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What are your IRL stats!?



  • FishFish Member Posts: 38
    STR: 6 /Aside from carrying my fat around I can't lift anything.
    DEX: 10/I have mad yo-yoing skills and can type without looking
    CON: 4/Assuming hypochondria counts; otherwise 10
    INT: 12/I have awesome math and programming skills but regularly forget where my keys are
    WIS: 6/I do all kinds of stupid stuff that defies common sense
    CHA: 14/I am ugly as all get out but loved by most anyway (probably out of sympathy.)
  • AADA7AAADA7A Member Posts: 32
    STR: 10 (small templed, but goes to gym at least)
    DEX: 10 (not very handy, but can bend and do yoga)
    CON: 5 (lots of health problems, low resistance to pain)
    INT: 13/16 (when I'm winning over my psychological and memory problems I'm quite well-versed in the art of logic, philosophy, critical thinking, etc)
    WIS: ? (for practical reasons perhaps a 7 since I'm not good at helping others or myself, but theoretically I definitely see myself as someone who knows general ways of living a better life, what's really important, and have my own view of things coming from many different spiritual and other traditions)
    CHA: 11 (I'm really shy and not very good with people, yet very many like me and tell me I'm charismatic)
  • lakridslakrids Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2012
    STR:9: I would have estimated it higher
    INT:15 Probably one or two points to high
    WIS:13 Wisdom is only possessed by the learned
    DEX:11 Not bad not good
    CON:10 Average
    CHR:7: decent looking introvert
    total 65 average ca. 11
    Used this

    True Neutral Human Wizard (5th Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 14
    Dexterity- 11
    Constitution- 15
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 13
    Charisma- 11
    Total 78 average ca. 13
    Used this
    Post edited by lakrids on
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Mornmagor said:

    @Jaxsbudgie there is always the possibility of underestimating yourself.

    Plus, you forgot to add the stats for level ups! Every 4 levels a stat :P

    They live in a medieval world where physical work is more often, we don't.

    So we cheat, and raise our stats through training and whatever else we do :P

    2,5 edition. No stat upgrade every 4 level.
    It is not Neverwinter Nights (third ed.)

    Unless I am mistaken ;-)
  • masterdesbaxtermasterdesbaxter Member Posts: 51
    Jalily said:

    Intelligence: 18
    -I could give some reasons, but no one wants to read that crap. All I can say is, "thanks be to God," for this one.

    If you're claiming an INT of 18, I definitely want to "read that crap." :) Your other stats are well justified, so I'm more curious than anything.
    I hate to sound like an arrogant prig, so I try to be humble about stuff like this. Since you asked, though: I have so far flown through all my collage classes (lots of high level science, Theology, and Philosophy), and I rank in the 98+ percentile for any standardized tests. Also, I'm the fellow that tutors a good deal of the Physics class, and I'm the sort of person who calculates the mass of the sun given only the average distance from Earth to it. Also, I'm quite talented artistically and (less so) musically. (Also, for reference, I'd probably plot Stephen Hawking and the like at around a 20, given his experience, so it's not as though I'm saying I'm in his league! After all, those sorts of people are the sort that write the Tomes for the rest of us!)
    sarevok57 said:

    @masterdesbaxter i would say at the very least you would have 6 charisma, if you have friends with an "s" as in more than one friend, you had to have some sort of ability to gather them up, 4 charisma and you can barely define the idea that you even exist, there is no way to have more than 1 friend with 4 charisma, i wouldnt even be surprised if you had 8 or 9 even, because that 18 intelligence could be a synergy for your charisma, basically with 4 charisma you couldnt lead a thirsty human to water even if you put salt into their food and they had a glass of water beside them, so i say ye be a bit highter :)

    In defense of my 4, it takes a fairly low Charisma to claim an 18 intelligence on the internet! :)
    Thank you, though!
  • l33tspockl33tspock Member Posts: 5
    correction dear friend 9 is average. 1 - 18, 9 being the mid point. it's why generic NPC have 9 in all stats.

    That said

    STR: 6-7
    DEX: 12-13
    CON: 11-12
    INT: 13-14
    WIS: 13-14
    CHA: 5
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    l33tspock said:

    correction dear friend 9 is average. 1 - 18, 9 being the mid point. it's why generic NPC have 9 in all stats.

