@Jarl, and 'Adventure Y', I prefer a completed game rather than an early release date with a patch every week later on.. too many things were going post-ship.. :-p
I have to agree. It is better that they finish the game properly - polish any rough edges it may have - rather than release it before it is ready.
True! If developers need extra time is better that they take it. I just hope that two months is enough.
I'm a little disappointed. The day before the announcement of the delay I bought the game and planned to take few days free from the job. I hope that you use this time to improve the game. Good Luck!
Well it has taken me quite a while to read the 16 pages of comments. I saw the announcement last night but was just not in the mood to post my thoughts.
I pre-ordered before the timer countdown reached Zero, I bought BGEE not even knowing what was being enhanced. BG has been my favourite game for the last 14 years and still is. No other game equals the love I have for this game. Yes I am a Fanboy, and I am quite proud of it.
I can understand people getting annoyed with the new release date and even more if they planned some days of work with BGEE in mind or joining some old school mates to have a run through. It is fair you express your thoughts and ask for a refund if you feel so.
But what I do not like and makes me sad are some quite rude comments that I have read on this thread.
The devs have not been on vacations all this time. And being a Beta Tester can really suck. Players get to play the game in one run. They have to play the areas, quests,... over and over again. They do not enjoy the new content the same way players do, and on top of that they do not play with the final polished version.
Yes I am personally also disappointed with the delay. Days up to yesterday just seemed weeks to me.
I just hope you guys finally do make it the best possible polished BG experience and BGEE finally helps Overhaul/ Beamdog lift off remaking old titles which we all miss and love.
Baldur´s Gate deserves it and I think Overhaul devs also after all your hard work.
I will very happily wait till the end of November, but please, do make launch day a FRIDAY!!!!
You announced this just 4 days before the launch? Fu*k you seriously....over 2 months delay, i would understand a few weeks but this...c'mon
I am not sure if you already pre-ordered , if you feel bad i suggest you contact with Beamdog cancel your order.
If they don't remake it ,the baldur's gate is almost out of date , no more people will know it and i will never play the old version again , because it's too outmoded.
You can leave from here , cancel the PO , it's up to you ...
But there are still many peopole are waiting this game , just relax and give yourself a beer.
Just to drone on, (I like to read what I write so I can hear the sound of my own voice in my head, sounds like a righteous Captain Kirk with an intergalactic space hamster, I mean tribble, perched on his shoulder) the delay is a-okay in my book. I don't think anyone should desire a failed game launch and the repercussions it would bring to such a beloved game.
But again, we need better communication. I get the arguments about corporate politics and legal tying hands and taping mouths, but the timing of this was dismal. However, while some are bickering about apologists and fanboys, the overall tempered responses here are indicative of the potential of a great community and fanbase.
I know I have personally spread word of mouth of Overhaul to family and friends, and have posted links to the BG info page on several forums and blogs. I'm sure many others have too. This isn't waiting around for the next latest and greatest disappointment that didn't live up to expectations, this is a rebirth of a gaming legend. There is a rare mix of emotions involved with this launch, so much opportunity at stake.
Money, hard earned or not, we're talking a pizza here. Pizza party if you bought multiples. The money isn't an issue for me personally. I won't be canceling my preorders. If I had known about the game earlier, I would have donated time and money just to get the show on the road because that is how much I love these games.
So again, better and more frequent communication is a must from this point forward (don't make me do my Kirk Khan impression while juggling tribbles, it isn't pretty). And please take all the time you need to blow our socks off and lay a firm foundations for things to come.
Sounds like the right decision to me - I'm too old to get in a hurry anyway - now I won't have to rush through my current DA2 run and maybe I'll have time for one more trek through DA:O as well before returning to Candlekeep...LOL
I'm curious as to what this little something extra that existing preorders are going to receive. Some more info on that would be nice. An exclusive item? Quest? Character? Is there a cut off point for receiving the extra whatever?
The delay is unfortunate, but I have plenty to be getting on with in the meantime. Hopefully the importance of having the game completely and totally optimized by this new release date is not lost on you.
To all who have pre-ordered, we ask for your patience as we move toward our final release date -- and we will be working on something a little extra for you.
You announced this just 4 days before the launch? Fu*k you seriously....over 2 months delay, i would understand a few weeks but this...c'mon
I am not sure if you already pre-ordered , if you feel bad i suggest you contact with Beamdog cancel your order.
If they don't remake it ,the baldur's gate is almost out of date , no more people will know it and i will never play the old version again , because it's too outmoded.
You can leave from here , cancel the PO , it's up to you ...
