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Journey of Corvus, child of the night (spoilers)

 TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
This is going to be an unusual playthrough. My Bhaalspawn PC is Corvus, a vampire shadow adept. Lore-wise, a vampire Bhaalspawn shouldn't really be possible, but, eh.

Basically, I've reverse-engineered a few of Hexxat's abilities from BG2 and adapted them for BG1. I've also created my own ability, Shapeshift:Bat, which turns Corvus into an invisible, fast but weak bat used for scouting.

Additionally, because I don't want to break any scripts, Corvus is recognized by the engine as a human and is immune to turning. I've credited it to his 'special armor' designed by Gorion to protect him from anti-undead. Gameplay-wise, the armor provides him with vampiric bonuses- immunity to level drain, regeneration, charm, death magic, etc. while also providing him with tremendous stats at night. As a vampire, Corvus is also immune to cold damage. However, he is also 50% weak to fire damage.

This sounds pretty overpowered, which is why Corvus has two drawbacks. Firstly, his stats are diminished in daylight, similar to Hexxat except without the micromanaging. His 'day' stats are quite underwhelming. Secondly, and what will be a greater drawback at higher levels, Corvus cannot be healed. Potions, healing spells, etc, are completely ineffective on him. He must rely on regeneration and avoiding damage to survive. However, to prevent complete frustration, once he goes below 25% hit points, he will automatically take on gaseous form, being unable to act but also invulnerable while regenerating at a fast pace. Despite this, he is not invincible as he can be killed before he takes on this form or if he takes over 25% of his hit points in a single attack.

Shadow Adept Kit:

SHADOW ADEPT: Shadow adepts hurl themselves into the abyss of the Shadow Weave, immediately acquiring all the gifts available to casual students and discovering secrets unavailable to all but the most dedicated.

- Hit Die: d6
- May use Shadow Magic.

SHADOW MAGIC: Spells of the Shadow Weave are usually more powerful than regular magic, but drains the caster's life force. When a spell is cast, the shadow adept must make a save vs. death at +5 minus spell level (e.g. +4 for level 1, -4 for level 9) to avoid taking damage. The higher the spell level, the more damage is taken.

- Gains infravision.
- Gains one bonus spell cast per level.
- 4th level: May use the Shield of Shadows ability once per day.

SHIELD OF SHADOWS: The shadow adept surrounds self with a barrier of purpleblack force. This shield of shadows functions like a shield spell, setting armor class to 4 (2 against ranged weapons) and absorbing magic missiles cast at him for 1 hour per 2 levels to a maximum of 9 hours.

- 5th level: May use Shadowstep once per day. Gains one use every 5 levels thereafter.

SHADOWSTEP: Step into the Shadow Plane and move for 7 seconds while others are frozen in time. The shadow adept cannot attack or use spells while in the Shadow Plane.

- 14th level: May use the Shadow Double ability once per day.

SHADOW DOUBLE: The shadow adept creates a copy of himself out of shadowstuff. The copy is at 60% of the caster's level and has all the spells and abilities that the caster would have at that level.

- May not use spells from the Weave.
- Alignment restricted to non-good.


Advantages: Massive stats at night, vampiric immunities, vampiric abilities, gaseous form

Disadvantages: Locked into special armor that gives no AC bonus, cannot be healed, low stats at day

I made these effects quite a while ago before I decided to actually play the character so I don't remember the details too well, but if anyone's interested in how I implemented these effects, feel free to ask.
Post edited by TheArtisan on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,748
    Sounds very interesting! Will gladly follow the Corvus's adventure! Drink wisely ;)
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Fascinating - they said it couldn't be done for the original ending of the Hexxat romance track, but you've clearly cracked it. Well done! :) I'll be keeping an eye on this.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited February 2016

    After being told by Gorion that they were leaving Candlekeep, Corvus took the time to travel through the fort and say his farewells to the residents. After completing a set of errands and being rewarded, he went to Winthrop's inn to purchase a long sword and a set of darts for his journey. Since he suspected that it would be a long time until he returned, if at all, he checked the inn for valuable objects and found a couple of spell scrolls and valuable gems, which he took with him. He doubted anybody would miss them. As he made his way to Gorion, the brightness of the sun bothered him and he took shelter within one of the nearby houses, only to be attacked by an assassin. However, the man quickly turned out to be incompetent. Corvus easily dodged his clumsy strikes and slew him with a single blow. He found another within one of the houses near the barracks, and quickly dispatched him as well. Not willing to stay longer than necessary, he then left the castle with Gorion.