    I totally forgot that, thinking 10 is the average is definitely a 3rd edition quirk since below a 10 you start to incur penalties. In that case I need to re-evaluate my stats:

    Strength - 9
    Dexterity - 10
    Constitution - 8
    Intelligence - 10
    Wisdom - 10
    Charisma - 11

    Excellent. Peasants 4 eva!

    That is shockingly depressing haha.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010
    @masterdesbaxter are you a fan of stephen hawkings work? because i think he's a pretty good physicist, i actually like a lot of his work about the universe and such
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    edited November 2012
    Bonus double post! :D
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Str: 11. It's been a while since I'd worked out but I've made progress in this area. I used to be very weak (8 or 9), and after exercising, I was strong enough to help people move.

    Dex: 12. I have good hand-eye coordination, and parkour training has helped me in this area. I'm no parkour athlete, I'm just a beginner. I think people who are average at it are 13 - 14, with the best (Cirque du Soleil, assassins) being at 18. There are certain things I've done in life that have tested my manual dexterity, situations where I should have wound up in a LOT of trouble, but I got out alive thanks to my mobility.

    Con: 9. I am overweight, have asthma, allergies, and I'm prone to mild sinus attacks. I have perpetual sneezes and coughs, and have a genetic inheritance that will put me into an early grave if I allow it to go unchecked. I used to have robust health (11). Currently, I'm at a 9 because this is about as bad as I usually get... 2 weeks of coughing and wheezing.

    Int: 11. I dont think that the average person doesn't really bothers with scientific advances, academics, art, music, crafting, philosophy, and so on. I place myself at 11 because I feel my reasoning ability, cognition, etc. are only negligibly above average. I have taught myself and trained myself in art, I have recieved incomplete and professional teaching in music and philosophy, and I amd teaching myself about science and technology. My math skills are abysmal, and I'm slow to learn things. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

    Wis: 10. Time and life's bullshit have tempered my judgment of things, but I have an anger problem I'm struggling with. I am very forgetful, I'm hard of hearing, but my self-control, among other things, has come a long way.

    Cha: 8. I'm clumsy with self-expression (except with art), my primary language is sailor, I sometimes axt like a 2 year old, I occassionally pop off with something inappropriate, I have the linguistic grace of a zombie, and I am really not much to look at.

    I'd be a thief, though nothing close to the dashing rogue. A roof-jumper in training, yes.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2012
    Let's see if i can evaluate myself objectively.

    Str 8 - One of my weaknesses, i'm skinny, seldom go to the gym and when i do, bench press owns me. I do have a mean forehand in tennis though, but i don't think that's entirely dependent on strength

    Dex 11 - Quite a bit better than strength, used to be a pro-gamer for an RTS called Warcraft 3, which requires a lot of speed, agility and multitasking to be good at. I'm also above average in things like Table Tennis or any video game.

    Con 7 - Just terrible. Used to be over 12 Con when i was a kid and doing athletics, but ever since i discovered the computer, it all went south.

    Int 17 - I consider this my forte. Studied Film Directing at a prestigious school and am currently doing Law. I can easily grasp most concepts and i think i have a very good understanding on the machinations of the world.

    Wis 13 - Really not sure how to evaluate myself here. I've always made decisions in my life that i felt were best suited to my needs and desires and not following the general herd mentality. I don't recall ever making a majorly bad decision since i almost always over think things before taking action (except when clubbing when i become the LORD!).

    Cha 10 - People don't generally like me, since i'm not politically correct at all and don't give a shit about hurting others' feelings if i need to say something that's on my mind. I also have egotistical and narcissistic tendencies and dislike small talk/the need to impress, things that don't score well with others. But if do try, i can be a pleasant and interesting person to talk to.