But there are still many peopole are waiting this game , just relax and give yourself a beer.
Done. A few icecold beers and that did the trick. Still a bit dissappointed of course but BG's always worth the wait. Well at least i have more time to re-play baldur's gate 2...Good luck to the devs anyway
I presume that there must be fairly significant issues to push back the release date by two and a half months. Given that timescale it must involve more than sorting out one or two bugs. It certainly looks as if the original announced release date was optimistic to put it mildly. Certainly however if the added time is needed to deliver a polished product then it makes sense to postpone and I am just going to have to be patient. I think that I understand why there was a late anouncement at this stage but having pre ordered we really should be kept informed more promptly if there are to be any future issues. P.S. What on earth is the 'little extra' ?!
@darrenkuo, let's not subvert the refund argument here, Beamdog is doing the refund yes, as i raised first for argument sake, so there's absolutely no need for bad manners or flames against the devs, but Overhaul failed in deliver the product in the contracted date.
People has the right to complain, the devs would not create an official thread for a note send by e-mail if they don't foresee or intent to concentrate here the complains. So to all the flamers and bad manners that pass the limits i say, take your money back, be happy and get out. But if we use this same argument to anyone that make a reasonable complain, we will be endorsing the fault with the commitment to the delivery time made by Overhaul.
The good points are:
- An delay was already expected. - They don't benefit from the delay - we have on Team BG some of the old devs and many mods, this work will be great. - we're speaking of a production, not a delivery. - The devs are among us in beamdog and speak directly with us, unlike EA games, Obsidian and other companies.
By another side:
- Who pre-order at the begin (july) in the end made a 6 months investment with $20 (or $18 with the discount). - The anouncment of the delay was made 4 days before the release, it's unfeasible to believe that only 4 days before a release someone discover that a delay is needed. No matter who has the fault in this issue (as overhaul isn't at the top of the command chain probally), a decent note is needed. - The way that the delay happened open space to conspiracy theories of 18 september being a pre-fake date from the start. - Pondering the community reaction between "game bugs" x "last minute delay" i really hope that the bugs are truly huge and problematic, cos minor bugs wouldn't damage the company image as the delay did.
As a fan i understand and support the decisions, but as an customer that pre-ordered in july, it's completly natural to expect some kind of compensation, as the examples i set on previous posts.
At least we should have it just in time for Christmas break - two to three weeks of time off to play BG:EE all day and night for those of us in academia.
Though I'm glad that BG:EE is getting all the care and attention it needs and isn't being shipped out the door in a buggy state, I do think that changing it at the last second is a crap move. This should have been announced weeks ago. I know I can't know what it's like working in that environment, but I find it hard to believe that no one there didn't see the writing on the wall before just now.
Still, it's not too long of a wait and I've already sunk my money into BG:EE and I've no desire to ask for it back. I'm still hopeful for BG:EE and BG2:EE with a possible BG3 down the road.
You know what grated for me? the joke about "cake dispensing USB" sticks. Why do I want a joke when I am being told that what I have preordered is going to be 2 months late?! I want an apology and a decent reason why it is being delayed. I have neither, really.
I am seriously considering cancelling the order because of this. Who knows how late it will actually be?
You know what grated for me? the joke about "cake dispensing USB" sticks. Why do I want a joke when I am being told that what I have preordered is going to be 2 months late?! I want an apology and a decent reason why it is being delayed. I have neither, really.
I am seriously considering cancelling the order because of this. Who knows how late it will actually be?
I damn near cried when I read the e-mail, having been living toward Sept 18th, but after letting the news sink in and reading this thread I agree with the decision. Oh well, I'll play BG2 some more then to ease the wait! Keep up the good work, devs! I would truly like some screens or *something* at least, however!
I'm disipointed but ok with the delay it will give me another month to pre-order a couple more copies for family members that i was having to put off this month anyway.
No fucks given about the delay, i want a polished product not a patch-fest What sucks here is the whining, bit down? wanted the game yesterday? I can sympathise. Go off the wall with accusations and bs about it just being a tweak or patch job that "you" seem to have intimate knowledge about the workload and time-frame of ? Go suck off a donkey.
To everyone who registered an account here to post without whining, i salute you.
I find it amazing people can make stupid fanboy comments like this when they dont even know how the game will turn out. Bioware made BG not overhaul, your fanaticism is misplaced. Customers have a obligation to criticize delays when money is involved.
People can still make "stupid fanboy" comments like this because thats how they feel. In exactly the same way as people have been making "stupid flames" about how upset they are.