    "The night can only get worse," Gorion says, but as a creature of the night, Corvus would disagree. However, he would be surprised to find out that Gorion was right. On the path from Candlekeep, the two were accosted by a hulking figure in black armor, followed by a group of lackeys that Corvus suspected were bandits or mercenaries. Gorion and the man exchanged words, as though they were old enemies, and suddenly Gorion demanded for Corvus to run. As he fled, he saw the armored man running Gorion through.

    As Corvus rested, he felt a strange feeling within him while thinking of the events that occurred. It was strange, like... loss. But that couldn't be. He is a vampire, a creature without true emotion. He tried his best to discard the thoughts.

    The next day, Imoen found him. Knowing he had no chance of shooing away the persistent brat, he allowed her to travel with him, thinking that perhaps she could help deflect suspicion. As they made their way to the Friendly Arm Inn, they came across a strange duo, a mage and a halfling. The mage offered Corvus a healing draught as a token of goodwill, but it was worthless to him and he handed it to Imoen. He refused their company as they would draw the wrong sort of attention, and continued his journey.

    Friendly Arm Inn

    Night had fallen by the time Corvus and Imoen arrived to the inn. Naturally, Corvus preferred it this way, as he felt his body being empowered and filled with vigor. Imoen, on the other hand, yawned and complained about being tired, lagging behind the whole way. As Corvus made his way up to the stairs, he was held up by a strange, robed man. Despite his affable tone, there was something in the man's gaze that registered him as a threat. As the man spoke, Corvus secretly poisoned his darts, expecting a sudden attack. Predictably, the man turned out to be an assassin, and raised his hands for a spell. Corvus recognized the incantation as a spell to induce fear. Were he a living mortal, it would have reduced him to a gibbering wreck as the mage finished him off. However, the spell was completely ineffective and Corvus took advantage by responding with his own spell, blinding the mage. Crippled and useless, the assassin ran around blindly in panic as Corvus filled him with poisoned darts. Imoen, who had finally caught up, provided ranged support, and the assassin quickly fell.

  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited February 2016
    Minor setback: I accidentally overwrote my save while testing out some experimental mods I was working on. No big deal, cheated myself back to where I was.

    Friendly Arm Inn

    Corvus and Imoen spent the night at the Friendly Arm. While Imoen rested, Corvus's thirst for blood led him to leave the castle to hunt. A squadron of unfortunate hobgoblins became his midnight snack, and on their corpses he found a special flamedance ring.

    The two encountered the aforementioned Jaheira and Khalid, and after a brief conversation, Corvus decided against travelling with them, to Jaheira's disapproval. At the top floor of the inn, a dwarven woman named Landrin provided Corvus with free antidotes with the request to clean her house in Beregost of spiders. In another room, Corvus conned a foolish nobleman into giving up his golden pantaloons, much to his amusement.

    Before they left for Beregost, Corvus returned the ring he found last night to its owner.


    Imoen sustained a grievous wound by a bandit's stray arrow on the way to Beregost. Upon reaching the town, they were informed by a local that the only healers nearby are the priests of Lathander. Although Corvus knew the Lathandrites loathed undead, he saw little choice but to trust in the protection of his cloak.

    At the entrance to the temple Corvus encountered a strange woman. Her armor bears the colors of a follower of Ilmater, but the horns protruding from her forehead marked her as a tiefling. Corvus cautiously approached the woman, as despite his cloak's enchantments hiding his undead heritage, he feared that a paladin would be able to sense it regardless. Fortunately, Gorion's magic was stronger than he thought, as the tiefling showed no hostility even as he initiated conversation.

    The woman introduced herself as Sirene of the Holy Warriors of Suffering, paladins of Ilmater. She was a travelling knight who came to the Sword Coast to find and help those in need, and was on her way to Nashkel to investigate the mines. Although Corvus was wary of the paladin discovering his vampirism, he suggested that they travel to Nashkel together.

    (Shameless self-promotion :wink:)

    The party returned to Beregost and intended to stay for the night. They did as Landrin requested and exterminated the spiders in her home - a simple sleep enchantment left them helpless. The party chose to rest at the Red Sheaf, only to be met with a bounty hunter named Karlat who was after Corvus's head. However, Karlat was quickly incapacitated with a blindness spell as Corvus bit his neck, fainting the dwarf as Corvus finished him off. Corvus took care to not allow his new companion to notice his actions.

