Ineth's collection of Icewind Dale style portraits

IWD style portraits: | ![]() ![]() | ||
BG2 style portraits: | ![]() |
IWD:EE comes with 59 built-in portraits. That's more than most games; but due to the large number of possible character build combinations (class + race + gender), any given build doesn't have a lot of suitable portraits to choose from.This collection tries to remedy that by adding more portraits for all the classes and races officially supported by the game, using a similar style as the built-in ones.
Please note that I did not paint these portraits - they are pictures which I found online, painted by various artists (see the Spoiler boxes below).
I merely turned them into IWD style portraits by cropping them and applying some post-processing.
Portrait layouts![]() |
![]() For each portrait, three files are included. The first two are the normal character record screen and side-bar versions, cropped like the original portraits. The third is an alternate version for the side-bar, corresponding to the "Zoomed in side-bar portraits" component of my IWD:EE Portrait Variations mod. See the included readme files for details. |
Bundle | Content | Download | Size |
Warriors | 84 portraits | iwdee_portraits_warriors_v03.7z | 51.8 MB |
Priests | 68 portraits | iwdee_portraits_priests_v03.7z | 44.0 MB |
Rogues | 70 portraits | iwdee_portraits_rogues_v03.7z | 44.9 MB |
Wizards | 58 portraits | iwdee_portraits_wizards_v03.7z | 36.9 MB |
Shorties | 49 portraits | iwdee_portraits_shorties_v04.7z | 30.2 MB |
Half-orcs | 28 portraits | iwdee_portraits_half-orcs_v02.7z | 18.0 MB |
Download them by clicking the filenames in the table above.
(Alternatively, click the Download button at the end of each post below, or get them from my Yandex.Disk or box).
The following 6 posts show thumbnails of all the included portraits. (Click a thumbnail to open its high-resolution version.)Also shown for completeness, even though they're not included:
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Post edited by ineth on
(Human, Half-Elf, and Elf only – see below for other races.)
Fighter ▸ with sword
"Maric" by NathanParkArt
"Relic Hunter" TES:L card art by Anastasia Ovchinnikova
"Blizzard warrior" by Timkongart
"Imperial Recruit" TES:Legends card art
"Golden Arthur" card art from Heroes of Camelot
"Fierce" by MiguelCoimbra
"Redhead knight" by mannequin-atelier
"Reward" by Allnamesinuse
Fighter ▸ with sword ▸ in splint or chain mail
"Warrior" by John Wallin Liberto
"game concept art 17" by Justin Sweet
"Human Fighter" from Pathfinder: Kingmaker artbook
"Something remained" by Petra Rudolf
Fighter ▸ with sword ▸ in ceremonial armor
"The Knight" by Gerry Arthur
"Symounde" by NickRoblesArt
Fighter ▸ with axe
Fighter ▸ with polearm
"Pikeman" by IgorLevchenko
"The Chosen Ones" by Kamikazuh
Fighter ▸ with blunt weapon
Fighter ▸ masked
"game concept art 15" by Justin Sweet
"Vanguard" by artofjosevega
Fighter ▸ non-European themed
"Sir Palomedes" by HELMUTTT
"Ikoma Satoru" by JasonEngle
"Samurai ronin" by maxpaynt
Fighter ▸ Kensai
"Black Flame" by nathaliagomes
"Aeons: Thempian" by lorraine-schleter
"Mirumoto Higaru" by Bertuccio
"The Viking Samurai" by Conor Burke
"Adventures of Romana" by Dennis Fröhlich
"All My Hate" by Mélanie Delon
"Graceblade Artisan" MtG card art by Magali Villeneuve
"Profound Journey" MtG card art by Tomasz Jedruszek
"Human Warrior" by SalvadorTrakal
"Warrior Class" by Randy Vargas
"Commisson: DnD Paladin" by AppleSin
