fool, but I don't always make the best decisions.
Char: 13 I'm a fairly good looking guy and women find me charming sometimes.
True Neutral Human Sorcerer 5th level.
Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 17
Charisma- 11
DEX 12
CON 15
INT 16
WIS 14
CHA 15
Total points 86
True Neutral Human Druid
Ability Scores:
Strength- 9
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 10
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 10
but while I'm here...
Lawful Evil or True Neutral
Monk (actually an amateur boxer in RL) or a Swashbuckler (Thief-y in nature, not a backstabber)
Ability Scores
Strength - 15 (years and years of training)
Dexterity - 15 (as str)
Constitution - 14
Intelligence - 12
Wisdom - 12 (gettin' older and wiser. very slowly)
Charisma - 10 (nothing to see here. move along)
Str 10
Dex 11
Con 10
Int 14
Wıs 10
Cha 13
Lvl 2 elf neutral good bard!?
Okay, not bad stats, not amazing ofcourse, but that's no surprise. Regarding alignment, NG is the alignment I use most for my characters, though I tend to prefer more lawfullnes than chaotic and don't like sticking out from the usual, and hey elves can not be bards at all, heh. I hate 'lawful stupid bigoted paladin lawful good' but hey, Aerie and Dynaheir are very decent ladies with proper LG alignment. (And there are a lot of players who find them annoying, lol) But I'm getting slightly off-topic. Anyway, at least lvl 2 means I can cast a single lvl 1 spell, yay!
Or Magic Missile? (That'd be awesome)
Burning hands could be cool, you could be the fire magician showman to impress/scare others. Chill touch/larloch's minor drain are too icky and deadly to be useful in real life.
Subtle but powerful effects of enchantment school would be the most useful in real life, I think.
Charm person would be the most awesome, if the duration is not that short..the things you could do, from innocent fun to devious!
Sleep could be the life saver in many situations too ^^
With friends spell you could be the best actor/performer/orator/haggler/charmer ever...for a short duration.
Strength: 11 /Can't say I'm too strong anymore since I quit with my parkour team because I see school as a greater investment than something I can do whenever I have time.
Dexterity: 15 /I see myself as rather agile especially because of my earlier mentioned training.
Constitution: 16 /I have not been ill for many years and I have a great endurance because I run five kilometers four times a week. And can easily do ten under forty minutes.
Intelligence: 17 (maybe even 18?) /I'm finishing my year in a week and I'm leaving with six A:s and two B:s(which is great! And I really deserve it c: ). And yes, I know intelligence can't be measured with how much you know but hopefully it is good enough for this.
Wisdom: 15 /You grow with experience and let's just say that I have had a lot of it for the last three years. My ability to understand others has at the very least grown more than I would have liked it to (ignorance is bliss, right?) But enough crying on my part and let's move on to the last stat!
Charisma: 14 /I seem to draw a lot of romantic interest from others but I can't say I'm too good with people and I'm great at ruining my chances with interested females, so as of late I try to keep to myself and do what I do best and avoid what I am bad at. Also from experience I can tell nerdiness does not help at all and probably lowers this stat by one or maybe even two points... Damn.
If I were to choose which race suits me I think it is a neutral tiefling, and there you got a little bonus alignment
Good day to you all!
Also, the spell has no save bonus at it's base. A target hostile to you gets +3, while a target that is already somewhat sympathetic gets a -3 save. Targets that are indifferent have no modification. (which means that after they're charmed, they make all saves to break the effect at -3, unless you take an action they view as hostile or out of character).
AS far as Races, I'd love to be an Elan....physically indistinguishable from a human....only need 4 hours of meditation (that remains fully conscious) for complete rejuvenation, have an in-born 3 power points to spend on my ability that removes my need to eat or drink, and 2 to spare to boost saves or reduce incoming damage in an emergency. Staying in physical prime forever with no maximum age (though weakening a little at old (600) and venerable (1000), but otherwise remaining vigorous and still appearing as a physically mature being in their mid to late 20's, early 30's..albeit with slowly greying to white hair in later age categories). Complete immunity to spells that specifically affect humanoids.
The sterility is of concern, but also removes the annoyance of having to bury your kin when you grossly out live them. And I'm fairly aloof and anti-social by nature anyway.
And since I'd likely be involved with magic or psionics, having all the time in the world to perfect your craft is a MASSIVE asset.
I play a lot of sports - football (soccer) mostly, and i'm decent enough. I have appalling stamina though - probably from the fact I smoke.
I am working as a museum guide/teacher/researcher at the moment and i'd like to think i'm pretty good at it.
i don't get it