    Agreeing that perhaps another establishment would be safer, the party moved to Feldepost's Inn, only to be accosted by an angry local named Marl. Though Corvus's patience was wearing thin and he intended to give the ignorant farmer a quick death, Sirene begged him to show mercy, and he begrudgingly agreed, allowing the paladin to calm the man down.

    (This will actually happen in my mod. If you threaten Marl, Sirene will try to talk you out of it, and you can let her calm Marl down instead. if you refuse... she won't argue, actually. I should probably change that.)

    With the day's adventure finally over, the party took to their rooms and rested until the next day.

    Road to Nashkel

    On the way to Nashkel, the party was accosted by ogrillons, hobgoblins, undead and even Flaming Fist patrols. Not wanting to face heavily-armored soldiers, Corvus persuaded the patrols to leave them be.

    (Showcasing the self-activating gaseous form.)


    The trio travelled through the night and arrived at Nashkel by morning. They passed a group of Amnian soldiers and spoke to their captain, Bardolan. They encountered a monk named Rasaad, who demonstrated a few techniques of the Sun Soul order. Though he seemed a somewhat competent fighter, Corvus felt a man who could manipulate the power of the sun would be best as far from him as possible.

    Another bounty hunter attacked the party inside of the inn. She offered a name: Neira, before chanting a series of enchantments that held Imoen and Sirene still. Corvus, being undead, was unaffected by the priestess' magic and used one of the inn's empty rooms to hide himself. Neira, in frustration, began to attack the helpless Sirene, but even when unable to defend herself she took the blows easily. Corvus took the opportunity to stab Neira in the back, injuring but not killing her. The two traded blows until Neira's spells wore off, at which point the priestess was overwhelmed. Though she held her own against all three for a respectable while, Sirene landed the finishing blow.

    (This fight is always a pain. Thankfully, Sirene with 24 hit points takes Neira's hits extremely well while Corvus performs hit-and-run.)

    End Note: I honestly have no idea how long I can keep this up. The writing in particular is difficult. My goal is to finish BG1, but we'll see.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,748

    End Note: I honestly have no idea how long I can keep this up. The writing in particular is difficult. My goal is to finish BG1, but we'll see.

    @Artemius_I I know how you feel. @semiticgod even said once that "You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when you can't decide whether to spend an hour playing BG2 or spend an hour posting on the progress in your no-reload run."

    It's indeed not easy and time-consuming to create reports about your playthrough. But for others it's such a joy! There're no many things that are better than reading about others' runs. Your reports are fun and interesting! Your character is special in a good way.

    So... Of course it's only up to you to decide if you write new reports or not, Just know that I like your story!
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited February 2016
    @bengoshi It's actually not that bad. I've had a hard time getting back into the game since my last run through of the whole trilogy (between waiting for SoD and getting Sirene BG2 done) and this was my way of motivating myself into playing the game again. So far it's been pretty successful. Thanks for the encouragement anyways. If enough people enjoy this then it's highly likely that I'll get it through.

    Probably won't do BG2 though. I'm holding off until either my mod or SoD is ready.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Reviving this thread, with a twist. I originally didn't want to continue this because the patches destroyed all my modded items and spells that made this work (my fault) but luckily I backed up my pre-patched game and made a proper WeiDU mod to prevent this from happening again.

    I'm starting back from scratch though as I'm now using Corvus to test out a new kit I'm working on: the shadow adept. It's a sorcerer that cannot use normal arcane spells but gets its own unique set of spells, usually more powerful than their Weave-equivalent. This kit is a little on the strong side at the moment, but has a nasty downside (you damage yourself every time you cast if you fail a save, and it may disrupt the spell). Currently, Corvus can cast Blinding Darkness (Blindness with a -2 to save) and Shadow Missile (Magic Missile with half cold damage)

    Corvus now also has a weaker vampiric touch. It's a 1d6 weapon with no THAC0 or damage bonus, with a 75% to drain one level, 20% to drain two and 5% to drain three. I'm going to avoid using this too often but chances are it won't be that useful anyways since he's now effectively a pure mage.

    I'll update again once I reach where my previous run left off.

    Shadow Adept kit description:

    SHADOW ADEPT: Shadow adepts hurl themselves into the abyss of the Shadow Weave, immediately acquiring all the gifts available to casual students and discovering secrets unavailable to all but the most dedicated.

    - Hit Die: d6
    - May use Shadow Magic.

    SHADOW MAGIC: Spells of the Shadow Weave are usually more powerful than regular magic, but drains the caster's life force. When a spell is cast, the shadow adept must make a save vs. death at +5 minus spell level (e.g. +4 for level 1, -4 for level 9) to avoid taking damage. The higher the spell level, the more damage is taken.

