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Easter Eggs In Baldurs Gate ** Spoiler**



  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94
    Sophia said:

    I've found these Name-related Easter Eggs on the internet:
    "A minor BG2 character shares the Arabic name of Khalid with a BG1 party member. Fortunately, the writers did not capitalize on the obvious idea of making a really bad joke about it."

    Yes! He shows up out of nowhere and chucks a scimitar at you ( at the docks, at night, usually?), and when that doesn't kill you, I think he runs away or something.
  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94

    Some of the easter eggs I know of:

    - If you kill Marl in Felderpost Inn and then click on his friend Dunkin he says: "Hey don't click me! I don't want any trouble!"

    To note, he says this whenever you click on him. One of my favorite encounters is convincing that fellow down from going to blows with you.
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    edited February 2017
    Post edited by lordkim on
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344

    - There are numerous gravestones in Nashkel with some funny epitaphs. By reading one of them you can summon a sorceror Daer'Ragh who will tell you to not do that again. If you read the tombstone again he will reappear with a squad of phoenix guards (and kill you!).

    Daer'Ragh in turn is the representation of BioWare employee Mark Darrah, whose tombstone it is.

    - Also there is a tombstone with the epitaph that says: «Feargus – who said «Is it done yet?» «not yet I bet!» (once too many!)» Most likely a reference to the director of Black Isle Studios Feargus Urquhart (the game was published by Black Isle Studios).

    Indeed. Most of the other team member have one as well. Ray Muzyka has one about the game being the death of him iirc, and writer Lukas Kristjanson has one in verse about being a bard of sorts, etc.

  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    I remember more of easter eggs/references. This one is from TOB. In Amkethran you meet that guy named Marlowe in the inn, who gives you quest about a lich stealing his daughter's soul. He won´t tell you more about this and rather invite you into his house up on the hill.

    I´m pretty sure this is a reference to the Stephen King's "Salem's Lot" about a strange man called Barlowe, a vampire, who bought large house on the hills above the town and as we know, a vampire must be invited to the house.
  • BeerishBeerish Member Posts: 8
    Mathuzzz said:

    I remember more of easter eggs/references. This one is from TOB. In Amkethran you meet that guy named Marlowe in the inn, who gives you quest about a lich stealing his daughter's soul. He won´t tell you more about this and rather invite you into his house up on the hill.

    I´m pretty sure this is a reference to the Stephen King's "Salem's Lot" about a strange man called Barlowe, a vampire, who bought large house on the hills above the town and as we know, a vampire must be invited to the house.

    That quest has literary roots, but you have to go waaaay back. It's based on the old tale of Faust, describing a man who sells his soul to a devil in return for knowledge/power. And the people who have written the two most famous versions of that story are Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (hence the name for the lich) and the playwright Christopher Marlowe.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Heinrich said:

    @Mortianna It works in vanilla BG. Tutu broke this Easter Egg.

    More reasons Tutu is d-d-dumb.
    Akuro said:

    While travelling you might meet a person called "Peter from the North".
    Without any doubt this is a reference for the famous pornstar "Peter North", also called "the Cumshotmaster" or "the Decorator"...
    Come on guys, you all know who he is, don't play dumb lol

    oh man. that is just all bad. nice find
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Akuro said:

    While travelling you might meet a person called "Peter from the North".
    Without any doubt this is a reference for the famous pornstar "Peter North", also called "the Cumshotmaster" or "the Decorator"...
    Come on guys, you all know who he is, don't play dumb lol

    Haha, yeah, I've thought of that too - especially since the conversation with him contains lines like "Far be it from me to get between a man and his wood... so to speak". Far-seeing reference if it's true, given that North likely wasn't much of a pop culture phenomenon back then.

  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    Hehe nice :O)
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Coran says "It's just a flesh wound", doesn't he?
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Don't npc's turn hostile after having been charmed?
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    You forgot to mention the Ring of Fire Resistance in a rock, south-east in the Gibberlings Mountains and a scroll of Cloudkill in the middle of a forest in one of the areas leading to the Gnoll Stronghold.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    This is very good question.
    Can we talk with charmed people in BG:EE ?
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Edvin said:

    This is very good question.
    Can we talk with charmed people in BG:EE ?

    Probably not, I believe that feature was (unintentionally) removed with Tutu and since BG:EE is essentially the same (running BG1 in BG2's engine) looks like we won't be able to charm and talk to people much!
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Actually, that's in the works. Not sure about the status of things, but the bug should be vanquished eventually.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited September 2012
    Well, we can do that in BG1 and it is not any bug or cheat because charmed people have new dialogs.
    Echanced Edition = more options, not less.
    BTW: If i good remember, BG:EE engine is not completely same like BG2 engine.


