If there is another Baldur's Gate, it probably won't be Baldur's Gate. The 2d isometric style is likely lost for all time. It will probably be a third person action-adventure game with female characters sporting divinely well-formed posteriors to be enjoyed while running errands in 3rd person view.
2d if anything. Fallout went downhill when it went 3d, neverwinternights was also awful. I was never able to finish these games with a 3d perspective. Too much of a shooter
It could be done in 3D. The important thing would be to keep the isometric view and conversation system intact, neither of which are difficult. Given that Beamdog actually appreciates the Infinity Engine, if they were to make a new game I'd trust them to do it right, unlike the typical experience of a franchise being handed to a developer who then tries to make their own game and give it an IP skinned from a dead franchise.
I don't want a Bg3 as the story is over despite the disappointing final chapter (IMHO). I would happily see ToB retconned out of existence but I know this isn't possible.
A new trilogy set in the forgotten realms that mirrors bg would be magnificent though. I would love to relive that progression from finding your feet and exploring the wilderness in the first game and the freedom that affords to a more driven urgent storyline in the second half where you begin to reach the higher echelons of powerful beings.
I would like it to utilise a modernised version of the infinity engine or an engine allowing 3d character models that can preserve/replicate the infinity engine combat. I personally felt that the PoE combat paled in comparison to the IE games and that this was down to more than just the ruleset Obsidian created.
@Jobby I don't know, I think someone could pull it off. It would have to be a team of people that lives and breathes Baldur's Gate and the Forgotten Realms.
@wraith5641 I just don't know what 3d would really add to the game, I've played never winter nights 1 and 2 and they were vastly inferior to the bg trilogy. I'd rather they focused on the things we all love about the baldurs gate trilogy which for me is the story and the deep and wonderfuly convoluted combat.
I think about everyone here would like the game-world and lore, as such, to continue.
My personal view is, though, that the Bhaalspawn is too empowered by end of ToB - potentially a god, so I see no further story arch or development potential for the original CHAR.
There are few story devices that could be used:
- Prequel - go full lenght game à Dragonspear, but that's bit boring, really.
- Do it "DA2" style, I specifically mean same game-world, partially parallel events, different character. (and not recycling dungeons, lol, thou I love DA2)
This is quite a neat story device, actually, because there is synergy in terms of lore, and it is possible to implement shared characters, or cameos.
- Lore related but new character - for example, moving forward with a generation, or to a new region (like Skyrim vs Morrowind) which means evolved, and fairly independent, yet still related game-world.
This gives pretty free hand, but just off-the-cuff, as a story premise that still ties back to the original series, Bhaalspawn might have settled down with the love interest, has a child, own or adopted, and that child is the new main hero.
The developers don't call it BG3. Instead, something like "BGNext" is used.
Baldur's Gate: Gate Harder
Baldur's Gate: Electric Boogaloo
Baldur's Gate: Quantum of Baldur
...I'll go away now.
Baldur's Gate: Mask of the Baldur
Baldur's Gate: The Noober Strikes Back
Baldur's Gate: The Book: The Movie: The Game
... I'll join you.
A new trilogy set in the forgotten realms that mirrors bg would be magnificent though. I would love to relive that progression from finding your feet and exploring the wilderness in the first game and the freedom that affords to a more driven urgent storyline in the second half where you begin to reach the higher echelons of powerful beings.
I would like it to utilise a modernised version of the infinity engine or an engine allowing 3d character models that can preserve/replicate the infinity engine combat. I personally felt that the PoE combat paled in comparison to the IE games and that this was down to more than just the ruleset Obsidian created.
Baldur's Gate 0 "Origins"
A sure win.
My personal view is, though, that the Bhaalspawn is too empowered by end of ToB - potentially a god, so I see no further story arch or development potential for the original CHAR.
There are few story devices that could be used:
- Prequel - go full lenght game à Dragonspear, but that's bit boring, really.
- Do it "DA2" style, I specifically mean same game-world, partially parallel events, different character. (and not recycling dungeons, lol, thou I love DA2)
This is quite a neat story device, actually, because there is synergy in terms of lore, and it is possible to implement shared characters, or cameos.
- Lore related but new character - for example, moving forward with a generation, or to a new region (like Skyrim vs Morrowind) which means evolved, and fairly independent, yet still related game-world.
This gives pretty free hand, but just off-the-cuff, as a story premise that still ties back to the original series, Bhaalspawn might have settled down with the love interest, has a child, own or adopted, and that child is the new main hero.
Oh God, please, make it true. I'll raise funds to it selling my body if it needs.