I'm sure you wouldn't have to participate in it if you didn't want to. Just because you're not in to something doesn't mean it ought not to be in the game. I don't agree with theft or murder but they're in the game, and in those cases there's substantially better reason to disapprove.
I agree. I disagree with homosexuality, but just like I disagree with murder and theft; I'm not going to avoid playing a game that has the content in it unless it forces itself on me.
I don't mind homosexuality, I mind poor writing and gay apologists.
I think Dragon Age 2 had a lot taken away from it because of poor character writing.
Gay apologists piss me off because they are so in your face and brook no opposing points of view (you're an ignorant redneck bigot if you don't like gay romances!).
Geeze, lots of over sensitive gay apologists in this thread. The guy just said he doesn't want gays in his game.
Why does every game now days have to have a gay romance? I remember Dragon Age 2 where 90% of the characters were bisexual. Poor writing anyone? It irked me so much it affected my enjoyment of the game.
Huh? Since when is it a rule that fantasy worlds must have the same percentage of gay/bisexual people as the real world does? As far as we know everyone in a certain fantasy world could be bisexual. Would that be poor writing? Most certainly not, it's a world and character design decision more than anything.
And biology is just one part of it, you also need to consider that imaginary worlds may have different cultures than what we are accustomed to. While homosexuality is kind of a taboo and/or hot topic in our present reality it may be completely unnoteworthy in the Sword Coast for example.
And let's not forget the only character in BG2 who kind of get in your face about his bisexuality, his Anders... Is the only character who will hit on you no matter your sex no matter what you do
There seems to be a theme emerging on this board whereby people try to undermine opposing views by branding their proponents 'apologists', as though that were something outrageous or philosohpically weak. Plato made quite a name for himself as an 'apologist'...
I can only imagine this thread becoming increasingly hostile - I can feel myself getting a little twitchy. Ought someone to close it?
I was totally with you during the first paragraph, @salieri. Shouldn't close threads in a pre-emptive manner, however. Good points have been raised in this thread already - although I do wonder why people who neither want nor care for gay romances in their game are so eager to look up these threads with the subject clearly stated in the title.
I don't mind homosexuality, I mind poor writing and gay apologists.
I think Dragon Age 2 had a lot taken away from it because of poor character writing.
Gay apologists piss me off because they are so in your face and brook no opposing points of view (you're an ignorant redneck bigot if you don't like gay romances!).
You are so up in my face when you are straight-romancing that Viconia and Jaheira.
I don't understand why people are making this subject even more "taboo". Should one ignore gay romances? Should one just accept that people are ignorant?
I think they should've left out romances completely. It's a BG2 thing, in my opinion putting it into BG1 just serves the modern notion of "insert it into EVERY RPG", which I find somewhat tiring.
However, if they *do* have to put it in, for whatever reasons, don't leave out same-sex romances. Which they won't be doing, so I'm okay.
Sure, if a topic has devolved into the burning, sinking ruins of its former self by all means lock it. But don't lock a thread prematurely because you believe it would eventually attract bullies. At least give civilized conversation a chance, otherwise you just make your own community look bad when you admit it cannot handle certain topics with the necessary maturity.
And we shouldn't make topics like these even more taboo - that's just unfair to people who genuinely care about them.
I have nothing against gay people. Still I think that the majority of pro gay romance crowd are not gays themselves but gay obsessed girls (I never could and never would understand that obsession).
I think that gay romnaces and such should be left out of the original game in favor of mods.
What I like about npc's in Baldur's Gate is that every one of them has his or her own story and personality (having pointy ears won't earn you favour with Viconia). Sure that personality and their outlook on life can change from coming in contact with your character (for example npc's alignment) but something like a sexual orientation is not something that can be chaged like that. The option that belgarathmth mentioned just seems odd to me. Why would a character hint on a intimate relationship with you but then if turned down completely ignore that fact like it never happend and act straight as an arrow?
I would prefer to have none of this in my normal gameplay. The only bromance that I care about is Minsk and Boo and I kicking butts for goodness. Haters meet sword, sword meet haters.
Holy shit on a stick this comment got waaay too many agrees waaay too quickly for my liking (edit: THIERTEEN?!). Even confirming that comment with a like, insight or agree is such a passive aggressive way of getting your homophobia out there ...
Anyway ...
A gay romance would be a nice addition methinks, I probably wouldn't use it myself, but anything that adds a bit of diversity and equality to an already fantastic game would be ace.
@Jaxsbudgie, personal short made phrase as @Grayvie did can't be labeled as agressive or homophobic otherwise any discontent or opposition made to gay romances will be labeled as prejudice ones.
And here we go back to my counter prejudice theory... and then people will call it hypocrisy... and then existential debates will start... did any of you saw my video above by the way... i'm a seer you know? Anyone wanna bet that soon the flames and bad manners are going to start?
@Jaxsbudgie, personal short made phrase as @Grayvie did can't be labeled as agressive or homophobic otherwise any discontent or opposition made to gay romances will be labeled as prejudice ones.
I wasn't saying it was, I was calling out the people that 'approved' of it
I've just finished reading that 'other' post (all 12 pages!) and I am shocked, stunned and appalled. But what I have learned is what users I now know to stay well clear of
Good day to you sir!
(vain attempt to bring things back on topic ... again)
@Grayvie They won't change the existing rommance, they can,t change them... But what would be wrong if one or 2 of the new NPC are bi or gay? does that would matter at all?