If you want to be taken seriously, lets try not to insult just because you feel personally justified to do so, when everybody else here is just as personally justified to their own opinion.
I have to agree, the beta testers arent more invested then customers, they are more bias..
Hmm. .
I believe, as many of the testers have already said, that they have a vested interest in the success of the product that they are working on - the fact that they may be fans of the game is completely seperate from their proffessional dissapointment of the delays.
Now thats not to say that they dont also feel upset at the delays of a game they may also love as a gamer, but by no means does it make them biased. Just simply professional, in my opinion.
Also, as far as I could tell, it was other, possibly well meaning folks, who first suggested that the testers had more to feel bad about, not the testers themselves. It seems to me that you are being a touch more angry with one aspect of a larger process, simply because you are venting. Fair enough.
@elminster I just didn't bothered getting the badge in the first place. I don't fucking care about a forum badge. And you seem to have a lot of time on your hands...
Hey Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition team. I'm so happy you guys are redoing this game. I played Baldur's Gate I & II and Icewind Dale I & II years ago and they are probably the best RPG's ever done. The Ultima series was also a passion of mine, but Baldur's Gate is the closest game to real Dungeons and Dragons I've ever experienced.
I'm glad you guys are pushing the release date to do the game right and correctly. I've been a software developer in the corporate world for years. Too many times I've seen projects that have been driven more by deadlines and dates, than quality. When deadlines and dates override quality, this often results in failure or buggy software.
Anyway, I think you guys are doing the right thing, and I really anticipate the release of a great game.
I only have one suggestion that I humbly submit to the team.
That suggestion is that you sell the PC and Mac version bundled. There are a lot of super geeks out there like me that actually are running a gaming PC and a high-end Mac. I'd like to be able to purchase the game once and then be able to run it on both machines to see which one runs it better and then choose one of those machines to play it on. If you guys don't bundle the versions, I have to either buy the game twice OR stress out and roll the dice as to which version to get!
Best of luck and thanks for bringing back one of the best games ever.
I hope it is the only delay. I'm afraid being so close to December and still not having everything as expected by that date, it will be further delayed to meet the Christmas hollydays.
Well there was something funny about it. Actually, I thought that I got a link to download the game, not the message that the game will be two months later. You should see my face when I read e-mail. It was a bit like my avatar
Overhaul games, I wish you guys all the luck in the world to doing what you gotta do. You got plenty of fans who are understanding about the delay and either way we are getting a game we love. So waiting a lil more will not be that bad.
*rises from table and lifts a mug of ale* To Overhaul games, may they reach all their goals and enjoy the rewards of their hard work! To the players, may we steel ourselves for the wait and create our own fellowships. FINALLY!!! TO BALDURS GATE FOREVER MAY YOU REIGN!!!! *drinks from mug*
I pre-ordered before the timer countdown reached Zero, I bought BGEE not even knowing what was being enhanced. BG has been my favourite game for the last 14 years and still is. No other game equals the love I have for this game. Yes I am a Fanboy, and I am quite proud of it.
I can understand people getting annoyed with the new release date and even more if they planned some days of work with BGEE in mind or joining some old school mates to have a run through. It is fair you express your thoughts and ask for a refund if you feel so.
But what I do not like and makes me sad are some quite rude comments that I have read on this thread.
The devs have not been on vacations all this time. And being a Beta Tester can really suck. Players get to play the game in one run. They have to play the areas, quests,... over and over again. They do not enjoy the new content the same way players do, and on top of that they do not play with the final polished version.
Yes I am personally also disappointed with the delay. Days up to yesterday just seemed weeks to me.
I just hope you guys finally do make it the best possible polished BG experience and BGEE finally helps Overhaul/ Beamdog lift off remaking old titles which we all miss and love.
Baldur´s Gate deserves it and I think Overhaul devs also after all your hard work.
I will very happily wait till the end of November, but please, do make launch day a FRIDAY!!!!
If they don't remake it ,the baldur's gate is almost out of date , no more people will know it and i will never play the old version again , because it's too outmoded.
You can leave from here , cancel the PO , it's up to you ...
But there are still many peopole are waiting this game , just relax and give yourself a beer.
But again, we need better communication. I get the arguments about corporate politics and legal tying hands and taping mouths, but the timing of this was dismal. However, while some are bickering about apologists and fanboys, the overall tempered responses here are indicative of the potential of a great community and fanbase.