"Warrior of the Sun" by Iqbal Ridzuan
"lady knight" by adelruna
"Snow White" by adelruna
"[CM] Silvan Elf Cleric" by bearcub
"Armor-of-God" by bytheoak
"Gentle Paladin" by PeterPrime
"Seelah" by Castaguer93
"The Bloodsworn" by Lindsey Look
Paladin ▸ with blunt weapon
Paladin ▸ Blackguard
"Creepy Elfo" by Leo Enin
"Tiefling Paladin" by SalvadorTrakal
"The Demon Knight" by Anakin Lee
"p90" by HBDesign
"Deathknight" by EnRiell
"Citakuntor Beats the Wyrm" by Herckeim
+ variant: in cold climate
"Conan of Cimmeria" by Justin Sweet
"Blackened" by J.S. Rossbach
"game concept art 1" by Justin Sweet
"Barbarian Chick" by maciejkuciara
"Red Sonja" by Andrey Vasilchenko
"zones warior" by zix72
"nzs" by xu deng
Barbarian ▸ Viking themed
"The silence after" by Cris Ortega
"Viking" by Plutus Su
"Lagertha Lothbrok" by Nuare Studio
"Elf Dalish" by Jason Chan
"Warden of the Wild" by anndr
"Taeryn" by Shade-of-Stars
"Yassina" by Angevere
"Into the woods" by Jonathan fado
"who goest there?" by Kay Allen
Ranger ▸ with druid weapons
Ranger ▸ with bow
"Chow 194 Robin Hood" by rodimus25
"Dark ranger" by Linda Lithén
"Ekun" Pathfinder: Kingmaker concept by Valeriy Vegera
"Half-Elf Ranger" by Matt Duckett
"Wind - Die Chroniken von Hara" by Fetsch
"Skillful Archer" by poibuts
"Fairy Archer" by KejaBlank
".:Rubina:." by MarioTeodosio
"Elven Trackers" by MarkWinters
L5R card art by unknown
"Hunters" by Clarence Bateman
"Elf Ranger with Barkskin" by sheppardarts
"Archer" by Aneta Lewko- Ślęzak
"Kithan Archer" by JoelChaimHoltzman
"The Northern Huntress" by Ge Ying
Ranger ▸ Beastmaster
"Birthday Present" by NikolaiOstertag
"Beast Master" by ArtOfBenG
"Dungeons and Dragons Work" by Tyler Jacobson
(Human, Half-Elf, and Elf only – see below for other races.)
"Daigotsu Rafu" L5R card art
"Sen-Pei" by Leifheanzo
Manneo by Aleksey Iromonik Konyshev
"Rasaad yn Bashir" BG2:EE promo art
"Dragon Bell Monk" MtG card art by Lius Lasahido
"Lose Calm" MtG card art by Jason Engle
"Redguard Monk" by Julian Futanto
"Monk" by limsh
"Wandering Champion" MtG card art by Willian Murai
"Fe" by NikolayAsparuhov
"Jeskai Clan" MtG card art
"Tang Xuanzang" by guicaimumu
"Tristian" Pathfinder: Kingmaker portrait
"Bishop Elijah" by Ekaterina Burmak
"Inquisitor/investigator" by Asahisuperdry
"Elf Priestess" by pindurski
"Oracle of Thassa" by Dallas-Williams
"Misten Witch" by Thomas Denmark
Cleric ▸ sphere: Death
"Mikaeus, the Unhallowed" by Christ Rahn
"Witcher" by florianrenner
"Alistair" by Anton Fort
Fighter/Cleric ▸ with mace
"Dwarf Cleric" by TentaclesandTeeth
"Clerik" by DarianaLoki
"Warrior girl" by Andrey Vasilchenko
"Paladin" by GreyHues
Fighter/Cleric ▸ with other weapons
"Cleric" by yefumm
"Pathfinder: Kingmaker art" by Valeriy Vegera
"Redemeer" by Pascal Quidault
"Dead eye enforcer ( hex entertainment )" by Asahisuperdry
"Lightbringer" by spellsword95
"Basira- Wisdom" by Othon Nikolaidis
"Minister of Offerings" MtG card art by Lucas Graciano
"Druid" by Edli
"Ghillie Dhu" by Artemis Kolakis
"Druid concept" by PeterPrime
Druid ▸ sphere: Animal
"Takkar the Apex Predator" by "Naomi Savoie"
"Druid" by Takeda11
"Druid" by Bakirasan
Druid ▸ sphere: Plant
"Elvish Mystic" by Winona Nelson
"Druid" by IgorKieryluk
"jungle princess" by Llyncis
"Druid" Pathfinder: Kingmaker player portrait
Druid ▸ sphere: Fire & Ice
Wizard ▸ elemental magic ▸ ice
"destruction s avatar normal version" by 1oshuart
"Ice Druid" by tgconceptart
"ice druid" by neo2055
"boudica Ewyn" by artofrussell