    All in all, i think i'd make a pretty decent Mage in the world of Faerun :P

    Edit: I just did that KevinHaw test, and the results are similar to my own description:
    Str 12
    Dex 12
    Con 10
    Int 15
    Wis 13
    Cha 11

    So according to this (even though it's not exactly an accurate source) i undervalued my STR and CON by a reasonable margin, while overvaluing my Intelligence. I'll just compromise and give myself a 16 in the end :D
    Post edited by AlexDeLarge on
  • nptitimnptitim Member Posts: 111
    @ I33tspock Just as a note 9 is often considered average but in reality if you are playing PnP D%D and you roll 3 6 sided die the actual average is 10.5
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    Strength - 11 (Apprentice Plumber) ((Carrying buckets of concrete after busting floors out))
    Dexterity - 9 (Pretty Average)
    Constitution - 6 (Not in shape)
    Intelligence - 14 (Good grades in school/understanding of work tasks)
    Wisdom - 7 (Made a few bad decisions in life/divorced)
    Charisma - 14 (Sales and Cashier experience/nice personality) ^_^
  • ImperatorImperator Member Posts: 154
    With 10 being average.

    Str: 11. Did my share of heavy lifting when moving my current apartment. Can do 20 push-ups on a good day, that's got to count for something. Don't lift weights though so no higher points.

    Dex: 8. I'm a bit clumsy, and have poor hand-eye coordination. I also have no ability to judge distances, which is probably important when jumping from roof to roof.

    Con: 8. Allergies. Can barely run a kilometer in one go. Cycle about 7 km on average every day, so that keeps it from sinking way down.

    Int: 14. If 10 = IQ of 100, and every point increases it by ten, this is where I'd be, according to those few tests I've taken. My memory is a bit tricky, since I have trouble remembering dates and such, but can remember trivial bits from years ago.

    Wis: 15. Common sense is my strong point, to the point of being a hindrance when something is counter-intuitive.

    Cha: 7. Not much to look at with an apathetic attitude towards other people. They just can't stand that I don't care about their doings that much!

    This makes me either a priest or an average mage. Since religions are really not my thing, and I don't like authority, I'd most likely be a self taught hedge wizard. Better to stay in this world.

    It's a bit hard to draw line between Str and Con, but I would say that Str is more about brute strength and Con is endurance.
  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    Str 9 - Used to be 11 but I've been neglecting this stat for years, sadly.
    Dex 10 - Nothing special, but not bad either.
    Con 12 - I'm skinny, but I never get sick for some reason (high Fortitude save?).
    Int 14 - I'm not a super genius, but I'm above average.
    Wis 14 - I also have above average common sense.
    Cha 8 - Used to be even less, but I'm learning.

    So I guess I would be a mediocre mystic theurge or something (?)
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    Strength: 10 - Not very fit, but not healthy. Likely to be a bit of a weed in a fight, but haven't been in one for years. Done some occasional heavy lifting to compensate. So pretty average.

    Dexterity: 14 - Would have to say my hand-eye coordination is pretty good

    Constitution: 15 - I'm pretty resilient. Have never broken any bones, never had any major illnesses and only get sick infrequently.

    Intelligence: 13 - Above average I would say, although my memory leaves a lot to be desired.

    Wisdom: 13 - Mostly score higher than normal for willpower.

    Charisma: 7 - Very shy. Not very good with people at all.
  • Eddie_KaspbrakEddie_Kaspbrak Member Posts: 29
    My god, I got:
    STR: 11
    INT: 16
    WIS: 16
    DEX: 13
    CON: 12
    CHA: 16

    but I think all (except maybe CON) are overly generous
  • ZarathustraZarathustra Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2012
    im doomed
    Strg 5
    con 12(hard drinker)
    int 15(enough to realize im dumb)
    wis 8(hard drinker)
    cha8(hard drinker(maybe i should stop drinking... uhf... i need a drink...))

    note:and my wisdom have increased unpon the years
    En bref: not much of a roll
    My stats are those of the average nerd!

    -Endure, in enduring grow strong(especially when rolling a new character)
    Post edited by Zarathustra on
  • KiddKidd Member Posts: 3

    I like this one, because it doesn't let you rate your own intelligence - it actually gives you a short intelligence test based on your ability to solve puzzles, and it tests your wisdom based on your verbal ability:

    Str 4
    Dex 5
    Con 7
    Int 7
    Wis 13
    Cha 9

    I've got the best stats on the block!
  • aeonsimaeonsim Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2012
    Let's assume that ~10 is average ie the bog standard person with no additional training, IQ100 etc.
    In which case:

    Str: 9 (Nothing special, but no physical problems)
    Dex: 14 (Gymnastics when young, abit of aikido, plenty of sport)
    Con: 15 (2 Colds a year on average nothing else, never been to hospital)
    Int: 16 (Science PhD by Scholarship, work as a Researcher)
    Wis: 14 (no problems in life, financial secure, overly sensible, stubborn)
    Cha: 10

    It looks like alot of people are inflating their Int score :), at least based on the way I'd rank it.

