Easter Eggs In Baldurs Gate ** Spoiler**

Iwe heard something about a graveyard and some writing on stones in it...
Anyone knows how many Easter Eggs there are and where ?
Anyone knows how many Easter Eggs there are and where ?
- Lion's Way map: a diamond in a tree hollow;
- Friendly Arm Inn map: a Ring of Wizardry;
- Nashkel map: an Ankheg Plate Mail in a field on the left side of the map.
As for charm possibilities, if you charm Entar Silvershield he'll tell you a lot about what the dukes are worried about, and also "since you are his best friend" he will mention that he has a beautiful daughter of marriable age.
The spiderwoman in Cloakwood Forest, as mentioned, was one of Irenicus's lovers and spill some beans on him (he used to be called Jon Icarus in BG2's early drafts).
Also if you drag party members up to the 1st slot so they are the leader they have funny/insightful things to say.
From what I've seen repairing charm talking is also top of the list, BG2 engine broke it for BG:EE unfortunately.
I never even knew about charming before so I won't be mising anything. :P
As for Drizzt, you DO get both his swords. I have tried it in the vanilla version years ago and managed to get both through a lot of pick pocket attempts.
@Koson Haven't tried it. I can imagine he can still kick my arse without his swords as they seem to only to further enhance his fighting prowess in the game.
"A minor BG2 character shares the Arabic name of Khalid with a BG1 party member. Fortunately, the writers did not capitalize on the obvious idea of making a really bad joke about it.
On the other hand, a PC named Drizzt is just asking for trouble.
Naming a female PC Lanfear can lead to an easter egg in Chapter Six of BG2."
But I never tried to name my character Drizzt or Lanfear, did any of you do that?
Other name Easter Eggs:
Carbos and Shank were the inept assassins in Candlekeep in BG1. In BG2, you can find two men named Carbos and Shank fighting over a woman in Amn.
Sendai was the name of an arrogant noblewoman found south of Nashkel in BG1. Sendai is also the name of the Bhaalspawn drow in Throne of Bhaal.
Lothander is the god known as the Morning Lord in BG1—his temple is east of Beregost. There is a human thief—also named Lothander—under a geas in the city of Baldur's Gate in BG1 that helps you out in return for getting his geas lifted. This is the result of the god's name being misspelled—it should be "Lathander"—by someone unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms pantheon.
no idea who lanfear is.
- There is a guy named Lachluger at the Red Sheaf inn (in Beregost) who quotes the famous Monty Python sketch "The Lumberjack Song":
Oh. I’m a lumberjack, and I’m okay.
I sleep all night and I work all day.
- Alora says: "C'mon people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together, try to love one another right now." This is a chorus from the song "Get Together" performed by Youngbloods.
- Also Alora says: "I don’t think you’re happy enough! I’ll teach you to be happy!." This is a reference to the Ren & Stimpy's "The Happy Happy Joy Joy Song".
- Coran says: "Luck be a Lady." This is a name of the song performed by Frank Sinatra.
- Dynaheir says: "These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do." Reference to the song «These Boots are Made for Walkin'» performed by Nancy Sinatra.
- Shar-Teel says: "If it bleed I can kill it." Almost exact quote from the movie "Predator" in which Arnold Schwarzenegger says "If it bleeds we can kill it".
- Montaron says: "I warrant your attention?! Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!". Reference to the Lewis Carrol's "Jabberwocky".
- Xzar says: "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds!". Reference to the Robert Oppenheimer (one of the creators of a nuclear bomb).
- There are numerous gravestones in Nashkel with some funny epitaphs. By reading one of them you can summon a sorceror Daer'Ragh who will tell you to not do that again. If you read the tombstone again he will reappear with a squad of phoenix guards (and kill you!).
- Also there is a tombstone with the epitaph that says: «Feargus – who said «Is it done yet?» «not yet I bet!» (once too many!)» Most likely a reference to the director of Black Isle Studios Feargus Urquhart (the game was published by Black Isle Studios).
- When Thalantyr (a mage in High Hedge) tries to restore Melicamp's human form he casts a spell called "Antichickenator".
- You can meet Lord Foreshadow south of the Beregost, who mentions nights in Neverwinter ("I...make it a point in keeping in touch with Neverwinter...It was quite popular in those nights."), Amn and Athkatla.
- Ajantis' biography says: "He has been sent by his superior Keldorn Firecam to investigate and wipe out the bandits plaguing the Sword Coast." We all know who Keldorn Firecam is.
- There is an NPC named Bub Snikt south of the Beregost who is a reference to Wolverine.
- If you kill Marl in Felderpost Inn and then click on his friend Dunkin he says: "Hey don't click me! I don't want any trouble!"
- South of the Nashkel you can meet a party of a kobold, a tasloi and a xvart, whose names are Larry, Darryl and Darryl, and take their autograph. This is a reference to the sitcom "Newhart" in which Darryl and Darryl never say a word (except for the last episode) and Larry always says this exact phrase: "Hi, I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl."
Without any doubt this is a reference for the famous pornstar "Peter North", also called "the Cumshotmaster" or "the Decorator"...
Come on guys, you all know who he is, don't play dumb lol