Druid ▸ sphere: Earth
Druid ▸ sphere: Air & Lightning
"Druid" by dleoblack
"Shaman" by anotherwanderer
"Druid" by ClintCearley
+ variant: without Elf ear
Druid ▸ sphere: Light
"Fox Shaman" by artoftas
"Nissa, Sage Animist" by Wesley Burt
"Earth Light" by Alayna
Druid ▸ posh
"Summoner Druid" Spellweaver card art by Joshua Cairós
"Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage" by Jason Chan
Druid ▸ shapeshifted
"werewolf Vinfor" by Kuzinskiy
"Embraced by the Moon" MtG card art
Fighter/Druid ▸ with scimitar
"Jaheira Fan Art - Baldurs Gate" by Nightlong86
"Elven shock troopers" by Un Lee
"Warrior Token" by Aaron Miller
Fighter/Druid ▸ with spear
"Forest Warrior" by Elistraie
"jungler" by zix72
"Cyndra" by BenWootten
"Amazon " by MarkTarrisse
"Jund Battlemage" MTG card art by Vance Kovacs
"Khazar Od Iyesi" by JoelChaimHoltzman
"Shaman" by Jean-Loïc Fontaine
"Shaman" by Leanna Crossan
(Human, Half-Elf, and Elf only – see below for other races.)
"Thief Concept-art" by SineAlas
"Assassin's Creed" by Qi Wang
"Nix" by Chris Rahn
"Demitria Rione" by DancinFox
"Star thief" by Joel Solves Pérez
"Lantern Scout" by Steven Belledin
Thief ▸ climbing
"Escape" by gkb3rk
"Killer" by Jadevine95
"Uldane, iconic Rogue" by BenWootten
"Whirler Rogue" by Winona Nelson
"Thief's Covenant" book cover by Jason Chan
+ variant: black hair
"Blackguard" by I-GUYJIN-I
"Deftarm Scout" by Justine Cruz
Thief ▸ Assassin
"Rogue" by sabin-boykinov
"Thief" by MedoK81
"Liberty" by PapayouFR
"Arabian-Assassin" by kamikazuh
"Assasin Dream Reactor" by NikolaiOstertag
"Wu the Lotus Blossom" concept art from Jade Empire
"Victorian Assassin" by AndyFairhurst
Thief ▸ Swashbuckler
"Piter Blood" by anry
"Warcraft OC - Ienera" by Jorsch
"Bootlegger" by Sicarius8
"Princess Iseult" by HELMUTTT
"82" by Timkongart
"Pete" by Aleksey Iromonik Konyshev
"Ambushed" by kamikazuh
"Outlaw" by Greg-Opalinski
"DSA Streunerin" by Jorsch
"Elidia" by aaronflorento
"The Bloodforged" by LMessecar
"kickstarter promo art" from The Bards Tale IV
"Inran: Kel" by ozornin-ART
"Bard" by gerezon
Bard ▸ with flute
"Mythic Azata" Pathfinder: Kingmaker portrait
"Playing The Flute" by Llyncis
"Little Dragon Girl" by ahuaart
"111" by exellero
"Piper of the Woods" card art from Heroes of Camelot
+ variant: "tier 3" version of the same card
Bard ▸ with other wind instrument
"Heymaey Skald" Gwent card art
"Qeres, Bard of The College of Swords" by Aurelia Häcker
Bard ▸ with lute
"(CE) Oghma, Lord of knowledge" by Thepastart
"Dandelion" Witcher concept art
"Dandelion" Gwent card art
"Allen-A-Dale" Sherwood's Legacy art
"Pirate Girl" by Giby-Joseph
"Minstrel" by dnomaid
"Priscilla" Gwent card art
"Sionachie Heartsinger" by Maerk Okon
"Half Her Heart's Duet" by sheppardarts
"Bard" card art from Heroes of Camelot
+ variant: "tier 2" version of the same card
"The Bard" by Yulia Zhuchkova
Bard ▸ with harp or zither
"Darkwood Vigilant" by JasonEngle
"Finrod meeting a man for the first time" by Oleksandra Ishchenko
"Rhapsodes girl" by breath-art
"Ren Yingying" by Qiao Shan
Bard ▸ with other instrument
"Turami Bard" by Conceptopolis
"Commission: Sondra Sparkle" by tjota
Bard ▸ Jester
"ravine- barnaby, the dangerous one" by nebezial
"Bard Character" by Raluca Marinescu
Bard ▸ Blade
"Brody. The spiritual operator." by Igor Grechanyi
"Red" by Sicarius8
"Alcina - fantasy character concept" by me-illuminated
"Ballad of the Emerald Bard" by Eddy-Shinjuku
Bard ▸ Skald
(Human, Half-Elf, and Elf only – see below for other races.)