    3 extreme special needs, 10 Completed Highschool with out being held back, then ~2 points per level of Tertiary ie 12 BSc/BEng/BA, 14 MSc/MA/BSc ((Hons) NZ system), 16 Phd, 18 Higher Doctorate (or Recognised Experts in specific fields), 19+ Genius Hawking, Einstein or a Savant with Wis 3 :)

    Be interesting to see how peoples scores would change if they shifted to this scale for Int.

    heh easydamus, different:
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 12
    Dexterity- 16
    Constitution- 14
    Intelligence- 17
    Wisdom- 16
    Charisma- 12
  • JamsethJamseth Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2012
    Ah ! One can't be really objective about it, but i've always asked myself which stats would fit me through the years ! But i've never accepted intelligence and wisdom as limited fields : nobody could honestly, considering iq as intelligence level is just plain bs and wisdom doesn't necessarily mean faith.

    Considering 9 is the average :
    Str : 6 (it's self explanatory!)
    Dex : 10 (insanely proficient in drawing, very nice reflexes but not a gim guy + i am very clumsy)
    Con : 10 (barely never sick but i suffer a lot from physical pain)
    Int : -
    Wis : -
    Cha : 6 (i am not ugly, but…i feel really better when alone !)

    Crappy stats…

    Anyway, reading everyone's definition of both intelligence and wisdom is rather "entertaining".
    Post edited by Jamseth on
  • DemiGothDemiGoth Member Posts: 44
    Well, let me see what my stats would roughly be...

    STR 12 - Cycling about 45km a day for my work, also pretty strong in general
    DEX 8 - Played darts and I was so-so good at it. Never pulled a 180 though :s
    CON 11 - See STR, also almost never sick
    INT 14 - Aspergers syndrome
    WIS 12 - Wisdom comes with ages, though I am naive at times ;-)
    CHR 6 - See INT - 'looking good' but socially rather handicapped...
  • CaptDanCaptDan Member Posts: 8
    This is interesting, although as some have said, it's open for abuse. It's also only one dimension of a person, in metrics. That said, I do have the metrics to back this up, sooo....

    Str 15 (50+ Press ups, 225lbx10x3 /285lb+ max Bench press)
    Con 16 (Military service; I have completed events such as the Nijmegen marches - and harder)
    Dex 14 (I have won a heavyweight bronze at a national martial arts tournament)
    Int 16/17 - >95% on the GRE, Masters Degree
    Wis 10 - Hard to quantify this, but I take it as average - I do things I should know better than! (This, is an example - actually, anyone posting on this thread as above 11 Wis, needs to think carefully about that...)
    Cha 13 - I have a small tight group of very good friends, and am well known across the communities I participate in, though I can be very private too, otherwise I would say it was higher, due to the above community engagement; the key thing is influence, and I believe I have that, though I can be rougher, socially.

    Of course, telling people your D&D stats, particularly if you think they're (even legitimately) good, reeks of fail...
  • MatthewAMatthewA Member Posts: 12
    Str ~10 Weight trained in past, but genetics and diet keep me from ever elevating that score significantly higher. Right about average.
    Con ~15 Can take quite the beating, rarely get sick, etc.
    Dex ~13 Still above average, but not proficient.
    Int ~17 Yes, I am confident this is accurate.
    Wis ~17 Yes, I am confident this is accurate.
    Cha ~8 Others would rate this higher, but only because experience and wisdom allows me to fake it when needed. Naturally it is my lowest trait, and below average.

    Typical mage set-up.

    Int/Wis discussion is always going to result in disagreement, since they are subjective in nature. Personally, I'd define them as follows.

    Intelligence = ability to reason, draw connections, see patterns

    Wisdom = ability to apply experience and knowledge

    The two are similar, but intelligence deals more with "future"--what is unforeseen, has not happened. Wisdom is more of drawing up past experiences. The difference is how the problem is approached. The gifted intellectual will see patterns and connections invisible to most others, and come up with a solution. The experienced wise man could think of several solutions tried by himself or others and know which of those solutions worked best and which failed.

