You would do well to keep your rodent away from my belongings or I will....or he could hurt himself, and we wouldn't want that to happen to the poor fellow (at least until it suits me)
Minsc stands to his full height and realizes that swords would be overkill. "Boo has no fear of you, you non-hero, you." It was a cruel insult, and one that probably had cut Edwin to the core. Such was the way of things when an ordinary someone faced hamsters and rangers: the very scourges of evil everywhere.
Semi confused, Minsc did not know what to say to this. Since Boo had taken this moment to peek outside, Minsc sternly warned Edwin to, "Look into the beady eyes of my hamster, and change your ways." The discussion now settled, Minsc returned to honing the blade of his Minsc-sized miniature giant space sword.
@Cmmunard Sorry, for some reason, when I clicked on the link. it wasn't showing me the post. :P And yes, it is +3. But with 3hp, going into combat is going to make Xan very dead. As for the wasting disease thing, you only have a 7 Con...
Edwin for once is without words, his mouth simply hangs open for a moment before shaking his head, scowling and walking away. He mumbles softly under his breath about the uselessness of large brutes and small rodents.
@Cmmunard Sorry, for some reason, when I clicked on the link. it wasn't showing me the post. :P And yes, it is +3. But with 3hp, going into combat is going to make Xan very dead. As for the wasting disease thing, you only have a 7 Con...
It's OK, I think there is a bug because I made that post just before the thread was moved, glad it is sorted now.
Yup, staying far far away from anything sharp, I'll collapse from a papercut...
How about my other question about spells/equipment being AD&D or BG based?
Xan watches the other members of his sorry band bicker over trivialities. "If we can't stick together here in the safe and warm, how are we ever going to survive the perils that await us? Not that it matters anyway, our defeat is certain even if by some miracle we do not turn on each other at the first sign of adversity..."
Okay... news has drawn you to the coast, news of a strange house outside the tiny fishing village of Saltmarsh, said to be haunted. Strange lights appear there after dark at night, not always on the same night, nor every night, but for several nights in a row, then the house will be dark again for several nights before the lights once again appear.
The town itself is small, dirty, and smells of fish and tar. The salt smell of the ocean and marshes permeates everywhere, and fish hang on racks near the shore to dry before they are shipped inland to feed hungry people elsewhere. The town has a tavern that doubles as an inn if you want to sleep on the floor of the common room after they are closed.
People glance at you suspiciously out of the corner of their eyes as you pass, leading to a very... oppressive feeling that you get the longer you stay in town. Edwin's sneers and disgusted sniffs at the variety of smells and stenches that permeate the town are obviously not welcome here.
"Why do you speak in riddles, little he-witch?" Minsc had no patience for such befuddling thought. Boo might feel like translating, but he wasn't always in the mood to make sense of the stupid ground-dwelling beings of this world. Minsc knew this because Boo had told him so.
"Fishing villages teem with evil and decay. Let's give it a kick and see what comes out!" It was sage advice, really, that ought to be heeded by his party. For starters, however, they needed more swords.
"I would imagine our ranger and halfling with delusions of grandeur feel quit at home in this festering pit of a town, I however do not. So let us not waste time chatting with the locals, if they are even intelligent enough to speak, something I highly doubt."
Edwin rolls his eyes and glances around.
"Ranger, take your rat and procur us a room at whatever they call an inn."
Checking with the tavern-master tells you that there are no actual rooms available. For 2 silver pieces, you can sleep on the floor at the end of the day if you are there. Then, he spits on the floor, into the sawdust that is there to sop up spilled ale.
Xan mutters "Thank the Gods I do not need to sleep." He looks around to see if there is anywhere that he might enter his trance that is clean and secluded.
Edwin sighs before addressing the tavern-master. "Could you perhaps good sir (I use the term loosely) point us in the direction of the home said to be haunted. This is of course taking into account the Idea that pointing is not outside your no doubt overburdened skillset."
"Yer goin' t' the mansion?" The Tavern Master sucks on his teeth for a moment. "Gorne t'try and figure out what the lights are an' such?" At Minsc's nod, he sucks on his teeth again, then reveals them in a smile, yellowed and partly rotted. "If'n ye do, come back and tell us abaht it, and I'll stand ye a drink!"
He hops off the barrel he's sitting on and points to the east. "Go on past the tanner's abaht a mile up yon road. Ya can't miss 't. 'S surrounded by a fieldstone wall."
"Well, I see no purpose in delaying our inevitable failure by remaining in this rather insanitary place. I would prefer to die quickly at the hands of a malevolent spirit than slowly of dysentery on a filthy tavern floor..."
He mumbles softly under his breath about the uselessness of large brutes and small rodents.
Yup, staying far far away from anything sharp, I'll collapse from a papercut...
How about my other question about spells/equipment being AD&D or BG based?
The town itself is small, dirty, and smells of fish and tar. The salt smell of the ocean and marshes permeates everywhere, and fish hang on racks near the shore to dry before they are shipped inland to feed hungry people elsewhere. The town has a tavern that doubles as an inn if you want to sleep on the floor of the common room after they are closed.
People glance at you suspiciously out of the corner of their eyes as you pass, leading to a very... oppressive feeling that you get the longer you stay in town. Edwin's sneers and disgusted sniffs at the variety of smells and stenches that permeate the town are obviously not welcome here.
Edwin rolls his eyes and glances around.
"Ranger, take your rat and procur us a room at whatever they call an inn."
"Could you perhaps good sir (I use the term loosely) point us in the direction of the home said to be haunted. This is of course taking into account the Idea that pointing is not outside your no doubt overburdened skillset."
He hops off the barrel he's sitting on and points to the east. "Go on past the tanner's abaht a mile up yon road. Ya can't miss 't. 'S surrounded by a fieldstone wall."