    - Gains infravision.
    - Gains one bonus spell cast per level.
    - 4th level: May use the Shield of Shadows ability once per day.

    SHIELD OF SHADOWS: The shadow adept surrounds self with a barrier of purpleblack force. This shield of shadows functions like a shield spell, setting armor class to 4 (2 against ranged weapons) and absorbing magic missiles cast at him for 1 hour per 2 levels to a maximum of 9 hours.

    - 5th level: May use Shadowstep once per day. Gains one use every 5 levels thereafter.

    SHADOWSTEP: Step into the Shadow Plane and move for 7 seconds while others are frozen in time. The shadow adept cannot attack or use spells while in the Shadow Plane.

    - 14th level: May use the Shadow Double ability once per day.

    SHADOW DOUBLE: The shadow adept creates a copy of himself out of shadowstuff. The copy is at 60% of the caster's level and has all the spells and abilities that the caster would have at that level.

    - May not use spells from the Weave.
    - Alignment restricted to non-good.


    Ok, I'm making an exception on the vampiric touch for the rats, because they're just that annoying.

    Showcasing the first-level shadow magic, as well as the risk of damaging yourself (really bad for a first-level mage).
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    The journey continues. This time, the party slays the bounty hunter Greywolf, some stuck up xenophobes and two morons who thought a vampire would be easy pickings.

    While travelling through the woods, the party encountered a lone drow being hunted by a soldier. They killed the soldier and recruited the drow as the group still lacked a dedicated healer.

    Now a party of four, they ventured towards the mines at the mayor of Nashkel's request. However, along the way, they found the sculptor Prism. Corvus cared little for the man but was interested in seeing the work finished, so he agreed to protect him. When Greywolf arrived, Corvus considered standing aside but Sirene wouldn't have any of that. It was fine either way, as he had set his sights on that magical sword in the bounty hunter's side. Viconia put Greywolf to sleep with a Command and the party slaughtered him.

    Instead of going to the mines as planned, the party headed off to the nearby forest and killed a trio of pompous fools who were acting overly hostile and condescending.

    The party rested to heal their wounds and wait for nighttime. They continued their way through the forest, they encountered a pair of fools who had no idea what they were getting into.

    Zal the dart-thrower was instantly struck blind and ran... somewhere. He was no longer a threat so the entire party focused their efforts upon Vax. Viconia buffed Sirene with Aid and Chant for better odds while the remaining two attacked from range. Even while outnumbered, Vax packed a punch. It took two Commands to bring him down.

    Searching for Zal was incredibly irritating as he had used an Oil of Speed and ran off into the fog, but the party eventually caught him and slew him. After the two idiots died, Corvus gained a level and learned a very useful new spell. However, at this point the party was fatigued and wounded so it was time to make their way back to Nashkel.

    At level 3, Corvus gains Deep Slumber. It's Sleep, so it's automatically awesome. With this new trick in tow, the party is now ready to take on the mines.

    The chronology for this one got a little bit messed up. Basically I wanted to get the sleep spell before tackling the mines so the events didn't make a whole lot of sense.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    With Corvus's new spell, the kobolds and Mulahey fell to the party and the mines were reclaimed. Corvus found the captive elf's depressive mood amusing and allowed him to tag along, as the party required the versatility of another mage. The party left the mines through the nearby tunnels and explored the crypts in the nearby area. A crypt hunter named Hentold handed Corvus a powerful dagger and asked him to return it to the crypt from which it was stolen, before quickly fleeing. However, Corvus was unwilling to relieve himself of a powerful weapon and refused to return it, angering the revenant.

    Sirene drank the potion of absorption taken from Mulahey's hoard to protect her from the creature's blows. Though the party's arsenal of enchanted weapons was limited, Imoen had fire arrows taken from the kobolds and the two mages of the party launched magic missiles until the revenant was forced back into the grave.

    Though there was still much of the area to explore, the party made the safer choice of returning to Nashkel. Of course, there was no end to danger as the bounty hunter Nimbul awaited them by the inn. Nimbul's powerful spells were a huge threat to the fragile members of the party, so Sirene quaffed the potion of clarity taken from Candlekeep and went forth to face the bard alone.

    Once Nimbul exhausted his arsenal of spells and buffs, the party advanced. With his full power during the nighttime, Corvus finished him with a stab using his new weapon.