    The definition seems to fit the mold: IQ tests are largely based on pattern recognition, and the "old wise man" stereotype is attributed with age, because older people have a larger pool of experiences to pull from.

    There can be quite a bit of overlap, much like one who is strong can also be dexterous (martial artists). I attribute my Int score to my life-long fascination with patterns and puzzles. Standardized testing confirms my place in the upper percentiles, but it has never meant much to me. I don't work as a scientific researcher or similar. I don't desire to contribute anything "great" really at all; I just like to analyze patterns and puzzles.

    I attribute my Wis score to a series of unfortunate events in my childhood that resulted in needing to "grow up" at a young age. That, tied with my interest in patterns, has made me much wiser than most of my peers. My interest moved away from patterns in mathematics to patterns in personalities and behavior, allowing for me to not only draw upon my own experiences, but from humanity as a whole.

    While I am confident my rating is accurate, I wouldn't put much value upon it. I'd bet a significant portion of people posting in this thread are more successful in life and overall happier with their life than myself.

    College degree =/= high intelligence or wisdom.

    Posting on forums =/= lack of intelligence or wisdom.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    11 - Mostly farm related work such as moving hay-bales, hoeing fields and chopping wood. I've always been meaning to get some proper workout equipment, but never quite get around to it. Maybe once I can afford a bigger house.

    14 - Quit deft with my hands, especially when it comes to painting miniatures or model work (also ambidextrous), and my natural agility tends to surprise the unwary.

    15- My family are highly resistant to disease (we rarely get sick and when we do it tends to go away on it's own within a day or two), food poisoning, and possessed of a fair amount of stamina.

    18 - or at least MENSA thinks so (IQ 141 on my last test), personally feel it's probably closer to 15 at most.

    12 - I tend to think I'm rather level headed, and as my colleagues can attest, I'm quite strong against temptations.

    15 - While not actively outgoing or (imo) all that attractive, I have an extremely strong personality and can be extremely charismatic when there's something I want or need.

    And about a 47 lore skill. I'm my groups resident "Well of largely useless and/or varied knowledge that might come in handy some day".

    As for class, I most identify with a bard...sans the music and singing. I would say a thief/rogue...but thieves don't have bardic lore, which is the closest description for my massive, yet unfocused well of expertise.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    Str 9 (12 Beserking)
    Dex 15
    Con 10 / 12
    Int 12
    Wis 16
    Cha 9

    Not the best stats overall
  • MatthewAMatthewA Member Posts: 12
    Shin said:

    It's interesting how exercises like this always tend to result in people estimating themselves to be significantly smarter than average. Then again, it probably wouldn't be a bad guess that BG fans are relatively clever on average as far as gamers go.

    And to respond to this, along with all the similar replies...

    I get the point, but I wouldn't be too shocked if, on average, the average internet-addict is above average intelligence, averagely ;)

    Think about the types that you would normally think of as morons, and think about what their daily routines probably look like.

    Now think of the opposite. The internet is a form of exchanging ideas, knowledge, etc. It isn't too far from sitting in a library researching all day.

    I could back this up with links to studies showing trends supporting, but already rambled longer than intended. If anyone is seriously interested, I can give you links.

  • emjayemjay Member Posts: 84
    STR 14 I can deadlift over double my weight, although I'm not a big guy so that keeps it in the reasonable range

    DEX 11 good with ball sports, study physiotherapy so pretty good with my hands, can play starcraft at 100 actions per min, but when I was in the army was only an average shot and I fumble sometimes

    CON 13 reasonable runner, very rarely sick, could handle pack marches ok but was glad when they finished

    INT 14 95th percentile at school, doing well in university, read plenty

    WIS 10 nothing special. Don't do anything stupid but I'm not terribly insightful either

    CHA 11 find it easy to get along with people but I'm no smooth talker

    Class: fighter dual classed to mage makes sense given I quit the army reserve after 6 years to concentrate on studies
  • MurphyMurphy Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2012
    Your stats are:
    Result: Chaotic Neutral
    Result: Wizard
    Post edited by Murphy on
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