@Jorkan I'm bisexual, does that's a problem for you, i'm no apologist, i don't apologize for what i am
@Talvrae I know. And I'd rather they were not (not at all, mind you, not "only straigth!!1!!"), but now that Overhaul has decided on that, I'm fine.
@Adul That is exactly what I believe. That this community, like a lot of videogaming communities, does not have the necessary maturity to civilly debate homosexuality in videogames. Hell, I know Xenonauts (indie X-COM remake) had its share of people opposing the idea of female soldiers in the game, even though X-COM totally had it. With more than half of the world not being able to discuss homosexuality civilly, how would one expect to find such maturity in a forum filled to the brim with people from that world... I don't want to insult anyone, but when I read stuff such as "pro gay people are in reality little girls obsessed with gays", I fear this evening's dinner might say hello to me again. I don't want to make this subject taboo, but I don't want to give homophobia a platform.
Sorry for voluntarily stepping into the internet rage trap, but this thread is really terrible.
Please don't equate the gay agenda with civil rights or female rights issues...
What in the Nine Hells is "the gay agenda"? Something like the "jewish-bolshevist world conspiracy", i.e. total nonsense used as a pretense to spew hate? And why don't gay people deserve to have their rights defended just like other societal groups?
1. Constant media coverage of gay issues (turn on CNN.com, there are at least 2 stories about homosexuals a week) 2. The squelching of disagreement by accusations of "bigot", "hate mongeror", "ignorant", "trolling" 3. Media portrayal of the gay lifestyle so that it becomes more acceptable (TV shows, teaching "inclusivity" to young childrenk, etc) 4. Piggy backing homosexual agenda on to the civil rights movement 5. And on and on
I think Dragon Age 2 had a lot taken away from it because of poor character writing.
Gay apologists piss me off because they are so in your face and brook no opposing points of view (you're an ignorant redneck bigot if you don't like gay romances!).
And biology is just one part of it, you also need to consider that imaginary worlds may have different cultures than what we are accustomed to. While homosexuality is kind of a taboo and/or hot topic in our present reality it may be completely unnoteworthy in the Sword Coast for example.
I can only imagine this thread becoming increasingly hostile - I can feel myself getting a little twitchy. Ought someone to close it?
... tic...tac...tic...tac
I think they should've left out romances completely. It's a BG2 thing, in my opinion putting it into BG1 just serves the modern notion of "insert it into EVERY RPG", which I find somewhat tiring.
However, if they *do* have to put it in, for whatever reasons, don't leave out same-sex romances. Which they won't be doing, so I'm okay.
And we shouldn't make topics like these even more taboo - that's just unfair to people who genuinely care about them.
I think that gay romnaces and such should be left out of the original game in favor of mods.
What I like about npc's in Baldur's Gate is that every one of them has his or her own story and personality (having pointy ears won't earn you favour with Viconia). Sure that personality and their outlook on life can change from coming in contact with your character (for example npc's alignment) but something like a sexual orientation is not something that can be chaged like that.
The option that belgarathmth mentioned just seems odd to me. Why would a character hint on a intimate relationship with you but then if turned down completely ignore that fact like it never happend and act straight as an arrow?
I would prefer to have none of this in my normal gameplay. The only bromance that I care about is Minsk and Boo and I kicking butts for goodness. Haters meet sword, sword meet haters.
Anyway ...
A gay romance would be a nice addition methinks, I probably wouldn't use it myself, but anything that adds a bit of diversity and equality to an already fantastic game would be ace.
And here we go back to my counter prejudice theory... and then people will call it hypocrisy... and then existential debates will start... did any of you saw my video above by the way... i'm a seer you know? Anyone wanna bet that soon the flames and bad manners are going to start?
I've just finished reading that 'other' post (all 12 pages!) and I am shocked, stunned and appalled. But what I have learned is what users I now know to stay well clear of
Good day to you sir!
(vain attempt to bring things back on topic ... again)
Yes! Gay romance! Awesome! Awww yeeaaah!
They won't change the existing rommance, they can,t change them... But what would be wrong if one or 2 of the new NPC are bi or gay? does that would matter at all?
@Jorkan I'm bisexual, does that's a problem for you, i'm no apologist, i don't apologize for what i am
@Adul That is exactly what I believe. That this community, like a lot of videogaming communities, does not have the necessary maturity to civilly debate homosexuality in videogames. Hell, I know Xenonauts (indie X-COM remake) had its share of people opposing the idea of female soldiers in the game, even though X-COM totally had it. With more than half of the world not being able to discuss homosexuality civilly, how would one expect to find such maturity in a forum filled to the brim with people from that world... I don't want to insult anyone, but when I read stuff such as "pro gay people are in reality little girls obsessed with gays", I fear this evening's dinner might say hello to me again. I don't want to make this subject taboo, but I don't want to give homophobia a platform.
Sorry for voluntarily stepping into the internet rage trap, but this thread is really terrible.
Why not? It's again moral conservative, and religious to the ground for no real good reason... talking as belonguing to both group
1. Constant media coverage of gay issues (turn on CNN.com, there are at least 2 stories about homosexuals a week)
2. The squelching of disagreement by accusations of "bigot", "hate mongeror", "ignorant", "trolling"
3. Media portrayal of the gay lifestyle so that it becomes more acceptable (TV shows, teaching "inclusivity" to young childrenk, etc)
4. Piggy backing homosexual agenda on to the civil rights movement
5. And on and on