Wizard ▸ extravagant
"Damnation" by Melanie Delon
"Butterfly" by yuehui Tang
"Narnia concept art - White Witch v16" by Justin Sweet
"Publishing II - 2064" by Vance Kovacs
"Nightmare Queen" by AlexRuizArt
"Black-mage-at-tower" by Vaejoun
"Vivienne" by Neirr
"Wicked Cyanide" by Gerry Arthur
Wizard ▸ with spellbook
"The Wizard" by Ilnere
"Wisdom avatar" by Tsabo6
"Magician" by Andrey Vasilchenko
"Sister Speranza" by Inkary
Wizard ▸ old
"Gandalf" by John Howe
"Oldmage-kingkostas2014" by kingkostas
"Cover" by AndreaTM
Wizard ▸ elemental magic
"playing with fire" by artastrophe
"Dark Wizard" by ManthosLappas
"Elementalist from Drakonia" by Aeyolscaer
"Fire Mage" by István DányiPro
"Koth the Hammer" by Jason Chan
"Duel of the Warlocks" by Ilacha
"Eden Advanced" by Leonid Enin
"Magician_2" by Allnamesinuse
Wizard ▸ elemental magic ▸ ice
"Hogarth" by ArtofTy
"Ice Mage" by TomEdwardsConcepts
"Atevora OC commission for Runenwinter" by me-illuminated
"Winter Grasp" by GerryArthur
Wizard ▸ school: Abjuration
"Teferi, Temporal Archmage" by Tyler Jacobson
"Separatist Voidmage" MtG card art by Jason Rainville
"Daily 314/365" by Takeda11
"Red mage" by Allnamesinuse
Wizard ▸ school: Divination
"The Prophet" game card from Heroes of Camelot
"Magician" by IcedWingsArt
"Clairvoyance" by SirTiefling
"Mage of Seven Stars" by wood-illustration
Wizard ▸ school: Necromancy
"Andal The Foul" by JasonEngle
"Merlin" by HELMUTTT
"The Warlock Necromancer" by Manzanedo
"Witchcraft" by HBDesign
"Necromancer" by Takeda11
"Mara" by Allnamesinuse
"Daneyra, The Cocky Necromancer" by Dennis van Kessel
"Necromancer" by "Mark Pancham"
"The Princess of Darkness" by AlexRaspad
"Medieval Fair - The Dark Witch" by caiomm
Wizard ▸ shrouded
"Dark Mage" by Forge-T
"game concept art 12" by Justin Sweet
"D'Artagnan Evolved" by Wesley Burt
"Exalted Warlock Bogdan" by Lucastorquato27
"The Scion" promo art from Path of Exile
"Shadowar - Kisheri - Promo" by Sacha Angel Diener
"Celaena" by Vinogradov Aleksei
"The Baroness" by Linda Lithén
"Nightblade" by SirTiefling
"Ake the Hero" by Arcan-Anzas
"Warmage" by Azeltas
"D&D Elf Character Commission" by Jorge Benitez
"Forwardguard" by ogilvie
Dwarf ▸ with axe
"Flint-Gladiators of Dragon Isle|board game" by ManthosLappas
"Male Dwarf 1" IWD2 portrait by Justin Sweet
"game concept art 19" by Justin Sweet
"Dwarf Skirmisher" by IgorLevchenko
"Dwarven warrior in a cold lit dungeon" by mathieuloiseau
"Dwarf Knight" by marktarrisse
"Peuple du nord" by Leo Lasfargue
"Thaldir" by Aleksey Iromonik Konyshev
"Kings of the realm" by Grafit-art
"Tholtig's Triumph" by Sarasti-art
"Darkstalker" by Akeiron
Dwarf ▸ with sword
"Icewind dale:Dwarf Paladin" by IgorLevchenko
Dwarf ▸ with blunt weapon
"Dwarf Cleric" by JohnDotegowski
"Dwarf mauler" by IgorLevchenko
"Dwarf Hammerer" Warhammer concept art
"Dwarf paladin Runemera" by Aleksey Iromonik Konyshev
"D&D illustration" by Cynthia Sheppard
"Hilda-Gladiators of Dragon Isle|board game" by ManthosLappas
Dwarf ▸ with ranged weapon
"Dwarf Hunter" by Carsten Biernat