    Actually, that's in the works. Not sure about the status of things, but the bug should be vanquished eventually.

    Ok, great.

  • LockLock Member Posts: 84

    It's possible to get a dagger +1 from that paladin in Candlekeep if you yourself are a paladin with 18 charisma

    If you mean the chap who requests you fetch him some bolts, it's not necessary that you're a paladin, only that you have a high charisma.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited September 2012
    @Jaxsbudgie: there is one rather obscure use for the sword of vampire revenge. If you give it to Kagain, he can heal your party members with it and regenerate while traveling.:)
    And yes, Dynaheir really does talk about Alaundo's prophecy and locating the child of Bhaal (but unfortunately after the spell goes off, she turns hostile)
    Post edited by Pecca on
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited September 2012
    Sophia said:

    I've found these Name-related Easter Eggs on the internet:
    "A minor BG2 character shares the Arabic name of Khalid with a BG1 party member. Fortunately, the writers did not capitalize on the obvious idea of making a really bad joke about it.
    On the other hand, a PC named Drizzt is just asking for trouble.
    Naming a female PC Lanfear can lead to an easter egg in Chapter Six of BG2."

    But I never tried to name my character Drizzt or Lanfear, did any of you do that?

    Just tried the Lanfear one: Coran says "Well since Safana is dead and I was growing rather fond of Lanfear(charname), Im gonna stay with her!"
    Lanfear gets mad and curse him too *Coran dies*
    Then she says that you, who have the same name of her will join him soon :p

    EDIT: As regards Drizzt I should play all over again to test where it causes the mess, maybe in Ust'Natha...
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119

    Don't know if this is an eater egg but ...

    It's possible to get a dagger +1 from that paladin in Candlekeep if you yourself are a paladin with 18 charisma

    Who is this the paladin in Candlekeep?
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Scofield said:

    Don't know if this is an eater egg but ...

    It's possible to get a dagger +1 from that paladin in Candlekeep if you yourself are a paladin with 18 charisma

    Who is this the paladin in Candlekeep?
    It's either Hull or the guy in the barracks who sends you on an errand to get some crossbow bolts. I've never actually tried it myself, I mean, why would I ever play a Paladin ... ever? :)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    It's the guy who sends you to buy some bolts. I think you need a high reaction roll which is easily gained from being Lawful Good (reputation starts higher) and having a high charisma (better positive reaction roll modifier).
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    decado said:

    It's the guy who sends you to buy some bolts. I think you need a high reaction roll which is easily gained from being Lawful Good (reputation starts higher) and having a high charisma (better positive reaction roll modifier).


    Or you could just pick pocket him. I did that. :DDDD
  • JhesanhJhesanh Member Posts: 4

    If you put your pick pocket up to its absolute highest with 18 dexterity you can pickpocket one of the nobles on the second floor of the Candlekeep inn, it's a type of gem, can't remember what one but it's very very expensive

    Isn't it lock pick from the chest?

  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Yes it is but I believe the gem in question (worth 1k gold if I remember right) requires over 40 lock picking. I say this because I believe only halflings with 40 dex can get this easily
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    No mention of the golden pantaloons - If you take them in the first place there's someone you'll meet at the top floor of the splurting surgeon who's been sent to get them back. If you talk to him he'll take them off you and leave! Also part of the biggest easter egg across BG1, 2 & TOB. Who doesn't want a big metal unit? heh.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560

    If you put your pick pocket up to its absolute highest with 18 dexterity you can pickpocket one of the nobles on the second floor of the Candlekeep inn, it's a type of gem, can't remember what one but it's very very expensive
    It's possible to get a dagger +1 from that paladin in Candlekeep if you yourself are a paladin with 18 charisma

    One correction: You don't need to be a paladin to get the +1 dagger reward for that quest (bringing the knight in the barracks a stack of crossbow bolts). 18 CHA on any class will get you the dagger, 17 CHA will get you 10 gold, and below that just 5 gold.

    I've never tried pickpocketing the noble in Candlekeep's inn, but in the room across from him is a locked chest with a star sapphire in it. This gem vendors for 1,000 gold. I've successfully picked the lock at level 1 as an elven thief (19 DEX) with ~65 in Open Locks.

    One more lowbie treat your list brought to mind: One the third floor of the Friendly Arm Inn, when you pick up the "spider infestation" quest, if you have an 18 CHA she will give you 6 poison antidote potions for free. Below that, you get nothing!

    Also, the guy who wants his "golden pantaloons" pressed and mistakes you for housekeeping has slightly different dialogue for high CHA characters.
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