This is the Baulders Gate hall of fame quest!

If you have beaten this hole game with zero deaths to your main character, please enter it here?
'I see your troll and raise you 20 more'

'I see your troll and raise you 20 more'

'For who is more the fool, the fool, or the fool who follows him?'
All nationalites welcome - unative to english. (I'm Dutch)
Lothander (shadow dancer-BG1)
Both solo
Well...Lothander rolled with a few people now and then for fun and RP. But in the end he tackled all the difficult parts by himself, such as the final fight. So I still kinda consider that solo.
Comes with a tank, a healer, a Mage and a thief/archer. Leaving Charname to be anything. I did that for my fighter/Mage elf run and it just felt so right.
It's just too bad that you can't do it in baldurs gate 2.
Yes! I love the elven BG1 run, it has all my favorite characters, and it's my favorite run! The hard part is not doing it every time for some variety, heh. The only thing I feel bad about is that I have to ditch Imoen, but I feel much better leaving her alone in the first game than in the second, because at least I'm not leaving her to die. I just imagine she settles down comfortably in an inn, out of harm's way, while she waits for me and we meet up to celebrate after the Sarevok's defeat. Totally could happen.
I've actually done a similarish elven run in BG2 (with mod characters, obviously), as Jaheira is of course in the game and you can get everyone else but Khalid back through mods. (Poor Khalid...there's always a big gaping hole in my heart when I play BG2.) I take Imoen to replace him, since I feel pretty much like a murderer if I leave her at Spellhold. I don't always do BG2 like this, but sometimes I like to do it like that for some continuity
And aye...BG2 is really lacking when it comes to the elder races. Only 1 dwarf (sadly evil) and 1 elf (drow, evil).
Yeah, it seems like almost all NPCc in BG2 are humans...which is pretty boring, all things considered. I see humans every day, when I visit the FR I want to see other races! Aerie is an elf too, but other than that, pretty much everyone is human, except I guess Jan, who I never use. Oh, and I guess three of the EE NPCs are non-human, but I don't really play with any of them either. I don't know what bioware was thinking
ToB - still haven't managed to beat it without reloads
I think no one on these forums has finished an entire, documented saga run without reloading, except for people like @Alesia_BH and @Serg_Blackstrider, who post their work at the Bioware forums.
Currently @Gotural's Blackguard Anselm is this community's most promising contender.
Personally I've only managed to beat BG1 + SoA with two solo characters, a metagamed Wizard Slayer I got bored (and sloppy) with, and a ruthless LE Dwarven Bounty Hunter named Norgath, who's one of my favorite Charnames I've created so far. I've never no-reloaded my way through ToB, due to lack of familiarity with that portion of the saga.
The only reason I'm reasonably good at this game (if I do say so myself) is I quite literally grew up on it. The original BG1 came out when I was three years old (ahh, you know my age now), and when I was small I used to sit and watch my dad play it, and as boring as that probably sounds, little me actually found it highly entertaining and I learned a lot that way, which I don't think many people get to do firsthand. He also let me play it, much to my mother's horror, and while at first I pretty much just wandered around talking to people, within a few years I had it figured out.
One of my earliest memories, actually, is changing the discs out for the game. So I've been playing the BG saga pretty much consistently for about seventeen years now. I know I am not alone in this, but it is one of the reasons why there's very little that surprises me, even with SCS/Tactics/Ascension (I only have SCS installed atm, though).
I mostly only play no-reload runs because once my Bhaalspawn dies, they're pretty much dead to me and I lose interest. But, no-reload runs are difficult, and I still die a lot. It's just part of the risk, without which there would be no reward
I thought players could just jump in if they have the PW?
Edit: Uhm, I think I abused the word great. Well English is not my best language, so, whatever
Long story short, it's a thief kit with the ability to charm any critter in the entire game, even bosses, through all spell protections and immunities and resistances. But the ability isn't very reliable and the kit has tons of penalties to balance it out. I used a halfling with that portrait named Ara Minerva to play-test the Seducer kit. It's balanced for a no-reload run.
Currently trying do it on Multie-player in BG - Game is called: Hall Of Fame - HC mode. No PW
Currently still level one.
I treated each game as a "checkpoint", so the character completed each individual game without dying, but not the whole trilogy in a single run. But mind you, this was a completely solo run, on Insane, with SCS installed.
I'm considering doing another run with a new character, one that will finish the whole trilogy without a single reload. I think I've just forgotten the pain of the previous run.
So I made a party of 4. 1 fighter. 1 cleric. 1 rogue. 1 sorcer.
Nope, ha-ha, its cause I was in the blackpits... Game on! (as we said in street hockey)