I know I have personally spread word of mouth of Overhaul to family and friends, and have posted links to the BG info page on several forums and blogs. I'm sure many others have too. This isn't waiting around for the next latest and greatest disappointment that didn't live up to expectations, this is a rebirth of a gaming legend. There is a rare mix of emotions involved with this launch, so much opportunity at stake.
Money, hard earned or not, we're talking a pizza here. Pizza party if you bought multiples. The money isn't an issue for me personally. I won't be canceling my preorders. If I had known about the game earlier, I would have donated time and money just to get the show on the road because that is how much I love these games.
So again, better and more frequent communication is a must from this point forward (don't make me do my Kirk Khan impression while juggling tribbles, it isn't pretty). And please take all the time you need to blow our socks off and lay a firm foundations for things to come.
The delay is unfortunate, but I have plenty to be getting on with in the meantime. Hopefully the importance of having the game completely and totally optimized by this new release date is not lost on you.
Yeah you missed a dev post, it appears on the 1st page, 1st post of this thread ;-)
P.S. What on earth is the 'little extra' ?!
Glad that I buyed Guild Wars 2 to kill the time till BG release.
People has the right to complain, the devs would not create an official thread for a note send by e-mail if they don't foresee or intent to concentrate here the complains. So to all the flamers and bad manners that pass the limits i say, take your money back, be happy and get out. But if we use this same argument to anyone that make a reasonable complain, we will be endorsing the fault with the commitment to the delivery time made by Overhaul.
The good points are:
- An delay was already expected.
- They don't benefit from the delay
- we have on Team BG some of the old devs and many mods, this work will be great.
- we're speaking of a production, not a delivery.
- The devs are among us in beamdog and speak directly with us, unlike EA games, Obsidian and other companies.
By another side:
- Who pre-order at the begin (july) in the end made a 6 months investment with $20 (or $18 with the discount).
- The anouncment of the delay was made 4 days before the release, it's unfeasible to believe that only 4 days before a release someone discover that a delay is needed. No matter who has the fault in this issue (as overhaul isn't at the top of the command chain probally), a decent note is needed.
- The way that the delay happened open space to conspiracy theories of 18 september being a pre-fake date from the start.
- Pondering the community reaction between "game bugs" x "last minute delay" i really hope that the bugs are truly huge and problematic, cos minor bugs wouldn't damage the company image as the delay did.
As a fan i understand and support the decisions, but as an customer that pre-ordered in july, it's completly natural to expect some kind of compensation, as the examples i set on previous posts.
Now lemme get back to my online classes
Still, it's not too long of a wait and I've already sunk my money into BG:EE and I've no desire to ask for it back. I'm still hopeful for BG:EE and BG2:EE with a possible BG3 down the road.
I am seriously considering cancelling the order because of this. Who knows how late it will actually be?
If you want to be taken seriously, lets try not to insult just because you feel personally justified to do so, when everybody else here is just as personally justified to their own opinion. Hmm. .
I believe, as many of the testers have already said, that they have a vested interest in the success of the product that they are working on - the fact that they may be fans of the game is completely seperate from their proffessional dissapointment of the delays.
Now thats not to say that they dont also feel upset at the delays of a game they may also love as a gamer, but by no means does it make them biased. Just simply professional, in my opinion.
Also, as far as I could tell, it was other, possibly well meaning folks, who first suggested that the testers had more to feel bad about, not the testers themselves. It seems to me that you are being a touch more angry with one aspect of a larger process, simply because you are venting. Fair enough.
Lets move on now eh?
And you seem to have a lot of time on your hands...
I'm glad you guys are pushing the release date to do the game right and correctly. I've been a software developer in the corporate world for years. Too many times I've seen projects that have been driven more by deadlines and dates, than quality. When deadlines and dates override quality, this often results in failure or buggy software.
Anyway, I think you guys are doing the right thing, and I really anticipate the release of a great game.
I only have one suggestion that I humbly submit to the team.
That suggestion is that you sell the PC and Mac version bundled. There are a lot of super geeks out there like me that actually are running a gaming PC and a high-end Mac. I'd like to be able to purchase the game once and then be able to run it on both machines to see which one runs it better and then choose one of those machines to play it on. If you guys don't bundle the versions, I have to either buy the game twice OR stress out and roll the dice as to which version to get!
Best of luck and thanks for bringing back one of the best games ever.
Mike H
*rises from table and lifts a mug of ale*
To Overhaul games, may they reach all their goals and enjoy the rewards of their hard work! To the players, may we steel ourselves for the wait and create our own fellowships. FINALLY!!! TO BALDURS GATE FOREVER MAY YOU REIGN!!!!
*drinks from mug*