"Male Dwarf 2" IWD2 portrait by Justin Sweet
"Dwarf slinger" by IgorLevchenko
"Sagani" Pillars of Eternity promo art
Dwarf ▸ Nature focused
"Dwarf Woodsman" by IgorLevchenko
"Icewind Dale fan art" by IgorLevchenko
"Sagani" Pillars of Eternity promo art
Dwarf ▸ Rogue
"AEG - TS 004" by MarkTarrisse
"Thievery" by 1oshuart
"Dragonage Dwarf Common" by Jason Chan
Dwarf ▸ Spellcaster
"dwarf" by Ellion
"Equalize" WoW card art by Daarken
"Grim Elder" by Lukasz Jaskolski
"Martiana the Mindwrench" WoW card art by Aleksi Briclot
"Sister Remba" WoW card art by Dan Scott
"Remba, Abbess of Ash" by Dan Scott
"Dagna" by Wildweasel339
Gnome ▸ Warrior or Rogue
"Gehko Bindus: Rogue" by IzzyMedrano
"Windstrike" by Seraph777
+ variant: without weapons
Gnome ▸ Spellcaster
"Recover the Magister's Orb" Lords of Waterdeep card art
"Anarchic Adept" by Matias Tapia
"Gnome" D&D concept art by Raven Mimura
"Gnome Wizard" by Kim van Deun
"Female Gnome 1" IWD2 portrait by Justin Sweet
"Gnome" by feliciacano
Halfling ▸ Warrior
"Paewyn, Halfling Cleric" by Snakebearer
"Halfling Martial Artist" by Frank Hessefort
Halfling ▸ Rogue
"The Expensive Visitor" by SirTiefling
Half-orc ▸ with axe
"Captain Drelm" by Eric Belisle
"Warrior" by dusint
"Orc" by anssiart
"Bree, iconic Cavalier" by BenWootten
"Orc Warrior" by Davi Hammer
"Northog Tactician" by Hamsterfly
"Ms.Orc- Last stand" by bayardwu
"Ranger Orc" by lithriel
Half-orc ▸ with sword
"Mage Slayer" by Akeiron
"Good Is Not Nice" by SirTiefling
"Artemis Entreri" by aditya777
"Eye of Justice Rogue/Paladin" by SirHanselot
"Icewind Dale:half-orc" by IgorLevchenko
"The Silvan Mist" by joeshawcross
"worts4" by Song Nan Li
"The Warrior" by MisMist
Half-orc ▸ with katana
"Orc Samurai! (For Brainstorm)" by Showmeyourmoves
"OrcRonin" by AJengdi
"Feng" by Aleksey Iromonik Konyshev
"Kassil Aldori" Pathfinder: Kingmaker NPC portrait
Half-orc ▸ with other weapon
"Cleric Half-Orc for Dragonfire" by Kim Van Deun
"Myev - Gladiators of Dragon Isle| KS board game" by mlappas
"HEX - Orc female Rogue by rafater" by rafater
Half-orc ▸ Spellcaster
"Figaro, the dandy Orc wizard" by Kim Van Deun
"Bule-Eyes WhiteDragon REG" by Diego de Almeida Peres
"Ork Mage Hero" by ARTOFJUSTAMAN
"Horde Shaman speedysketch" by KrisCooper
Fighter: Fi01, Fi02
Wizard: Wi04
Dwarf: Dw02, Dw03
Added three more portraits cropped from Justin Sweet's art: Ba03, Ba04, Wi05
And three from Vance Kovacs' art: Pa02, Dr05, Wi06
The resolution of that last one (Wi06) is actually too low, especially for the "size N" portrait which zooms in on the face. So I may remove it again from the collection if I decide that it looks too bad in-game. It is a very cool painting though, so if someone has good google skills, please help me find a higher-resolution version of it. This is the source image I worked with.
Also, I now have a whole bunch of promising pics that I found online but haven't gotten around to process yet. So if anyone is looking for portraits for specific race/class/gender combinations, let me know so I can try to prioritize them. (No promises of course.)
