Does anyone still play the vanilla versions?

Having put so much time into BGEE I have decided to do a full trilogy run vanilla. Just for the hell of it. I installed it from the D&D anthology collection and didn't add anything to it - immediately started it up. I am noticing that while the pathfinding is much worse and it's lacking some of the newer content, it actually has a kind charm to it that's hard to put my finger on. I am playing it in 4:3 upscaled forced from my VGA control panel so there are black bars on the sides, but other than that it's just like it was originally back in '99 I would assume.
I am playing a Dwarven Fighter/Cleric and am using Kagain, Monteron, Xzar, Edwin, and Quayle. Never used Quayle before but I really think he's underated. His stats stink but he's still an illusionist/cleric. I am giving Monteron the gauntlets of Ogre Power and Kagain the dex gauntlets. So far things are going very well.
I am sure I will go back to the EE editions again. But I never played the originals when they were released and felt it was a kind of pilgrimage for me to play through my favorite video game(s) of all time the way they were originally. So far I find it surprisingly appealing from an aesthetic standpoint. I wonder why that is.
Do any of you guys ever go back and play vanilla? Not Tutu, but straight out of the box vanilla?
I am playing a Dwarven Fighter/Cleric and am using Kagain, Monteron, Xzar, Edwin, and Quayle. Never used Quayle before but I really think he's underated. His stats stink but he's still an illusionist/cleric. I am giving Monteron the gauntlets of Ogre Power and Kagain the dex gauntlets. So far things are going very well.
I am sure I will go back to the EE editions again. But I never played the originals when they were released and felt it was a kind of pilgrimage for me to play through my favorite video game(s) of all time the way they were originally. So far I find it surprisingly appealing from an aesthetic standpoint. I wonder why that is.
Do any of you guys ever go back and play vanilla? Not Tutu, but straight out of the box vanilla?
Bgee versions I have vanilla (beamdog) and modded (steam) and even then modded differently on different pcs.
Anyway, de gustibus
The challenge levels of many encounters were higher, especially in the end game. I really struggled with helmed horrors and skeleton warrior archers in the maze below the thieves' guild, and the final encounter with Sarevok was just this side of impossible to win.
I enjoyed the feature of not being able to pause the game on the inventory screen, forcing careful planning of quickslot use, and I even enjoyed the challenge of managing 20 projectiles per quiver slot limited ranged artillery, as running out of ammo was a constant worry that added tension and suspense to the danger of being out in the wilderness.
Also, I prefer IWD to IWD-in-BG2.
However, at the moment, I'm simply unable to stop playing Morrowind. I've been playing nothing but Morrowind for more than a month already.
I did play BG1 vanilla, but only after all the tutu mods had come out. I did not like playing it that much, mainly because I had grown up on IWD1&2. I did not enjoy going back in time from those old games to even greater inconveniences.
I did not finish that run, and instead installed tutu, which is just freaking amazing for being created by fans. I am still so impressed by the modders that put that wonderful mod together and produced it for the benefit of the community just because they like the game so much. I love BGTutu. I support BGEE because this is where the future of the infinity engine games are at, but BGTutu was the forerunner for BGEE. I don't think that there would be a BGEE without all the awesome modders who have made this game more enjoyable over the years.
8-hour rests were hilarious. I'd just drop a random item on the ground and then cast larlochs minor drain at it, then rest again and repeat until I get my full hp back. Then eventually I had DUHM and vamp touch to make it even faster.
Durlag's tower in 640x420 and slow rests is a complete nightmare.
My Dwarf Fighter/Cleric is a mean machine. His paralyze/poison/death save is 3 for crying out loud! When I get 20 con after using the tome I will equip the claw and he will be incredibly powerful. I generally solo everything now - just keep everyone back and use him to take out random mobs. His AC is -5 but it's about to be higher after I use the dex tome and equip the claw.
Dwarves. So full of win.
But, ouch, it's really too hard to play it in 640*480, everything looks so big
BG2 vanilla, I prefer the EE on all points
What I didn't expect is that I would enjoy the original version as much as I am. It's incredibly fun even if it is a tad archaic. I dig these old games and in fact, I play older games than this (Ultima IV anyone?). Really enjoying myself.
Check this thread I made about that marvelous game: