How do you like the look of character models in the game now?

This is how my character and Imoen look pre-beta:

This is how they look in the beta:

Even without such options as "Sprite Outlines" and "Highlight Selected sprites" new character models look ... different.
More cartoonish, less BG-ish, and overall less ... slim. Do you like it?

This is how they look in the beta:

Even without such options as "Sprite Outlines" and "Highlight Selected sprites" new character models look ... different.
More cartoonish, less BG-ish, and overall less ... slim. Do you like it?
You won't see the effect instantly after changing the setting, you need to turn off the game entirely and then start it again.
Having said that, is it just my imagination or are the original sprites looking sharper and more defined in 2.0? I'll have to do a before and after comparison.
And yeah i agree they do look off if that is in fact how they look with both "Sprite Outlines" and "Highlight Selected sprites" off.
Functionally, though, it's really nice to have some separation between the foreground and background. Much easier on the eyes when you're trying to scan a very zoomed out screen to click on something. I may keep them on just for that no matter how my opinion on the look evolves.
Is it rendered on-the-run or were BAMs manually enhanced one by one?
I guess it's a nice thing. No point in complaining against a deliberate upgrade.
Although I can see the BAM seams on some creatures now...
Some players like the smoother sprites. I happen to like them myself. But we also realize that not everyone is going to like the effect; hence the option to turn it off.
I knew something was off. You can't fool me, Beamdog - not with poison stacking nor with BAM seams! Those seams are what I was seeing when I filed that bug report about a black line being visible on characters wielding quarterstaves.
I noticed the AI kicks in when you start the game and she casts stone skin on herself automatically which looks similar if not the same.
Edit: Just noticed @pointfiveo asked the same question.
I will certainly try it, and experience it in-game, before deciding if I like the new addition or not.