    The party rested until the next day, when Imoen insisted on checking out the nearby carnival - during daytime, no less. The carnival did little to improve Corvus's mood at being out in the day, as he was attacked by an angry ogre (which was swiftly slaughtered) and an insane mage - that they had the misfortune of encountering when Corvus decided to take shelter within a tent.

    On the bright side, Xan acquired a new robe and they were given a nifty potion that should come in handy in the future.

    Corvus's luck was no better when he decided to find another tent, as they encountered a pickpocket - the self-proclaimed 'master thief' Vitiare. However, the man had bitten off more than he could chew - Corvus sank his fangs into the fool's neck as he attempted to flee and slit his throat before reclaiming his gold - along with some more potions. During this time, Imoen had gone on a thieving spree and returned to the party with the spoils.

    Corvus decided that he was tired of the distractions and led the party back to the crypts in the mountains, where they encountered a lone ankheg. The creature's shell would make for a fine suit of armor.

    In the southeast, the party got on the bad side of Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen. Though the mage and his jellies proved to be a difficult opponent, Sirene pumped herself up with the power of the potions the party had acquired during the journey and eradicated the beasts. Corvus certainly did not regret his choice in recruiting her - ironically for a follower of a pacifist god, she has proven herself to be very, very good at killing.

    Next time: the party returns to Beregost to tie up loose ends and take the next step of their journey.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    In this update: too much to recount. The party seeks out Tranzig, kills Silke, ventures to the seaside to fight an ogre-mage, goes basilisk hunting, wipes out a xvart village, unearths a cursed relic, finds lost treasure and more.

    The party confronts Tranzig at Feldepost's and is promptly attacked. The mage was more annoying than threatening as he buffed himself with Mirror Image and Ghost Armor then proceeded to run between spell casts. Corvus was injured by magic missiles (which could have been easily avoided if I remembered he had his Shield innate ability at this point) so the most durable members of the party give chase and corner Tranzig. Sirene suggests showing mercy but Corvus slays him. After this was done, the party rested and took Garrick's request.

    Silke is normally a tough opponent (albeit I dealt with her very late) but luck was on my side as her initial spell was disrupted and Viconia's Hold Person succeeded, resulting in her swift death.

    Afterwards, the party travelled west to check out the sea.

    Shoal the nereid thought to bait Corvus with a deadly kiss. However, vampires are immune to such petty tricks and she quickly regretted her decision. The party agreed to face her master, Droth. He proved to be an annoying foe, bringing Corvus to the brink of death and triggering his gaseous form. Viconia disabled him with Command allowing the rest of the party to finish him. Upon regaining his natural form, Corvus drained Shoal to death for her initial treachery.

    Wayyyyy later, the party decided to go basilisk hunting. With Corvus's natural immunity to petrification, Sirene protected by Xan's magic and the aid of Korax the ghoul, the creatures were easy experience. However, once again they are faced with treachery!

    The party came across a local xvart village later in their travels. Corvus was amused by the village leader's insistence that the party had done something wrong when the ugly creatures had attacked first. The xvarts were foolish enough to awaken a sleeping bear, so Corvus allowed the creature to tear them apart while putting a significant number of them to sleep.

    Further down along their travels, the party helped some archaeologists with their excavation. Naturally, the fools found something they shouldn't have and were promptly slaughtered - the party being forced to end their misery. Corvus decided to take the idol with him. Even if it had no power, it could at least sell for a few coins.

    Viconia summoned two skeleton warriors to endure a few hits from the Doomsayer before she buffed Sirene with Bless and Aid. Imoen had no means of damaging the spirit with weapons so she used a wand of magic missiles, while Corvus expended what spells he had left. Eventually, the Doomsayer returned to the grave before it could deal any real damage.

    The party decided not to return to Nashkel and went to the Seawatcher lighthouse instead. They heard of a lost pirate treasure and decided to seek it out, taking out a few sirines along the way. That sweet, sweet experience.

    At this point, Corvus discovered that while sirines were immune to sleep, they were vulnerable to fear, allowing the party to claim a few more arrows than expected. He also learned that skeleton warriors can inexplicably be feebleminded by their touch.

    At the moment Corvus is 5th level and can cast variants of Chill Touch, Sleep, Blindness, Magic Missile, Blur/Mirror Image and Horror.

    Author's Note: played through quite a lot and was too lazy to write a more satisfying report on progress. Sorry. I'm not a big fan of BG1 so I tend to just rush through the areas as quickly as I can, so there isn't that much interesting things to say.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    hey, why don't you share this mod with the public??

    Anyway, really interested in your playthrough :)
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