- Many more portraits added.
- Subcategories
- New filename scheme
- Readme files
- Version numbers
Enjoy!There are now 132 portraits in this collection. Together with the 59 original portraits and the 9 variations from my IWD:EE Portrait Variations mod, this should hopefully let you find something you like for your characters...
(If your characters are Humans, Half-Elves, or Elves, that is. The "Other Races" bundle still has only the same old 3 portraits. I hope to get around to that one in the coming weeks.)
I've further categorized the portraits within a bundle into subcategories. This way, similar portraits can be together – both in the preview list on this page, and in the filesystem.
Now includes my modder prefix, and a letter specifying the subgroup.
This means that if you've already installed the old version of this collection, you should uninstall it before installing this one to make sure you don't end up with duplicates in your portrait folder.
Each bundle now comes with a (hopefully helpful) readme file. In addition to installation instructions and details about each portrait's origin and modifications, it shows all the portraits at the size that they're rendered at in-game, so you can get a better look compared to the thumbnails on this page.
I've started versioning the bundles separately. All are now at version 02, except for the "Other Races" bundle which I've kept at version 01 for now.
You've done a very commendable job of selecting portraits that are similar in art style and cropped them such that the smaller versions are similarly proportioned. This continues to be one of the biggest problems with portrait packs- inconsistency.
I assembled my own collection and tried to use consistent cropping of the smaller versions, though less faithfully than you have. If you're interested, they can be found here: ee
Feel free to incorporate anything from my pack into yours. I recognize ~70% of what you've posted, but maybe I've got something you don't. If you want higher resolution versions of anything, PM me. I've kept the originals.
Btw, I think the key to having consistently cropped side-bar portraits, is to allow the image to end up smaller than 169x266 pixels. That may be the size that the built-in BMPs use, but they're scaled down anyway in-game.
E.g. when playing at a screen resolution of 1920x1080 and with UI scaling enabled, the side-bar portraits are rendered at a size of 76x118 pixels.
So to have a bit of safety buffer, I used 85x133 (i.e. half the canonical size) as the minimum BMP size for them. Of course, if the source image is large enough I allow the BMPs to be larger, up to the canonical 169x266 pixels.
The iconic Caelar Argent wallpaper would be a suitable candidate for being cropped into a Paladin portrait for this collection though.
But in hind sight. How hard would it be to compile ALL the various BG 1 SoD and BG 2 potraits onto this list?
That way the whole thing could be used all across all the platforms.
- layout L = from the shins up in case of human-sized character standing upright; adjusted as appropriate for other races and poses
- layout M = headgear + head + upper chest area
- layout M_zoomed = head
If a painting can't be cropped to all three of those layouts, or doesn't have the necessary minimum resolution after being cropped this way, then it can't become a portrait in this collection. I know this means I have to skip a lot of cool art I find, but I think it's worth it to ensure consistency.(Btw, I have a separate thread for BG2 style portraits... Which I should really update some time...
Too bad there are no new portraits for half-orcs.
An "IWD style portraits for BG1/2 NPCs" collection is actually on my to-do list, just not at the top of it...
As far as I know, portraits work the same way in all EE games: The portrait file names that end in L are used for the character record screen, and the ones that end in M for the side-bar. So there's no technical hurdle, it's just a matter of collecting suitable artwork.
Since I'm not able to paint full-body versions of the Baldur's Gate NPCs myself, I have to rely on promo art and fan art, and I've been keeping a look-out for those, but so far I only have high-quality ones for a few of the NPCs.
I've actually already snuck in two BG companions in this collection right here:
The left one is cropped from this official Beamdog promo art of Rasaad, and the right one from this fan-art depicting Jaheira.
NixxiCal on also has very nice fan-art for 6 or so of the NPCs.
Maybe I'll make a collection for the ones for which I've found high-quality art, even if it doesn't cover all the NPCs yet.
Right now I'm getting a bunch of Dwarf portraits ready for the next release of the "Other Races" bundle, though...
Update: Other Races v02
- Tweaked the 3 Dwarf portrait from v01 to bring them closer to the IWD:EE style.
- Added 36 more portraits (25 Dwarves, 8 Gnomes, 3 Halflings).
Didn't get to the Half-orcs yet, sorry.Too bad there are so few half-orc portraits, but it doesn't diminish the value of this pack.
Nice work assembling it, dude.